"Wow!, Khallyon!, Is this how you used to look like?"; Say Kryannette with reverence, awe and gleeful eyes "You were already really handsome, but I like much more how manly and roughish you are now"…
Embarrassed for speaking her mind out, the Ex Femboy rapidly tries to deviate the subject back towards Khallyon "*Ahem*, You think they would rebuild the Statue if they know about your new appearance?".
{Eh?!, No Way…}
"Great Idea Cutiennette!"; Say Naíndra, typing absurdly fast on the keyboard of The Global Terminal, leaving a comment with a photography attached, showing Khallyon entering in the Central Lounge.
{Incredible!, Naíndra is well versed in this matter, she swiftly infiltrate the surveillance and extract an Image… , Maybe she can help me with the transparent stone in the hidden passage near Londra's Office}
Khallyon sight gets locked on the ethereal screen, as there is a response for Naíndra's Comment.