Chereads / Waking up in a TV Show / Chapter 7 - Passionate Demands

Chapter 7 - Passionate Demands

Episode 7

Nolan was excited as they left the office. "We're in charge now!"

"I can play my own music!" Lucy added.

He shook his head at seeing the excitement in his fellow rookies. He had to give it to his girlfriend. She didn't even give a hint that this was coming. He decided he would act as he usually did with Lopez, keep an eye out for trouble and be ready to respond at a moment's notice.

"They grow up so fast." Lopez called out. Their T.Os waited for them wearing civilian clothing at the bottom of the stairs. They immediately started comparing the number of rookies they washed out at this stage of training as he prepared their shop.

"Do not listen to them. They're just trying to psych us out." Nolan replied to the unhelpful comments.

Already Lucy was panicking as she now realized the enormity of their situation and she hesitated whether to bring another war bag for Bradford or not.

"Better bring it." He suggested. "In case your T.O. needs to step in."

"You're no fun boot!" Bradford complained. He had inadvertently ruined one of his Tim Tests as Lucy explained. "First mistake avoided."

"This is going to be a long day." Nolan's earlier enthusiasm had completely vanished.

He noticed Lopez looked prepared for a boring patrol as she brought a couple of magazines with her. He made no comment as he checked the shop and soon he started driving out of the bay and started his patrol.

Things were normal for the most part, until he stopped a car that ran a red light. The man was angry for getting pulled over but he maintained his composure, enduring the insults as he wrote him a ticket.

"I'm late for an important meeting!" The driver scowled. "You're making this worse!"

"Drive safely." He replied as the man gave him the finger. He noticed that Lopez didn't even look up from her magazine while she sat inside the shop.

He received a call from dispatch about a noise complaint from sorority row, and called in that he was responding. His normal, routine day ended right there.

He could hear the loud music as he walked up to the lawn and knocked hard on the door of the sorority house. A blonde girl opened the door, and he knew she was drunk by the way she swayed while standing.

"What is it?" She asked. "Can… can I help you, Officer?"

"Mam, I'm Officer Routh. We got a call about the noise. Can you please turn it down?"

"Sure." She smiled at him and headed further into the room and lowered the volume. He looked inside and saw a bunch of drunk girls dancing in their pajamas. They immediately complained at the sudden lack of music.

"Hey! Jessica!"

"Turn the music up!"

"Officer Hottie said we were too loud." Jessica replied as she pointed at him.

The girls followed to where she was pointing and he had to step back as a dozen pair of eyes looked at him.

"Jessica you slut! That's not a cop!" One of the girls giggled. "Who called for a stripper?"

"Do we have a budget for that?"

"I don't care!"

"Me likey!"

Hands suddenly grabbed him, trying to pull off his uniform and unbutton his pants. He immediately grabbed his weapon to secure it, and used his remaining hand to push off the drunk girls away.

"Please, I'm not a stripper!" He called out.

"Feisty huh?" He heard a voice behind him and felt a body jump on his back.

He quickly bent down and lowered his shoulder, causing his attacker to fall into the carpeted floor.

"Enough!" He shouted, breathing hard as he stepped back to create some space. "I am a law enforcement officer and not a stripper. Please do not approach me again or I will have to detain you."

The girls instantly sobered as they realize the trouble they were in.

"You're really a cop?"

"Yes mam. Now who is in charge here?" He asked, looking around.

"I am." Jessica raised her hand.

"I will need you to lower the volume of your music, or I will be forced to shut this party down." He warned her. "Now please, everyone show some I.D. I need to verify that you're all adults."

The girls grumbled but they mostly complied. They each presented their I.D.s and he was satisfied and took one last look around to make sure there were no illegal substances in use.

"Thank you for your cooperation, ladies."

"Are you sure you're a cop?" One of the girls asked again. "Because if you aren't, you're a really good actor."

"Do you like, have a girlfriend?"

"Can I have your number?"

"I'm sure." Sorority girls were something else. It was like they were bolder in the presence of their sorority sisters. "Have a good day."

