Eight winters had now passed for Lili, spring had come and gone, and now her favourite time of the year was here, summer that is. And to her amazement she was very much alive and kicking, kicking the air that is as she lay on her naked belly, on the grassy ground next to the lake.
And there before her was her own miniature village made of sticks, stones, grass and a lot of clay. It was a small miniature village with a wall of sticks going all around it. It had a wooden gate made of sticks that she had tied together with some small rope. Then there was a single guard tower with a clay man named Jeff standing guard there. Jeff looked kind of cool as she had given him a little sharp stick like a spear.
And behind the walls were four houses and in the center of the village was a large clay castle that stood upon a hill of dirt. With great care she had also made 42 inhabitants into this village, 6 warriors including Jeff, 22 farmers, 2 blacksmiths and ten cute little children.
Though there was one mighty leader still amongst them. He was a leader that she was now carefully using her mother's old knife to carve him a little crown out of the clay. After all what was a king without a crown, but a king merely in name, or something like that.
And like yeah sure she might have been a police officer in her past, and not a good one at that. But she had also been a grade A student in Art class in school. In fact her teacher had even given the her, her number. Why had the teacher given her student her number, this she didn't know. But the teacher had been really kind to her, given her lots of compliments and even private massages for some reason. She had also told her to go make art for a living and study it or whatever, but sadly art didn't help people escape from burning buildings or bust criminals. So she hadn't done as her teacher had told her to do, to the teachers dismay.
However now with no criminals to catch and no people to save, she finally had found herself being free to pursue an arts career here in the forest. And this was also because she didn't need to worry about food anymore. Now her garden was totally safe behind tall fences made of branches and hidden behind vines. She had plenty of fish to catch, mushrooms to eat, bugs to feed her chickens who then in turn gave her eggs, plus she now knew of many good spots to find wild edible herbs within the forest if needed.
Sure there was hunting as an option as well, but she didn't do that anymore. After getting a bit traumatised by the killing of that twitching rabbit she just couldn't do it no more.
Instead she had some time ago decided to make peace with the animals of the forest and even the fox who sometimes still came to snatch up a chicken or two. While seeing one of Terminators wives go was always sad, she figured that it was just nature doing its thing, besides now the fox had cute little fox babies and so she just couldn't really be mad at the fox no more for killing Terminators bitches.
And so there was peace within the Single United State of Lilis Lake Land. Also she didn't have time to really worry about hunting anymore because she had her own citizens to take care of now. And now as she finalized the king's crown and carefully placed it upon his clay head, she felt relieved to know that the people were now protected by none other than King Washington himself.
She had even given the king a mighty sword, for King Washington was none other than a space wizard king. A king who had one day come from the stars to lead these 42 people to greatness.
He also besides the sword wielded mighty psychic powers that let him sense danger, move objects, and he could even sense his four wives thoughts. Truly his psychic force was strong.
In fact it was thanks to these thought reading powers that Washington had gotten his four wives in the first place, for he knew just the right lines to always say to them.
Plus he looked like a total badass as he stood sword in hand before his castle, while the people couldn't help but look upon him with awe. His back was just so big, he was so tall and had such a muscular figure. Truly King Washington was quite something to look at.
In fact he was like 12 centimetres tall, while the others were 5 or 8 centimetres tall. So to them King Washington was like a true mountain of muscle and manliness.
Thinking of it Lili too wondered if she one day would be like king Washington as well. Now she was 8 years old, her light blonde hair was long and silky smooth, body toned, she had a nice hourglass figure, a cute face, milky white and perfect skin, basically she was quite a cute little thing in a girly way, and she was like 120 centimetres tall now.
Though immediately as she thought of this and looked at her small mounds of flesh, or boobs that were somewhat hidden under her rabbit leather small strapless top, she immediately became demoralised by the sight. Despite growing taller, she was still so small and not manlier at all compared to before. She was just looking more like a girl with each and every passing year. In fact her body was quite strange as it for some reason seemed to totally reject all manliness.
No matter how many push-ups, pull-ups, handstand push-ups, or other upper body exercises she did, she just wasn't gaining muscles as she, as a man should have been gaining them.
Only the lower half of her body seemed to be really gaining any significant muscle. Her butt had grown even more, her legs too and her hips were developing quite well which was giving her that hourglass look. Her waist was small and her breasts were for some reason getting fatter and fatter each year. Although she did have a toned back and nice abs which she really appreciated, but still no dick was to be seen.
Just thinking of it made her feel so depressed. Why couldn't she be like King Washington? How was she ever like this going to get a girlfriend for herself now?
