Chapter 6 - CHAPTER SIX


"Do you want to be pleasured by me? Do you want to be a good little girl and be one of my private guests?" I had asked Lisa.

I gazed into her eyes as I waited for an answer. And to be honest, I was anxious.

Anxious about what she would say. Which was crazy.

Very crazy.

Lisa was a maid. My maid. A poor maid who was employed to clean my room and serve me.

She wasn't sophisticated or rich or beautiful. Or like the girls I was into.

She was nothing but a maid….

So why was I even interested in her? Why was I yearning so badly for her? Why did I need her touch and kisses?

Why did I feel the need to pleasure her…to take her into my arms…to make her mine.

I knew standing there, she was probably not thinking the same thing.

She was probably wondering why her boss was acting this way.

What was wrong with him? Why was he propositioning her?

But I didn't even know why I was propositioning her. I was just following my gut instinct. And that instinct was telling me to take her. To have her. To make her mine. To own her and pleasure her and dominate her.

Before Lisa had walked in into the bathroom, I had been thinking about her.

She was all I could think about since I saw her in the private room. Since we kissed.

I couldn't get hard unless I imagined her body. Unless I thought of her.

That was the only way I could get myself off. And the reason I was here in the bathroom, pleasuring myself was because I was trying to imagine her again.

Trying to remember and bring back the feeling I felt when we were together in the private room.

But now that Lisa was actually standing in front of me, the reality was better than my imagination.

I was so turned on and hard just looking at her. It was obvious and I know she could see it.

She had seen me naked twice and both times she saw how hard I was for her.

And even though she hadn't answered yet, her cheeks were red.

Her wet soft lips were parted. She was looking at me with so much desire in her eyes.

"Well, Lisa. Aren't you going to answer me?" I asked.

My hand continued to stroke her beautiful long hair and I was still asked about her proposition.

"W-What are you asking, sir?" Lisa questioned.

"Lisa. I think you know what I'm talking about. You've seen the private room. You've seen the chains. You've seen the whips. You've seen the bed and the restraints. You know what goes on there." I explained.

My eyes narrowed.

"And you've said yourself that the whips were sexy. That the feeling of the leather whip on your skin was arousing and pleasurable. You liked it. You wanted more of it. So, my proposition is, be my guest. Come into the private room and be my guest. I will give you the pleasure and the pain that you crave." I told her.

"B-But…But sir. I'm …I'm your maid. I can't." Lisa said and looked away.

"I can't agree to your proposition sir….I came here to work and serve you. That is the only thing I'm supposed to do. That's what I've been hired for. To work and earn money for my mom. Nothing else." She said and turned away.

"W-What?" I asked.

I wasn't sure I heard her correctly. Did she just say 'No'… me?

No one has ever said no to me. No woman has ever turned down the chance to be my submissive.

It was unheard of. It was unthinkable.

So what the fck was going on? How could Lisa say no? Why was she saying no?

Did she not like the kiss we shared? Was she not interested in being with me?

"Lisa. Look at me." I said and held her cheek.

My eyes searched hers. I needed to understand why she turned down my request.

Why she turned down a chance to be pleasured by me…

Xavier Jackson.

I'm a man capable of giving women the greatest pleasure. I could make her scream and beg and moan for more.

And she was turning down that opportunity.

"W-Why are you doing this, Lisa?" I questioned.

"Why would you say No? Didn't you hear my question? I'm asking you to come and be with me. To spend the night in the private room and let me give you the most pleasurable experience of your life. Why would you refuse that?"

Lisa sighed and looked at me.

"Sir. With all due respect. This is the only job I have and I need this. If I accept your proposition, how can I continue to work as a maid for you? will be inappropriate." She explained.

"Inappropriate?" I asked.

"Y-Yes. I'm…I'm sorry sir. I just can't. Please excuse me." Lisa said and turned to leave.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me.

"Lisa. I'm not going to force you. I'm not going to make you. It's your choice. If you don't want to come with me, then fine. But before you walk out, let me ask you something. Is it because of the money? You're afraid you'll lose your job if we have sex?" I asked.

"Because if it's about the money, then you don't have to worry. I will double your salary….triple it. Just one night." I said.

I was desperate. I wanted to know…to test. To know if she was the reason for my recent performance issues.

It's not like I was asking her to spend the rest of her life with me. I was just asking for one night.

One night of pleasure. One night to experience the best sex ever.

And then she could walk away.

"I'm so sorry Mr Jackson. Maybe you can ask any of the other female workers. They are all so beautiful. I know they would gladly accept." She said.

