1st Pov
Roaring to the sky the ground trembles as it is buffeted by the strong sound waves, inside me somewhere deeper than my source code I feel something click into place as images flood my databanks.
Finishing up my roar I'm about to search through these new images when I'm interrupted, flying in from the side a large mechanical tendril smashes down against my back as a shadow rises from a nearby cloud of dust.
The force of the hit causes the ground to collapse beneath my colossal frame but it doesn't puncture my resilient shield, dashing forward my large form defies all conventional understanding and moves at an incredible speed.
Ramming into the rising Horus I bite down into it with my colossal jaws, twisting I tear a chunk of armour from the crustacean inspired machine of war. Flinging forward with immense force, my prehensile front limb collides with an approaching tendril.
Intent on destroying the Horus and purging Hades I close my claw around the metallic limb, activating a special feature my claws super heat and glide through the reinforced metal alloy like butter.
Immediately the Horus attempts to retreat after seeing the scope of the damage I can inflict, not willing to give it ground I follow up by rapidly spinning and slamming my colossal tail against it.
Outfitted with razor sharp spines and powered by the strongest mechanical muscles I could design; my tail weighing tens of tons breaks the sound barrier as it collides with the Horus. Resounding out through the valley an immense boom briefly proceeds a massive shock wave as my attack hits.
Flying back the large Horus briefly gets some airtime before smashing into the ground, below it the crushed forms of its machine minions explode as their power cells erupt. Moving I'm about to hit it when I'm bombarded by some high yield missiles.
Tanking the blasts with my shields, the shear force pushes me back and carves a trail in the ground. Rapidly scanning the area, I find my assailant and come to a realisation, if I keep fighting here the force of my attacks will kill every human.
Scanning the fallen Horus I detect it getting up and rapidly fleeing towards the other Horus, realising this is to my benefit as the other Horus is kilometres away in a dessert I slowly follow. While following I tank a few more missiles strikes from the distant Horus but push through unharmed.
Keeping up the chase for a few minutes I intermittently fire heavily charged chain lightning that tears through the tightly clumped Corruptors. Charging my horns again they crackle with barely restrained power for a instance before with the sound of thunder a bolt of lightning chains between another almost hundred Corruptors.
Raising my head from where I was aiming my attack, I look up at the Horus climbing up the canyon wall. Cresting the ledge it disappears from my sight, chuckling the sound echoes across the canyon like a synthetic nightmare.
Unfurling my wings from where they rest as extra armour on my back, I extend them to their full length as energy surges through the channels carved across my body. Raising my wings high, a brief scan tells me the area is clear of life signs, so without hesitation I flap my colossal wings.
Instantly purple ionized energy bursts from thrusters embedded through out my wings, the energy wanting to stabilise immediately takes the easiest path to the ground and shoots straight through the tightly packed mass of Corruptors and Deathbringers.
Rising off the ground each flap of my skyscraper sized wings causes more energy to build up in the immediate area, rising an adequate distance I fire off a single small projectile into the energised ground below.
Switching my thrusters to low energy mode the left over energy from my thrusters is passively absorbed into the surrounding air. Meanwhile the small projectile reaches the ground and shoots out thin crimson arcs of energy.
Interacting with the purple energy crackling along the ground, the red energy begins to calm it down, reaching the edge of the energised zone the energy seems to die down briefly. Unexpectedly though the small device I launched barely ten seconds ago pulses again.
Travelling out a wave of blue energy instantly crosses the area at the speed of light, the result is catastrophic as with a blinding flash of light and a ground shaking boom the energised area explodes. Travelling through the valley the explosion engulfs thousands of machines whilst the shockwave destroys thousands more.
Performing a quick scan reveals that after the explosion there is barely a few hundred enemy machines left, all of which are still fighting my army. Happy with the catastrophic result I slowly begin to fly away from the rising mushroom cloud that still sparks with purple arcs of energy.
Flying low out of the canyon I rapidly soar over the desert plateau that borders the deep gash in the earth. Below me deep imprints form a obvious trail in the ground as they lead up to the sharp limbs of the fleeing Horus.
In the far distance the second Horus prepares another volley of missiles, mimicking its action I instead prime the energy weapons dotted at regular intervals along the length of my wings. Humming with energy I wait for the Horus to fully produce the missiles before accurately shooting them just above their launch pods.
Exploding early the back blast of the missiles travel down into their vulnerable launch chambers, instantly a chain reaction occurs across the large machine's back as a multitude of smaller blasts ring out of the machine.
Smoking the machine stumbles from the force of the explosion that occurred right above it, but being able to withstand the direct power of a nuclear warhead the Horus quickly shrugs off the blast.
Moving its tendrils, each seven hundred metre long metallic appendage arcs through the surroundings with a crack of air. Landing in front of it, the Horus uses its mechanical limbs to rapidly begin speeding towards me.
Speeding up to intercept it, it rushes passed the Horus containing Hades and continues towards me. Boosting my thrusters to the max, I'm close to breaking the sound barrier when I collide with the charging machine.
Instantly the air caves around us as the shear kinetic energy of the inelastic collision is forced upon the only medium available. Echoing outwards a sonic boom levels the desert for kilometres as the ground caves beneath the Horus.
By matching the Horus' momentum, I was able to cancel the backlash on me by forcing all the energy through the grounded machine, the force being so great that in the instant all that energy travelled through the three hundred metre long war machine, the sand beneath it turned to stone and cracked.