In her past life she had already had lots of trouble getting a girlfriend as she had been quite awkward regarding girls, plus people said that she looked scary. But back then she had at least been tall, muscular and looked like a man so she had at least had a chance, but now she didn't have any of those things.
Looking as girly and cutesy as she looked she doubted that any girls would be into her now. And even if they were, she didn't even have a dick, so how was she going to lose her virginity here anyway?
Tiers of despair came to Lilis big, deep blue eyes as she looked to King Washington and asked.
"Help me King Washington. You're my only hope. Surely as a manly king of Democracy and a man with many chicks you know what to do, right?"
However no answer came from the King, she was alone. But then suddenly an acorn fell between King Washington and his people with a light smack.
Looking up into the tree above Lili could see mister squirrel and his two squirrel kids looking down at her curiously. They were clearly trying to tell her something, Lili figured.
And indeed as she looked back at the acorn she realised something and said.
"Ooh I see, I could definitely use this to create some cows and other animals for the village. Of course, just how didn't I think of this before hand. I should have totally made some livestock for them to live off of to begin with. Oh and maybe I should make some chickens and horses as well. And I think this acorn will be just the right thing I need to give my animals a body. AHH, thank you mister squirrel, this is just what I needed."
So without further hesitation Lili began to use the clay to build the cow's body around the acorn, letting it act as the cow's core. Like so she would soon have a real miniature farm, and some knights riding horses maybe as well. Although to make knights she would need to first build a small miniature blacksmiths shop and maybe a mine as well to get some resources.
Though she couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong about this all. Maybe she should have built herself a forge and a blacksmiths shop and maybe a real house instead of doing it for these little people, but no she didn't feel like doing that really.
After all before reincarnating here, the old man had told her to lead her people to their destiny or whatever. So she was now kind of creating her own people here and leading them to their destiny and like so fulfilling her lives mission. Maybe this was in fact why she had been reincarnated into this world, right?
And besides she really didn't have much of anything else to do here, but play with her miniatures. Sure she could have tried to build all sorts of things for herself here, but what was the point. Even if she could make a forge and weapons for herself and armour, she really didn't know what she would use it all for. And no matter how beautiful she had tried to make her home here, the chickens and Terminator really didn't seem to care. So she would rather work on her miniatures instead.
But then suddenly her thoughts were cut off as a strange feeling of unease came to her. Placing her knife and the acorn down, she then turned to her side and looked at herself.
Her breasts seemed fine being covered by her small strapless rabbit leather top, that just about covered her small chest and kept it nicely in place. But no that wasn't the problem, instead she looked downwards at her well sculpted four pack abs.
Running her hand over them gently she felt strange, the lower she went the more tender she felt. And as she came down below her abs to her V-shaped line, she strangely felt that she had hit the spot of the strange feeling. Although she could also feel something strange and wet under the small rabbit leather skirt that covered her naughty bit, she could feel that there was definitely something moist down there.
Then suddenly she felt a small stomach ache come to her, followed by something wet spreading out between her legs, almost like she had just accidentally pissed herself again just like when she was a baby. Immediately alarm bells went off in her head.
"No, it can't be, I didn't piss myself did I? I thought that I was already over that by now. Oh God, please no, it can't be."
Quickly pushing herself up to a sitting position she went to pull up her skirt but hesitated. It was the most embarrassing part of her body and she didn't like looking at it and especially not touching it, it felt so weird.
But feeling the wetness there, she couldn't help but have a small peak at it just in case. And indeed there was something wet and red there. Eyes wide Lilis mind felt at a loss as she asked no-one in particular.
"What? Why? Am I bleeding, but how? What's going on?"
Then as if realising something she quickly grabbed her knife and stood up on slightly shaky legs. Knife in hand she looked around and turned a full 360 degrees, but there was nothing. She could see Terminator sleeping on the roof of her mother's tomb, some birds flew over head, the squirrels had gone somewhere, the lake stood still and all seemed peaceful as it should have been.
But why was she then bleeding all of a sudden, had something struck her, was she under attack? Looking at the ground she could see no ants there, so it couldn't have been them right?
Still she didn't lower her guard and then yelled into the distance.
"Don't mess with me, ok! I have a knife, you you shouldn't mess with me! I might look small, but I can do splits and 6 pull-ups, just so you know, ok! I I, I'm a bad mother fu fu, fucker, yeah?"
For a moment silence then rained over the forest, Terminator though just kept on sleeping as she kept on holding a low combat stance. But as some minutes passed and nothing happened, fear came to her. She knew nothing of this world and couldn't help but start wondering if there were invisible ninjas or some invisible monsters around her. Maybe they were even now just waiting for an opportunity to strike at her again?
