Chereads / Waking up in a TV Show / Chapter 11 - Moonlighting

Chapter 11 - Moonlighting

Episode 11

Jack Routh

"Hey, officer! You're him right?" He ignored the man and hurried to follow Lopez on foot patrol.

"Hey, man! Don't ignore me!"

The man grabbed his shoulder, and he shrugged the hand off and confronted the man.

"Sir, I'm currently on patrol. Approach me like that again, and I'll have you arrested." He threatened.

"Jeez, man! Chill!" The heckler backed off and he continued to follow Lopez. She didn't want anything to do with what he was currently experiencing and decided it was easier to walk several feet ahead of him.

His newfound fame as the hero cop who saved Taylor Swift from a kidnapping was proving more difficult to deal with than he previously thought. He expected the public attention on him would fade, but it had already been three days.

Photographers followed him for a time on his first day, causing Lopez to get pissed as she grew paranoid at the cars that followed their shop.

"This isn't working out, boot." Lopez told him an hour later as he pushed a man arrested for public intoxication inside their shop. The man's friends continued to take stolen selfies with him and they only stopped when he went back inside the shop.

"Can I have your autograph?" The drunk in the back asked.

"You're right." As much as he hated to admit it, his T.O. was right. He became a public figure, and that made his authority as a law enforcement officer pushed aside because of his fame.

"If you're thinking this will pass soon, then you're wrong." Lopez told him on the way back to the station. "You saved the most famous pop idol in the world from kidnapping. This will take at least weeks to blow over."

"What should I do?" He asked.

"Lie low for now. Let's see if we can figure out something." Lopez suggested. He had to admire his T.O.'s determination to continue his training. He quickly processed the drunk and left in the holding cell when they received a request from Bishop for help on guard duty.

"Perfect." Lopez smiled. "You up for guarding a dead body boot?"

At the moment he felt dealing with the dead was better than the living and followed Lopez back to the shop. They headed to the bus station where a dead body was discovered. Bishop and Nolan were first on the scene, but they were requested for additional support due to the volume of people in the station.

He found the area quickly and found Bishop dealing with an irate man who demanded to use the bathroom.

He was hoping from foot to foot, barely holding the urge to pee.

"Sir, this is a crime scene." Bishop told the man. "Find someplace else to go."

"But this is an emergency!" The man insisted.

"What kind of emergency?" Lopez asked as she stood beside Bishop.

"Mathematical, 32-ounce smoothie and a 16-ounce bladder." The man snapped.

"Sir, why don't you use the women's bathroom? We'll make sure it's empty first." Nolan offered.

"But that's the women's bathroom! I'm not a woman." The man argued.

"You will be, if you don't shut up." Lopez replied.

"You don't have a choice, unless you want to pee in your pants." He added.

"Very well." The man sighed and left with Nolan.

"Thank god you're here." Bishop told Lopez. "It's like were invisible to people that needed to go. We had to deal with an entire bus full of tourists that barely speak any English."

"My boot's encountering difficulties in patrol." Lopez shared. "I figured he needed a more stationary assignment to let him calm his nerves."

"That's the downside of being famous." Bishop remarked. "We'll be here for a while."

As the two T.O.s exchanged theories about the homicide to pass the time, he avoided any eye contact with the public and stood behind the two women. Nolan finally joined after a few minutes, the rookie cop looking bewildered.

"What happened?" He asked.

"What a strange man." Nolan said. "The man I escorted earlier, he had a public restroom kit."

"A what?"

"A public restroom kit, for when he uses a public bathroom." Nolan explained.

"What did the kit contain?" He couldn't help but ask.

"He showed it to me, one item at a time." Nolan replied. "Let's see, there was a roll of toilet paper, rubber gloves, Purel, air freshener, noise-canceling headphones, a danger whistle…"

"Danger whistle?" He grinned.

"Yeah, then a pepper spray and get this, a multi-language occupied sign… I think there's more." Nolan continued. "I think the man has germophobia."

"Most likely. You have to admire his preparations." He replied.

"It was extensive and his kit was meticulously packed in his backpack. It even had his name embroidered on the bag." Nolan shared. "A doctor Sheldon Cooper."

They stood around for more than an hour when suddenly several police vehicles arrived along with a large van.

"What the hell." He heard Nolan whisper as Jessica Russo arrived with several officers and medical personnel behind her,

"Hey. You stepped in a bit of a wasp nest." Russo said when she reached them looking worried. "Did any of you touch the body?"

"He did, with gloves on to get the wallet." Bishop pointed to Nolan who raised his hand.

"Is that all that you touched?" Russo asked.

"Yes, why?" Nolan answered. "You're freaking me out."

More medical personnel arrived and moved past them, wearing PPE gear complete with masks and face shields.