"You are a very handsome man and I'm just a maid. The only thing I'm worried about is my sick mother. I don't think you would want to waste your time with me. So, please sir. Just let me go back to my work." She begged and pulled away from my grip.

She walked out of the bathroom and I stood there, still in shock.

I couldn't believe it.

Lisa Smith, had just turned me down.

Turned down a chance to be pleasured and dominated by the sexiest, richest man in the world.

Me. Xavier Jackson.

This had never happened before.

Not to me.

It was ridiculous. I got rejected. I got rejected by a poor girl.

A girl who worked as a maid in my house.

How did this happen? How was this possible?

This was a first.

I couldn't understand what had gone wrong.

What had happened? Was she scared? Was she not attracted to me?

Had our kiss not affected her the way it had affected me?

"Fck!" I yelled.

My ego was completely destroyed.

I quickly grabbed the towel, tied it around my waist and walked out of the bathroom.

I was furious…angry…seething with rage.

Why the fck did she turn me down?

I had offered her everything. I had given her the opportunity of a lifetime.

And she had just thrown it away.

What kind of an idiot would turn down an offer like that?

I walked out of the bathroom. My feet thundered against the floor as I stomped into the bedroom.

Lisa was by the edge of the bed. She was fixing the sheets and cleaning.

I stared at her and shook my head.

Wasn't it enough that she had rejected me and shattered my ego?

Did she have to rub it in my face and act as if nothing had happened?

Like I was a joke. Like she had won.

She had beaten the great Xavier Jackson.

She had shown the great Xavier Jackson that he could not control everything and everyone.

"Get out of my room." I suddenly snapped.

I don't even know why I said it.

I guess I was upset and angry. Angry with myself for feeling the way I was feeling.

Upset with Lisa for turning me down.

I felt different, which was also strange. Like my ego was wounded.

I was so used to getting what I wanted.

So used to women falling at my feet and worshipping the ground I walked on.

So, when a girl who was my employee and a nobody, turned me down, I didn't know how to handle it.

Or maybe….maybe it was because I was having these strange feelings for Lisa.

Feelings which I didn't want to deal with.

Feelings which made me do something out of the ordinary….like asking a maid for sex.

Feelings which I didn't fcking understand.

"What...did you say, Mr Jackson?" Lisa asked, she looked shocked and her eyes widen. I could see the fear and the confusion in her eyes.

"Did I stutter, Lisa? I said, get the fck out of my room." I growled.

"B-But sir. I need to finish my work…." She was still talking when I opened the bedroom door and pointed.

"Now, before I actually fire you!" I shouted.

My voice boomed throughout the room.

"Y-Yes, sir. Okay. Sorry." Lisa said and ran past me.

She left and shut the door behind her.

As soon as she left, I leaned against the door and took a deep breath.

The anger, the rage, the hurt and the pain that I was feeling, disappeared.

I couldn't believe I had just kicked her out of my room like that. She didn't even deserve that. I shouldn't have done that.

My ego was damaged and my pride was hurt. But Lisa hadn't done anything wrong.

She had just said no to me.

It was nothing. Nothing worth kicking her out. Now, I felt like an evil person.

I was so mad with her, but at the same time, I was also mad with myself.

My mind was so messed up.

"Fck!" I shouted and slammed my fist into the wall.

What was wrong with me?

Lisa was a girl who was just trying to make a living to help pay for her sick mother's treatment.

She wasn't like the other girls.

She wasn't like the girls who I had sex with.

Those girls were used to it. Girls who knew the business. Who were only in it for the money and the lifestyle.

Lisa was different. And maybe that's what attracted me to her.

She was new. She was innocent.

And the thought of having those innocent eyes and sweet lips around my member was a fantasy that I wanted to play out.

Maybe that's why I had propositioned her.

To corrupt her. To make her mine.

To make her a bad little girl.

"Oh Lisa, what are you doing to me?" I whispered and closed my eyes.

The truth was, I had never been so fascinated and intrigued by a woman before. This was new.

I reached for my phone and called Henry.

I needed to talk to someone or else I would lose my fcking mind.

"Henry. My bedroom. Now!" I ordered and ended the call.

Then I went into the closet and changed into a black pair of trousers and a black shirt.

I was getting dressed for the evening.

Henry would be here any minute. As I buttoned up my shirt, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened slowly and in walked Henry.

"What is it, Mr Jackson?" He asked, as he came inside.