So with great caution she quickly scurried off into the lake knife in hand. She quickly washed herself while listening and looking for any signs of danger.
Then after a long while of waiting and standing within the water, she quickly climbed out of the lake and ran towards her mother's tomb. She figured something was out to get her and she needed to go hide at home and fast. There within her hole surrounded by her fences, and accompanied by the chickens she should be safe.
Coming to the side of her mother's tomb that was now fully surrounded by beautiful flowers, Lili smelled them and gained a sense of relief. Looking at the pretty flowers and smelling them always made her feel so happy. Plus she didn't know why, but she really did like flowers now, and looking cute herself even if it was not manly at all. There just was something so appealing to her now about cute things that she just couldn't help it.
In fact looking at her outfit she couldn't help but notice just how good she looked, plus with the flowers under her feet made it look even that much better. Sure it wasn't intimidating or manly at all, but something inside of her was telling her that this was right, after all she was cute and she kind of did like looking cute.
Embarrassed at the thought her face turned red as she lightly squealed out like a little girl.
"Kyaahh, oh my god I must just like, look so cute. How embarrassing, kyaaahhhhh!"
For whatever reason she couldn't quite understand, her new self really seemed to find cute and pretty things to her fancy. She had even some time ago started gathering these cute wildflowers and planted all them around her mothers tomb, which made the place look kind of cute and homie just how she liked it to be now.
But then suddenly she heard a deep manly sound from the other side of her mother's tomb that totally cut her thoughts of cuteness away.
"Huh, what was that sound? Hmm, how strange, almost sounded like a girl, but surely not? There isn't anyone living here right? Especially no girls, can't be, no way."
Almost immediately Lilis body went stiff as she let out a sudden gasp, her heart was beating like crazy. Was someone in her garden, was there actually a human, could it really be true?
Curious of this Lili quickly then moved like a silent cat on all fours around to the side of her mother's tomb, and then towards the entrance to her garden. Carefully and silently she crawled along next to her garden's thick vine covered fence, and there on the other side of it she could hear rustling. She could slightly hear the person there, as he then spoke again.
"Mmm, tasty, not bad."
Then as she came to the small garden gate, she found it to be open, and as she peeked within her garden she could see the figure there. Her tummy felt funny and it made her a bit grumpy, but seeing the dark hooded figure there picking her berries and eating them she couldn't help, but gasp in shock at the sight of him.
Even when he was crouched she could totally see that this being was a man. It was totally unmistakable as he wasn't just any man, but an extremely well trained man by the looks of him. Its back was wide, it was definitely really tall and those cloak covered arms seemed like three times thicker than hers. He was absolutely huge, well at least compared to her.
Also she could see further away a tall and tick block of metal implanted into the ground. It seemed like a sword, like a really huge and a thick sword at that, although most of it was covered in bandages so it was hard to say, plus what sort of a monster would even be capable of wielding such a thing. No way a man could use something that big, not even her past self could have. So surely it was something else than a sword, right?
But more than anything now seeing this person, she couldn't help but feel so hopeful. Had her father finally come back for her? No he had to have been her father, right ? For who else would have possibly have come here into the forest other than father? And wait, didn't this mean that she in fact wasn't alone within this world?
Oh, she had so many questions and things that she wanted to say. Her body was trembling like crazy just thinking of it. But wait didn't she look kind of strange? She didn't have any spare clothes, what should she do, and what about her hair, was it too long, or not pretty?
In that moment Lili suddenly found herself lost on what to say or do. She hadn't spoken to anyone except the chickens and herself for the past eight years. Plus dressed as she was and looking as girly as she was she felt so ashamed, wasn't she showing off way too much of her embarrassing soft girlish looking skin?
And anyway what if she sounded weird and scared this person off? And what if she smelled, no hadn't she just been in the water? She shouldn't smell, right?
Sitting there on her knees Lili felt so lost, until the figure suddenly turned a little and she saw his red stained black gloves. His gloves were totally covered in red stains, possibly from the berries, or possibly from something else, something bad? No way, it was him, wasn't it? He was the one who attacked her and made her bleed, right?
The timing was too convenient, her sudden bleeding, and her finding this man here. The two were obviously connected somehow and he was responsible for it. She didn't know how he did it, maybe he had a stealth field or something. But she for damn sure wasn't going to let him get away with an unprovoked assault like that.
