Chereads / Harry Potter: Seducing Destiny / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21: A Black for a Black

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21: A Black for a Black

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One moment I was readying to blast the intruder to kingdom-come, the next moment I stared at the sexy woman before me, bearing a swath of purple satin silk. They draped over her extended arms, but the cloth emphasized, rather than conceal, her nakedness. I felt a sudden urge to walk up and go down on her, to remove that silk cloth and taste her pussy juices. I wanted to feel her naked limbs sliding around me, feel that slender waist beneath my hands twist and writhe with her as she screamed my name aloud in ecstasy.

Instead, I gripped my wand even more firmly and aimed it at her.

Narcissa smiled, and her teeth gleamed between her lips. "The famous Harry Potter… I never expected you to be here."

I felt her eyes roam over me in idle speculation.

I felt my cheeks flush and grow warmed. The hunger rose in me again, a raw, unthinking need. A scent flooded over me — a perfume of wind and mist, of heated flesh. Scents evoked more phantom sensations of the silken caress of her delicate, long hands, sweetly hot rake of nails, winding strength of limbs tangled with mine.

I slammed the brakes over it and scowled. "What are you doing here?"

Narcissa shifted slightly, a slow, sensual motion of her lips, and murmured. "Not so easily captured, it'd seem." She looked away from me and gave a condescending leer at Tracey.

"Girl, I'll say this once. Get. Out."

I'd have stopped her, said something in her defense, but Tracey looked too ready to bolt out. With a casual flick of her wand, Narcissa banished Tracey's robes outside the loo. The girl squeaked, and with nothing more than an apologetic look at me, skipped out of the loo. With another wand flick, the door closed, and I felt multiple locking charms activate.

And then Narcissa met my eyes.

"Answer my question."

It came out less dominant than I'd have wanted, but I was practically shaking. It was like someone had taken my fight-or-flight instincts, dialed them up to eleven, and removed flight from the options. Somewhere, some rational part of me kept yelling that what I was feeling wasn't natural. That this allure was magical.

"Interesting…" she purred. "People fall sideways to please me, and here you are, still resisting, despite my allure."

Allure? Since when did Narcissa Malfoy have allure?

I fought the urge to go touch her, feel her flesh. Instead, I kept my voice neutral. "Why did you send her away?"

Narcissa smiled. The kind a fox gave to a wounded prey. "She was trespassing, Harry Potter. I hate it when someone crosses a line."

Before I could even ask what line she was referring to, Narcissa pulled the knot tied at her hip that held her robe up, and the thin garment slipped down her long legs to pool around her feet. She stood in front of me in all her glory, her erect, supple nipples standing up in attention. Begging for my lips to taste them.

"What are you doing?" I asked, fighting to keep my eyes off her body. I'd have held my wand tighter, but a distinct part of my body was already tight and up in her presence.

Narcissa didn't answer, and took a step closer to me. I backed up, but I was standing inches away from the wall, so there wasn't anywhere to go as she stepped into my personal space.

Her right hand slowly inched closer to my cock and began tracing the nerves along its surface. "You are a Black, Harry Potter. Surely you know that?"

Her words barely registered past the feeling of my cock tightening even further. Just what was it that this woman was doing to me?

"Your great-grandmother was my great-aunt. Dorea Callidora Black. That makes you and I cousins. That makes this…" she began jerking my cock, "a Black cock. Its sperm is reserved only for other Blacks. I could hardly…." she licked her lips. "let a half-blood whore have it for herself. What would dear Aunt Walburga say?"

I was between a rock and a hard place. Or between a wall and Narcissa Malfoy. Either fit very well. Part of me was absolutely terrified that she might have known of my recent plans at Gringotts and my interaction with Walburga. I should have known that the bloody wraith would tell on me to her sweet little bitch of a niece. I had been growing stronger, yes, but I wasn't anywhere close to Narcissa Malfoy's level. For fuck's sake, every single spell she had cast had been non-verbal, with a practiced ease that would take me months if not years to reach. Real life did not work the way in the books, and a child had simply no way of fighting on par with an adult.

Well, that was a part of me, anyway. The rest of me was simply trying to hang on and not instantly cum over her hands.

"Oh, yes!" Narcissa moaned, getting even closer to me. With one hand working my shaft with expert twisting motions, she slid her other hand to grip my biceps. Her skin was incredibly soft, and her magnificent breasts pressed into my chest and I took a long inhale of her scent. A mix of female arousal and lavender made my head spin with delight.

