Frank had no idea why it was that he was where he now was. Six years ago just before he had been born on the 25th of December 894 ,A,S, he had seen strange visions. Stars had wheeled past him at incredible speeds, a blurry vision of some huge space station was shown to him followed by a singular massive spaceship, then suddenly the vision had changed and a hooded old man had appeared before him. Then as lightning struck the old man pointed his finger at him and said. "You must,,,,,,." Though before the old man could finish the vision ended and he was born.
Deep down he knew that there was a hidden meaning to all of it. A space station, a spaceship and a man telling him that he must, but what must he do? Was he to build a space station and a massive spaceship as well, but how? He always was good at school, but not even the best people in his time could have build those things that he had seen within those visions of his. That spaceship was huge like an mega city and the same went for the space station although it was quite a bit smaller.
Well whatever had happened or whoever that old man was, he for one was for sure one lucky boy. For yes he indeed was alive again and a six year old boy at that. And not just any boy, but a boy laying within his own king-sized bed, living in his father's royal castle, for he was the Crown Prince of a newly formed kingdom.
And he was not just living in no typical Kingdom, but the Kingdom of Albion, which was located on the unexplored and mysterious island of Albion. An island which in fact from its geographical appearance much resembled the Great British Isles, although Ireland had not yet been discovered within this world so he couldn't be all that sure about it all.
Though he did know some things and one of them was that his father Uther Pendragon was a true badass, much better than his father from his past life. From a former slave in the Empire of Kislev, to the best gladiator of all time, to a rebel and then to a leader and finally a conquering king, his father had been all those things and so much more.
When Father had been merely 18 he had met mother who was a noble from the Empire. Basically she was someone way beyond his scope back then, and she was quite young back then as well. So of course mother's family had totally refused him when he had tried to marry mother back then.
But yet father hadn't given up, and so after seeing his resolve mother's father had seemingly made an impossible bet to test him. He had told father that he would only be allowed to marry mother if he became a king, for they were already Dukes and would not accept any less than a king.
So the bet was made and the clock began ticking. Father knew that mother would be taken away before long by some other man if he wasn't fast. And so he gathered his friends, his former gladiator buddies and other freed slaves and together they sailed across the straight of Uther as it later came to be known and made it to the mysterious Island of Albion.
Along the way they also managed to slay a great seaserpent that many thought to be a real dragon back then, and so he gained his family name Pendragon. After that he despite all the odds carved himself a kingdom here. Sure it was quite a small kingdom back then, with only two dukes and some other nobles governing over the lands, but it was still a kingdom nonetheless, a kingdom with fertile soil and some mineral resources as well which was enough for him to be recognised as a king by the Pope himself, although the Pope did never come to crown him but merely sent a letter of approval.
So father married mother and now it has been 28 years since the beginning of the conquest of Albion. And while only the most southern part of the island is under their control, the progress has been great and soon the whole island will surely be theirs.
And as for him, well he was none other than Prince Arthur Pendragon the crusher, because his grip strength was great and he could crush apples with ease. Also he was an optimistic person, one who despite everything that he had lost within his past life now looked forward to the future with a clenched fist and determination within his heart.
For the two most important people in his past life, his former wife and his brother from another mother Bruce, he had sworn to become something truly great within this new life of his. He swore to create the best kingdom imaginable, with peace safety and security that would make it last the test of time. He would make it like so and so much more, so if Bruce or anyone else were to ever see his creation here they would for sure be proud of him.
But more than anything he really hoped and prayed that they too might be able to be reborn within this fantastical world as well someday. Sure he knew it to be a foolish dream for nobody else to his knowledge had ever been reborn here, but he still liked to hope that maybe at least Bruce would someday come to be his brother and best friend yet again.
Then he would actually have someone who truly understood him and his Reincarnation. He would have someone who he could actually fully open up to, and who would understand him as well. And together they could then form an adventuring party and go fight the dark fantastical creatures and monsters of this world.
For this world indeed was quite dark with Europe being a continent under siege from all sides. From the north came savage barbarians, much like the Vikings of his past. Although these barbarians had frost magic, furry wolf riders, supposedly even mammoths, giants and lots of muscles due to magical mushrooms or something like that.
And from the East tribes of monstrous Beastmen came, humanoid beings with animalistic features of many sorts, and many of them much larger and stronger than any human could normally ever hope to be. To add to the horror of those beasts they also were savage beyond belief, treating humans like livestock, something to be chained and eaten when hunger came to their beastly bellies.
Then from the south to the southeast beyond the sea was the great Sultanate of Araby. Time and time again they launched slave raids into Europe and were constantly on the lookout for signs of weakness that they could exploit and use to get into Europe and begin conquering, enslaving and converting all with force to their own religion and way of life. Luckily they had their own problems as well far beyond Europe. For the world outside Europe was mostly a savage land of countless beasts and monsters that were not friendly towards humanity.