Oh no, and wasn't he totally eating her berries without permission? Though she didn't know what was going on, but what she knew was that this man had come upon her property uninvited, eaten her berries and somehow made her bleed, all in all this meant that this man was a criminal. He wasn't her father, no her father was someone like King Washington and not a petty criminal like this man, and as a former officer of the law she couldn't let these crimes go unpunished. Sure she was small, weak, she was scared, but as a person of justice and the President of the Single United State of Lilis Lake, she couldn't just not do anything.
So without further thought she placed her knife into her leg strap holster, mustered up whatever courage she had and rushed forward silently. Her legs sent the soft soil of her garden flying as she ran towards this dark figure while frowning in fear. Her hand moved out of instinct to her shoulder almost as if she was about to call for backup, only to realise that oh yeah she didn't have backup, or a radio to begin with.
She could see the man glance at her direction, immediately his eyes widened, the man seemed to be stunned for some reason as his mouth suddenly fell open at the sight of her and he muttered out silently.
Uncaring of this Lili ran slightly to the left and then by using her martial arts skills, she leaped forward on the stunned man's wide back. The man flinched in response, but it was too late for him as she quickly wrapped her legs partially around his strong torso and with her arms took his powerful neck into a choke hold.
She was going to choke this guy out, tie him up and then have a polite conversation with him about good manners, right.
The man tensed up his neck in response, now it felt powerful like a log, but nonetheless she squeezed his neck with all her might. She had him in a perfect Rear naked choke. From experience she knew there was no escaping this, the man was done for, and no matter how much he struggled he couldn't do anything, right.
Seemingly realising this the man didn't even try to fight back as he simply spoke calmly to her saying.
"Mmh, hey girl what are you doing? I mean no offence but from where I am from we usually greet each other before hugging, so could you let me go?"
The man was pleading with her right? He wasn't being serious, surely at any moment now he would turn red and pass out. Although no matter how hard she tried to choke the man, his neck didn't budge, it was as if she simply just couldn't choke him out? No it couldn't be like that, she wasn't that week, she could after all already do twenty pushups in a row.
For Lili it felt so strange, surely she couldn't have failed in such an advantageous position, right? She couldn't be that weak, after all she had trained martial arts in her past life, she was skilled, and she was powerful, wasn't she?
But then the man's large powerful arms moved, one of his hands took a hold of her small right wrist and the other of her right shoulder, and then before she knew it she was sent airborne. Out of instinct Lili went into a ball in the air and then like a skilled gymnastic girl she landed with a light roll on the soft garden ground.
Though her landing was smooth and cool, to her dismay she did crush a few of her garden plants by doing it. Which made her feel sad.
Having come to a stop she then turned towards the man, with a serious pouting face ready to face him again as she took a low combat stance. She was most definitely intimidated by the man's power, he was really strong but she redied herself for battle anyway. Although to her surprise the man didn't pursue her and just stood still.
And as their eyes met the man's light blue eyes widened again, it seemed as if he was in shock at the sight of her for some reason. She didn't look weird did she?
Taking off his hood he then revealed a surprisingly young looking face to her, he seemed to be no more than a teenage boy. Even so the boy stood quite a bit taller than she did, In fact he was more than two heads taller than she was making it so that she barely came up to his chest level. Damn he was tall.
Also his neck truly did look strong, he had well defined and strong looking facial features, the boy was clearly well-trained with lots of muscle, even under his cloak and nice clothes she could make out a well-developed body, he even had a nice tan to his white skin.
Plus the boy's hair was a beautiful golden blonde, his eyebrows were nice and thick, his light blue eyes were pleasing to look at, he had a nice straight nose, perfect lips, a sharp jawline and a noticeable manly Adam's apple which she sadly didn't have. Overall the boy looked quite handsome in her opinion and well groomed. By the looks of it, he was probably at least 5 years older than she was or even more.
Without realizing it she had quickly found herself lost in her admiration of his naturally good manly looks. Until the boy suddenly spoke to her in his surprisingly deep tone of voice saying.
"Hey please calm down girl. Let's start again, ok. What about you tell me who you are? Just Identify yourself and then I'll do the same. How about it, sounds good right?"
Hearing his deep manly voice Lili came out of her daze and realized that this fight was not going to be in her favor at all. She didn't want to admit it, but in this new life of hers she was nowhere close to being the man that this boy was. Before this boy she was basically just a, well just a little girl, which she kind of was anyway.
Well whatever, it was clear to her now that if she wanted to win and not suffer a great humiliation then she would need to rely on her speed and agility in order to win here, oh and her knife as well.
