Chereads / The 4th Hellhound: Hades {BL} / Chapter 8 - Chapter 52

Chapter 8 - Chapter 52


"I look like someone you love?" he said with some sarcasm mixed with a surprise tone

Rain tried to fix the misunderstanding "I am not flirting with you, you truly do, but he died 5 years ago"

"Even though he is dead! You still use the present in that sentence!"

Rain didn't answer that, because it is obvious he still do even if he is dead. He didn't want to talk about it so he changed the subject "about Dena!"

The other huffs knowing how he want to change the subject "What about her?"

"Any idea where they took her?"

He saw the doctor leaning back touching his head the same way he was doing back at Doug's car "maybe! But is't it better to stay away from that girl if you are one of the Rogues?"

"Unfortunately it's too late"



"She did sound so worried about you at the phone tho! Is something going on between you two??"

"None of your business"

"I see…I may know where she is! What is your offer?"

"What do you want? Money?"

Lex smiled while closing his eyes replying "I am a doctor, you think I need money?"

Rain looks at him silently but spoke after "What did the Rogues gave you to be with them?" with that question Rain saw him opening his eyes, he stopped that rubbing and crossed his arms turning his head while still leaning against the chair looking at him and with the laziest way he says…

"Lab rats"

The words he said made Rain think twice, he sure remembered the girl words again, and those two words confirms them. "Humans?"

"At least I make them useful for scientific purposes"

"What is your search about?"

That made Lex smile but didn't answer the question "a scientist never reveal his secrets"

Rain frown "the Rogues doesn't know?"

Lex put his head back closing his eyes "ugh! You are too smart to get avoided! Well they think they know"

"Are you okay?" Rain had to ask seeing how he starts rubbing his head again

"Worried?" he smiled yet didn't even look at Rain "just a headache I will rest my head till we arrive"

Rain knows that was the end of their conversation, because the rest of the road was silent.


-----------/ Wesvil /----------


Arriving at their destination, the place was an old yet alive street full of stores and mini restaurants having plastic chairs outside, He wonder why would any sort of medication be here. He turned to wake the one who was taking a nap near him, but didn't had to because Lex phone let him wake up all alone, he saw him taking the phone answering

"Whaat Doug!"

He answers the same lazy way he answered Dena before.

"They didn't find it on her? How? She lost it?...yes he is sitting next to me" That when he look at him asking "by any chance did you see a card like ID card size having XT letters on Dena?"

Rain shake his head a no "no"

"He doesn't… he isn't lying I checked his clothes when I was doing the operation!"

Rain raise an eyebrow hearing that

"Look in the clinic! Or at the car they were driving, or maybe where the shooting happened….Yeah I will!" and he hang up looking outside "We arrived! Finally" he immediately put the phone in his pocket opening the car door with "thanks" then left!

"Wait!" Rain tried to call but the other excitement wasn't to be hold since he runs inside that lively street pulling the hood of his jacket up on his head, Rain wonder if he do it because he is one of the Rogues and doesn't want to be recognized in a Hades area! "Wait here" he ordered his men taking a gun with him and went out following him because he still needs that information about Dena place from him!

Seeing him taking turns he finally went in a shop, an antique shop, Rain decided to wait him to come out first, but that waiting took some time, 10 minutes passed and he decide to go in because what the odds if there is a back door, or something happened!

Entering the shop, the only worker in there looks at him and to what he was wearing "are you okay?"

Rain didn't answer but look around the shop seeing it was empty, not thinking twice he took out the gun with "I am looking for Lex"

The worker rises his hands up first then pointed to a shelf there filled with old books "5th raw philosophy book"

Rain went to that shelf looking at the trace on the ground showing it is a door, he look at the 5th raw and there was a philosophy book indeed, pulling it he heard a click of a lock so he did pull the shelf and it got open! Seeing a long tight passage he walks inside yet the smell was strongly unpleasant. A smell he does know for sure!

Reaching the end of that passage, he could see an average room with some old furniture and also some boys and men inside doing drugs! Smoking weeds and everything! He look around to see his target was on one of those Sofas with his sleeve already rolled up, closing his eyes and leaning back like he wasn't in this word

"How in the world a doctor doing drugs and call it medication!" Rain said frustrated getting closer and noticing 3 empty needles on his lap while a 4th one was in between his fingers and it was empty too "are you kidding me?" Rain doubt if he is in an overdose state, he shakes him from his arm calling his name but the other eyes were closed and his body wasn't responding, somehow his heart start racing anonymously, and he know he shouldn't be scared for a total stranger! He checked his pulse and they were too slow for a normal heart beating "damn it" he said pulling him closer while hitting his face "hey are you alive?"

Not having a respond he decide to take him to any hospital, so he grabs him carrying him on his back. but when making his way to the outside he felt some shuffling on his back

"Are you awake?"

 "Em!" He answered as a yes

Rain wanted to put him down but felt Lex arms moving tighter around his neck

"So warm…"

He heard him mumbling, but it seems like he was half a sleep

"… fee…ling…i…mi…"

Not finishing his sentence he went back to sleep for sure, Rain shake his head and walks back to where he left his men.


-------------// the next morning


Rain opened his eyes on the sound of footsteps, he look around at the hotel his men booked for him, he saw that doctor standing next to the sofa he slept on since he gave him the bedroom…

"Good morning, I have to go to the hospital! Come after to Wes-hospital for a check-up okay? I will be there"

That was all he said and runs to the door leaving, Rain reaches his phone on the table near him looking at the hour "the hell!" he says knowing that he slept not nearly two hours, but seeing him with full energy and walks normally after all those drugs "Is he an animal or something?" he commented while turning to the other side closing his eyes wanting to sleep more. But he ended up opening them thinking of how Yohan was able to drink much but still be awake. His heart start to race again just by the idea that he is him

"What if…"

Yet the image of his pal dead body can confirm that his wild imagination is a big fake fantasy.