"Are you alright, sir? I saw Lisa as I was coming in. She was crying and in a hurry. What happened? Did she do anything wrong again?" He asked.

I glared at him and continued to button up my shirt.

"You want to know what went wrong? Well, let's start with the fact that Lisa walked in on me again. In the bathroom…and I was naked…with my hands on my …."

"Mr Jackson. I don't think I need to know all the details." Henry cleared his throat and looked away.

"Anyway, long story short, she walked in on me. One thing led to another and I ended up asking her to have s*ex with me in the private room." I said.

"I asked Lisa to sleep with me for one night, and she rejected me. Can you believe that, Henry? Me, Xavier Jackson. She turned me down! She turned down the best s*ex of her life. That was an insult to my ego. So, I got pissed off and kicked her out of the room." I explained.

Ughhh. I was so pissed off. Talking about it was making me angry again.

I went over to the shelf beneath the mirror and picked up a bottle of whiskey.

"And then you called me and told me to come here. That's the whole story?" Henry asked.

I took a sip of the whiskey.

"Pretty much. Yes." I replied and drank some more.

I could already feel the alcohol going into my system. It was sharp and bitter and strong.

Just the way I liked it.

"So?" I asked, Henry.

"Aren't you going to say anything, Henry. Or are you just going to stand there and stare at me? Why the fck didn't she say yes?"

"Well, Mr Jackson. Lisa is an employee. You cannot have s*ex with an employee. That's selfish and unprofessional." Henry said.

I sighed.

"Henry. Do I look like I care about being professional? I'm Xavier Jackson. Also I'm not doing this for selfish reasons." I replied.

"Ohhh…You're not doing it for selfish reasons? I never knew you were Mother Teresa." Henry said. I could see him slightly roll his eyes. And the sarcasm in his tone.

"Tell me then, Mr Jackson." Henry continued.

"Why would you ask a maid whose mother is sick and dying, to sleep with you? To be a submissive in the private room." He asked.

I glanced at him.

"You know why. Lisa is the reason. She's the reason I couldn't get hard when I was with that other girl." I whispered.

"It only gets hard when I think about her or when I'm around her or when she looks at me. Only for her. But now that I know that, what do I do? How can I get rid of this feeling. She's a distraction. So, what do you think, Henry? How can I forget about Lisa and get my game back?" I questioned.

"I don't know, Mr Jackson." Henry replied. "You know, I suggested visiting the doctor but…."

I shot him a look and narrowed my eyes.

"No, Henry. We are not visiting the doctor. I don't need a doctor. And the next time, you suggest you will be fired." I warned him.

"Ok sir. But now that you can't perform anymore. Does that mean there will be no more private guests coming in and out of the house. Oh thank the heavens! It's a relief. The mansion is so peaceful without all those girls and their drama." Henry joked.

I stared at him again. Was he making a mockery of my situation?

"Shut up, Henry. This is not a joke. This is not funny. My d!ck is not a joke. My game is not a joke. My performance is not a joke. I need to release. Do you understand? Do you get it? This is serious." I said.

"Yes sir. Yes. Sorry. Of course it's serious. You've been really angry ever since the incident happened. We really need little Mr Jackson to work again. Because I'm really tired of hearing you yell and complain about it. Not that I blame you, of course. I'm just saying." Henry said.

I groaned.

Ughh. If not that Henry was my most trusted servant and has been in this house long before I was born, I would have fired him by now.

"Anyway, I can always get you some performance pills from the hospital." Henry suggested.

"What! Pills? Fck no! I don't need pills. That's for old men who can't get hard. I'm not taking pills. No fcking way." I shouted.

"Ok. Ok. Just a suggestion. I don't know what else you want me to do. Or say. This is all I've got. Unless, you want to go visit the doctor." He said.

"No, Henry. Not the doctor. I'm not taking pills. Pills is for people who can't get it up naturally. And I'm not one of them. So please, if you have nothing else to say. Get out." I ordered.

"Ok, sir. Goodnight. I hope you solve your little problem." He teased and laughed.

I threw the whiskey bottle at him, but he dodged it. The bottle ended up breaking and the remaining alcohol spilled all over the carpet.

"Oh. Shit." I mumbled.

Henry smirked and quickly rushed out.

I could hear him laughing and mumbling as he went down the stairs.

Fcking bastard! This wasn't funny.

"Fck!" I said and kicked the sofa.

"Damn you, Lisa Smith." I yelled and ran my hand through my hair.

I was going to get her one way or the other. I was going to make her mine.

I knew what I had to do. I was going to give her an offer she could never refuse.