I wanted to fuck her badly. Before I knew it, Narcissa let out a gasp as my hand cupped her pert arse and gave it a firm squeeze, before sliding between her cheeks, feeling my fingers glide over her skin. She sucked in a gasp of air as I cupped her sex and began rubbing the tiny cluster of nerves for a dozen seconds before sliding two of my fingers deep inside her. Narcissa moaned as I fucked her with my fingers, matching the speed at which she was working my shaft with her hand.

"Are you close?" She whispered into my neck, her breath doing wonderful things to me.


"So am I."

Our eyes locked once more, and a wave of pleasure erupted out of my groin, and I orgasmed. My hips bucked once more just as I felt Narcissa stiffen and her clit clench around my fingers. Cum spews forth from my cock tip, coating her hands and her stomach. I felt the wetness of her pussy triple as she let out a long, low moan of pleasure.

We stood like that for a few moments, our temples pressed together as our bodies tried to absorb the other with how firmly we were pressing each other. I felt Narcissa's hand slide down my shaft and gently massage my balls, causing another bout of sperm to rocket from my cock and cause a mess on her fingers.

"Now that was intense…" she said, raising her cum-stained hand and licking every inch, never once leaving my gaze.

And I knew what would happen next.

You have gained a World Anchor

Narcissa Malfoy — 19% World Anchorage

Current World Anchor Analysis

World Anchor — 272

Required World Anchor - 15

Meta-Luck — 39.5

"There…" she said, smirking, "so much better."

Better indeed. So far my dalliances had proved that it took a witch accepting my cum to register the world anchor. It didn't matter if it was oral, or down there, but something about my cum getting into their systems triggered the anchorage. Though why Narcissa Malfoy had such a strong attachment to me was anybody's guess.

Gained Affinities from World Anchor — Narcissa Malfoy

Charms +7%

Dark Arts +3%

Perk Accumulation Unavailable without +50% World Anchorage

I wondered. Was this because of the Pheromone perk? First Tracey, and now this? How much of that was because of the circumstances and how much the Perk?

But tell you what? It didn't matter.

Because it made the next words so very easy to say.

"It tastes even better from the source."

The surprise that flickered on her face was almost as delicious as her wet folds. There was anger too, as well as a raging arousal in her eyes, one that she was trying to suppress. She took a step back, but did not walk away.

"Unless, of course," I challenged, taking a step forward, "you want me to sully the Black heritage by getting some muggle born's lips over it. You're free to leave, though. It's not like…" I glanced at the closed door, "I'd struggle to find an outlet."

"You're playing a dangerous game, sweetheart," Narcissa murmured, her hands caressing my cock again.

"I like to live dangerously." I answered, taking a step forward and grabbed her breasts, kneading them, forcing another moan off her lips. Somewhere along the line, both of us had dropped our wands, but it didn't matter. Her dissatisfaction at my daring didn't prevent her from working her hands on my cock, nor did she try to push me away from her heavenly bosom. "A Black's cum is reserved for another Black, you say. Then do your job as a Black and service me."

"Here?" she objected. "You expect me to—"

"Get down on your knees, in this loo, and suck my cock."

Before you say it, no, I was not faking it. Well, maybe a little. The rest came from her world anchor score. From my experience with Romilda, Ginny, and Hermione — the higher the attachment, the easier it was for me to dominate them. I had taken control over Ginny's control-freak tendencies and literally fucked it out of her. I had changed Hermione from the shy bookworm into a lascivious creature that literally got off on others watching her get fucked. The more I dominated these girls, pushed them beyond their own accepted boundaries, the more my anchorage grew.

A vicious cycle of increasing subservience that also elevated my magical affinities and meta-luck. My one-way ticket to Godhood.

Narcissa had 19% anchorage, which was way more than Tracey, and that girl had been practically swimming in her pants and utterly desperate for money. I didn't know if Narcissa was simply that much of a slut, or if she really was living a life devoid of her husband's cock. Or maybe, just maybe, she truly meant what she said about my 'Black' cum, in which case, her bigotry and depravity had crossed the normal limits and stepped into psychological dysfunction.

Which was why I wasn't surprised by what she did next.