With this in mind, she pulled out her small knife and pointed it at him. Though as she did, he didn't seem bothered at all, which made her feel nervous now. Quickly uncertainty of it all caused fear to come to her as she tried to sound intimidating, but ended up yelling out her words in a high-pitched girlish voice as she said.
"Why would I tell you who I am, you you, you, you scared or something you, you thief, you bastard, you little boy! Now feel my wrath, you sneaky, bi bi, bitch, Ahhhhh!"
Hearing this the boy seemed totally at a loss as Lili let out her fearsome war cry and charged at the boy knife in hand.
Using her little knife she intended to cut his legs as she couldn't reach any higher than that. Although she of course wasn't going to kill him, but just make him bleed like he had done to her. After all punishment had to be served and in the name of justice she was going to make this boy also kneel before her and ask for her forgiveness for his crimes as well.
However her plans immediately fell down the drain as the boy was fast to dodge her quick strikes. Again and again she sent her blade towards him, left, right, straight, up and down the blade swiped at the boy, but each and every time he was a bit faster than she was and seemingly with ease like it was no big deal he dodged all her strikes.
Taken aback by the boys quick movements Lili felt her heart skip a beat as she took a step back from him now feeling really scared. The boy seeing this merely smiled arrogantly at her and then his hand suddenly shot forth intending to grab her precious knife out of her hand.
Seeing this Lili gritted her teeth in frustration and lunged forward taking the boy off guard by her own aggression, and in the process she actually managed to slightly cut his glove covered hand. Although she only managed to cut the glove and not his skin, after which the boy moved backwards making Lilis blade merely cut the air.
In frustration and fear Lili went all in, seeing no other way out of this situation, she at least needed to get him properly once right? Luckily the boy seemed unprepared to face her girlish aggression as she finally managed to strike at his overly large looking left bicep.
Lili could feel the knife cut deep into the fabric of the cloak and black leather shirt underneath it, but again she didn't hit skin. She failed again, but she didn't retreat and instead pushed forward to slash at the boys stomach. She would slice this arrogant fuckers stomach and make him rethink his arrogance again.
But just then the boys left hand suddenly came forth with amazing speed and managed to grab her knife wielding right hands wrist. Immediately he squeezed it a little and it really hurt her, though Lili didn't immediately give up and instead tossed the knife into her other hand, that was then immediately grabbed by the boys other hand, as she was then pushed down to the ground with her hands pinned to the sides of her head.
A victorious grin came upon the boys face then as he happily said.
"I win, hehe hee."
Her hands were pinned to the ground as he held her legs in between his. With wide eyes Lili looked in horror at this large boy, she didn't want to admit it, but she was trapped. And not only that, but she was totally at this guy's mercy now, and her knife was out of her hands now as well.
In a fearful desperation Lili did her best to resist as she yelled.
"Nooooo, you you, let me go, let me go! You meanie!"
For whatever reason her words seemed to cause the boy's hands to loosen a little as his face turned to worry. Though she didn't care and continued wiggling her legs around and trying to release her hand from under his much bigger hands.
With curiosity the boy named Prince Arthur watched the cute girl struggling underneath him. He had intended to just save some time by cutting through the forest instead of using the main road, and now he had somehow found himself before the cutest girl that he had ever before seen. And she just wasn't really cute like a little angel, but she was also surprisingly strong for a girl as well. He honestly couldn't help but feel amazed by this beautiful girl as he then spoke out his thoughts.
"Huh, you know you're quite something, despite your small size you're quite strong. Honestly seeing you I can't help but wonder what kind of a feisty little beauty you will become in the future? I bet you'll be quite the catch, haha haa. Maybe then I'll just have to come and claim you as my own little wife, hmm."
Hearing this something seemingly snapped in Lili as she gritted her teeth and angrily roared in a girlish voice saying.
"No way! I'll never do that! I'll be a strong man and I'm definitely not gay, you fag!"
Seemingly surprised by Lilis response the boys grip loosened on her, giving her a chance to pull her legs against her chest as she then used all her might to kick the boy straight on the balls. Though to her surprise, her legs seemed to impact way more meat than she had expected and a lot larger balls than she ever would have imagined such a young man to have.
No, surely it can't be that big? Can it? She thought to herself right before feeling the boys grip totally loosen as the boys hands moved to his balls and he fell to the side like a rock. It seemed as if the air had been totally knocked out of the boy and he was in a lot of pain by this point, just like he deserved, she thought.
Using this opportunity to her advantage she quickly got up and ran out of the garden and towards the lake where she had her fish trap and her wooden spear. Surely with that, she would finally win and show this boy that he had come upon the wrong cottage in the woods God damnit.