"That's an active crime scene." Bishop told the men wearing personal protective equipment.

"That's secondary right now." Russo replied as another woman approached them.

She introduced herself as Dr. Morgan from the Center for Disease Control. She asked again if Nolan came into contact with the dead man's mouth, saliva or any bodily fluids. Thankfully Nolan followed protocol and did not come into contact with any of those mentioned by the doctor.

"No sign of infection" A man wearing PPE told them as he finished inspecting the body.

He grew more concerned as Russo shared more details. There was a plan to launch a biological attack on the city, and the perpetrators were being tracked by the Department of Homeland Security. The dead man was apparently part of the terrorist cell, and their call to dispatch with the man's name triggered alarms for multiple intelligence agencies.

The CDC agents made them take an hour-long hot shower as a precaution, and then joined the briefing with the rest of the officers. Zoe and Grey watched the briefing from the side, as Jessica Russo, now working with DHS and Dr. Morgan of CDC gave them further information. It was all hands on deck as this was a genuine threat to the city.

He knew other stations were conducting the same briefing in search of the terrorist cell that believed the city of Los Angeles represented all that was evil in the country. The weapon they planned to release was a virus, a weaponized strain of hemorrhagic fever, causing one to bleed and never stop. It was highly infectious, as Dr. Morgan showed on the screen pictures of people bleeding from their eyes, nose ears and mouths.

Any contact with any bodily fluid from a carrier can cause infection since the virus has a short incubation period. It had an extremely high fatality rate of 90%, far higher than smallpox at 30% and Ebola at 50%.

If it was treated, the 90% could be lowered to a 60% fatality rate according to Dr. Morgan.

There was an experimental vaccine on the way from Atlanta, but they only had 200 doses. That was nowhere near the numbers needed if an outbreak occurred in the city. Grey assigned them roles to ID the one that killed Corey, the name of the dead person found in the bus station men's room.

"This is extremely sensitive." Captain Andersen looked around the room. "We can't risk this getting out to the public. That being said, you can warn your families to stay out of populated areas, but remember, no details."

Almost everyone pulled out their phones as the Officers started to call their loved ones. Lucy was already speaking with her mother, while Bradford was speaking with someone but told the person on the phone that he couldn't reveal anything else.

He got behind the wheel of the shop as he prepared to move out with Lopez. She was quiet, holding her phone in her hand with a conflicted look on her face.

"Are you going to call Wesley?" He asked.

"I want to." She replied. "But I don't know if I can trust him to keep his mouth shut. This is the kind of civil liberties issue he gets on his soapbox about."

"But what happens if something did happen, and you didn't warn him?"

Angela stared at him, her eyes tearing up as she finally called her boyfriend.

"Hey it's me, I'm sorry but I can't make it tonight…"

His T.O. remained silent, listening to Wesley's reply.

"Yeah, I'm disappointed too… I'll call you later." She blinked back tears and ended the call.

"I couldn't risk it." Angela stared at him. He couldn't judge her, since he didn't know what he would do when placed in the same situation. He gave her a nod of support as they left the station to investigate their assigned list of bus passengers.

If Wesley was told, and he rebelled and revealed the situation as was his character, the news would create panic in the city that would only make it harder for them to catch the terrorists. The terrorists would also learn that the authorities were hunting them and would release the virus in a panic.

 Not to mention the lives that would surely be lost as people start to panic, and that could easily rise to the thousands because word of the biological attack leaked out.

They arrived at the address and he knocked on the door. "Police!"

A black man opened the door, scowling at him. "Took you long enough, the bag's in here."

"Sir, we're here about the bus you took from Phoenix." He replied.

"No kidding! I called you about the bag." The man exclaimed.

"And what bag is that?" Lopez asked.

"I thought it was mine on the bus, I picked it up by accident since they were the same color and design. Noticed as soon as I got home, and called right away." The man picked up the gray backpack and placed it on his bed. "Still took you guys like six hours to get here."

"Sir, we're not here because of the bag." He informed the man.

"So you mean you don't have mine?" The man looked annoyed. "My laptop's in there. This one just had some weird science equipment."

He immediately shared a worried look with Lopez. His T.O. immediately got on her radio.

"Control, this is 7-adam-07, patch me to the task force."

"Sir, did you touch anything in the bag?" He asked, as he started to put on gloves.

"Yeah, I cut my finger going through it, looking for an address."


"Some kind of broken vial." The man showed his cut finger. The wound looked infected. "It won't stop bleeding."

The man suddenly started coughing, and then he coughed blood, some of which hit his jacket.

"You okay boot?" Lopez asked from the messy living room.

There was a good chance he was already infected, so he ignored her question. "I'm fine Ma'am. Just stay out there."

Lopez seemed to sense something was wrong and he gave her a look. He noticed how her eyes widened as she saw him wearing gloves in his hands with their host dripping blood from his mouth.

