Several of my allies begin to fly around the bank while some go in and tell everyone to get out of the bank now, after all they don't need hostages because hostages only get in the way of the extremely fast robbery style they're doing.
Angelica soon gets an stoic expression and seems ready to run away from here and turn into a magical girl away from the public's view but I hold her hand making her look at me.
"I-I'm scared p-please don't go" I cling to her pretending to be afraid as best I can, I'm not a very good actor so I don't look directly at her but rather look down to pretend better.
"It's okay Shizune nothing will happen" She tries to calm me down the best she can while she's torn between leaving me here and transforming or staying with me as a normal person.
"HEY you two, get out of here now" One of my allies flying in specially made armor for mobility points weapons at us and tells us to leave.
'This won't work...' Angelica seems ready to abandon me here and now, not because she doesn't care but because there are many other people who are employees here.
She trusts that nothing will happen to me because my organization is usually not too violent with civilians.
'I need to make her stay with me...' I try to think of anything, soon I come to an unpleasant option.
I can remotely control the dead, but it's harder than just giving direct orders.
I use my magic to make my ally give me a butt of the gun to the head.
"SHIZUNE!!!" Angelica, who wasn't expecting the gratuitous violence, is completely surprised.
"Get out of here now" My ally says with false anger as Angelica grabs me under the arm and starts carrying me out.
'Damn...that hurts...' It hurts much more than I thought, the blood drips from my head as everything seems dizzy as if it's spinning at the same time as it's blurred.
It wasn't a fake blow, it was a really hard blow to the point of stunning me, as soon as we left the bank I saw some of my allies flying over the area.
While others are already transporting the money, they are absurdly fast and well coordinated.
"A-Angelica please stay with hurts so much...I'm in so much pain" I say with a tearful voice, this really hurts, I never thought it would be this serious.
If I had known it would hurt so much, I would have thought of another idea, in the normal way without being a magical girl, my resistance and tolerance is that of a common person, so it hurt too much.
"It's okay Shizune I'll stay with you, let's get out of here quickly" An alarm rings to warn civilians in the area to move away and alerts that a group of villains is robbing the bank.
Meanwhile, Angelica carries me to the car and puts me in the front seat while quickly looking for something.
In the car compartment, she grabs a bandage and starts first aid on my bleeding head.
At least I know this will last a maximum of a few hours before it heals.
"I'll take you to the doctor, please just wait a little bit" Angelica speaks with concern as she starts driving the car with some haste.
"Please wait, don't go to the hospital" I say urgently, it would be impossible to explain how the injury recovered so quickly.
Head injuries usually receive a lot of care, so they would obviously notice the unnatural recovery of the damage to my head.
"Shizune, look how much blood you've lost, we're going to the hospital right now!" She speaks with a slightly commanding and concerned tone.
"I-I don't want to" When I say that, I think I sound like a child throwing a tantrum.
"Please stop the car now, I'm not going to the hospital" She ignores me and continues driving as I feel the blood seep through the bandage.
"I-If you don't stop now, I'll start screaming and hitting the window saying you kidnapped me!" I use the threat to make her stop, she looks at me and soon says.
"Why don't you want to go to the hospital?" She asks suspiciously while slowing down the car but still continuing to drive.
"I-I don't have money to pay..." This is also true, the Shizune of this world was broke, she doesn't have money even though she has stolen large sums.
The money always goes to buy things for the organization or to negotiate for equipment with other villains.
That's why the Shizune of this world never had large amounts of money for herself, to the point where she sometimes had to go hungry all day.
"I'll pay for you, you don't have to worry" Her altruism is now just inconvenient.
"I-I can't go to the hospital" I need to think of a good enough excuse to convince her.
"Shizune, look how much blood stains the bandage on your head, this is a serious injury, you need help"
"P-Please don't go to the hospital...I-I...I'll jump out of the car if you don't stop it now" She looks at me with urgency as I put my hand on the door handle, she quickly slows down until she stops.
"A-Are you crazy? Are you trying to kill yourself? We were going 50Km/h, you would have died!!!" I hold my head to avoid falling due to the dizziness as I look at her.
"I-I can't go to a hospital...p-please don't make me do that" I use the pain to try to cry desperately while trying not to go to the hospital.
She's not stupid, if she sees that the injury has a strange recovery rate, she may end up suspecting me, precisely because I'm obviously similar to their biggest enemy.
