Chereads / The 4th Hellhound: Hades {BL} / Chapter 14 - Chapter 58

Chapter 14 - Chapter 58

The clash of the four sides was insane, no one dares to use fire weapons, yet the punches, the kicks, were like wild animals in the jungle, the blood was all over their body and the ground was filed with red and unconscious men.

Yohan who had the majority around him falling saw that hellhound sub-leader reaching him.

"Say no weapon, yet look at you using one" that sub-leader says

Yohan smirks not waiting a second throwing that baseball bat to him with "catch"

And that sub-leader did try to catch it to use it but surprisingly he couldn't carry it at all since it was too heavy "What the hell?" he commented letting it off and went to a defence position since Yohan came to him with a hard punch that made him goes on one knee

"You like that?" Yohan steps back holding another man's punch coming from behind and hitting him with his elbow letting him falls unconscious with so many others "come" he pointed for him with his fingers and the sub-leader stands in hesitation "scared?"

That sub-lead did attacks again but Yohan dodge it easily, turning a full turn standing behind him and hit him in the back, making him lose his balance, at that moment he saw someone wanting to take the baseball bat but struggles, Yohan shake his head when their eyes met going there giving him a kick to the darkness, and went down holding the bat again swaying it left and right "where were we?" he turns to that sub-leader walking to him again.

At the other side Rain did finish with all those police men seeing more than half of his men also falls and hardly standing, yet those from the hellhounds at the other side were definitely losing "let's go" he says walking fast to the other side to help those hellhounds to win that bet, because Hades men were definitely used to fight against the Rogues with this kind of way. Seeing how Orthrus was smashing heads with his bare hands "take him down, I take the baseball bat guy"

"yes sir" those who were with him says running as fast as they can to Orthrus, when he went to Iatros who was playing with that sub-leader keeping him awake while beating others fast with that baseball bat!

Walking toward him Rain called loud "YOU!"

Yohan looks at Rain direction and his enjoyable expression changes seeing the others far away "he finish them that fast, losers" he frown looking down near his legs where that sub-leader was still conscious yet beaten a little "you did got stronger Fang! I am proud of you, please stay down I don't want to hurt you"

That sub-leader eyes went wide open hearing his name…

Yohan looks at him and winked before he walks toward Rain playing with the bat "I need to apologies first since I said I won't bother you in any kind of way yet here I am, but still you started it"

Rain didn't like that, because that made him remember how he tricked him with everything, with every word that came out of his mouth, now he is even doubting that he used his looks to try and hit a soft spot "I really hate people like you" Rain says when the two were facing each-other, and no one else dares to interfere.

Yohan nodded trying to accept those words "it is okay, hate is a feeling too" he shrugs after that with "show me what you got"

That's when Rain attacks and Yohan didn't fall back either, one with a baseball bat the other with his bare hands, and for Yohan surprise Rain didn't dodge that bat at all.

In a blink of an eye Rain was ready to feel the hit of that bat, but no, that Iatros dodges him and his punch as a last second decision.

"That was a close one" Yohan says throwing the bat on the ground "but I kind of want this to be fair"

Rain knows that the other reflexes were insane, how he change it in the last second shows that he is a professional fighter not only a brain. Also that sound when that baseball bat falls in the ground was kind of loud, it must be made of steel not wood, and if he hit it he could have brake his hand no doubt.

This time both attack at the same time but none of them could land a hit on the other since both were dodging the punches, till Rain didn't dodge the punch but grabs it using his other hand to hit Iatros face. Yohan want to step back feeling how hard that punch was, but Rain didn't let go of the arm he catches punching another one to that mask making it fall from his face cutting his ear since it was linked to the mask with a chain.

"Ugh!" Yohan felt the pain yet if he kept getting those punches it will be his down, he acted faster this time turning using the arm Rain grabbing and made a hip throw technique.

Rain falls on his back on the ground, looking up to see the other face right on top of him, with his blood dropping…

Something felts off…

Rain expected the other to punch him but he didn't, he saw him stepping back immediately touching his head in pain and even cursing in anger.

Pushing himself up Rain wonder if it just his luck or that 'sickness of drugs' he have acting up at the perfect timing. "You are so unlucky" Rain says looking at that baseball bat and take it feeling how heavy it was, really heavy! But he can swing it for sure. He saw the other want to stands but failed falling on his knee from the pain he is having.

Reaching him Rain looks down to him putting that bat over his shoulder just like he was doing "You lost" he declares grabbing the bat with both hands to make a full hit and when he swing it, it got stopped by Iatros midway.

Rain scoff seeing him still touching his head in pain, but also didn't let go of that bat…

"You won" Yohan says couldn't tolerate the pain anymore, he look at where Orthrus was wanting to call for him but didn't have the strength to do so.

Rain look at where he was looking and yells louder so they will hear him "STOP"

Those who were fighting against Hades men stopped hearing Rain's voice making the others fighting against them also stopping.

Rain steps back when he saw Orthrus runs to Iatros with "are you okay? You are bleeding!!"

The other shake his head a no "I need my medication"

"Such a timing" Orthrus says annoyed looking at Rain "you won, you guys won, as promised, what happened here stays here"

Rain didn't know if this is just his luck, or he did won. He saw Orthrus helping the other stands while taking his mask from the ground "EVERYONE RETREAT" he ordered his men and left the place.

Rain hear the others cheering since they think they won, but Rain eyes didn't left that baseball bat, it was squeezed, the place where that Hades left hand grabbed at the end was pressed leaving his fingers printed there "How strong is he…?"