"What's happening?" The man asked as he stared at his now blood-stained shirt.

He immediately closed the door, cutting off what his T.O. was about to say. He couldn't risk the virus from spreading.

"It's okay, there's a bad case of Flu going around. He started walking around the room to check if the windows were secure. He nodded in approval to see there were grills barely wide enough for a man to fit through.

"We were warned this morning on roll call." He continued, trying to keep calm so the man wouldn't panic.

"Why'd you lock the door?" The man asked.

"My training officer, she's got a weak resistance to the flu. I didn't want her catching it, since she'll make my training harder if she gets sick." He explained as he removed his jacket. He could only hope the blood was on the jacket and the droplets did not touch his skin but he knew it was highly likely he was already infected.

"We wait here for the doctors and medicine to arrive." He continued. "Was someone here with you today?"

"Nah my kid's with my ex."

"Do you have cold medicine?" Perhaps if the man started taking that, maybe he could survive.


"Go take it."

"I'm coughing up blood." The man complained.

"That's what they told us in roll call about this strain of flu." He replied as he rolled up the jacket. He started removing his uniform as well, revealing the body armor and white shirt he wore underneath.

"Right now, my T.O. is radioing for an ambulance. Go take your medicine." He ordered.

The man went to the bathroom and followed his instructions.


He heard Lopez through the door and approached it so he could hear her better. "Yes?"

"Damn you Routh. CDC is on its way. You idiot."

"Thanks." He replied and started cleaning his face and neck with wipes. He stared at the wipes and saw the red stains on the surface. Fuck.

Zoe Andersen

"He what?" Her fists clenched when she heard Lopez through the phone.

"We didn't know the man was already infected." Lopez replied. "I just heard him coughing up blood, and the next thing I know Jack told me to stay out and closed the door and locked it."

"Thank you." She started shaking when the call ended and collapsed on her chair. She stared at their picture together on her desk and willed herself to focus. She needed to be strong in this time of crisis. Her fiancé might have just prevented an outbreak and saved the city. He made the right decisions, but she was still mad.

"The vaccine's on its way." She looked up to see Jessica Russo standing by the door to her office. "What Jack did was incredibly foolish, but also brave."

"He'll get through this." She nodded her head. She knew he would, because she simply could not comprehend what would happen if the experimental vaccine didn't work and he died. Jack prevented one attack, now it was up to her and the rest of her officers to catch the men responsible.

She gathered herself and headed to the bullpen where the large FBI team was stationed, searching for the terrorists. She was following up reports from the other boots on the ground when an FBI analyst identified one of the suspects.

"Our terrorist is Jimmy Roskin, age 31." The analyst stated. "Arrested on a hate crime eight months ago, but it didn't stick."

"Okay, run his photo against the cameras around the bus station." Russo suggested. She would do the same, and from there they could track his movements. "Also run a search on known associates."

She received word that they confirmed a first infection, one of the bus passengers from earlier. Luckily he was safely contained by the responding CDC agents.

Angela Lopez

She would beat her boot's ass the next time she saw him. How dare he sacrifice himself for her?

She paced around the living room, her head filled with thoughts of what she would do to Jack once he got better. She would make him eat a ghost pepper, then put itching powder inside his motorcycle helmet. She would make him run while they were on patrol, and force him to wear the hated officer's hat until he graduated from probation. She'd sick the captain on him every time he made a mistake and would eat a bowl of popcorn and watch as he was given a dressing down by his fiancé. Yes, that is what she would do the next time she would see him.

She looked out the window as CDC vans and police vehicles arrived on the scene. Men in yellow protective gear and masks jumped out and headed to the door.

The door opened and she saw Dr. Morgan, covered from head to toe in protective gear approach her.

"Officer Lopez, can you tell me what happened?" The CDC doctor asked.

"The bus passenger grabbed the wrong bag, and the virus must be in it, since he coughed up blood in front of my rookie." She explained, her heart jumping when she saw the men place protective plastic sheets on the door frame. "Routh told me to stay out then locked the door."

"Did any blood get on you?" Dr. Morgan asked.

"No." She replied. "I was too far away, and before I realized what happened, Routh locked me out."

"Smart man." Dr. Morgan commented and approached the door. "Officer Routh, this is Doctor Morgan from CDC. How are you doing?"

"Hi, doc." She heard Jack's voice from the door. "I'm fine, Mr. Langston's struggling a bit, I made him take some cold medicine."

"Can you describe his condition?"

"He started coughing up blood, around 20 minutes ago. Now he has a nosebleed."

"Where's the vaccine?" She asked.

"Still in the air. It should land in about an hour or so." Dr. Morgan replied. She turned around and faced the door once more. "Officer Routh, can I put you to work while you wait?"