Although past these horrors of the mostly unexplored lands there were supposedly other human civilizations as well. Some merchants spoke of a mighty kingdom far on the Eastern edge of the world. They spoke of a mighty Empire ruled by actual dragons and lands populated by weird eyed yellowish skinned people.
And they also spoke of some other vast nation of humanity that was hidden behind tall mountain ranges and waterfalls that reached to the clouds. But past them one could then supposedly find a vast land of seemingly endless jungle's, and cities with mighty walls and High temples that worshiped a monkey god and some other strange godly beings as well.
Of course he did have quite a good idea of what these civilizations were, but for the moment they were too far for him to ever hope to reach. Besides his gaze was more set upon the seemingly endless oceans to the west, oceans where large sea creatures hid and would strike any wondering ships which lights were too bright in the night. But beyond the sea he had a feeling that his former homeland of his past Earth was somewhere there for the taking. A homeland which had all the resources and land that he would ever hope to have or need to build that space station and that massive spaceship.
And most importantly none of this was a stupid dream of his that would never realistically be achieved within his life time, simply because he was no normal boy. Ever since his birth he had been special, he seemed to have a sort of sixth sense. He could see things a few seconds before they happened, kind of like a real déjà-vu moment. At first he thought it to be just a fluke, but when he had began training with his sword he was quick to notice that he could truly see the path of the incoming swords, and he could even sense the danger of all blows coming his way.
It was truly an amazing thing gift he had thought, but it wasn't all. For within his training, with all the sweat and sometimes pain he received during his training he had noticed that his wounds healed faster than they should have. And once his wounds healed he always seemed to became stronger in that part that had been damaged.
In fact the more he got hurt, the stronger and stronger he would get, to the point that his skin had started becoming hard like leather, his bones had started becoming tougher and his muscles started becoming more compact and powerful. He might have looked like an somewhat normal extremely well trained boy on the outside, and yet hidden within him was the strength of a boy much older than what he was.
Truly he had been blessed by God and he was not going to shy away from using these gifts to the best of his abilities. Abilities that were also not merely physical, but mental as well. For he held now a memory much greater than before and with it he had already at the age of four began to make changes to this kingdom.
Starting out from the simple methods of exercising within this world. He had began creating the Kingdoms first outdoor gym and a school for learning the art of Mixed Martial Arts for the soldiers of this kingdom. Like so he had begun making stronger soldiers for his future Kingdom.
Though it wasn't enough to ensure victory, and so from there he had gone to the blacksmiths and showed them the art of creating steel and the most efficient ways of doing it, which although did force him to create something called the blast furnace. Though at the moment he only had managed to create one since resources were not abundant here like in the modern world.
So for the time being he had been forced to focus on gaining more of those resources, and thus had begun introducing things like the Waterwheel to help make blacksmiths more efficient, Windmill's to increase food production, pickaxes to help the miners mineore ore, along with mine carts and rails to increase production even more, plus creating real roads to increase the overall transportation of goods around the Kingdom.
Though for the time being most of these things were nothing but mere concepts that he had wrote down and drawn on some paper. Speaking of which paper was also not widely available or cheap here within this world. In fact here even things like plumbing and proper sewage treatment was not a thing, which was not good.
Thinking of it all he couldn't help but sigh, while he was a Prince there truly were quite a lot of things that were lacking within this world that made his life now seem poorer compared to his past one. Even as he got out of bed and had the maids come and clean him, and prepare him for the day he noticed so many things being a miss here.
Firstly the maids weren't all that beautiful, they didn't have any beautiful makeup, trained and shapely bodies or even any perfumes to make them smell really nice. Secondly the clothes he wore were not made of silk of cotton or some high quality synthetic materials since there were such materials here. Mostly things here were made of wool, linen, leather, furs or such simple things, even underwear was quite simple and lacking.
Still he didn't say his complaints out loud and merely sighed realising that he would most definitely need to do something about these things as well in the future. After that he then headed to the halls and while escorted by his personal guards and maids he then came to his families dining hall.
And there he again sighed in distain at what was given to him there. For on the table was a huge cooked pig just placed on the center of the table with an Apple in its mouth. There was some fish as well, along with flowery bread along with some medieval ale. Sure it seemed like a fine meal, but for instance the bread held small pieces of the grinding stone within it that would make a crunching sound when bitten into and would over time mess up your teeth.
And here there really wasn't any fancy cooking recipes, everything was basically just slapped onto the table and then eaten as it was. Luckily he though did have loads of eggs to eat and pork to go along with it which was fine in the end, but eating it every day was not great.
However he really wasn't in any real position to complain as the peasants had even less. Each day a peasants main source of food would simply be some course bread, maybe some salted pork, lots of beans and maybe some fish occasionally. Basically the food here was simple and sucked, there were no sweet mangos, tasty sugary pastries or even chocolate to eat.
