Chereads / The Untrusting Hero From Another World / Chapter 8 - Blackheart Part II

Chapter 8 - Blackheart Part II

Three Months and Three Days Since Summoning Day, Ryan, Age 15

It was genuinely painful watching as the Goliaths were dragged back into the hanger for repairs. It was rough to lose so badly and see them so hurt. On top of that, I'm still not entirely healed and Makoto was turned into a human lightning rod, "I'm sorry...." Eliza muttered as she approached us, "If I never made the Goliaths, this would never have happened"

"Don't blame yourself," I tried to assure, "This is war, Princess. Someone was bound to make the advancement and then the other side would copy it, rinse and repeat until one side wins". My explanation didn't seem to make her feel much better. Still, we had to go get our wounds treated. My only question is, with us beaten so bad, who would protect the world?

Meanwhile, Xandric, Age 115

I flipped back, dodging Riley's axe before blocking Cass's swords. It felt exhilarating. Before, I could only fight the Hell Heroes if they held back but now? They could even start pushing themselves a little. I could take on all three and while it wasn't easy, the rush that came from them actually having to try a little, excited me, "Liking the new powers, Princey?" Cass asked, half joking

"It's fantastic. I think I should give you three my compliments for once?"

"For once?" Jarred asked in shock as I dodged his nunchuku and launched him away, "Give us a bit more credit. You owe us a lot more than just your thanks at this point" he argued and the fight raged on, summoning my weapon

"Hades Spear!" I called out and leapt at Jarred, stabbing just past his head. It was supposed to end there. I had one. But then...

'Kill him!!'

'He's the enemy!'

'They'll kill the Heroes if we don't'

I gripped my head as the voices overwhelmed me. It was agonizing. Why are they doing this? They're demons? Why are they aiding bombarding me like this?! I roared out before everything went black. When I finally regained control, I was panting heavily and saw all three Hell Heroes, beaten, bruised and bloody, "What...? What happ-?" I tried to ask before being punched into unconsciousness by Riley

Riley, Age 15

We all looked at Xandric as he laid in his bed in the infirmary. What got into him? He never liked us but it never went that far. Cass specifically seemed very much confused. King Zeddral walked in, holding his son's hand, "Poor guy. Couldn't imagine how worried he must be"

"Something's not right about that shifter. We should take it away," Jarred suggested

"He wouldn't just hand it over. He's made his position very clear," Cass reminded him, "If it means less demons become Generals, he'll do this as long as he can"

"Then we just need to take it from him"

"Good luck," Leon scoffed before walking away, "We should get to work". He then walked away, leaving us to glare at him. What a jerk. His boss's son clearly isn't okay and he'd rather just do this? Still, the kid would want us to keep going. Ritto had already prepared multiple Generals to stage multiple attacks while the newbie Heroes are weakened

One Week Later, Jaune, Age 15

That was the fifth general this week. They seem to be getting weaker as if they're being rushed out the door. Still, their numbers were exhausting but Thundaga and I were the most intact from our fight with that new 'Hero', forcing us to fight so it was up to us. Makoto and Ryan insisted on fighting too but we refused to let them go. I swear those two have a death wish, "Jaune, we've got another Demon Sighting in Silver Ridge!" Eliza reported via my comms. Apparently, they could now talk to us from the War Room

"Another? Right. We're on the way," I answered with a yawn as I hopped back in, "Alright, hopefully this is the last one"

"Have you ever heard of Tempting Fate?" He facetiously asked and we took off. I used the relatively quick travel time to get a nap as I had been fighting since the sun came up. I was quickly awoken by Thundaga

"Five more minutes..."

"Wake up! You need to see this!" He demanded, sending a quick shock that woke me up quickly. He wasn't lying though. I did need to see this, that same Bat Goliath, heavily damaged as it fought off a massive Snake-Like General

"Hide in the clouds and hold back. We don't entirely know what's going on," I ordered to which he complied. We watched the fight from above, every nerve in my body telling me to run as the Bat's wings sliced the demon in half, prompting an explosion. The Demon Hero Black just killed one of his own kind. What is going on? We didn't have time to question it as the Bat then turned to us and rushed us down. Thundaga quickly tried to flee, using lightning to try and get more distance. It dodged every time however, "Eliza! It's him again! I'm returning to the hanger!"

"But what about the Demons?"