"You want me to check the bag Doc?" She knew her boot was Sharp since day one.

"That would be great." Dr. Morgan replied.

"I could use my Bodycam and transmit the feed to Officer Lopez's phone, so you can what I see" Routh offered.

"That's even better." She was confident Dr. Morgan was smiling underneath that mask, judging by how her eyes gleamed.

 She watched as Routh inspected the bag with his collapsible baton and saw a bunch of vials, one of them broken. There was a blue bottle as well.

"What's that bottle?" Dr. Morgan asked.

"It looks like a delivery device, with a misting fan." Jack reported.

"I think you're right." Dr. Morgan replied. "There's a growth medium in the bottle, add a virus to it, then spray it in a crowd. Droplets land on people's faces… infect them through their mouth and nose. It's as low-tech as you can get."

She watched as Dr. Morgan called the station and informed them of the terrorist's plan to disperse the virus.

"Great, now what about Jack?" She asked.

"All we can do is wait." The doctor replied.

She heard a sound on the door and heard a muffled sound and something heavy hit the floor. "Jack? What's wrong?"

She turned to the Dr. Morgan. "Get me in there."

"I'm sorry, quarantine protocols are in place." The woman from the CDC replied. "I can't let you go in."

She cursed and paced in front of the door.

"I'm okay." She heard her boot. "Langton's tried to escape through a gap in the bars of the window. "I tased him and handcuffed him to his bed."

"Good." She replied. This was the longest day of her entire life.

Zoe Anderson

"Understood, we will send that information out right away. Good work. Please keep me posted" 

She watched as Russo received a call from Dr. Morgan who was now with Jack, waiting for the vaccine to arrive.

"Jack inspected the bag, and discovered how the terrorists are planning to disperse the virus." Russo said to her. "Your man's a real asset to this country."

"I know." She replied. "How's Jack?"

"It's too soon to tell." She replied.

"I got something." Nolan called out.

They clustered around his table where he sat with an FBI analyst. They had traced Roskin to a gas station near the bus station with a stolen car, and by the latest heading he was headed to the freeway or using the side streets to avoid it.

"Canvass the area." She ordered. "I'm sending all available units to help in a grid search."

After an hour, Bradford and Chen had found a lead on the suspect and their target, LAX. The FBI coordinated with all division captains and started to monitor all roads that led to the airport. She allowed Grey to head there to coordinate with the other units while she remained at the station, still anxious about Jack and the vaccine.

"It's here." Russo told her. "The plane from Atlanta just landed. The vaccine should be on its way to Officer Routh. Why don't you head there? I'll keep an eye out here."

"Thank you, Jessica." She meant that. She quickly grabbed her jacket and ran to the parking bay.

She just arrived at the location, just in time. The CDC was taking down the plastic sheets to let Jack out of the room. She saw him, clad in his white undershirt and vest surrounded by agents in hazmat suits.

She saw Lopez staring from afar and joined her. They remained silent, trying to listen to what Dr. Morgan was discussing with Jack. He looked fine, though she noticed his shirt was soaked in sweat.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked. Her voice was muffled by the protective layers she wore, but she could still hear her clearly.

"Not bad, all things considering." Jack looked behind him and she noticed a white sheet covering a body. Only his arm was sticking out, still cuffed to the bed. She knew that was Langston, who had been exposed to the virus hours earlier.

"You're right at the edge of what we think is the incubation window. So the fact that you're not showing any symptoms doesn't suck. But we're going to give you this vaccine just to make sure."

"It's experimental." Dr. Morgan explained and injected Jack with the vaccine on his upper right arm. "So we're just going to wait and see what happens. Maybe nothing, maybe you grow horns, but for now, I say you might have dodged a bullet."

She breathed a sigh of relief. She felt a hand holding hers, and noticed she had held hands with Lopez without realizing it. Jack looked at her and she gave him a relieved smile. Her man wasn't going to die.

She didn't bother to complain when she was asked to stay in the isolation tent with Lopez. They endured the silkworm showers for decontamination, and waited on their cots without sleeping.

"I'm sorry Captain, but I'm going to kick Routh's butt later." Lopez told her while they rested.

"Get in line Lopez. Jack has to learn there are consequences for risking his life." She replied. Jack was in another isolation tent at the other end of the yard under observation. So far he hadn't developed any symptoms of the virus, and Dr. Morgan was confident he would be fine.

"That idiot didn't even hesitate." Lopez shook her head. "He just slammed the door and locked me out."

"He did the right thing." She replied. "But that doesn't mean he will get out of any punishment from us."

"No he won't" Lopez agreed.

She received news that Bishop, Nolan, Bradford and Chen were able to take down the remaining terrorists. Bradford used the pit maneuver on the stolen blue car after a short chase, and the crash incapacitated the two terrorists.

