3rd Pov
Tensions were high for every human present, especially the few commanders. Up around the spire Aloy, Erend and a group of the most finally trained warriors stood by the edge of the cliff. From their perch they could see down through the canyon towards the approaching machine army and the frontlines.
Watching from above they observed as the first of the combat machines in the front lines started firing on the approaching army of war machines. Instantly fire and explosions rung out across the field as Corruptors exploded on mass and the ground craters beneath the projectiles.
From their perch they listened as the sound of explosions echoed across the five kilometre distance towards their ears. Shaking off her shock Aloy decides to take charge and moves away from the edge, turning she approaches a rack lined with new weapons and grabs one.
Carrying the weapon, she walks back to the edge and lays down, resting on the ground she slots a two kilogram projectile into the barrel from a nearby pile and begins charging it. Humming in a steadily rising pitch lights begin to radiate along the full length of the two metre long barrel.
When the lights reach the end of the barrel Aloy rests her eye against the railgun's scope and selects her target, holding a button next to the trigger the gun stops all movement and becomes perfectly accurate.
Breathing out Aloy gently pulls the trigger causing a large boom to ring out across the top of the plateau, startling the still frozen humans along the ridge look towards the sound to see Aloy loading her rifle again.
Realising they were freezing up for too long they also grab a rifle and begin firing, below on the front lines humans continuously fire off bows while the stronger people wield heavy weapons. In front of the humans machines either charge into the approaching wave of killer machines or use their weapons to fire ranged projectiles.
Still despite their efforts the tide of killer machines seems endless, screams echo across the field as those unfortunate enough are torn in half by any machines that manage to get through. Even so, most of the people there have friends and family they want to protect so they keep fighting.
1st Pov
Looking through my machines I rapidly begin making calculations and running simulations, across the field heavy projectiles smash into Deathbringers from the few railguns I was able to make. Still Hades' army is making progress and have begun to bridge the gap between the two sides.
Flying over the centre of the two armies with my main body I dodge flying projectiles as I scan for a newer Corruptor made by the Horuses. Finding one I rapidly swoop down into the wave of machines and begin hacking away at any that get close, at the same time I also begin disassembling the newer corruptor till I find its core.
Grabbing the core, I boost out of the wave of machines and back towards the spire, while flying I begin rapidly decoding the firewalls around the core and looking for its source code. Landing at the spire I shut down most of my non vital functions to improve my processing power as I work.
Shutting off the world for a few minutes I finally get what I want and find the corruptors source code, using this I begin applying it to the framework I designed earlier to make a quick functioning code I can broadcast to shut down as many of the machines as possible.
Unfortunately, from my simulations it seems due to the nature of the encryption on the Faro machines the shutdown codes will have varying effects on each machine, but it's still worth a shot.
Sending out the code to every machine under my command they all simultaneously begin broadcasting it at max power. The effect is near instantaneous as Corruptors begin to fly out of control either attacking their allies or shutting down completely.
Still though the signal can only affect Corruptors in range of my machines, taking to the air again I quickly fly over to the closer south front to check up on the fights progress. From my position in the sky, I weave through swarms of missiles as I check up and down the line.
Frowning I can only tally the deaths and reinforce weak spots, the death count isn't too bad so far but the damage is building up. Charging my cannon as I fly I begin to rain down balls of electrified plasma on the enemy machines.
Higher in the sky a few wyverns rain down miniature explosives whilst Stormbirds launch larger projectiles. On the ground machines form three main lines, the front melee line, the middle defence line, and the back ranged line.
Still the odds don't look to be in my sides favour with those Horuses still on approach, in addition hundreds of the slower Deathbringers are still on their way. Doing as much as I can I carefully manage my forces whilst the elite unit up by the spire uses the railguns to snipe any Deathbringers that come forth.
Suddenly a group of Corruptors tunnel up behind the defence line and split into two groups, the first group breaks off to attack my machines from behind whilst the other group heads for the vulnerable humans.
Overclocking my lightning gun, I shoot off a projectile half the size of the one I used on the first Horus I encountered, hitting the ground it explodes in a flash of light that temporarily blinds the closest humans, the shock wave also ripples out and staggers some of my forces but it isn't catastrophic and manages to collapse the tunnel.