"He handled them and now he's coming for me!" I answered as a bat shaped shadow loomed over us, blotting out the sun before he landed directly on my cockpit, summoning his spear and breaking the glass. With no other option, I jumped out of my seat, narrowly dodging a second jab as we fought on top of Thundaga. I summoned my Taranis Claw and slashed at him but he easily blocked before kicking me back. It launched me all the way back to the head before he jumped to go for another stab. This time though, I had no choice but to take it. I couldn't risk Thundaga getting hurt. Screaming in pain, I grabbed his wrist, holding him in place before delivering a high kick to the jaw with enough force to shatter his mask. It was thanks to that revelation that a saw a familiar horn and pinkish red skin. He looked just like that prince we met on our first day here. He looked at me with an expression I had never seen before from him. There was no malice, rage not even just flat out arrogance. It was pure madness, "You're that kid, right? Xandric?" I asked in shocked and let my guard down as I approached, "What's wrong? Maybe I can help"

"If you want to help, then die!!" His distorted voice demanded as he went to stab me straight through the heart. With my guard down, reacting to it would be nigh impossible but just like inside the Titan, he stopped, pulling back as he clenched at his skull in agony, "Be quiet...This is right for us... shut up shut up shut up already!!" he demanded is if talking to someone who wasn't there. While stunned, I took the opportunity to knock him out before getting back in the cockpit with him

Three Days Later

When we returned, we immediately put him in a cell, monitoring him around the clock. It was so strange. He would constantly fluctuate between calm and manic, begging for King Thaddeus's forgiveness and threatening to wipe us out at the drop of a hat

"Maybe it's just me, but I don't remember him this, last time we met. But I also don't remember him being able to beat us in a 3v1 either," Ryan noted, still insisting on getting out of his bed. Makoto was much the same, though she was doing it to make sure he didn't hurt himself

"We have been scanning his Shifter since you brought him in. It seems unlike yours where you draw power from the Space Between Worlds, his draws its power from it and the souls of deceased demons that dwell within it"

"Great. Necromancy. Just what we needed," Ryan scoffed

"Still, that doesn't explain his behavior. If the Demons are our enemies, wouldn't they all be on board with taking us out? We're the enemy" Makoto inquired and both Eliza and King Thaddeus looked at each other with wary expressions

"There is something you should know. Though I suppose Jaune specifically has already assumed as much given your experience in Korinthar," Thaddeus began, "Demons are not their own race, at least not like Dwarves or Elves. They're more like Vampires, existing races twisted by an outside force"

"In this case, that 'Darkness' Felmi mentioned?"

"Correct. It's a substance found underground, discovered during the early days of my rule. We thought it could be be harnessed as a new energy source but it quickly got out of hand. It spread across the western continent. The only option was to use the remaining weapons from the Unity War to split off that piece of the island and send it out to sea"

"Creating the Dark Island," Eliza finished. Her eyes slowly drifted to Ryan. Me and Makoto were an obvious concern as well but he has been looking for something wrong with this world from the start. It was natural they'd fear what he would think of this information, "There. You finally know a secret about our world, the only thing kept from the general public. So what now?"

Ryan just stared back, confusion written all over him before finally asking "That's it? Seriously?"

"Seriously," Thaddeus answered, being dead serious. In response, Ryan walked to him, his body tense before slapping him on the back "Ow!"

"If that's really all this world has to offer in terms of dirty little secrets, you're leagues better than my world. You successfully quarantined the entire western portion of the continent after it was taken over by a corrupting agent before it could spread. There was no better way," He assured before pointing back to the screen showing Xandric, "Back on topic though, what's this gotta do with my Mister Two Face?" 

"In order for it to work, I sent as many of my men as I could afford to secure the cut off point. No doubt they became Demons as well. Perhaps their souls are within the Shifter. Every time they nearly kill you, they all plead with him and the overload causes severe pain"

"So every time we nearly die, they blast his brain?" I asked, to which Eliza nodded. Conflicting thoughts filled my head. It would be right to help him but he's tried to kill us, and would have done it multiple times if not for those voices, "Then what do we do?"

"Isn't it obvious? We quiet those voices down" Ryan answered, shocking us all, "What?"

"It's just.... you're the last person I expected that from," Eliza answered

"But I couldn't agree more!" A voice suddenly echoed through the castle as a black orb appeared before retracting to reveal a large hulking man with pinkish red skin, not unlike Xandric's, with larger more pronounced horns, wearing a jagged crown made of thorn and bone and black and purple finery and sitting on a throne with the Hell Heroes Red and Yellow by his side

"The Demon King, I presume?" Ryan asked 

"Correct, Hero Red. I am Zeddral, King of the Demons" He answered and landed his throne to standing up to King Thaddeus, "It's been quite some time, old friend"

"Indeed. Your horns have grown much since then," Thaddeus responded and hugged him, much to our collective shock, "Though I suppose this isn't you here to negotiate surrender"

"Sadly not. But at least I am not here to fight either. I simply want your aid, one last time"

"Wait wait wait, hold on a sec! You two are... friends?" Riley asked in clear shock, "I thought you two wanted to kill each other!"