The tent door zipped open, revealing Dr. Morgan without her PPE gear smiling at them. "You're good to go."

They just stepped out on the lawn to see the Bishop and Bradford and their two rookies walking towards them. Morning had arrived, and she didn't even realize she had spent the whole night inside that small tent.

"Good job. I heard you saved the day." Lopez told Bradford. "Good job on that pit maneuver."

"It was a team effort." Bradford replied, looking around. "Where's your boot? I heard he saved the day too."

"He's still resting, but he's going to be alright." She answered for Lopez.

"That's good news." Chen looked relieved. "What now?"

"24 hour observation at the CDC" She answered. She saw Jack stepping out of the other isolation tent and rushed to him, pity she couldn't hug or hit him yet.

"There he is." Nolan commented. "Look at him, finding excuses to show off his muscles."

Jack glanced at them for afar. "Did you guys get some sleep?"

"Idiot." Lopez shook her head. "Prepare your ass to be kicked hard boot."

She watched as Jack suddenly collapsed on the lawn. Dr. Morgan and the other CDC staff reacted quickly and immediately surrounded him. She tried to run towards him, but realized Lopez and Bishop were holding her back.

"Jack!" She called out, trying to wake him up.

"Everyone, stay back." Dr. Morgan ordered.

 Jack was quickly put on a stretcher and carried to an ambulance. She climbed on the ambulance and held his hand. The ambulance took off, and she struggled for a moment to regain her balance.

"Is it the virus?" She asked.

"There's no bleeding." The doctor replied. "It looks like a severe reaction from the vaccine we gave him."

Jack started to convulse and she realized she was screaming.

"He's going into anaphylactic shock! Get me epinephrine!" The doctor shouted.

 Jack was given an injection, but it took her and two other CDC agents and the EMT to hold him down. Once the epinephrine was injected, he immediately stopped convulsing and his breathing became more regular.

"That's why it was still in the experimental stage." The CDC doctor commented as she wiped her forehead.

"So he's going to be fine?" She asked, while stroking Jack's hair in the hope that it will give him some comfort.

"He will be. We just need to observe him for 24 hours." The doctor assured her.

She looked at Jack and noticed he was staring to wake up. His eyes opened and he looked disoriented.

"Hey." She smiled as she held his hand. "You scared me back there."

"What happened?" Jack asked. Immediately the doctor started checking on his pulse and breathing.

"You suffered an allergic reaction to the vaccine." The doctor replied. "What was the last thing you remember?"

"I just got out of the isolation tent." He replied. "Then I felt dizzy."

"That's normal." The doctor sat back, and she took it as a good sign that Jack was stable. Suddenly they both heard gunshots.

"Get down!" She called out, pulling Jack with her to the floor of the ambulance. Bullet holes appeared where the doctor and the other CDC agents were, and one of the lights turned off as it shattered, raining bits of plastic on them.

What was happening now?


Angela Lopez

She took cover behind a pillar as a woman with an assault rifle continued to fire on their shops. It all happened so quickly, and if it were not for Nolan, they would have been caught completely by surprise.

That split second warning allowed her to duck as the windows of her shop shattered from the bullets. She got out of her shop and took cover behind the engine.

"Covering!" She yelled and shot several rounds when she noticed Nolan was moving, but the woman kept moving between pillars.

"Moving!" Nolan called out.

She spotted Nolan trying to get to the medical staff hit by the woman's bullets, but they couldn't get a proper vantage point on her.

Bradford covered for one of the victims as Chen dragged her out of harm's way. She heard a metallic noise and saw the woman discard an empty magazine and inserted a new one to her weapon.

Nolan fired a couple of rounds, but missed the woman by inches. It only served to attract her attention and aimed her weapon at him. He was caught in the open without any cover to hide from. He was trying to pull out a spare magazine from his duty belt, and that meant he ran out of bullets.

The door to the ambulance suddenly opened, and out came the pair of the captain and her boot, both with weapons in hand.

The captain shot first and hit the woman on the shoulder, while her boot's shot hit the woman squarely in the back.

Nolan quickly pushed the rifle out the woman's reach, as she moaned in pain from her injury.

"Suspect in custody!" Nolan called out. She stood up and headed to the suspect, who was still breathing.

"Doctor! I need some help over here!"

Their attacker was wheeled away as a doctor started treating her injuries. More medical personal rushed to the scene and began treating the victims.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"I just received a call from Russo." The captain gathered them around. She looked much better compared to earlier, and she knew the reason for that was Jack who was standing beside her.

"That woman was part of the terrorist cell." She was looking for revenge, and it looks like she targeted Shaw Memorial.

"It could have gone worse if it weren't here." Bradford replied.

She watched as Routh was guided to a special room for observation by CDC agents and decided to hitch a ride back with Tim to the station. This whole biological terrorist attack really drained her.