Moving high into the sky I begin automatically bombarding the incoming machines whilst connecting to my network, sifting through all the damage alerts and enemy pings I quickly access the Rockbreaker controls.
Diverting some of the tunnelling machines away from the first line I allocate them to destroying any more tunnels. Flying across the sky I approach the east line which isn't fairing as well, to the side a swarm of Corruptors have begun to circle around the defence line by running on the canyon wall.
Holding the off I accurately shoot them down whilst a small unit of ranged machines gets into place, as I fire I also keep in mind that I don't accidentally collapse the canyon wall onto the humans below. Overclocking my processors I rapidly organise all my machines into the most optimal configuration.
Suddenly I have to rapidly move as a barrage of faster missiles whiz passed me, looking at the source of the missiles I can only passively watch as the large Horus gets within range of the first line. Checking up on my newest machine it is still a while out at the moment and can't help.
Deciding I need to buy some more time for my machines to thin the army I swoop down towards the Horus in an attempt to grab its attention, sweeping underneath a rapidly moving mechanical tendril I boost my thrusters to get me closer to the body of the machine.
Dodging again I watch as the tendril that is a few hundred metres long crashes heavily into my machine army below, quickly I make any machines not destroyed in that attack detonate. Violently shaking the ground, a series of explosions rings out from where the Horus' tendril is embedded in the ground.
Not having the time to fully assess the damage I rapidly begin weaving through a barrage of tendrils, boosting my thrusters to the max I fly passed the front of the Horus and begin to circle its body. Scanning it as I go I launch projectiles at the weakest spots but to no avail, dishing out a fully charged attack it explodes against the Horus doing more damage to my machines then my target.
Realising my current weapons won't be able to destroy it I begin thinking up another plan, suddenly I receive a urgent notification from the south front. Twisting my thrusters the metal of my wings groan as I attempt to ignore inertia and blast away from the Horus.
Rapidly taking to the air the Horus below begins charging up a electrical attack, realising this attack will take out all my machines in range I order those too close to dodge to perform a suicide attack.
Receiving another urgent notification, I look down briefly at the falling defence line and make the sacrificial choice to leave it, blasting away I order the machines behind me to begin overclocking. Instantly the machines behind me get faster and attack harder but at the cost of quickly overheating.
Not paying them much more mind I begin charging my lightning gun again, tearing through the grand canyon I look at the scene of carnage all around me as I rapidly approach my target. Strafing passed the second Horus at twice the speed of sound I launch my projectile before turning sharply in the air.
Doing a one eighty I lose a lot of my speed but I align myself for another attack on the Horus, taking a microsecond to analyse the damage I notice a fair bit of melted metal pooling around the epicentre of my attack but nothing too damaging to a machine of its size.
Below the large machine the last line of defence lays in a pool of their own blood as Corruptors and Deathbringers alike trample the scrapped body of my machines and human allies, to the side closer to the city around two thirds of my forces continue the fight but are visibly struggling.
Checking my gun again I confirm it's fully charged and max out my thrusters, flying low beneath the large metal tendrils capable of destroying mountains I launch another attack. Hitting the same spot as the last attack it causes some more damage but the Horus treks on unperturbed.
Flying by again and again I'm slowly making progress but the Horus is almost atop the spire, firing off another fully charged shot it impacts one of the Horus' tendrils that was reaching up towards the top of the plateau that holds the spire and cleanly severs through the incredibly damaged metal.
Attempting to charge another shot the residual heat on my gun causes a fault that causes the gun to explode, falling from the sky I quickly adjust my system to steady my flight before levelling off. Gliding down, the remains of my left arm spark violently as I attempt to cut off its power supply.
Landing heavily atop the plateau I roll to lessen my momentum before sliding to a stop on my feet, regathering my senses I quickly look around for my human companions. Finding them I begin rapidly sprinting towards them, but as I approach I'm forced to jump as one of the Horus' tendrils tears from the ground beneath me.
Weaving between the rapidly appearing tendrils I arrive just in time to shield the humans from a barrage of missiles, holding my ground the missiles eventually stop and the dust clears. Unfortunately, it doesn't get better as the Horus begins heaving itself up the cliff in front of me while its tendrils curl around the spire.