He practically ran from the door, hoping that his T.O, stayed inside the shop and was dismayed when he saw Lopez dying of laughter on the lawn. She had her phone out, and was struggling to breath. He was tempted to leave her there and drive away, but that would just piss her off.

"It's not that funny." He told her as he got back into the shop. He buttoned back his pants and tried to fix his uniform and fix his hair. That only set off Lopez once again into a laughing fit.

"This! This is great!" She giggled. "I could totally see it!"

"Hi, I'm Officer Sugar." Lopez lowered her voice in an attempt to mimic him. "I came here to arrest some naughty girls."

"Please don't send that to the others." He pleaded as he resumed his patrol.

"Too late boot." Lopez smirked as her fingers flew over her phone. "And you know how fast things like this go around."

He knew that fact. Cops were a bunch of gossips, but he couldn't claim to be innocent in that regard, since he also joined in when gossiping about their training officers. Surprisingly, it was Nolan and not Chen who was the most prolific gossip.

As he arrived for lunch, he could see they were already aware of his incident.

"Hi Officer Hottie." Lucy greeted him.

"I'll remember that when you respond to a noise complaint about a frat party." He replied.

"You think I'm hot enough to be a stripper?" Lucy teased him with a smile.

He ignored her and started eating his lunch. He could see the officers around still looking at him as they stared at their phones. He hoped the video Lopez recorded wouldn't be shown tomorrow morning by Grey at the briefing.

His second shift started in a more serious tone as he responded to a robbery in progress.

"7-adam-07" He called into the radio. "Responding to a 211."

He walked into the grocery and peeked in with weapon drawn. He saw two robbers in masks, the one with the blue jacket had a gun and the other one wore grey and appeared unarmed.

He retreated back and decided to wait for them to come out and called for back-up. "7-adam-07, I have an armed robbery in progress. Requesting backup."

The two robbers emerged from the grocery store and he immediately pointed his weapon at the one carrying a weapon.

"Police! Drop your weapon!" He ordered.

The two suspects looked at each other and ran.

"Get the other one!" He called out to Lopez she chased his suspect.

 He ran after the armed suspect as he quickly informed dispatch through the radio of his status. He ran closer to the suspect down and realized why the robber did not shoot his weapon. He could see the missing magazine from the gun.

The robber stumbled on a pothole and he used the opportunity and tackled the robber.

"Chill chill chill!" The robber suspect cried out as he jumped on top of him and secured his hands in cuffs within seconds.

"You're under arrest." He said to the robber as he controlled his breathing. He secured the unloaded weapon and pulled the robber to his feet and forced him to walk back to the shop.

Lopez was standing behind him and he widened his eyes in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I told you boot, I'm not here." Lopez replied calmly.

He pushed the suspect inside the shop as he used the radio. "7-adam-07, be advised, I have one suspect in custody. Remaining suspect has escaped. Wearing grey jacket, black pants. Last seen running along Keniston and Ninth."

"Confirmed, 7-adam-07."

He shook his head at his mistake, forgetting that he was alone and Lopez wouldn't do anything to lift a finger unless his life was in danger.

He booked the robber at the station and wrote the report while Lopez continued to read her magazine. He was a bit annoyed at himself as he finished the report and submitted it to Grey.

"You're too hard on yourself." Lopez suddenly spoke as he continued to read her magazine.


"That's your problem. You're expecting too much from yourself." Lopez. "You have to control your expectations, not everything is going to always go your way."

"I 'm just annoyed at myself. I forgot I was acting alone in a crucial situation."

"And yet you made the correct judgment call." Lopez folded the magazine and tossed it to the table. "You know why I brought that today?"

He looked at the magazine and shook his head.

"It's represents my confidence in you. I knew coming in to this stage of your training that you would breeze through it. You handled a variety of calls today and consistently decided on the correct course of action every time. Each one tested every aspect of your decision making and judgement, from the rude driver that ran to the red light, to the aggressive sorority girls and now to the robbery."

