Chereads / The Untrusting Hero From Another World / Chapter 7 - Blackheart Part I

Chapter 7 - Blackheart Part I

Three Months Since Summoning Day, Ryan, Age 15

I sat in the lab, completely motionless as I strained my brain in an attempt to use my new ability. There were no records of a power like this according to Eliza or the King so we were pretty much learning as we went, "Imagine anything from those shows you never shut up about. See what happens" the King advised, much to my own annoyance

"You've been saying that for the past two months and it hasn't worked," I grumbled, gritting my teeth before standing up, "Look, I should be focusing mastering my Draconic Presence. I have even less control over that than I do my Crimson Mind"

"Crimson Mind?" Eliza asked, raising an eyebrow

"Yeah well, we can't keep calling it 'That weird power where I recreate everything I see'" I answered and got ready to leave, "Now if you'll excuse me, I told the orphanage I'd watch the kids for a bit"

"You've been going down there a lot. Is everything alright?"

"If you really cared as much as you claimed, you'd go see for yourself," I answered before leaving. To my surprise, I could feel her following me. Did what I say really bug her that much? Still, I ignored her and left the castle to the Capital City below. It maintained its usual cheerful feel, even more so since it was almost entirely restored. The children played free of worry, the guards helping with minor inconveniences rather than say a bank robbery or shanking and the news blimps continued to spread the word of what's happening around the world like a modern town crier

"Careful, smile too much and you'll hurt your cheeks," Eliza mocked. I huff and glare at her, prompting a laugh, "Is that book finally helping you see? This world isn't some trick. It took a long time to reach this point"

"I actually found an interesting piece in the book recently," I noted, pulling out the book to find it, "Lothary 9th, 2 AUY. With the new government established, Me and Yelana were now allowed to do as we saw fit until they found a way to return us home. I chose to search for the origins of this world. After extensive research, I believe we are looking at an example of a Uchronia"


"It's a literary term in my world, essentially referring to an alternate history. It seems whoever the Hero was that wrote this thought that our worlds were once the same but some major event had us go down different paths," I explained, "Combine that with Multiverse Theory and he could be onto something"

"What are you talking about?" A child's voice asked. Looking behind us, we saw Kai, looking much more put together. As the kids grow older, the Orphanage teachers them more skills and dressing nice will affect people's perception. I smile and proceed to ruin that appearance by messing up his hair, "H-Hey!"

"Nothing major, buddy. You ready?"

"Yeah! Can't wait!" He exclaimed, jumping like an excited puppy as he lead us along to the Orphanage

"So, if I may ask, why is Ryan having to watch over you? We've been making sure the Orphanage was well staffed"

"Yeah. A lot of kids are left without parents because of the demon attacks so a lot of them went to retrieve them. The cooks and maids are still there but Mr. Ryan would really help lighten their load" Kai answered and I couldn't help but feel something in my chest. Despite everything, the last thing I want is more kids without parents. I couldn't even bare to look at him. Eliza must have noticed since she began patting my back. What is wrong with this woman? Still, the two of us went to the Orphanage and played with the kids, helped them with homework and eventually it was time to go put them to bed

"Thank you for your help today," One of the maids said with a bow

"Oh don't worry, it was nothing," Eliza assured, smiling brightly. It wasn't the forced smile of a politician. She seemed genuinely happy to help. Maybe I didn't have her as figured out as I thought. We walked back, though I could feel Kai inching behind us. I considered telling him to go back but I really didn't mind having him around. It was like having a little brother of my own. I wonder if this weird joy is what Hailey wanted from me. On our way back, Eliza stopped and looked at me, "So are you done acting like I'm some bizarre anomaly? You look like you've seen a ghost"

"May as well have," I answered as I relaxed against a wall, "In my world, Kings, Queens, Presidents. The title changes but they're all the same, the stuck up upper class who thinks of folks like me as human piggy banks. But the way you smiled at that maid and the kids looked so genuine"

"I keep telling you, this world isn't like yours. You even see it with your own eyes but blind yourself to it because you can't accept a world that's better than the one you know"

"That obvious, huh?" I asked to which she nodded

"And to some extent, you're right about me. I want to help more but my father forbids it. You saw what happened when I commissioned the Goliaths. Father wouldn't let me go until Jaune agreed to come along"

"He's protective of you. Can't fault him there"

"But that protection made me lose my friends!" She shouted, snapping back at me for the first time. Quickly, she wiped her tears, "I'm sorry..."

