Chapter 11 - Skills

'Damn, these skills definitely make up for the (Graveborn's requiem) one, they're good. I've finally gotten magic skills as well, before I do anything else I should test out how these skills work, so I can use them efficiently in battle.'

Finishing on that thought Roman first wanted to see how he his current body was without the boosts of skills. He began to run around the perimeter of the decayed statue, pleasantly surprised at how fast he was.

"Wow, I'm at least two or three times faster then my previous self, in fact I might be faster then that Zombie now."

Roman began to search for his trusty bone weapon that has served him ever since he became a skeleton, since he had dropped the weapon when he jumped off the statue and gave the zombie one last attack. It didn't take Roman long to find the bone weapon but it wasn't a sight he wanted to see, the weapon he had used ever since inhabiting the body of this skeleton, what Roman had theorised was a human femur, was laying on the ground on the ground into two. It seemed that the last attack Roman unleashed on the Zombie had been to much too handle for his weapon, leaving it broken on the floor.

Roman was a little heartbroken to say the least, the bone weapon was a large part on why he was able to level up so quickly and even kill the Zombie. He had even started to grow a bond with it.

'sigh, I guess everything has to come to an end, femur, or whatever bone you were, you were a good partner.'

Roman momentarily halted his plans of testing his skills and stats and began to dig a hole, it was around half a metre deep and half a metre long, you could say digging the hole partially tested Roman's improved strength and speed, since he was able to dig that hole in less then a minute just using his bare hands.

Roman then gently placed the two broken pieces into the hole and began to bury it again. Putting a decently big rock on top of the bone weapon's grave to act as a tombstone.

'I'll have to leave your tombstone blank, since I have no way of engraving in stone yet, but I hope this can slightly give back to all the help you've given me.'

Roman looked silently at the tombstone for a few seconds and then slowly began to return to what he was doing before finding the broken weapon. 

'Ok, I've practically tested my stats now, let's start testing out my new skills now.'

Roman first used (phantom stride), it was a little hard at first since Roman had never used an active skill before but he quickly got the hang of it. You just had to think about using the skill and it would activate.

When phantom stride activated, Roman could feel his mana pool continuously empty as the skill stayed activated. Immediately after turning on the skill Roman could feel his thoughts getting much faster, and when he started moving to see how fast he now was, Roman was shocked at the sheer speed he could produce, with the skill activated he could travel around the statue in a blink of an eye, he could throw out dozens of punches within a second. However even though phantom stride was an incredible skill it carried a heavy downside, it took a lot of mana. Roman did some calculations and he got that if he kept the skill active for less than five minutes, his whole mana pool would be drained.

'Although its an overpowered skill, I got to make sure not to overuse or I'll quickly run out of mana in a battle. Though, system, I've got a question about the stat magic, what exactly is it? Like when I increase it, does it purely just increase my mana pool, or is there more to it?' 

[Good question, you're correct in saying that when magic increases so does your mana pool but it also does so much more, it also increases mana regeneration, though that wont be noticeable since when your mana regeneration increases so does your mana pool so it still takes the same time to regenerate your whole mana pool no matter how high your magic stat is, though it takes the same time, per second it does regenerate more mana. The second thing that happens when you increase your magic stat is that your spells increase in strength and effectiveness, for example if two people learned the same spell, a simple fireball, but one had ten in the magic stat while the other had one hundred, the person with a one hundred magic stat would have a much more powerful fireball even if they both cast the same spell and used the same amount of mana to create it. The last effect of magic is very subtle yet extremely important. As you increase your magic stat your resistance to foreign magic cast by others increases, so if someone cast a mind control spell on you but you had a very high magic stat then the spell wouldn't work because of your high magic resistance due to your magic stat.]

'Ok, that's quite a lot to take in, magic is definitely the most complicated stat in how it works, though what you're basically telling me is that magic is a super useful stat.'

[Correct, you could argue that all stats are equally important but you could also argue that one stat is more important then the others and if you did say that then magic would be a strong contender at the number one place.]

'Yeah, though I have gotten quite side-tracked, lets go back to testing out my other skills, though for that I think using it against some skeletons would best show the effects of the skills.'

Right as Roman began to leave the statue site where the Zombie's corpse lay, he paused in his tracks.

'Hold on, before I leave this place, I might as well loot the Zombie's body, I do remember seeing some things that could be useful to me.'