Chereads / The 4th Hellhound: Hades {BL} / Chapter 15 - Chapter 59

Chapter 15 - Chapter 59

Hades was next to Yohan looking at him finally sleeping, he sigh walking outside a room seeing Orthrus standing their

"Since when he uses 4 needles to get calm? Isn't that an overdose?" he says concern

Hades informed "since he came back from the masquerade happened here"

"Seriously what is his sickness? He says he took his medications yesterday why it is acting up the next day?" Orthrus spoke in anger "isn't he a doctor? He miraculously made your operation a success, how he didn't find a cure to his own sickness?"

"Son, relax he won't die" Hades spoke calmly "if he finds a cure I am sure he won't be leaving himself in pain" he turns looking from the door at the one sleeping "everyone have their secrets, maybe he will tell us someday, but today we stay by his side the same way he did for us"

Orthrus frown

 "I need to go back to the south, we can't let our men alone" Hades declares

Orthrus looks at him in shock "what? I should be the one leaving not you"

Hades shake his head a no "I already talk to Iatros, having you by his side is way better than an old man like me, you are the future of Hades you should build it a new"


"I know you were refusing all this Hellhound idea because you know you will be parting ways with the only friend you made since forever"

"What…I…no!" Orthrus stutter in his own sentence

 "Orthrus, I raised you, I never saw you so spontaneous with anyone except me and Dena for the last 20 years till you met Yohan! I owe him this one too for taking you out of your shell" Hades says start leaving "call me whenever you need me, and take care of him you are the older one"

Orthrus looks at Hades leaving, he turns looking inside the room seeing Yohan sleeping soundly "I will"




Rain arrives back at his house, the first thing he did was entering to take a shower, he stands next the mirror checking his wounds when he saw that his bullet necklace was having blood on it, he took it off cleaning it along with the ring then put it back.

He looks back at the mirror remembering what happened before…


--//after the fight

Rain was seeing his men helping each other back to the cars, when that sub-leader of the hellhounds came to him

"Can I talk to you?"

Rain nodded walking a little far with him "you were working with Fourth right?"

The sub-leader nodded "my name is Fang, and yes Fourth made me in charge of the club, after his death Third took over everything Fourth once had"

"What do you want?" Rain wonder why he came to him

"Since you helped us today, I just wanted to tell you that the Hellhounds are the one who start the fire at your cousin work place"



Rain clench his fist, hitting the sink in that bathroom thinking of the big mistake he made, of course when the fire happened at the hellhounds zone, there wasn't any clues on who did it, how could a camera catches a Hades men doing it so easily!

It was the Hellhound doing so he would think it Hades and turns against them "Rain. What did you do?" he says to himself knowing he made a big mistake.




In the next morning the news didn't tell anything about what happened yesterday, everything was like it never happened, Rain took his phone first in the morning texting Yuki to check if she is fine

Yuki: yes I am fine, since the building is still in rebuilding, I am trying to apply for any hospital so I can work in it for the time being without buying the materiel again, and NO I don't need any help I can handle this!

Rain read the reply knowing that since Yuri kidnapped him 5 years ago, his father cut the ties with the two sisters not funding anything and taking everything they once had.


--------// meanwhile


Yuki who texted back Rain went back to the search seeing the options she had, that when a pop up of a new hospital in the city made an opening yesterday. "Maybe this is a good sign" she said with a smile driving her car to the mentioned hospital.

Arriving she looks inside her car draw and found only one resume in there "em! Just one?" she said taking it and went out "why I never heard of it!" she looks up seeing the hospital name but she saw a Octagon shape then the word 'hospital' near it, Yuki automatically smiled feeling that this is maybe a very good sign, she went inside to the reception desk counter and the place was giving a calm aura "hello!"

The receptionist looks at her with a bright smile "how can I help you?"