Oh great, here come the waterworks. I was about to sit down and listen but something caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. I quickly tackled her to the ground, dodged the crimson spears, "We'll have to continue our chat later. Get back to the castle. Now" I demanded and she would have protested if not for another spear going past her head. When I got up I saw...a hero? He looked like Riley with chitinous armor. The one differing detail was the red highlights and bits that made up the eyes and devilish horns were a pitch black, barely visible on the grey suit, "Who are you?!"

"Just a new friend," He answered, his voice distorted as if thousands of voices were all speaking as one, "Will of Our Kind: Demon Hero Black!"

"What? So Demons can make their own heroes now? As if we needed any more problems. But if this is what you want, let's dance. Worlds Combine, Heroes Unite!" I screamed and transformed. I didn't hesitate to bust out the Baphomet Set and charge in with a barrage of punches and kicks. Yet despite my speed, I couldn't land a hit. It was almost like he knew my moves before I could make them. The moment I stopped to take a breath he grabbed me by my arm and tossed me into a wall. I could feel my back shatter as I left a massive dent. He wasn't done though. Grabbing the scarf of my costume and stabbing it with a spear, I was pinned to the wall as he wailed on me. Punch, kick, knee, all switching up the moment I tried to adapt. It felt like hour after agonizing hour as my vision began to blur but never fully fade. Suddenly, it stopped. A path of fire blazed across the darkened streets and a heard a voice all out before I could finally fade into unconsciousness


When I woke up, I could only grumble and groan, barely able to move my body without causing immense pain. I could barely make out the hospital room that I laid in. Jaune and Makoto were there, along with Kai, Jaune's friends and Eliza. Even the King himself was there. They all seemed distressed with Kai and Makoto specifically on the verge of tears, "Hey now... What's with the sad faces...." I struggled to say, making them all turn directly to me. Almost instantly, Kai hugged me and sent a spike of pain through my body, but of course I didn't say so

"I was so scared!! If the big dragon didn't save you, I...I..."

"Dragon? So Ric...saved me..?"

"Yes now can you finally start using my real name?!" An annoyed voice asked as Ric watched me from outside the window

"We didn't want to ask the kid and scare him too bad. What happened?" Makoto asked, her rage boiling over. I was hesitant to even tell her but I didn't want even more bruises so I reluctantly answered

"He called himself Demon Hero Black... He was far stronger than me and it felt like he could read me..." I answered, "I couldn't even get a single hit off"

"That's a problem. They already have the other three but now they've found a way to make their own?" Eliza muttered in disbelief

"Indeed. I'll reach out to Dai Shi, give them permission to call reinforcements. For now though, never go out anywhere alone," Thaddeus insists, "I do not wish for you three to die"

"Reinforcements?" Jaune asked

"Certain nations can call their own heroes if the situation becomes to dire"

"No!" I shouted, shooting up despite the pain, "Don't call anyone else in. Do you hear me!?"

"But you will need the help if-"

"No buts except you sitting yours down! Just let us try for a bit longer," I insisted as I stared him down. Maybe we do need help but I don't want to drag in more people than we have to. After all, a Hero protects everyone, right? While visibly unsure, Thaddeus nodded and stepped out

"So, now what?" Makoto asked

"Well the King was right about one thing. We cannot go anywhere alone" I answered. The next morning, we all stayed in the castle and trained. There were no demon sightings, an odd occurrence but a welcomed one after the fight. Eliza had made us a training room that used the combat data stored in our helmets so that we could face off against previous opponents. Makoto fought Minoduarous while Jaune and I fought off against the recreation of Xandric. It was clearly holding back to keep up with my current condition. My enhanced healing allowed me to at least stand, though I was much more sluggish. It was reasonable...but so frustrating. I'm not this weak! In a rage, I tackled the fake Xandric to the ground and beat on it repeatedly, one strike after another until I felt Jaune grab me

