Chapter 12 - looting

Roman walked back to the Zombie and began to strip it of everything it had, it was all pretty easy except for when it was time to take off its armour, it seems that the Zombie's rotten flesh had partially fused with the leather armour, so when Roman ripped the armour off its body he also ripped off the zombies outer skin, just making the whole thing a disgusting mess.

'I was thinking of wearing that armour but hell no, I'm not wearing that disgusting thing.'

After Roman stripped the Zombie bare, he began to put all the items into different piles, one pile for things he wouldn't use or wear and another for anything slightly interesting or that he would use. 

In the end, the items in the useable pile was the Zombie's sword, its scabbard, necklace and a small pouch with what seemed to have some coins and a map of some sorts.

Roman wrapped the scabbards leather belt around the gap that was just above his femur and just below his pelvis, then Roman picked up the slightly rusty sword and practiced swinging a couple times to get a feel for it, since his bone weapon had sadly broke, the Zombie's sword would be good substitute.

'Hm, now that I've got a sword lets test the skill mana veil a little.'

Roman, using his will, activated mana veil and pushed his mana to his sword. The entire sword began to glow in a blackish blue type of colour, walking to the stone statue, Roman slashed with his sword, unlike what he had expected where the sword would simply leave a scratch, Roman was shocked to find out that the sword, enhanced with mana veil had cut through the solid stone with utter ease, as if going through butter.

Roman deactivated the mana veil skill and slashed the statue again, however now with the skill not active Roman's sword simple slid across the statue, leaving a small scratch.

'Mana veil is beyond impressive, though it is quite mana intensive. The skill's description also said I could coat myself in mana as well and get a boost, let's see how that fares.'

Roman used mana veil, but this time on his whole body, his purplish bones glowed just like the sword in a blackish blue hue. He felt power just rushing through his body, he began to jump around, shocked how fast and powerful he had become. Roman punched the air with the wind howling with each punch, he wasn't satisfied with just testing his newfound strength on the air. He quickly sped towards the statue, appearing before it in a blink of an eye and began to unleash barrages of punches onto it, each hit leaving Roman's fist indented deep into the stone, however he was interrupted when he suddenly felt a bout of weakness permeate throughout him and the blackish blue hue radiating from his bones vanished.

Roman put one of his hands on the statue for support as he felt incredibly dizzy, he didn't need to search for what had weakened him so much as he instantly knew what the problem was, he was out of mana.

'Ugh, I was so absorbed in the power that mana veil gave to me, that I didn't notice the massive drain it was on my mana pool, I had it active for less then a minute as well. That is a pretty acceptable price for the sheer power it gives me, but I probably should only use mana veil as a last resort, at least for coating my body, for coating the sword on the other hand, the mana drain is much more acceptable.'

As Roman slowly recovered from the dizziness he had a few questions for the system.

'System, why is it when I use up all my mana there are side effects but back when my magic stat was zero and I had no mana I felt completely fine?'

[It's pretty simple really, when you didn't have any mana, your body neither relied on mana to function nor even knew how mana felt, but now that you do have a mana pool, although your body isn't depending on mana to function its used to the mana being in your body, and when you just drain out your whole mana pool then immediately after you feel dizzy because your body isn't used to not having mana in itself.]

'Fair enough, it's like when someone who drinks coffee everyday suddenly stops drinking it, and then they just feel tired and drowsy all the time. I've also got a second question about the colour of mana veil, why is it blackish blue. Like is that the colour of pure untouched mana?'

[The colour of pure mana is white, the reason why mana veil exudes a blackish blue colour is because your own mana has been affected by your affinities, black for darkness and dark blue for ice, mix them together and you get blackish blue. So mana veil exudes your own special mana, if you had no affinities then mana veil would exude a white aura.]

'That's pretty cool, does mana veil's effects change depending on the users affinities?'

[Technically the affinities do affect mana veil's effects but the change is so insignificant that you shouldn't worry about it.]

Roman nodded his head and went back to the pile he looted from the Zombie, he had gotten side-tracked using mana veil that he nearly forgot he had other items to check.

Checking the pouch, Roman found a gold coin, around a dozen silver coins and a ton of copper coins, as well as a map.

'I should keep these coins just in rare case I ever go to the kingdom they originate from, there's also that map, lets see if I can decipher where I am currently.'

Roman started to read the map but stopped almost immediately after beginning.

'Hold on, these words aren't English and yet I can perfectly understand them, what the hell!'

[Oh, I forgot to mention, one of the in-built functions of the system is full comprehension of anything you read or anything you hear, regardless of language, it's also the same when you speak, even if the other person doesn't know English they will understand what your saying. The only limitations though are that your personal writings wont be translated to others and you cant understand hidden codes or languages or that sort.]