Truly life as a Prince in this medieval fantasy world wasn't as great as he had first thought it to be. Even the fork he used had two points to it, instead of the normal three points, for some reason. Luckily he did have a loving family much cooler than his last, he had a father, a mother and two cute little sisters as well. Plus in some years time he would already be engaged to some noble girl and later in life be married. All this without him really even needing to try and hit it off with some chick on his own, as his future wife would basically just be sold off to him for some cash, and she would then basically be his property and her words or feelings after that wouldn't mean shit. So all in all life as an medieval Prince did have some great positive aspects to it.
Also his life wasn't all that hard here to begin with. As a six year old Prince his life would normally be quite easy and mostly consisting of a little studying and lots of laying about and playing around.
But that sort of life was not for him, and so he had created lots of hardship for himself so that he would become the best that he could possibly be. Because of this he would later in the day go study hard, and after that practice like a beast with the sword and learn of the art of war, which were things he quite enjoyed. Sure he had no gun, but the sword was a lot more personal and here he hoped killing and fighting would be more satisfying than within his past life. Or well of cource it would be a lot better here, after all he would be killing to make his own Kingdom bigger and better. No more would he be some soldier fighting for others and gaining hardly nothing for himself. No, here he would be the one gaining a lot and making others fight for his interests.
And soon he would be strong enough to even smash rocks with his fists and head, and so if anyone aposed him here he could always just crush them with his own two hands, or head. Just thinking of it made him tremble in excitement and brought a huge grin to his face, his handsome face that is.
Having eaten most of his food, he could see his reflection there within the silver plate that he ate from. And yes, he indeed was quite the handsome devil, even if he was young now. But soon he would be a real looker, and a lady heart killer. All their knees would give out before his wanting gaze and he would have whoever he desired to have, and as many of them as he wanted to have.
But then his thoughts were interrupted as a light bang of a fist hitting the table was suddenly heard, and he was immediately brought out of his crazed state of mind as his father then said.
"Focus boy and eat up already. You're getting lost within you're own mind yet again, and while it might be a brilliant mind you still have to remember you're manners. You're a Prince, and as a Prince you must act the part, and not gawk at you're own reflection within you're plate like that."
As his father Uther said this, he could see his little sister's and mother all look to him with curiosity within their eyes. It seemed his strange actions had yet again caused him to become the center of attention here. Although he couldn't really help it and just be constantly lost within his own thoughts. After all each and every day of his life here has constantly been filled with new discoveries and endless work that he felt a need to see done.
So he felt no reason to apologise to his father and merely held a calm expression as he said.
"Yes father, I will keep you're words in mind."
And as always his father merely nodded at his words approvingly and then simply said.
"Good, now eat up for today Duke Reinhardt is coming over to teach you the ways of the sword. And his not just going to show you the ways of any old sword, but the ways of an monster slayers sword. It's a huge two handed sword that a boy even as strong as you will not be capable of wielding if you do not eat properly now. So eat my son and become strong, I want you to show that old Duke just how amazing you are."
Hearing this a fire of passion was immediately lit within Arthur's heart. He Arthur Pendragon was no boy to turn down a challenge, especially not from one as powerful as Duke Reinhardt. The man was famous for cutting 3 whole Lycan's in half with a single swing of his massive blade, Lycans being werewolves that is. The man had also fought along side father against the great seaserpent and slain many beast on the island as well. And thanks to him and others like him the Kingdoms borders as they were now, held no big predatory animals or monsters within them, the land was safe and prospered.
So with great haste Arthur looked to his father and excitedly said.
"Yes father, I will not disappoint. I swear it."
Then he began to feast. King Uther nodded approvingly, Queen Wilda showed a satisfied smile, and the two little princesses clapped their hands happily not really knowing what was going on or why their big brother suddenly seemed so excited.
And indeed after his daily studies Arthur finally met up with the old man Reinhardt, who then gave Arthur the biggest sword that he had ever before seen. The sword was not only as tall as he was, but almost as wide as he was as well. Needless to say lifting it would be a challenge to him and then learning to use it, but ones he did, he knew that great adventures involving monster slaying awaited him.
As for the newly born baby girl named Lili, life was not so great. Living in the middle of the forest, with only her mother and some chickens and no modern or really any conveniences was not easy.
Her mother was weak after birth, their small straw roofed cottage was cold. Plus having straws as blankets also didn't help, and then there was the food situation. Either they ate peas, eggs, mushrooms or some herbs mother found from the forest.
Although she of course for the moment only drank her mother's milk to her own dismay, while listening to her mother humming some soothing songs to her. She much would have liked to sing along, but all she could say were baby words.
"Wal Wal Wal la lal."
However mother did seem to appreciate her efforts, although it made her feel tired as did doing almost anything. And so she slept a lot, poop
ped herself a lot, and mostly just watched her mother working a lot. Damn life kind of sucked and Bruce still confused as on where he, or now she was, felt so utterly lost on what she was even supposed to do and why the heck was he suddenly looking like a she. Where was her heaven, why hadn't she become an angel like she would have liked to be, and instead she was a weak baby girl by the looks of it with a girlish name of Lili.
In frustration of it all she along with her single rooster friend yelled to the sky at the injustice of it all.
"Damma jii God!"
While the rooster said.