"That's enough. You'll throw your back out"

"Well I'm glad you find this so funny," I scoffed and snatched my arm away before screaming in pain as I felt my back pop in five different places

"We can handle anything on our own so long as or now 'friend' doesn't show up. Go rest"

"He's right, Ryan. Have a little faith in us"

Meanwhile, Xandric, Age 115

I sit in my room, admiring my new Shifter. The black gem glowed a beautiful purple in darkness as I reveled in my victory last night. That Red specifically enraged me when he jumped me and cut my wings so it brought me no small amount of joy to tear him apart. Besides, with this power, maybe father won't send as many of those lesser generals. I despise the practice and seeing it happen over these past few months angered me to no end. The voices seemed to agree too. I always heard them

'We don't want this...'

"This is too cruel...' 

But what else was there to do? We needed to fight to make a place outside of this island. My thoughts were interrupted by the Vampire girl Cass brought. She had been quite the invaluable assistant. While Ritto was certainly a genius. She brought a unique, scientific perspective to his more magic centric mind. Though, he would never admit to such a thing, "Um, Prince Xandric?" she asked, being somewhat reserved around anyone but Cass. I can't say I blame her with how they mistreat her, "Ritto and I have something for you"

"What is it?" I asked but she simply walked away. With nothing better to do, I followed her. We entered a giant hanger, one that I'm certain was not there before, "What do we have here?"

"We figured since our enemies have their Goliaths now, we need some of our own and we've started with our new Hero Black," She explained as the Shadow of a new Goliath towered over me and I couldn't help but smile

"Tell father I said to call off whatever attack plans he may have. I'm going on the offense"

Makoto, Age 15

It took some convincing but we finally got Ryan to rest. It was like dealing with a stubborn child but he really does mean well. He doesn't want us to end up like him but we can't hide. We have to protect this land until we're strong enough to take the fight to the Demons, "He really does know how to talk your ear off, doesn't he?" Jaune asked, making me elbow him in the side

"No need to be rude about it," I scolded, rolling my eyes in response to his comment. It's so easy to brush off valid concerns like that. Suddenly though, an alarm rang through the castle and we rushed to find King Thaddeus. Thank goodness we locked and barricaded our room so he had no choice but to stay. Thaddeus and Eliza were in the War Room, a giant map of the island on display, "What's going on?!"

"We shall see," Thaddeus answered as he tapped a big red spot which symbolized the attack. However, the attack was already over. The small village in the woods was in flames, the buildings toppled and what looked like a giant footprint in the middle, "We need to go. There may still be survivors!"

"Whatever did that so quick might be there as well!" Jaune tried to counter but I didn't listen. I was already on my way to the hanger so Mera and I could leave. We swam through the sky with Thundaga flying not too far behind

"Stay vigilant. Whatever did that may still be lurking. It's a tactic I remember all too well," Thaddeus warned as we navigated above the clouds. When we were right over it, we slowly landed our goliaths before rushing in, already transformed. I used my Mer Eyes to find survivors and it didn't take long. Most were trapped under their homes. We wasted no time freeing them, prompting them to run into the wilderness. Half way through though, a shadow flew over us as both our Goliaths were tossed aside with ease

"Attention Heroes!" A distorted voice called out, "Surrender now and you may be spared"

Ryan, Age 15

As if I would actually stay in bed all day. I was already planning my escape when the alarm went off. Still, them taking my bracelet was mighty inconvenient. I paced around the room trying to find a way out when I saw a mechanical eye in the window, "Glad you came, buddy"

"If you want my help, say my name"

"Oh come on! You're not pulling this right now. We need to get moving or-"

"If it's that important, say my name"

"God, fine! Please help me, Ridrage Cal!"