"Those things are not mutually exclusive, boy" Zeddral answered, venom filling his words before taking deep breaths to calm himself, "Our beliefs are simply irreconcilable"

"Indeed..." Thaddeus answered as a somber expression could barely be seen beneath his beard, "Still, I will help you as best as I can"

"You have my thanks," Zeddral said with a bow, "But be warned this doesn't change much. I need to do what's best for my people"

"As do I," he replied and Zeddral prepared to leave

"I will warn you however, the longer this war goes, the worse it will get for you and I. I hope you see reason" He warned but just before he could leave...

"Cass! Wait!!" Eliza called out, rushing over as she grabbed her hand. She looked to her with tears swelling in her eyes until the Hell Hero relented

"Hey old man, head back without me. I'll catch up,"

Zeddral seemed hesitant at first before relenting, "Very well. But return as soon as you are done," He demanded before he and Riley left. Eliza then proceeded to forcefully drag her by the arm up towards the roof with Ryan quickly following

"Where are you going?"

"Someone's gotta keep an eye on her, right?" He asked. I certainly wasn't going to let him be the one to save her so I ended up following as a result

Eliza, Age 15

When we arrived on the roof, I leaned against the railing, barely able to look at her. That suit terrified me, looking just as demonic as the monsters we had opposed together. What was her response? Just a laugh, "Easy, princess. No need to get so rough"



"You heard me, Cassandra! Why?! Why did you all leave?! Why did you betray us?! Betray me?!" I demanded to know with tears streaming down my face. I gripped the railing so hard that I could feel a dent form, "And take off that damn mask while I'm talking!"

She complied with my demands, transforming back to revealing the same scarred form I remember from when she first arrived, her once beautiful clothes covered in rips and tears save for the sunflower pin in her hair I made, "I would have had to leave either way. At least Zeddral will let us come back"

"What do you mean? You knew the deal from the start whenever you chose to be Heroes. You'd save our world then be sent to yours"

"I know but... As time went on, we didn't want to leave. Why would we want to go back to that world? A world of poverty and corruption? A world where I was bullied for something that wasn't even my fault?" She asked, reaching out to grab my hand, "A world without you?"

I quickly snatched my hand away and turned away from her. What happened to her? The Cass I knew was never so selfish, "Clearly you didn't think that far ahead. If you wanted that, you wouldn't have sided with my enemies"

"Look, I know it seems bad, but if we win..."

"It doesn't matter!" I exclaimed, prompting an audible gasp from her, "I'll help your Prince but after that, I never want to hear from you again". I walked away, heading back towards the stairs and barely even saw the flash as she returned to the Dark Island, "You two do know that it's rude to eavesdrop, right?"

"And you know it's stupid to go somewhere alone with the enemy, right?" Ryan bit back and much to both their surprise, I let out a chuckle

"I know. But I had to get it off my chest. Now, let's get back to work"

Time Unknown, Xandric, Age 115

Darn it, I can't even get a good night's sleep now. Every night, it's the same black void, with a set of eyes for each soul, some white, some purple but one thing is always the same. They cannot agree, "Can you all take a break from your fighting and tell me what's going on?!" I called out into the void, their eyes all shifting to me, "Why did you stop me from killing our enemies? Why did you make me attack my allies?"

"Because it would bring your father closer to invading the mainland" the white eyes answered

"Yes, that's the point! Is that not what you want?! To return home?"

"It is. But these old fools would rather we stay where we are" The purple eyes answered

"We are a danger to them! We cannot live amongst them!"

"You would sacrifice our happiness for those who sent us away?! You're cowards!"

"Would you all live with the guilt? The damage we would cause?!"

