"Mr Cole,I want to buy a share from you not the company,the price for a share in you company is so expensive". Mr watterson said.
"Well,who gave you such information I believe my company has the cheapest share in this kingdom and country as a whole,so what you talking about?" Asked Mr Cole. "I was told by your assistant manager in your company from Facebook that you guys are giving shares,and I asked how much and the price was just so unbelievable." Replied Mr watterson now seeming confused of what is going on.
"Mr watterson,we don't have a Facebook page or account and we don't sell shares online. We do it via email or text messages,but I'm glad you came to me first instead of buying anyways because I believe if you truly wanted to pattern with us and that's why you are here.".... "Yes I do,I like your company their transparency, customer service, honesty and above all, promptness. It's amazing and topnotch and it's advisable to all those who are looking to partner with you or hold shares to come. And that's why I am here" Mr watterson replied with a smile on his face in agreement with understanding or what Mr Cole just said .
"Well,in that case,I think I'll be on my way home". Said Mr watterson.
"Stephanie! Stephanie! Steph... "My princess, what's up with you" Stephanie replied while coming down stairs to meet the princess. "Oh please! Why call me my princess when you know my name" sapphire said while slamming her face with her palm. "I'm very sorry,but you know we are not in the same status" and...." Oh please,it doesn't matter,call me by my name okay? That 'my princess ' stuff makes me so uncomfortable,do you hear?"
"Yes ma,got that!"... "So I came to you, because I am ready to step out of my comfort zone and you know,mingle with people,you feel me?" Sapphire said. "Yeah,yeah I get"Stephanie replied. "Uhmm well,first thing's first we'd need to think of a place to go,not just anywhere I mean to give the best to whom is suppose to have the best. So we'll plan a place,before that, I'd list possible place you can mingle with somebody both girls and boys. Then we'd set out dates we'll be going and all that. Is that okay by you? Stephanie asked. "Yup! So,let me hear places". Sapphire said with excitement in her tone.
"Well,the first place is a shopping mall,then a wedding ,gym , coffee store and more places I'd list if this first few places doesn't work out,okay?"
"Yeah sure,okay" Sapphire replied ... "And uhmm,one more thing there will be a specific day we'll be going,and to each place we'll be going for a month. And like I said earlier if these places doesn't work out well, I'll tell you more. I call those ones 'desperate place' But my point is we'd have a specific days of the week to Make it a month,not just popping up every time " Stephanie said. "And lastly before I forget,I won't be following you there, I'd just be dropping you off and picking u up, because it's all about you and not us"
"Uhmm, I'm quite uncomfortable with that last part, because I don't know how to react or what to say and been left alone? Nope,it's a no for me" sapphire said in disagreement
Trust me sapphire, Stephanie said while holding her hands. You've got this,the same way you are talking to me,also talk to the person you meet, there's no need to be anxious or whatsoever just go with the flow. Once the person goes rude,keep quiet and behave like you are avoiding getting in contact with a person with herpes b. Move back If possible and that's all." "Alright,I get. I can do this" sapphire replied with assurance. "Of course you can " Stephanie said while nodding.
"I think we should start at coffee store to get me ready for the next one wedding event,since I don't have appropriate wedding outfit at the moment" sapphire said.
"Well no problem then, whenever you are ready we'd go check the coffee store and look at the settings and arrange when we'd either you start at the middle or front row and also what seat you would like to take, although this place I'm taking you to will take time before we find what we want, because there is no crowd there,just a few people but trust me this is what you should go for because those few people are elite. They are either company owners, governor or even royalty.
"Thank you I really appreciate seeing someone like you,that genuinely wants to help me,thanks once again" sapphire said.
"Sir! Sir... Kpom! kpom!" Britney said as she knocks simultaneously.
"Come in"
"There is some one outside,that seeks your presence"
"Go tell the person that I'll be there shortly,and host the person before I arrive" mr Watterson said as Britney shut the door and he turned his back.
He headed to the bathroom to take his bath and when he was through,he carried his long white towel,cleaned his hair,face and proceeded to cleaning his body.
When he was he tied it around his waist and moved towards his wardrobe, brought out a grey polo and a blue short.
When while Britney at the other hand got distracted at the dusted corner and decided to clean it before attending to Mr watterson's guest.
"What would you like to take place,we've orange juice, pineapple juice,coffee,pancake and small chops. What would you like to have?" Britney said and how a little.
"Well,I think pancake and orange juice will be perfect by me"
"Alright then,permit me to go.. I'll be back shortly "Britney said as she left to prepare what the guest have ordered .
Mr watterson came,but he came late. His friend have gone. But he called him and told him not to be annoyed that he had important things to do at him office and his workers was calling him.