"I tried to make bets with Tim and Talia on the boot that would perform best today. Figured I'd get a few round of drinks for free, easy. They didn't want to take it, even Tim Bradford." Lopez patted him on the shoulder. "But don't let it get to your head. You're only halfway there."

He smiled and stared at Lopez as she left and looked at his watch. Shift had ended and he realized he had to cook tonight. Zoe wanted pasta.

"Heading out?" Nolan asked him at the locker room.

"Yeah." He replied, zipping up his jacket as he grabbed his helmet.

"Why don't you eat dinner with us?" Nolan suggested.

"I'm sorry John, I have to head to the grocery while their still open."

"What for?" Nolan looked confused.

"My date wants pasta."

The next morning he received a message from Nolan. Grey wanted them to shoot a recruitment video that would play in the televisions in front of the waiting area of the station. They started to shoot the video during their break, and their T.O.s generously gave them the needed time to shoot it.

They were given a simple script and prepared for the shoot as best as they can. He ironed out his uniform and polished his nameplate and even had a haircut and a proper shave from a barber. It was all for nothing though and he doubt the editors would be able to use anything as their shoot progressed in front of the station.

"Cut. Chen you're too nervous." The officer from computer forensics that was behind the camera called out.

"I'm sorry! It's just, they're all looking at us. It makes me nervous." Lucy pointed to the officers and staff watching their attempts with some amusement.

"My coffee has gone cold." Nolan complained, looking at their coffee used as props.


They reset to their starting marks and waited for the signal.


He approached the mark at the same time as Nolan who was carrying two cups of coffee.

"Good morning, Officer Nolan." He then turned to the camera and continued while he wore a friendly smile. "Ready for another day at the streets of Los Angeles?"

"Yup!" Nolan looked flustered, but it was better than the last two attempts. "Coffee?"

"No thank you." He replied and continued the cheesy line. "I get all the rush I need by making this beautiful city safer every single day."

Lucy then joined them on his other side, looking nervous. "And you will to, if you join the L.A.D.P. I mean P.D."

"Cut!" He could hear laughter from those watching, making Lucy even more nervous.

"Relax, you got this." He whispered to her as they moved back to their marks.

"But they're laughing at me!" He didn't know Lucy was camera shy. She was usually an extravert and the one that first initiated a conversation. Growing bored of the repeated takes, he decided to mess with the video shoot instead.


"Good morning officer Nolan." He turned to the camera, smiled and gave an exaggerated wink.

"Cut! Routh, stop flirting with the camera."

They didn't know how many takes I took, but they finally finished the recruitment video. What was a 30 second recruitment video took nearly 2 hours of repeated takes. He suspected the officer from forensics got bored and accepted the take with the least amount of mistakes.

Grey looked smug the next day as he showed the recruitment video they created. It even included some of the bloopers, causing the other officers to laugh hysterically. Even the captain was watching.

"L.A.'s finest." Grey joked as he paused the video and moved to the podium.

 "I know it looks rough, but this is Hollywood." Nolan tried to defend the quality of their shoot. "The guys can fix this in editing."

"Officer Bradford." Grey called out. "Would you like to do the honor?"

"I think that should go to Lopez, the whole thing was her idea anyway." Bradford replied.

He looked at his T.O. who was wearing a familiar smile on her face. Lopez smile number four. That meant….


"There is no promotional video." Lopez said, trying hard not to laugh.

"You got punked." Bishop added.

The whole room erupted in laughter as he shared resigned looks with his fellow rookies. Grey even brought out a bowl of popcorn and pressed play again on the remote.

The video continued, and he could see himself getting more bored as he started doing more outrageous things, like spins, slides and even a hop whenever he appeared on the frame. Lucy continued to complain while Nolan constantly asked if his make-up was fine.

They had no patrol today, and that explained for the relaxed atmosphere in the station. After playing the video, they headed to the bay where an expert was invited to learn more about the psychology of suicide bombers.

