Izuku and Piper walked down the broken path leading out of Sanctuary. The air was heavy, and every crack of branches or movement in the bushes kept them on edge. Izuku kept his gun ready while his eyes scanned the surroundings.
**Piper:** *(Looking around)* *This is... desolate. Hard to believe this was once a normal neighborhood.*
**Izuku:** *(Serious)* *It was. But we need to focus. We should be close to Concord.*
As they moved forward, they reached a small, abandoned station off to the side of the path. It was a simple building, with the rusted sign barely visible: *"Red Rocket"*
**Piper:** *(Pointing)* *What do you think? Maybe we'll find something useful inside.*
Izuku nodded. The station seemed to be in decent condition for a ruined building, but that didn't mean it was empty. They entered cautiously, with Izuku in front and Piper covering him with her revolver.
Inside the station, the place was filled with old tools, scrap metal, and a strong smell of stale fuel. But something caught their attention: a soft sound, like a pant.
**Piper:** *(Whispering)* *Did you hear that?*
Izuku nodded and moved toward the back of the building. There, behind some boxes, he found a friendly-looking brown dog with white spots, excited to see them.
**Izuku:** *(Relaxing his gun)* *A dog?*
The animal wagged its tail and confidently approached, sniffing Izuku first, then Piper.
**Piper:** *(Smiling)* *Well, looks like it's not looking for a fight.*
**Izuku:** *(Petting its head)* *Hey there, buddy. Are you alone here?*
The dog gave a soft bark, as if answering the question.
**Piper:** *(Crouching to pet it too)* *It's rare to find something so... normal in a place like this.*
**Izuku:** *(Smiling for the first time in a while)* *Looks like it wants to come with us. What do you think, buddy? Will you join us?*
The dog barked again and sat beside them, ready to follow.
**Izuku:** *(Looking at it)* *We'll call you... Meatball.*
**Piper:** *(Laughing)* *Meatball? Not the most heroic name, but I think it suits him.*
With their new companion by their side, the group left the station and continued on their way to Concord.
**An Attack in Concord**
When they reached the outskirts of Concord, the sounds of gunfire and shouting made them stop in their tracks. Izuku raised his hand to signal them to stop and crouched down to get a better view. From his position, he could see a small group of ruined buildings. In the center, a group of **raiders** was firing at a larger building where several civilians were trying to defend themselves.
**Izuku:** *(Murmuring)* *They're attacking someone. We need to help them.*
**Piper:** *(With a mix of concern and excitement)* *Are you sure? Those guys don't look friendly.*
**Izuku:** *(Serious)* *We can't leave them there.*
They moved carefully toward the raiders, using the ruins for cover. Meatball followed them silently, as if understanding the seriousness of the situation.
**Piper:** *(Preparing her revolver)* *Alright, how do you want to do this?*
**Izuku:** *(Whispering)* *First, let's take out the ones farther away. Only shoot if necessary.*
Izuku positioned himself behind one of the distracted raiders and neutralized him with a quick strike. The others heard the noise and started firing.
**Raider 1:** *We've got company!*
The fight broke out in seconds. Izuku shot with military precision, while Piper covered his flanks. Meatball, to everyone's surprise, jumped on one of the raiders, knocking him to the ground.
**Piper:** *(Shooting)* *This dog is amazing!*
Finally, the last raider fell, and the silence returned to the area, broken only by the sound of fast footsteps coming from the building.
**??? (Male voice):** *Thank you! We thought we were done for!*
A dark-skinned man, wearing a hat and a long coat, emerged from the building along with other civilians. Izuku lowered his weapon and walked toward them.
**Izuku:** *Are you all alright?*
**??? (Smiling):** *Thanks to you, we are. I'm Preston Garvey, from the Commonwealth Minutemen. Well... what's left of them.*
**Izuku:** *Minutemen?*
**Preston:** *Yes. We're trying to protect the civilians, but it's tough with so many raiders and creatures around. If it weren't for you...*
**Piper:** *(Interrupting)* *Well, luckily, we were passing by.*
**Preston:** *I really appreciate your help. But... we're not safe yet. There are more raiders nearby. If you could help us clear the area, we can talk more about how we can repay you.*
**Izuku:** *(With determination)* *Count on us.*
With a brief exchange of glances, Izuku and Piper prepared for the next battle. Meatball barked, as if he was ready too.
**End of Chapter 6.**