She just needs to put the pieces together to figure out the obvious, for now there are few things that link me to the villains, so I should avoid creating reasons for suspicion.
"Haaa..." She sighs.
"Okay...but at least come to my house so I can use a more adequate first aid kit and also give you something to eat..."
"T-Thank you" I thank her as I release the car door handle, she soon changes direction and continues driving while I take a deep breath trying to calm the pain in my head.
'At least since she's not a doctor, she won't be able to clearly see my abnormal recovery'
"Shizune...why were you so desperate not to go to the doctor?" She asks as she turns the corner.
It's not like I could say I don't want her to suspect me.
"I...I don't have money to pay medical dad wouldn't really like to have problems paying a hospital...a-anyway it's not that bad" I decide to put all the blame on my father.
He's dead, but that doesn't change the fact that he was a complete bastard and he would probably really not like to pay medical bills for me.
"..." She frowns, probably due to various factors she must suppose that I am neglected by my family.
Since I'm hungry, my bank balance is negative, and I still say these things about my father.
At least I managed to ensure that she didn't help the other two magical girls, in other words my team probably managed to rob the bank without any problems while Flora held them.
I slowly feel better as the dizziness passes and the pain is reduced, although the blood on the bandage on my head is uncomfortable.
Normally my allies are not violent with civilians as long as they don't react, so it must have been a complete surprise for Angelica to see him attacking me like that out of nowhere.
After a while we arrive at a large house, not at the level of a mansion but clearly it's quite large.
She helps me get out of the car while guiding me into her house, as soon as we enter she runs somewhere to get bandages to use on me.
I lie on the floor while taking a deep breath and touching my head where the injury occurred, as soon as I touch it my body flinches slightly in pain.
'It seems Angelica is not the Yandere...but I can't rule her out yet' she doesn't have that same crazy look that the others I've met have.
"SHIZUNE ARE YOU OKAY?!!!" She runs up to me when she sees me lying on the floor, she seems a bit desperate, it seems it's not something routine for her to see someone like this.
Or maybe she just thought I was dying, but I lay on the floor because of the fatigue and pain I had.
"I'm fine Professor Angelica..." She sighs in relief as she opens a first aid kit.
She first grabs a bottle of alcohol and opens it, then she grabs a metal tweezers and with the tweezers holds a piece of cotton.
She dips the cotton in the alcohol while skillfully removing the bandage from my head, avoiding causing me as much pain as possible.
The bandage is stained with a lot of blood, although much of it has dried, forming a deep, dark red with an unpleasant metallic smell.
I hate the smell of blood.
"Ow..." I let out a painful moan as she touches the wound with the alcohol-soaked cotton, she begins to pass it to clean and disinfect the wound while being careful not to cause me too much pain.
The stinging of the alcohol in the wound is uncomfortable, but I try to stay quiet as she cleans it right here on the floor.
After cleaning it enough, she grabs a clean bandage from the medical kit and starts carefully wrapping it around my head, bandaging with skill and care.
"I think that's good..." Angelica says as she gets up from the floor and extends her hand to help me.
I accept the help and get up, containing a painful groan because of the slight headache.
"I think I'll go...t-thank you for the help Professor" She's actually quite nice.
'It would be perfect if she could really help me with my curse...but it seems difficult for her to know anything about it' I'll have to try on my own.
I turn to leave, but she grabs my shoulder.
"Shizune, you haven't eaten anything yet...and...I'd like you to spend some time at my house, is that possible? If necessary, I'll convince your father" She probably doesn't want to let me go back to a supposed "neglectful" environment.
'This could be a good opportunity to find weaknesses so I don't lose more fights...'
"Okay, my father wouldn't care if I never came back...I accept to stay, thank you for the offer, c-can I take a shower?" There's blood on my uniform and I honestly find the smell unpleasant.
Because the smell reminds me of my past lives.
"Sure!! I'll get you some clothes, the bathroom is the first door on the right down the hallway" she says as she goes to put away the things she used.
'This is too fast...doesn't she have any sense of danger? Or is it because she thinks I can't do anything to her?' I don't know why she's so strange, after all few would let a "stranger" stay at their house.
But I'll take advantage of this to eat something good and sleep in a good place.
Image =
Angelica =
Angelica =
Flora =
Flora =
Rose =
Rose =
Azuli =
Azuli =
Flora Second Form =
Flora Second Form =
Flora Second Form =
Flora Second Form =