He was surprised at the dedication of the woman in her forties, as she even dressed up the part and purposely messed with her hair to make her looked more deranged. She had blocks of c4 strapped to her vest and what looked like a trigger in her hands.

"We're all going to die, right here, right now." The woman started her presentation.

She explained that she had ball bearings and other metals added in, soaked in her own filth to give secondary infections if the initial blast wouldn't kill them first. She challenged their operating procedures since she had a dead man's switch in her hand so they couldn't shoot her.

"The only way you can get out of this room, is if you talk me into giving up." The woman challenged the surrounding officers. "You only have ten words to do it."

He didn't believe that and started inching closer as soon as she turned away from him.

"Go!" She pointed out to Lucy who looked flustered and started introducing herself.

"Boom!" The woman called out as she let go of the switch. "They're your dental records."

"Bo—" The woman stopped as his hand grabbed her smaller ones and forced her thumb to remain on the switch with his own thumb.

"Look at you stud." The woman looked at him from head to toe. "Boom, I just detonated it manually with my other hand. You're buried in a shoebox."

He stepped back, feeling the demonstration was unfair. It was Nolan who finally reached her, with his compassionate words.

"I can only imagine the pain that you are feeling right now." Nolan told her.

"You just got ten more words." The redhead smiled. The woman continued to give Nolan more time to speak.

"Demonstration is over, let's meet at the briefing room in fifteen."

"Good try Routh." Bradford said to him as they left the bay.

He was surprised at the change in the redhead, as she wore a blouse and a leather jacket and brown pants, looking like she belonged in Washington than in L.A.

"So what did you all do wrong?" The woman asked once their lesson continued.

"Officer Chen, wasted her time introducing herself and then Officer Routh decided to skip words all together." The woman walked around the room as she pointed at him. "You nearly succeeded, but in real life you should have shot me in the head the moment you had control of my switch. Those few seconds matter."

The lesson continued, with the woman explaining the importance of maintaining rapport with a suspect, crucial for hostage negotiations. He wrote a few notes down as he found parts of the lesson gave him new insights in dealing with criminals.

Jesica Russo

"Oh my goodness I am so embarrassed." Sergeant Grey led her to his office after the lesson.

"Don't be." She replied as she sat on his couch. "If they knew how to do it, then you wouldn't have called me to come in and train them."

She always had a good working relationship with Grey when she was a field agent assigned in L.A. But then she wanted more freedom and decided to become a private consultant, though she still maintained her contacts with both the F.B.I. and the Homeland Security.

Writing her book and the sales it generated gave her a nice cushion to fall back on.

"How's Luna?" She asked. She noted Grey looked uncomfortable at the question.

"She's been pressuring me to retire." Grey admitted. "Dominique's now in college, so there are less and less of reasons to remain here."

"Then go ahead, do something new." She encouraged him. "You've done your twenty."

"What? What can I guy like me do?" Grey looked amused.

She smiled and moved to sit at his desk to get a better look at him. Men like Grey were a wealth of information and experience, having served as a cop and then watch commander for over twenty years in one of the busiest and dangerous cities in the country.

"Come work with me." She offered.

"You mean work for you." Grey corrected her.

"I'm not like that." She laughed. "The money's good. You have control of your own time, and make connections."

"I am nowhere near ready to make that decision, but I am tempted. If Luna heard your offer…"

"Perhaps I should call her." She teased.

"She'll kill me if she knew I declined your offer."

"If you changed your mind, the offer's still there." She told him. She looked around and spotted the three rookies she had looked up before she arrived at the station.

"How are the rookies?"

"They're getting there. Of course West washed out, but the remaining two are surpassing my expectations." Grey replied.

"I heard about West. The record breaker in the Academy. His performance on his first day was discussed in some circles despite his old man trying to keep a lid on it." She replied.

"He couldn't have anyone to blame but himself." Grey answered. "He raised his son in that manner and the expectations were too high. It was too much for Jackson. I heard he left the country to find himself in Europe."

"And what about the super rookie?" She looked closer at Routh who was seating in the bullpen talking to his training officer and Captain Andersen.