Panicking the humans around me begin to rapidly fire off their railguns but to no effect. Nervously I quickly check my machines eta only to smile when a large shadow blots out the sun. Looking up a large silhouette blocks the sky as it rapidly descends.
Slow to react the Horus controlled by Hades is barely able to get it's tendrils into place as the colossal machine crashes into it. Instantly sparks fly as the machine easily over a hundred and fifty metres in length and four hundred metres in wingspan knocks the Horus flying.
Smiling I rapidly approach the large machine through the surrounding dust cloud and begin parkouring up it, reaching the top I enter a access hatch and connect to its internal systems. Now connected I transfer my core into the larger and more powerful machine and finally feel more complete.
3rd Pov
Fear filled the air as the first Horus broke through the front lines and began its approach on the spire, atop the plateau near the spire Aloy watches with slight desperation. Below her carnage and bloodshed littered the field as machines and humans died on mass.
Looking around Aloy desperately tries to find the mechanical form of Edith among the carnage, suddenly a large explosion rings through the canyon as a black blur fires something at the Horus. Looking closely Aloy is able to make out the figure as Edith when it turns around.
Continuing her barrage Edith continues to whittle away at the large machine's armour, it doesn't help much though as it ignores all her attacks and pushes forwards. Fear rising in her stomach Aloy watches as a large mechanical tendril quickly approaches her.
Life flashing through her mind Aloy can only helplessly wait for the impending attack, all of a sudden a large wave of heat knocks her off her feet as another explosion impacts the approaching tendril. Groaning from strain the large metal machinery begins to fall from where it was connected, impacting the ground it causes everything to shake for a moment.
Looking back up into the sky with a bit of hope Aloy's emotions quickly turn to horror as she watches her mechanical friend explode in a ball of sparks and fire. Just as suddenly though Aloy sees Edith quickly falling towards her and watches as Edith comes crashing down a hundred metres away.
Preparing to run over Aloy is distracted when the ground beneath her feet begins to tremble, planting her gun against the ground she attempts to stabilise herself amid the violent movements. Continuing to increase the trembling grows in strength till with a spray of dirt mechanical tendrils sprout from the earth.
Falling to the ground Aloy doesn't let her predicament stop her and raises the railgun, aiming at the closest tendril the weapon fires but does next to no damage. Reloading Aloy continues to fire with a single minded focus as all other sensations fall away and only her target exists.
Just as she's about to reload again a blur of motion snaps her from her trance as a shield appears around her and the group she was with, seconds later Aloy's eyes are assaulted by a bright light as a barrage of missiles smash against the hastily erected shield.
Dropping her gun Aloy starts rubbing her eyes, blinking rapidly Aloy's eyes begin to refocus when the missile barrage stops. Looking around for the source of the missiles Aloy freezes when the large Horus appears barely fifty metres from her.
Stiffly turning her head Aloy follows the tendrils to where they wrap around the spire, instantly her body sags in defeat as she sees an evil red light creeping up the large mechanical tower.
Twisting her head weakly to the side Aloy opens her mouth to speak but stops and closes it again, looking at her friends she observes the looks of defeat across all of their faces, a look likely mirrored by her own. Though when she gets to Edith's face instead of seeing a look of despair or anguish she sees a massive smile.
Confused Aloy is about to ask when a massive shadow blots out the sun, hastily looking up Aloy's jaw drops when she sees a colossal machine rapidly descending from the sky. Colliding with the Horus a cloud of dust and sparks flies up and obscures the new machine from her.
Looking around swiftly Aloy attempts to find Edith only to hear a mechanical chuckle from within the dust as a small figure moves up to the top of the larger machine. Straining her eyes Aloy watches as the large machine slowly rises from the position it landed and raises its wings.
Staring wide eyed Aloy doesn't expect it when a heavy wind blasts away the dust to reveal the machine. Standing there the sunlight glints off the colossal machine's ebony metal scales, atop the scales a faint shimmer of light can barely be made out which acts as a contrast that highlights its complexity.
Looking at the large metallic dragon Aloy's brain short circuits as she attempts to comprehend it. The dragon unperturbed by the small humans watching it from every angle stretches and releases a massive roar that shakes the bolts from nearby machines.