She hoped the next few weeks would be calmer.

 "Wow." Wesley looked around, he looked impressed when he arrived at her house a week later. "Did you get a cleaning service."

"No, I did it myself." She didn't mention her rookie who gave her a hand and helped clean out the trash inside her house. She would never forget the look of horror in Jack's face when he first saw the state of her house. It wasn't that bad, she was sure Jack was just exaggerating his reactions to tease her.

It was his punishment for doing the stunt that he did last week, trying to noble. The captain approved of it but she didn't share with her the punishment she gave to her fiancé.

"You cleaned and organized everything by yourself?" Wesley dragged a finger at a cabinet that she normally wouldn't be able to see, and her finger came out clean. "I don't believe you."

"Fine." She replied. "Jack came here over the weekend and helped out."

"Now that's more believable."

"It was his punishment." She explained.

"You punished your rookie for saving your life and preventing a deadly virus from spreading to the city?"

"His fiancé agreed with it." She replied.

They had an epic fight a day after the terrorist plot was resolved, and as predicted Wesley went ballistic. It lasted throughout the whole morning, each unwilling to back down from their beliefs. The matter was only resolved when she visited her rookie who was still under 24 hour observation by the CDC at Shaw Memorial that he finally calmed down. To his credit, he still came with her despite being mad, since he also considered Jack a friend and a client.

He had spoken to Jessica Russo of DHS by accident when they met her visiting her boot. The drive back, he finally admitted that he was way out of his league when he realized the number of threats the country faced on a daily basis. The make-up sex afterwards was one she would always remember.

Dinner was much more pleasant. She noticed the difference in behavior in her boyfriend with the big changes in her house. He was more relaxed, less stressed and was even asked if he could spend the night with her. Next morning he even initiated early morning sex, and she decided right then as he gave her oral sex that if all it took to be treated like this was to maintain the cleanliness of her house, she would do it.

She would be the drill sergeant of cleanliness, the watch commander of order, the captain of vacuuming and… she blanked out as she reached her climax.

"We still have time." Wesley nibbled on her ear. "Do you want to shower together?"

Zoe Andersen

She was nearly late for the meeting with Chief Williams. Jack was relentless with her as he ravaged her body after she handed out her own punishment. Tying him up all night and doing all manner of depraved things to her fiancé made Jack more dominant and assertive for the rest of the week.

She started to line her panties with a thicker liner, as Jack always insisted in depositing a fresh batch of his semen inside her cunt or ass, just as she was about to leave for the station. He told her he enjoyed watching her fidget in place, as she presided over meetings or gave out announcements during roll call, knowing that her cunt was full of his semen at that very moment. Perhaps she went overboard with her punishment.

They also had an upcoming golf match to consider. She had a feeling Jack was doing something behind her back so that he would win against their match.

"Captain Andersen!" Chief Williams greeted her and gestured for her to have a seat. She adjusted her skirt as she took a seat, feeling some of Jack's cum leak out.

"You told me this was important?" He would normally not ask her to come, as most of his orders came through the phone or sent by his aides through the system.

"Yes, we're just waiting for Mayor Stevens." Chief Williams replied. "And there he is."

She looked over her shoulder to see the mayor shaking hands with several police officers on his way to the meeting room. With the mayor were members of the city council and she realized how important this meeting was. She recognized the two council members that accompanied Mayor Stevens, but she couldn't remember their names.

"Zoe!" Mayor Stevens greeted her as she and the chief stood up when he entered the room.

"Mayor Stevens." She gave a nod of greeting and turned to the council members behind the mayor. "Good morning, council members."

"I'm sorry for calling you in such short notice, but I had to call you when I read the report on that terrorist attack. I needed some clarifications with what I read, and I want to hear it from someone not from the Feds or CDC, who had been there on the ground. No sugar coating."

"Certainly sir." She replied. "What is it do you want to know?"

"The terrorist plot with this weaponized virus. How close were we to a full blown outbreak?"

"Very close." She tried to think of an appropriate answer to properly convey how serious the situation was. "We literally dodged a bullet, Mayor Stevens. If we were even late by a few minutes, the western seaboard would now be infected by the virus."

"It was that close?" A council member asked.

"Yes, and we had to maintain strict protocols with the terrorist plot. If it got out, the panic alone would turn the city into a warzone."

"We are adding new protocols, ordered protective gear tailored for our police officers, if a threat of this magnitude happens again." Chief Williams added. "If Jack had the proper equipment, he wouldn't have to endure that hell he experienced."

"How is Jack?" Mayor Stevens asked.

"He's recovered completely." She replied. "But it was a close call."

"That was a brave thing he did." The mayor glanced at Chief Williams."First he saved a famous celebrity from getting kidnapped in our city, and then he risked his life to stop the spread of a deadly virus. When are you promoting him Williams?"