"The wild card." Grey smiled. "Sometimes I have trouble believing he's real. It's like he suddenly woke up the moment he graduated from the academy."

"I read his file. Average marks in the academy, but his academic career is impressive. I've seen the video of his lecture about the history of common phrasings we use today. He has a unique insight."

"Who would have thought the short end of the stick is also a toilet paper." Grey chuckled.

"I can tell you the F.B.I. is already drooling to get their hands on your rookie." She admitted. "Garza's just waiting until he completes his two years here and then intends to snatch him up."


"Routh impressed him when he personally caught the previously unknown serial killer that tried to escape from his watch." She replied.

"If you think that's impressive, then you should listen to him sing."


"He has a minor in music, and according to the captain, he's like a rock star on stage." Grey pulled out his phone. "Here, we had a little picnic at the beach. My daughter recognized him and asked him to play a song."

She watched his performance at the beach and was instantly smitten. "Do… do you have more?"

"Here, but I haven't fully watched the one that my daughter sent me. You know my taste in music is different." Grey played the other two videos.

Her mind raced at her discovery of this promising young man. It was a pity Jack Routh lacked the necessary qualifications to start at the academy right away.

She noticed the entire station suddenly woke up. Officers dropped they were doing and were rushing to the bay. Grey was looking at his phone as notifications came in.

"What's happening?"

"A prisoner transport bus just crashed. I'm mobilizing all units." He ran out of his office and she quickly followed him. She knew by now that she would be a hindrance and decided to stay at the bullpen and wait for new developments.

"Anything I can help you with?" She asked as Zoe Andersen, the station captain arrived at the bullpen.

"For now no. Maybe later with the profiling. There are seven escaped prisoners. One of them is armed." Andersen replied.

"I'll wait in the briefing room." She replied. She watched a temporary command post formed in the room, as information about the suspects and their faces was posted on the board. She studied each file and noted two that were particularly dangerous.

"Routh duked it out with a convict?"

She listened as a couple officers started to remove two pictures from the board.

"Yeah, a big guy. I heard it was a wrestling match as they rolled down the hill."

"At least he caught him, super rookie did it again."

"Wish I could see the body cam footage."


 Routh was already making a difference so early in his career. Thirty minutes later, the situation has changed again. She had to admire the efficiency of Andersen's station. The one she considered the most dangerous of the escaped convicts, Oscar Hutchinson was finally recaptured by Routh and his T.O.

There were now four remaining suspects missing. In the next hour, two more were captured and the chief of police asked her to lend her expertise to catch the last two. Profiling.

She studied the information on the two remaining suspects on the board. 

Twenty-four year old Marcus Gibson of the 54th street gang and he was a member since he was fourteen.

The other fugitive, Caleb Jost was more dangerous of the two. He was an investment banker, smart and ruthless, and she remembered it took the FBI a month catch him.

She gave her briefing, her eyes roving over Routh for a moment.

Officer Bradford looked unimpressed with her predictive analytics approach, and immediately shut him down by talking about his inexperience and narrow minded view. She had no time for macho bullshit.

"How's it going?" Andersen approached her once the officers were dismissed, though she asked for Lopez and Bishop to stay behind with their rookies to assist in the profiling.

She removed her hand from Routh's back as she watched him review a list of possible family members Jost could reach out to and straightened her jacket.

"Slowly. Hopefully we can catch the other two before tomorrow and the media makes a circus out of it." She replied.

"I think I have a possible location." Routh suddenly reported.

She immediately went to lean on Routh's left shoulder to take a closer look at the monitor, while Andersen went to do the same on his right.

"What is it?" She placed her hand on his shoulder again as a pretense of looking closer at the screen. She didn't need to, she had 20/20 vision. She just wanted to know how Routh smelled like. Was that cologne?

"I ran a name of Caleb's relatives against dispatch calls. There's a wellness check for his ex-wife's aunt's house. Here is the address."

