The unmistakable sound of someone gagging awakes Khallyon; At his side, is lying a still sleeping Etzchielle, and further back is Kryannette.
That only leaves one option, and looking down, Khallyon's suspension ends up being true; Naíndra is already awake, having the third rematch against the Rouge Cadet's manhood.
The suction along the wet sensation is really pleasant, but the focused glare of the Vixen Bombshell is captivating, giving her best to swallow 19 and a half inches on her own.
An impressive deed, considering that she needed Khallyon or Etzchielle's intervention the previous occasions she went this deep; Sensing the incoming release, she is more than ready to not give in, just to fail miserably, as it happened the previous times.
* "Morning Wood": +115 Proficiency *
* "Ejaculation": +315 Proficiency *
* "Climax": +365 Proficiency *
* Level Up *