Chapter 3 - chap 2

Chp 2 of the second coming of the demon emperor

baek !, baek yung! …where are you

What are you doing there baek did you get lost again I told you just head back straight toward the woo manor and take the first right…

Sorry who are you, am I baek?, what is a woo manor is that where we live and why are my clothes so dirty

Enough with the jokes already baek grandma Soo ann is waiting for us

But I don't know you…

She grabs his right arm and they ran together toward the manor

Grandma grandma.. we are back look I made a lot of money today

Good, child you are always so hard working..cough# cough#....

Sorry grandma I will go buy your medicine now

no child am still strong I don't need drugs right now…what about you baek, how much did you make

Sorry,but do I know you and why are you coughing, are you sick mam.

enough with the stupid jokes baek why would you ask her that,it's not funny she's not sick she's just a little weak, the drug will cure her.

Right grandma?

Of course dear am as fit as they come so don't worry about me i told you already I will be fine and don't shout at baek like that you're still both children afterall besides you should think about growing beautifully so baek will have no choice but to marry you..

hm grandma!

Haha ha"

stop it's not funny

*Aaan… young love*

To himself: who are this people?

Ok kids let's go get something to eat am starving, treats on me, ramen and liquor for me

Ramen for me too grandma what about you baek ?

What is ramin?

Not ramin, ramen and I told you stop goofing around.

Okay.. what's your name again?

Grandma, baek won't stop messing around

It's okay Soo bing he's just teasing you, right baek?.


To himself: how do I know this people where are we headed and why are they calling me baek, it must be my name, right?

Sfx: ding!

Grandma let's go to the temple first.

Okay child (say Soo bing)

AT THE TEMPLE….ok baek lead the prayer

How do I pray?

What?!.. enough with the jokes Yung now come on you never joke with prayers.

*A few hours later*

Is Yung gonna be okay?..

Yes but he might be suffering from memory lock (amnesia) he's asleep right now but should wake up soon I will check on him later you can stay with him for now, assistant dong will be here just in case.

so how much is the cost madam soohyun

Don't worry miss ann it's on me.

Thank you so much madam soohyun

You are welcome miss ann. Dong su make sure to give him the drugs on time okay his such a handsome boy, get well soon baek, bye Soo bing bye miss ann.

Grandma Ann:Soo bing go get the ramen

Ok grandma

Am so sorry yung I didn't know, it's my fault, what could have hit you so hard on the head like this

Sfx: crying

(He was awake the whole time)

To himself: so this people care about me meaning we might be a family, so I can trust them I guess.

*The next day.....

So you are saying my name is baek Yung, am an eight year old?.

Yes exactly

Are you feeling better?,we are heading home now so you can rest ....

So where do we live?

We live very close to the big mansion (woo manor) just two turns away


(That day grandma woo went to get a job in the woo mansion)

Am here for the open spot in the manor

Okay, the spots available are a cleaner and a slot for a cook which would you prefer

Am not very good at cooking so I will go for a spot in the cleaner's department please.

SHE THOUGHT TO HERSELF: the kids most not go hungry especially with Yung sick I have to work harder...,....

MEANWHILE: this is the market square, right now we are in SUNGWON we are neighbors to JINYOWAN the southern region and....

What going on over there

Oh it's a tournament it happens twice a year here, the one left standing after the energetic showcase of power gets a chance to enter the cult as a disciple under the wings of the flaming kitana blade god,master Byung Hoon.

A kitana blade god? What does that mean?

Did you really hurt you head that badly.., before now you were the one who always drags me along to come watch with you and now you've got baby brain..,... It was a title given to him during the uprise between the cult and the saints of mount dyaijun, because of the powerful and mighty skills he demonstrated that day, since then most people call him the kitana blade god and eventually flaming was added to the name of master Byung hoon of the cult.. any other questions?

No, I'm...

Sfx: crack!#

Aaah my stomach

What's wrong Yung

It hurts!!

Am gonna go get help I will be back soon.....,.help!!.. someone please help us!….

What's wrong with him,

Step aside kid let me have a look just successful found a core

WHAT!.. a core but his so young


Yung is now a martial artist I have to tell grandma. Chp 2 end