Chereads / Jin's War / Chapter 6 - First Class Part 3

Chapter 6 - First Class Part 3

Paige Stevens

Paige stopped in front of her desk closest to the door. She looked back, Jin simply stood outside. He looked up and bowed, waving others in. Silent reading had to start, it might've even lasted longer. There had to be chaos in the staff room.

They made eye contact and she got the wave along too. Hers came with a smile, it felt sincere, the one she gave back wasn't. Getting the brush off was bullshit.

She gave up, unwilling to play along, she put her socks on. The room was formerly a music class. No one complained, it was amazing to have carpet in the winter.

Her desk was the worst. Closest to the door meant closest to the passage and the cold. There was also-


Noaki slammed Paige's desk with his bag the second she sat.


Another followed it up with their own bag. Paige simply waited.

It was what she got for sitting too soon.

Before she could so much as think her bag was yanked out her fingers and dropped to the ground.

"Oops, sorry." Rie said, not even bothering to feign innocence.

The desk was almost dragged by Natabane. Both girls laughed along with two others. It must have been hilarious…


There was a huge scraping of metal, a novice trying to open the supply locker in the back room without the alioop needed…

It just kept going, everyone turned.

The culprit appeared. Jin had made it inside somehow, shoes tracking dirt. The class was aghast at the strength. It was dragged on a corner from tile to carpet, saving their ears.

The handle popped open. Natabane said something from Rie's corner and laughter erupted.

Paige had to do something, anything!

He pulled out a broom, unscrewing before swinging it so fast she literally couldn't see it. Her heart fluttered, skin tingling, the desk shifted.

He was dead eyed. It was… her mind went blank, he headed right for her! He stopped, grabbed her bag and moved to the back of the class, the desk furthest from the door.

Natabane jumped when the stick stopped, pointed at him. He picked up Natabane's bag and threw. It all but imploded against the wall, right by Paige's head. Paige picked it up and placed it calmly on her desk. As stunning as the power play was, she wasn't stupid, she had a role to play.

"What the hell are you-"

Natabane shut up, the wooden rod in Jin's hands twisted, the splintering unmistakable.

Natabane retreated.

The staff swung.

He flinched.

It hooked Rie's bag and she cried out before it bulleted out the door. Paige saw it fly by her head, turning in time with it.

The entire corner reached for their bags as Jin sat, pulling a book and placing her bag in the furthest corner. The owner of the desk could not have left faster were he fired out a gun.

Jin hadn't moved, but it made sense, his part was done, he'd laid the humiliation up, only one person could make it worse, or finish the job. The one so pathetic and small would be her, only Paige could finish them.

She got up, floating on the butterflies in her stomach to the best seat in the room. Rie took off after her stuff but kept going. The hairs on the back of Paige's neck stood at attention. How long Rie was taking brought fourth a new buzz, Paige held a book but couldn't see a word.

There was a rush of footsteps, an entire gang came rushing in, Kazuki in front. Desks were parted, bodies rushed to the walls, a circle formed… well, a semi-circle.

Again, Jin did little more than turn a page.

Dreams weren't so surreal!