"Enough!" I shouted, breaking up their arguing as it gave me such a headache, "Both of you, tell me everything. As your prince, I will decide our course of action"

One Week Later, Ryan, Age 15

It was my turn to watch over Xandric. For a whole week, he had been out so every day, one of us would watch for any sign of abnormality. I stared blankly at the screen, bored beyond belief as I spun in the chair, "You really should be paying more attention," Ric advised, poking his head out from my pocket. Eliza taught us a spell so that we could shrink our Goliaths. Figured it'd be better for them to get out of the hanger

"He hasn't moved in over a week. Honestly, I hope he never moves again"

"Ryan..." He said, almost like he was scolding me

"He hurt a lot of people. He nearly killed Makoto. I'll help him because that's what heroes do but God, do I hope we fail"

"Ah. So because he hurt Makoto, you want him dead"

"The hell's that supposed to mean? She's my teammate. I hate seeing her hurt"

"Yet you didn't mention Jaune," He teased, "You know, us Dragons go through many partners. I could teach you to..."

As he said that though, the entire castle began to shake. Quickly turning back to the screen, I saw a massive hole where Xandric once was. Without a second though, I charged out the window and transformed mid-air. If he's really broken out, I need to get the drop on him. Sure enough, I saw him running away and tried to tackle him, only to be flipped, "Ow... And you were so well behaved when you were asleep. Hero Red to Blue and Yellow, need back up" I mocked before calling in help. I hate having to put them through this but I can't beat him alone. I summoned my Baphomet Set and charged in. I don't need to win, just hold him off. Instead of hitting back, he dodged every blow, only ever doing real damage through counters

"I don't want to hurt you! I just need time to think"

"That's rich coming from you!" I spat back, grabbing the back of his head and slamming him onto my knee before throwing him against a wall. As payback, I grabbed his spear and pinned him there like he did to me but it faded the moment I tried. He launched me back with a single kick. He then went on the offensive, trying to run me through while avoiding nonlethal areas. I blocked and dodged before kicking his leg out from under him and knocking him to the punching the back of his skull. If not for his hero powers, he would certainly be concussed, if not worse. But he stood back up, resummoning his spear

"Just leave me be! We've come to an agreement!"

"What sort of agreement could a monster like you come to that's any good?" I asked, assaulting him with a barrage of punches and kicks, "All you ever do is hurt others all because one thing didn't go y'all's way! You people killed my mother, Kai's parents and nearly killed my team!" I reminded but he blocked my punch and held it

"I know. Our desire to return has caused great pain to many. That's why I need to think on what to do" he explained before throwing me back. I glared in response as I considered my next course of action. Eventually, I shifted back, "Thank you"

"What will you do?"

"I won't be gone long. I can assure you that much. If I'm not back in a month, I'll let you run me through yourself," he assured but I just looked at him with a glare, "I want to go home. The voices are torn. Some want me to help you, others to end you. They've given me the final say"

"And will you attack us in the meantime?" I asked, to which he simply looked away. I could never fully trust him. Not only is he the enemy but he's the son of the man we need to beat. If it were my dad, I'd fight tooth and nail for him. Still, my distrust has been proven wrong before. My mind made up, I flop to the ground, almost dramatically

"Excuse me..? What are you doing?"

"Just go, idiot!" I ordered in a hushed whisper. Piecing together what I was doing, he nodded and ran away. Not long after, Jaune and Makoto arrived


"Are you okay?" Jaune asked, prompting me to let out a fake groan as I got up

"Wow, he rocked me pretty good. You just missed him"

"We should hurry!" Makoto insisted but I shook my head

"Let him go for now. He's long gone and we need to come up with a plan" I assured. Don't make me regret this, Xandric

Meanwhile, Xandric, Age 115

I returned to the castle with haste, kneeling before my father in the throne room, "Father, your son has returned to the dark island. When I looked up, I saw his dark eyes shine with a glimmer of hope

"So I see. And of your...affliction?"

"It has been handled. It shall impede your designs no longer," I assured. In response, he stood up and approached me before embracing me in a warm hug

"My foolish son, that was never my concern. I merely worried that my mistake would once again cost me my family" He said softly as he held me in his arms. Did he mean mother? Or something else entirely. Regardless, this one showing has made my decision much harder. Still, I hugged him back, fighting off my own tears

"Do not worry, father. I'm here. Just me" I lied, trying to assure him. After that, I retired to my room for the night. Just as I was about to relax for the first time in what felt like an eternity...

"Quite the performance you put on in there," A gravelly voice noted. I quickly turned around, seeing none other than Leon standing there, arms crossed and sword at his side, "But something tells me you're not telling the full story"

"Is that so? And even if that were true, who are you to question your prince?"

"On that you are correct, lad. But let me warn you of one thing. If you harbor any ill will towards your father or his vision, I will not hesitate to strike you down" he explained before leaving my room. I simply laid down on my bed, thinking. 

"If father's will is to harm the people he is meant to rule, then I shall do what I must"