"Officer Routh still has five months in his probationary period." She stated.

"Promote him already Greg." Mayor Stevens addressed the chief by his first name.

"I'll start the process." Chief Williams replied. "He earned his golden ticket."

"There's also the community relations program that your station proposed." Mayor Stevens turned to her. "I like it, and I understand Jack will participate in the program and use his academic background to engage the community?

"That's our goal." She replied. "We plan to use various community centers for the venue."

"I'd like to upgrade it, that's why Kathy Reese and Hugo Fitzpatrick are here." Mayor Stevens slid a paper to her and Chief Williams. "This is the proposal we came up. Do you think it can be done?"

She read the document thoroughly. They wanted Jack to teach a semester in the community college once a week, two classes a day in history. There were two problems, Jack is an active duty police officer, and he didn't posses a master's degree.

"Before you object, I looked into Jack's transcript in UCLA. He has enough graduate level credits to teach the subject at the community college. It's a part time profession anyway." Mayor Stevens stated.

"I already spoke with the president of the community college and the executive leadership, and they are receptive to the idea." Hugo Fitzpatrick shared. "They were even enthusiastic about the proposal."

"This is highly unusual." Chief Williams replied after reading the proposal. "We discourage our officers from having second jobs, even if they work on weekends."

"It's not a job, it is community outreach." Kathy Reese added. "He won't get paid by the college."

She looked at Chief Williams and noticed he was stroking his chin. "Just once a week? What do you think Andersen?"

"It's possible." She replied.

"Excellent. Make it work, Greg, Zoe. Say hello to Jack for me." Mayor Stevens stood up and left the meeting, followed by the two council members.

Jack Routh

His mandated rest day after his 24 hours of observation by the CDC in Shaw Memorial helped him deal with his experience with the deadly virus. He still couldn't forget Langston's face, as he slowly turned from a man with a cough, to a meat bag bleeding from every orifice of his body.

 The most horrifying memory was when the man started pleading for help. Langston's eyes stared at his own, as his condition slowly deteriorated with every minute that passed. He wondered if the man's pleas for help meant to bring him to the hospital, or to help him end his suffering.

He remembered the moment Langston realized he would not survive, as he stopped struggling with the cuffs on his wrist that chained him to the metal bed frame.

He'd rather die by a gunshot wound than to experience what Langston suffered.

When he went back to the station, he was surprised by his sudden promotion to P2, skipping the remaining five months of probation. Chief Williams was present as he congratulated him for his achievements and offered him the choice of his assignment. It was unofficially called the golden ticket, usually handed out to cops that performed incredible feats of heroism and bravery.

He was told to take his time before he made a decision, as the rest of his fellow officers congratulated him. He was still paired up with Lopez but now he had new schedule and task apart from his usual patrol duties.

 Sergeant Grey's community relations proposal turned into something bigger. He was offered the choice to teach History at the community college, and once he learned what the schedule will be eagerly accepted it. The next two weeks included preparations for his added role as a lecturer and patrol duties with Lopez. He met up with the faculty and the administration officers and was quickly handed his credentials.

It was a strange feeling not to wear his police uniform on a Friday morning as he headed to the Los Angeles City College. His schedule consisted of teaching History 008 – Medieval European History in the morning and History 013, 20 th Century American History in the afternoon, with each subject allocated an hour and a half block. 9 am – 10:30 am and 1 pm – 2:30 pm. That meant he could be home by 3 pm every Friday.

Naturally, Zoe was very envious of his schedule.

Lopez gave him enough teasing for the past few weeks leading up to this day, but he was still excited about his new routine every Friday for the next seventeen weeks. His bike, freshly serviced gave a purr as he headed down to Beverly Boulevard.

He turned left at Heliotrope, and five minutes later he was turning to Lot 4 parking building, reserved for faculty. He found a suitable parking spot, took off his helmet and headed straight to the Sheriff's office attached to the LACC campus.

"Good morning." He greeted the officer on the front desk and displayed his badge. "I'm Officer Routh from LAPD, I'm here to see Captain Reed."

The cops from the Sheriff's office wore the tan shirt and olive green pants, in stark contrast to the LAPD's dark navy uniform.

"Have a seat" The officer behind the front desk called a number on the desk phone, and spoke to the captain for a few moments.

"Go right in, his office is at the end of the hall." The officer replied.

He followed his directions, and knocked on the captain's door.

"Come in." Captain Reed greeted him. "What can I do for the LAPD?"

"Thank you for seeing me sir. I'm assigned to teach here every Friday as part of the community relations program." He handed the captain his schedule, given to him by the administration office. "It's my first day, and I was wondering what is the policy regarding bringing a back up piece to the campus."