"This is… this is an outrage!" she replied, incensed, while gently lowering herself down to my cock-level, her erect nipples sharp enough to cut through glass. "I'm Narcissa Black Malfoy," she claimed, "to get down on my knees in this depraved, unhygienic place like a mudblood is…"

"Where you chose to be," I declared, grabbing her head. Our eyes locked just as she sucked the tip of my cock, her tongue lashing out and licking the underside of my shaft.

"You are a true lowlife," she said, but the anger was missing in her words.

"And you're the cum-hungry cougar with a pencil-dicked husband that doesn't get you off."

My other hand caressed her cheeks, fell down her chin and through her alluring valley until it reached her voluptuous hips. The need in me doubled. I pressed her head until my wet cock was rubbing all over her face. Narcissa spit on it, looked at me straight in the eye and pushed into her mouth, her soft lips now nuzzling flush up against my groin. My full length vanished into her mouth, her throat feeling like hot liquid satin. She slowly backed off halfway, and then flared her nostrils as she forced herself forwards once more, but a little faster this time.

"Fuck! You're something else, Potter!" she whispered. "Everyone else becomes… putty upon getting close."

Because of the allure? I didn't ask. Instead, I went all out.

"Is that a complaint?"

"I haven't decided yet," she said. "I'm reserving judgment until I see what you can do."

"That sounds like a challenge!" I said, pushing my cock into her mouth again, hitting the back of her throat with every thrust. I grabbed her hair with one hand and kept hammering into her mouth while she sucked and licked and did everything to stay in control.

"Gakh! Gakh!" Her choking got worse, and her hands pressed against my legs with absolutely no effect . A bubble of spit ran down her face and pools at her neck, right alongside the sticky trail from earlier. I held her in place, pulling her head so far in and burying myself so far down her gullet that my balls rested against her chin, and right when it looked like she could take no more, I began to cum down her throat. She gagged on it, but I kept a tight hold on her hair and left my cock inside her mouth all throughout the orgasm. She swallowed some of my cum, but she wound up spitting the bulk of it right back up. As if her face couldn't get any messier, now she had a combination of her spit and my cum pooling together to form a disgusting, sticky concoction. Narcissa coughed violently as I pulled my softening prick out of her mouth.

"I wonder what'd happen if Draco got a look at your face, right now, Mrs. Malfoy."

I had expected a scathing rebuke, but she let her head lol backwards, closed her eyes and wheezed.

And then something even surprising happened.

World Anchor—Narcissa Malfoy has gone up by 4%

Gained Affinities from World Anchor — Narcissa Malfoy

Charms +2%

Dark Arts +1%

Perk Accumulation Unavailable without +50% World Anchorage

That was weird. World Anchorage determined the amount of value a person put in me. It could be the level of emotional bonding, or trust they had in me, or how important they thought I was to their lives or their next five-year plans. I was pretty sure if Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort were women, I'd get at least a 90% anchorage right after the first fuck.

It was what assured me that once Tracey began feeling the perks of her new job, her anchorage would shoot past the roof. For someone like Hermione and Ginny, it was a little less easy, since trust was a far rarer commodity than financial profit or long-term investments. Romilda… she'd probably hit a snag the moment the novelty of fucking the Boy-Who-Lived faded from her mind, so I wasn't very optimistic about her.

In that light, Narcissa Malfoy's sudden gain in anchorage made for some pretty interesting conclusions.

"Fuckkk!" exclaimed Narcissa, "my — fuck — that was something else!" She shook her head and slowly pushed herself off the floor. "Who knew the famous Harry Potter was so kinky?"

I smiled at the irony of her words. If only she knew what I was planning, and how Draco would suffer because of my plans.

"Darling, we haven't even scratched the surface," I said honestly, thinking about all the things I could put her through. Fucking with Hermione had been a mesmerizing experience, her ethereal body open to all kinds of experimentation. But Narcissa was a woman, a sexually buffed MILF in her prime, and even grabbing her hips and mauling her breasts felt tantalizing on a whole different level. I had only face-fucked her, but somehow, it was right up there with some of the most memorable and kinkiest things I had done with Hermione and Ginny.

"So what's next?" she asked, her excitement obvious both in her voice and the way she stood up and leaned on my chest. "You're going to stick your cock in my pussy?"

She turned and faced the wall. "Or are you going to bugger me?" She wiggled her arse at me. "I wouldn't mind, you know. Though… we should really take it to my lounge. It's far more…" she sniffed, looking around, "hygienic!"

I looked at her wet form and laughed. "Fine. Lead the way."

Narcissa smiled.