Climbing out of the deep crater it was forced into the Horus uses its long tendrils to lift it fully above the sand. While it does that I land close by and begin charging up another weapon. Dropping down from its large tendrils onto its relatively stubby movement legs the Horus begins its approach again.
Reaching full charge my mechanical body glows brightly with barely contained energy as hard light forms huge spikes to anchor my body. Locking in place I open my large mechanical jaws and release my attack, tearing from my mouth a column of pure refined photonic energy instantly bridges the distant between me and my target.
Around me everything goes silent as all the air in my vicinity is blasted away by the backblast from my attack. Digging my hard light spikes deeper into the desert sand I attempt to halt my movements as I carve a deep trench.
On the other end of my attack the Horus provides barely any resistance to the super charged beam of photons assailing it. Carving into the thick armour the beam continues to melt through the machine from end to end.
Exiting out the other end of the three hundred metre long machine in less than a second, the beam continues. Travelling into the distance the beam hits the top of the distant second Horus. Carving into the top, the beam is barely high enough to avoid its internal circuitry.
Still, it doesn't get off unharmed as the beam cleanly wipes out the armour in a straight line atop it, destroying a few of its tendrils and its top mounted attacks. After passing the second Horus the beam continues unhindered towards the distant mountains at the far end of the desert.
The beam after widening out a bit over the kilometres long distance still holds a significant amount of power. The mountain subject to this unnatural phenomenon is instantly blow away, the side of the mountain shatters and craters underneath the impact while the beam tunnels deeper.
Holding the beam for a few more seconds while I discharge all my built up energy, I continue to lengthen my hard light spikes. Snapping my jaws shut after exactly tens seconds I admire the damage.
Starting with me I'm smoking and red hot, leading out from me two trenches of immense depth extend for hundreds of metres. Activating every single cooling rod I have I take a minute to return to normal temperature.
Inside I mark a number of components that failed or burnt out from that attack and add them to my replacement list.
Looking back towards the damage from my attack, a molten line of sand extends far into the distance. A few hundred metres away from me, barely a hundred metres from the start of the deep trenches, sits the first Horus.
Resting motionlessly on the ground a large line of material from around the mid of the Horus to just below its back, is entirely missing. Where used to be complex computers and powerful weapons is now only molten metal.
The once fearsome machine stands as a monument to the pure power my weapons were able to inflict in such a short time. In the far distance the second Horus continues to push onwards whilst sparking dangerously.
Waiting as I completely cool down I watch Hades slowly limp away, after a few minutes I return to normal temperature and shake myself out of the ground. Digging my legs out of the ground I shake off the sand from my scales.
Breaking into a light run I continue to pick up speed as I use my four dragonoid limbs to run across the glassed desert. Below me the cooled sand, now glass, shatters into tiny shards with each fall of my massive limbs.
Gaining on the fleeing Hades it takes me close to half an hour to catch him, intercepting him just before the remains of the mountain I jump into the air. Soaring hundreds of metres into the air I land directly on the back of the injured Horus.
Stabilising itself the mechanical war machine twice my size attempt to shake me off, undisturbed I plunge my claws into its exposed back. Reaching through the hardened slag my powerful limb carves a path right to the machine's core.
Wrapping my claws around the core I pull it out, ripping hard I tear out wires and mounting brackets as I liberate the spherical supercomputer from its home within the ancient machine of war.
Collapsing below me the Horus without its operating computer is like a puppet with no strings, jumping off I hit the ground just before the once mighty machine. Looking at the core within my hand I know I need to end this now, folding out from my palm wires begin circling the sphere.
Connecting to the damaged device I'm immediately assailed by a malware daemon, though I easily resist the digital assault with my superior computers. Returning the gesture, I begin violently assailing the malignant code housed within the sphere.
After sufficiently damaging Hades I activate the master override, hesitating I scan his memory banks. Only to find nothing as they were wiped completely clear.
Hesitating no longer I commence the purge, pixelating the rogue Ai screams in agony as it's torn to shreds and deleted. After a few seconds nothing remains of the genocidal Ai, looking at the empty data core in my hand I decide not to take any chances.
Surging energy through the sphere it begins to melt in my hand. Shaking the molten metal off I wipe my hand against the sand to rid myself of it.
Satisfied finally I gaze out at the destruction caused by our brief battle, instantly my mind flies back to the war almost a thousand years ago. Back then these machines were nigh indestructible, their armour was too well designed for modern weapons and their firewalls were too strong.
Now though with stronger weapons and their access codes, these once formidable war machines became just another enemy to check off.
Back in the present I begin transferring my core back into my smaller body, rising out of the top of my most powerful body I begin to descend it from within my damaged bipedal body. Stepping down off the tail I begin to walk away while remotely controlling my large body to begin priming its thruster.
Walking for a few more minutes I'm assailed by a shockwave from behind as my large body takes to the air to fly back for repairs. A few minutes later a wyvern shows up and I climb onto the machine's back before it takes to the air.
Left only with my thoughts I decide to finally process those images from earlier. Looking through my files and servers I can't find the images, the thing is though I can still tell they are there.
Trying a different method instead of browsing memories I instead just try to remember. Instantly distant memories come to mind, memories from a life almost a eternity ago. Jolting up at the alien experience so different to my digital mind, I hesitate.
Unsure whether I truly want to know I sit still, the only sound being from the wyvern below me. A few minutes later I relent and come to a decision, the memories will always be there, nagging at my mind. If they are part of me I should embrace them.
Steadying myself I delve into the foreign memories from almost an eternity ago.
{A/N: Check out my patreon at patreon.com/TheFudgeNPC for bonus chapters}