"I see." Captain Reed reviewed his documents and schedule and handed it back to him. "Where do you keep your weapon?"

"It's strapped to my lower leg sir." He told the man.

"Then it's secured, and I have no problem with you bringing your piece to the campus." Captain Reed replied. "Thank you for dropping by, Officer Routh. Welcome to LACC"

He thanked the man and quickly left the mini police station and headed for the building. He looked at the map on the brochure once more and crossed the courtyard to the Humanities building and to his assigned classroom.

There were many students around with varying backgrounds, ethnicity and age around the campus. He entered his classroom and stared at the clock.


Thirteen minutes left.

A few students that were inside the classroom stared at him as he entered and the conversations stopped when he moved towards the professor's desk. He placed his bag on the table and unzipped his leather jacket and placed it on the back of his chair, ignoring the arrival of new students entering the classroom. Noise grew again as he heard snippets of conversation as he patiently waited for his class to begin.

"It couldn't be."

"It has to be a joke."

"Oh my god."

As the hand struck at 9, he stood up and started writing on the white board the name of the course.

[History 008 – Medieval European History]

"Good morning." He greeted the students now seated in front of him. They were twenty six students seated, and they were all now staring at him with varied expressions. "My name is Jack Routh, and I'm here to teach you about Medieval European History."

"I have a degree in Ancient and Modern History at UCLA and I'm a guest lecturer here for the semester. You can call me Jack." He looked around and found confused faces staring at him. "Is there something wrong?"

"No..." A female student replied. "It's just that… you're younger than what we expected."

"I'm about to turn twenty five." He told the girl. "What's your name Miss?"

"It's Betty." The student replied. "Betty Price."

"Okay Ms. Price, let's continue." He continued discussing the course outline, his expectations for the class and his grading system. He was discussing what books were useful with their first topic when the door opened again.

A blonde woman, around his age ran in, breathing hard. "Sorry. The traffic was terrible and the parking? Who charges that kind of rate…."

"Miss, please have a seat." He addressed the latecomer.

"Oh yes sorry." The woman sat at the very front and looked around the classroom. She then looked at him and smiled as she tucked a lock of her blond hair behind her ear. "I'm Penny, what's your name?"

"Jack." He replied.

"When do you think the professor will arrive? It's a good thing they're late, I didn't want to be late in my first day."

Laughter soon ensued around the classroom.

"What did I say?" Penny looked confused as she stared at the other students.

"He's the professor." Betty informed her.

"Huh?" Penny stared back at him with a curious look then shook her head in denial. He started wondering what was wrong with this woman. "Naahhh. Stop playing around, Professor Hottie. I know a prank when I see one."

The class again erupted into laughter, and he sighed and took a deep breath, realizing this was not as easy as he anticipated. He was thankful that this incident would not get back to the station.

"Let's continue." He decided to ignore the comment and continue with his introduction. He placed his USB stick on the computer attached to the professor's desk and used the remote to turn on the multimedia projector attached near the ceiling.

He pulled down the white screen and closed the lights and noticed Penny's face turn to horror as she realized her mistake. Not willing to further embarrass her, he started on his first lecture.

The class was very attentive as during his lecture. He walked around their seats, copying Sergeant Grey's style whenever he conducted a briefing. Feeling generous due to his class' good behavior, he dismissed them 15 minutes ahead of schedule without any assignment.

The students were elated and they all started to leave one by one. A handful of students thanked him for his lecture before they left, until only Penny remained.

The blonde woman approached him and started to apologize. "Professor, I'm sorry for earlier today. I didn't mean to…"

"It's fine. I think it even broke the ice between me and the class, so thank you." He replied.

Penny blushed and looked away and left the classroom soon after. He ate at the cafeteria alone, where the food election was passable. His afternoon class went much smoother, and he decided to visit Zoe in the station.

Noticing that she had no visitors, he climbed up the stairs and knocked on her door.

"Officer Routh." Zoe greeted him with a beautiful smile. "How was your first day as a guest lecturer?"

"It was fun." He replied. "The students were very attentive. How about you?"

"Not good." Zoe stood up from her chair and stared down at the bullpen. "Talia Bishop just sent her two weeks this morning."

"It was inevitable." He replied. He knew how serious Bishop was with advancing her career and would not tolerate being held back because of a letter of reprimand.

"I was hoping she would stay." Zoe admitted. "The strange thing is as soon as I told the chief, he instructed me that there would be a replacement training officer that will be arriving in a week. I wondered why I was bypassed in the hiring process until the chief explained to me that this new training officer has a golden ticket."

"She has a golden ticket and she wants to be a T.O.?" He asked.

"She's a former detective, so she has the necessary qualifications and training already." Zoe explained. "I'm worried if this post is suited for someone with her background."

"What' her name?" He asked.

"Nyla Harper."