Yuki asks "how can I apply for a dentist room, or position! I may need it just temporary"

The receptionist answered "leave a resume with a writing that I can give to the HR"

Yuki nodded putting her resume on the desk counter and asked for a pen and a paper to write what they need, after sometime she finished the paper and took it checking it putting the pen near the edge but it rolls a little and falls on the ground little far

"Ow!" Yuki says looking at the pen putting the paper down and went to grabs it, when she went back a guy was standing where her papers were "em…excuse me" Yuki said and the guy look at her with "y-yes?" but at that moment Yuki's eyes were on her papers that become a plate for that guy's hot coffee! "Oh no!" she says in a mix of shock and disappointment seeing the hot steam made a circle on her only resume.

The guy saw where she was looking and he immediately took off his cup of coffee "Oh! I am really sorry!" he says taking the papers but saw the circle in the middle of it.

"It's okay" Yuki said calmly with a sad smile "maybe it is a sign I shouldn't be here" she took the papers from the guy's hands and walks outside, she stopped taking a deep breath wondering what she can do, all her money went to the clinic, and her savings can't let her buy everything from the start! And waiting the clinic to be rebuild, her patients will run away to another doctor!

She touched her hair rubbing it in frustration "maybe I should find another job"

"Hey you!"

She heard from behind and turned to see the coffee guy getting closer to her, how she hate to see his face right now, and why his hair is red! What with this taste!

"I heard you are applying for a job? A dentist job!"

Yuki wonder why he is asking this question, also why the receptionist would be gossiping of others matters, but she put her smile and nodded "Yes, I had this situation…" she looks at him in a questionable look "Why do you ask?"

"Well…I maybe can help you if you are interested to work in the Octagon hospital!"

Yuki smiled hearing the name looking up at the symbol "so Octagon is it name then!"


---------// Inside


Yuki accepted the guy invitation to drink a coffee while speaking, both sat at the cafeteria inside and it was very big and neat.

"If I can ask your name first!" Yuki had to so first she would refer to the guy by his name

"Orthrus" Orthrus says his name, he wasn't wearing his mask but a polygon view-glasses

"Orthrus!" she had to repeat because that isn't a name

"I am adopted, I got a new name by my crazy father!" he explains

"Ow, I didn't mean…" Yuki felt kind of embarrassed because of how obvious her shock was.

"It is fine, you are not the first one…" Orthrus took the resume looking at her "Yuki Yamada…oh you have your own clinic?"

Yuki nodded "had…there was an accident yesterday and it burned up"

Orthrus look at her double checking "yesterday?" and when he got a nod as an answer he felt relived it isn't their doing. "Sorry for your lose"

"Since you said you can help me, do you know the owner or something?" Yuki asked to not waste her time

"Yes I know the owner"

Yuki nodded feeling little at ease maybe she is lucky she met him.

"And he probably won't refuse any of my suggestions, but the truth to be told we are still new in town" He smiled awkwardly "and our patients are kind of…"

Yuki shake her head "it is fine by me, I already have a full list at my iPad with their schedule, and I really don't want to miss up anyone's date!"

"Oh, it isn't like that" Orthrus tried to explain but ended up saying it directly "I mean our patients are mostly going to be thugs if you don't mind"


He nodded "we don't want to lie to anyone who will work for us, so if you are still interested…"

Yuki though about it, are they the Hellhounds? Because the red-circle know who she is! "You said you are new in town?"

Orthrus nodded "yes, but we promise no trouble goes in hospitals just patients"

Yuki smiled, she is damn used on this "sure, I don't mind"

Orthrus nodded "perfect!"


Both heard and saw a nurse coming near the two speaking

"The patient woke up"

Orthrus stands immediately with "Really! How is he? Wait I should go check myself" he says looking at Yuki "em… I…"

Yuki understands immediately "it is fine, you can go! I will wait!"

Orthrus nodded "I will talk to the owner for you, give your papers to the reception" he look at the nurse "can you show her the way to the dentist area! She could be the new doctor there"

"Yes sir" the nurse says "this way please"