"See? Was that so hard?" He mocked and opened the cockpit. Ignoring the sass, I simply hopped in, "I know where to go. Sit back and be ready to fight"

Jaune, Age 15

I groaned as Thundaga was sent flying once again. I tried to fly up but would be kicked away. The massive mechanized bat had us out classed and its wings launched us with a single flap. Makoto tried to restrain its legs but a quick sonic scream was all it took to force her to release her grip before stomping on Mera's head, "My offer stands! Surrender and be spared!"

"We're not the one who needs sparing!" I warned, firing continuous stream of lightning from Thundaga's mouth but he dodged with ease before hitting Thundaga's head with an axe kick that nearly broke my cockpit. A little more force and I would be turned into egg yolk. This must be what Ryan was talking about when he said it felt like he was reading his movements. The two of us continued to struggle in vain, hoping the citizens below had evacuated because there certainly wouldn't be anything left of it at this rate

Makoto tried to ensnare him, using Mera's tail similar to a snake. She also made sure to cover the Goliath's mouth to avoid another sonic scream, "Jaune, go for it!"

"But what about you?!"

"I can take it! Blast Him!!"

She must have been insane, surely! Nobody would just agree to this. Still, with shaky hands, I pulled the trigger and fired the largest bolt of lightning that I could muster. Hearing her screams in my comms was brutal but it had to be done. Both Goliaths collapsed to the ground and Makoto released her grip. Thundaga hesitantly approached. That proved to be a mistake. Now free, he used his feet to grab Thundaga by the throat, slamming us down. It could have spelled the end for us if not for it being pushed back by a stream of fire

"Yo, Jaune! You guys okay?!"

"Don't worry about me! Check on Makoto!"

"I feel like a lightning rod but I'm okay...What are you doing here?!"

"Looking for the ice cream shop. What do you think?" He asked before looking at the massive bat, "Wow Ric, and here I thought you were the ugly one"

"Be silent. What is our next course of action?"

"Simple. The same thing we did last time" He answered as our Goliaths began to prepare for transformation, "Oh Mighty Goliaths! Heed my call and unite to destroy the evil that would do this world harm!" he exclaimed and once again, the Goliaths combined to create the Heroic Titan, "If three separate Goliaths can't win, then how about we poor it all into one. Jaune, Focus on defense! Makoto, swing that axe!"

"Right!" We both affirmed and charged at the Bat Goliath, ramming it with my shield while Makoto continued to swing. Bit by bit we started to chop at the Goliath, the mana and flesh being exposed through the armor. The beast eventually went numb and we sliced through. The Bat Goliath fell to the ground in half but it didn't explode. Something was wrong. It's not over unless they explode!

"Did you get him?" A familiar distorted voice mocked that sent chills down our collective spines and we immediately attacked behind us. He was inside with us and not only deflected all of our attacks, but deflected them as well. I ended up clawing at Makoto's chest while her whips struck Ryan's still damaged back. We all fell to the ground and he could have finished us off but suddenly, he grabbed his head

"What? No... They're the enemy...I... Just Shut Up!" he demanded as if he heard something that we could not before vanishing in a bright light. He may have fled, but we still lost, our trump card collapsed in the ruins of the village in the woods

Xandric, Age 115

The voices continued to roar in my head as I turned back. Still, I struggled to even get to my room in the castle, using one had to balance myself while the other clenched my skull as if it would do any good

'They are not our foes!'

'Please have mercy!'

'We mustn't kill our own'

"I said Shut Up!!" I demanded and the voices suddenly went silent. However, it wasn't my pleas that ended it. Father had approached, his hand glowing with dark magic that silenced them, "Thank you, father..."

"This is why I insisted we use it sparingly. We do not know if the Black Shifter is entirely safe. The souls that make it up..."

"I know but... I can't let you keep sacrificing our people. If it means I come to harm, then so be it!" I answered, determination echoing through my words. Father's face sunk. It was one of the few times he let emotion show as sadness took over him

"So be it... But just know, I would sacrifice the very world if it meant saving you. So do try not to put yourself in danger"