"Good work Routh." She squeezed her shoulder and turned to Bishop and Nolan. Garza was right, he would be perfect for the F.B.I. "Why don't you to follow that lead."

"Yes mam." Nolan looked happy to assist. It was obvious the rookie was star struck by her. 

Thirty minutes later and she heard confirmation from Nolan that Caleb was in the house. They were able to subdue him before he was able to remove his hidden stash located in the chimney. He was standing inside the fireplace, his head stuck in the chimney when Nolan and Bishop came in and cornered him. The man had no choice but to surrender, though he offered to bribe them to let him go.

 "Last one." She smiled in satisfaction. She heard reports of Marcus Gibson's location from dispatch, and she knew it was only a matter of time before he was caught. 

She wanted to have fun tonight and invite Routh for dinner, but Grey told her Luna was expecting her at their house. Pity. It had been a long time since she had a romp in the hay with a younger stud.

Zoe Andersen

She stormed into her boyfriend's apartment and realized he was taking a shower. She immediately stripped her clothes and joined him in that stall.

"Hey." He greeted her.

She immediately kissed him, forcing her tongue inside his mouth and started to stroke his hardening penis. She roughly grabbed his hair as her other hand squeezed his butt.

"Mine." She growled.

It had been a challenge not to lash out at their expert. She noticed Jessica Russo had called her boyfriend a stud when she first saw him. She didn't miss the stolen looks either. Her boyfriend remained professional and kept his distance, but the older woman was obviously attracted to Jack and was making her moves all throughout the day.

The bitch practically draped herself over Jack like a lover inside the mobile command unit provided by the F.B.I. but she was able to control her emotions. As soon as she left the station, she wanted to mark her territory once more and claim him as her and hers alone.

"Come here." She gasped as she led him outside the shower. Their bodies dripping with water left a trail as she led him to the couch.

"Zoe?" She heard Jack call out to her, but her mind was filled with a red haze of jealousy.

She kneeled on the floor in front of the TV and leaned forward. She pressed her cheek on the floor and used both her hands top spread out her ass, showing Jack her asshole.

"Fuck me in the ass." She ordered, staring at him from her position.

"Zoe what's happening?" Jack asked.

"Do it now." She demanded. "I don't care if you don't have lube."

She had not yet experienced anal sex before, but she was determined to give her anal virginity to Jack tonight. No bitch would take him away from her.

He felt the tip of his cock first spread her pussy lips wide and enter her there first. She moaned as she felt the pleasure of his dick inside her as he fucked her for over a minute. He then left her cunt and she felt his penis poking at her anus.

"Take me." She panted. "Claim my ass Jack."

She let go of her ass once she felt Jack's hands on her waist and moved her arms in front of her to gain some leverage. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and winced as she felt his penis start to penetrate her tight puckered ring.

Pain flashed on her body but she ignored it as she gritted her teeth, and she felt tears build up in her eyes from the pain but she refused to let them fall. Who said anal sex was pleasurable was stupid.

"Oh Gods." She moaned in pain as continued forward. Her nails scratched the wooden floor as she tried to hold on to anything. "More! Put it all in my ass!"

"Fuck!" She screamed as Jack finally bottomed out inside her. She could feel her organs shift inside her and she felt bloated.

"It's in Zoe." Jack whispered to her. "I'm in your ass. It's so tight and warm."

"You're so fucking big." She replied through clenched teeth. "Fuck my ass Love."

"Yes dear." Jack replied and she could feel him moving.

She grunted every time he thrust inside her, but the pain was slowly being replaced by pleasure. She gasped as she felt Jack's fingers play with her clit. "Yes, that's it! Harder!"

Jessica must have her ass fucked several times. She gave her anal virginity to Jack. He was her first. She didn't cum, although she felt pleasure when she felt the surge of heat as Jack came inside her. She fell down on the floor, and Jack fell with her, his penis still lodged in her ass.

"What was that for?" Jack asked once they got their breathing under control.

"I got jealous." She shared as she turned her head and allowed Jack to kiss her neck.

