{Location: Back on 50th floor}
{Time: 2:00 PM_ More than a hour has passed since the party returned back to camp}
Its been a while since we have returned back to the camp and it was a headache to say the least.
I am not planning to hide my mech any more but I also refuse to explain anything about it using my classic card of 'Trade Secret' or some bullshit. Even Finn and Riveria couldn't get anything out of me and they can't force me to spill the beans knowing some of my trump cards. But the the most enthusiastic bunch were the smiths who wanted to study the mech and understand it's working and with me being the asshole I just disappear in the shadows.
As for Shades he decides to stay on 51st floor for a bit longer to refill his EXP tank and harvest some more magic stones to grow stronger. I also noticed something in the fight against that thing, it was Shades don't have any ranged or power attack except the EXP attack as well as no proper offensive magic. As a shadow elemental, stealth oriented monster he naturally has a big mana pool but it is wasted for his lack of magic skills, I need to do something about it in near future but not now.
At this movement I was working on my teleportation node. After that fight I also realize that even if this floor was a safe spot, things can get messy any time if I let it stay in open so I ask Tsubaki, and Gareth for help. After all they surely know more about dungeon and how things work here than me, right?
"So this is your teleportation node? I thought it would be bigger and fancier." Tsubaki said, as soon as she arrived with Gareth, taking me out of my world.
"Humm, Thou it look simple and not that big but still will be trouble some to hide it." Gareth being the elder replied in a more thoughtful way, inspecting my work.
"Boy do you have any idea on how you would like to do it?" Gareth asked turning his attention to me, wanting to know my thoughts first before giving his advise.
"I was thinking along the line of burying the formation in soil or covering it with plantation. Stupid idea isn't it." I said my simplest idea which I used a lot in Minecraft and terraria but this is a real world and it won't work here.
"Stupid idea indeed. If it was enough wouldn't leaving it in open a better idea but it give me some ideas as well. Can you move this formation?" Gareth asked me, already cooking something in his mind.
"Yes, I can." saying that I put the Pylon in my inventory and start erasing the formation.
I haven't removed my armor since the start of expedition and the water stone and padding in my armor keep it comfortable and at the most preferred temperature.
"Tell me, what are you cooking in that mind our yours, dwarf?" Tsubaki asked him wanting to know what he was planning.
"HAHAHA... Nothing much, just some classic dwarven method. Digging some holes and make some space to live. Simple..." Gareth replied. Now that I think of it, I heard in some fantasy stories and anime in my last life that dwarves usually made their homes inside the mountains by digging it out from inside. Is it the same here?
After I cleared the area we followed behind Gareth back to camp hill. According to him if I start my teleportation service in future which I will, placing the node in a secret spot will be useless. So most optimal place will be under our camp site.
"Hmm, this place will be perfect for now. We can work here." he said picking a good place.
"And done. Finally....." I said putting the Pylon and taking a fragment from it.
After a bit more than three hours of work my new node was done.
We dug a 50 meter deep hole vertically with spiral stairs not much away from the camp in the forest. The stairs leads to a horizontal tunnel which ends at a 10 X 10 X 4 meter room directly under the camp with the node formation in the middle. But I had to buy a Cavern Pylon to replace the forest Pylon with it. At the end, a bolder was placed on the entrance with some other things to hide for the time being.
"Finally.... at last." Tsubaki said starching her arms after three hours of work.
Having one level 5 and one level 6 strength oriented adventurers help, make things far easier and faster than doing alone. Specially Gareth's digging and architectural advises were very helpful.
"Hmmm. It is good enough for now. But remember your promise kid." Gareth said while walking back to camp. Our deal was, he will help me in return I will give his Familia two free pass to and from this floor when needed.
"And when will you be honoring our deal?" Tsubaki asked. Our deal was, in return for her help I will let her inspect my mech for an hour but dismantling its parts is not allowed and no questions about it.
"At night, met me at the base of this hill after party." I replied and made my way to find Shades.
And yes today a party was organized in occasion of making a new record in dungeon diving. Group was very excited about that to say the least.
Around 7 when I returned with Shades after some light grinding, I saw party was already about to start in which we also jumped in.
It was chaos, Shades and Ais also had a rematch but the result was same. After few more hours it was time for me to meet Tsubaki.
"I thought you won't come." she said already sitting on a bolder when I arrive.
"Naa, unlike someone I enjoyed the whole party before coming." I shot back while taking out the mech, placing it before her.
"HAHAHA. Will you blame me I was just too excited." saying that she start looking at the mech trying to understand its working.
"Its truly a master piece of whoever made it. Can't you tell me it's creator's name."
"Naa, I can't."
"You are really stubborn you know."
"Yes, I know. By the way, Tsubaki can you do me a favor?"
"I would like to join your Familia. So will you recommend me to your goddess."
"Mmm? Why not, I some time forget you don't have a blessing yet."
Soon one hour passed and she wasn't able to figure our much except its joints a bit.
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Author here- This chapter is more like a filler chapter, so not much development here. And our expedition arc ends here.
Next arc will be guild, teleportation gates and xenos arc. Tell me your your ideas so I can put it in the next arc.