"Of Russo?" 

"I was seething inside when she started to put her hands all over you." She admitted.

"She was bit touchy with me." Jack replied, showing he also noticed her advances. "You know I just ignored it and tried to be professional."

"You did, and I'm so proud of you." She replied. "That's why I asked you to fuck me in the ass. I wanted to show you that you belong to me, and I to you."


"When what?" She asked.

"When do you want to get married?" He asked her.

She couldn't believe what she had just heard. She felt him trying to reach for something on the coffee table.

"It's a good thing you're not a snooper." Jack whispered to her ear as he remained on top of her. She saw an opened box appear beside her head, containing an intricately crafted ring made of silver and gold. There were no diamonds or other precious stones, but to her it was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

"Jack." She felt tears form in her eyes, this time not due to pain. "It's beautiful."

"Will you marry me Zoe Andersen?" He asked.

She shivered in pleasure as she suddenly remembered her current predicament. "Did you just propose to me while your dick is still buried inside my ass?"

"I am." She could hear the amusement in his voice. "I decided that I didn't like not seeing you every day when I started night shift patrol. I missed sleeping beside you. I want to be with you because I love you. And I want to mark you as mine as well. So will you marry me Captain?"

 She laughed as she took the ring from the box and placed it on her ring finger in her left hand. It was a perfect fit as she admired the intricate design of the ring. It looked like it was weaved using bands of silver and gold.

"Yes, yes I will marry you, you bastard." She laughed and cried as she turned her head as much as she could and kissed her fiancé. She felt his dick harden inside her ass and she stopped kissing him as it caused a strain on her neck.

They quickly separated and headed to the still running shower to wash up to continue their activities on the bed.

Jack was sleeping peacefully in one of their usual positions after sex, with her using his chest as a pillow as she listened to his heartbeat. His soft penis rested inside her sex, they had fucked for several rounds, the intensity overwhelming her every time she reached her climax. There was a new dimension to their love making and she absolutely loved it.

She stared at the ring at her hand, giddy with excitement and happiness. She was engaged! She couldn't wait for the future. However, as much as she wanted to show off her ring, she needed to keep it hidden for now. She decided she would hoop it around her neck with a silver chain, to serve as a necklace.

The next morning, she tasted a glimpse of married life with her fiancé as he prepared breakfast in bed for her. She was all smiles as she entered the station, wearing her favorite white dress. She even hummed the tune she from the first ever piece of music she heard from Jack when he first moved in her apartment building.

Today was a test dreaded by most of her officers, but she was confident they would pass the week long test prepared by I.A.

She walked down the stairs and stopped at the halfway landing and leaned on the rail.

"Can I have your attention?" She called out to the bullpen. Immediately all activity stop as every cop turned towards her. She liked this dress because it allowed her to show a bit of her cleavage, displaying her new necklace and the precious ring that dangled between her breasts. "Everyone, gather up."

She saw her fiancé who was sitting inside the briefing room head to the bullpen, and they locked gazes for a brief moment.

"Listen up. Internal Affairs will be conducting random integrity tests this week." She announced. "I.A. officers will be spending the week pretending to be criminals, so they can analyze how we treat them. We call them reversals."

She noticed Lopez and Bradford rolling their eyes at her announcement. "Do you think this is a joke, Officer Lopez? Officer Bradford?"

"No ma'am." They both replied immediately.

"Good, because I take it very seriously." She looked around and observed her officers. "Because if you have to change your behavior because of these reversals, we have a problem. My officers do things the right way, every day. Is that understood?"

"Yes mam." Her police officers responded.

"Dismissed." She climbed up back the stairs and to her office as the officers returned to their duties. She was confident they would pass, she ran a tight ship. According to Grey, the latest batch of rookies, including her fiancé, was one of the best performing batch of rookies he'd seen in years.

She returned to deal with paperwork, but her mind wandered, thinking of possibilities that could allow her and Jack to announce their engagement and relationship without dealing with the conflict of interest issue. She wondered who she could consult with this delicate matter.