Chapter 11 - Survive

The man's titanic weight rushed at the lady with terrifying speed; he lobbed a punch at her abdomen. A force drove her back, ramming into the bar counter.

But not only did she not wince; she also seemed to have predicted such as she moved back to her feet.

Obviously, to Leon, the man was the bad guy here. He had an urge to stealthily take him down from behind. But, mid-attempt, something deep inside him asked—had he forgotten who he was, now holding an inflated view of himself?

Leon agreed as he stayed put. He was no one but a Failed Awakener upgraded with a slight touch.

Hidden within the tavern, the man cackled. He said, his tone boastful, "Say it, bitch... that broke a rib, didn't it? It's a hell of shame because I thought you were stronger than a metal..."

The Requiem said, as though she was putting an end to something, "You're the only one who doesn't bother with last words."

The man raised his brows. "Not over that childishness yet?"

The moment Leon noticed the Requiem's wrist turning, he knew what would happen. In Remnora mythology, a human named Perseus killed Cetus using Medusa's head. And anyone born under the Cetus star… well, they shared its cursed fate.

Without a hint, the Requiem dug her hand into the sack...

Leon swallowed in both anticipation and tension.

As soon as her hands came out of the sack, the man's eyes widened. He yelped, "NO!!!"

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

Leon jerked his body away from the wall and shut his eyes with all his strength. Why?

Even the man knew it was too late for him when he met the petrifying gaze. Nausea washed over him, and he trembled on the spot. In that moment, a sharp, unnatural cold stabbed into his veins, spreading like poisoned ice.

Held in the Requiem's hand was a head with marble skin, hairs replaced by a writhing mass of venomous serpents. The man breathed with a tremor, his body covered in sweat from fear.

He wanted to end his life before Medusa's petrifying gaze turned him to stone. Same as how Perseus ended the ancestor of the Cetus Constellation. The sea monster!

"You raggedy bitch!" he yelled, his heart pounding.

The Requiem didn't waver, her eyes as distant as non-alive pairs.

In no time, cracks splintered across the man's skin. His heartbeat hammered, but shortly, it slowed... dulled... silenced. His eyes felt dry... too dry... until he realised they weren't just drying out.

They were hardening. He let out a final breath before the sound was stolen from him. Then, his body solidified completely. No longer flesh nor human. Just a statue, wide-eyed in horror.

In the next moment, the statue fell on its back...


It shattered, sending shards across the floor.


Soon afterwards, the Requiem stacked the head away, fetched her pouch and exited the bar. Near the entrance did she find a frail-looking young man crouching, eyes shut.

But she moved past him without saying anything. The sudden crunching sound shot Leon to his feet, and he turned to...

Without warning, a flash of yellow approached in. In a split second, something wrapped around his arms, also binding his ankles together. He lost his balance, falling on his side.

Leon hissed.

The Requiem was before him when he looked forward. His brows creased about why she did that. But damn... he couldn't yet push himself to quarry someone like that.

Still, Leon felt that this was unfair.

Unexpectedly, the lady said, "Your prolonged presence here not only paints you as a suspicious one, but also endangers your safety. Leaving here at this moment will affect you in an unpleasant manner. The only advice I can give is for you to be as silent as you can be to not attract monsters when I am gone..."

Leon asked before even knowing it, "WHAT?! Monsters?"

At first, she moved forward without answering. Then, mid-movement, she said, "Creatures of darkness always cause destruction wherever I visit. Bad omen shadows me, if you can call it that..."

Leon couldn't believe such a ridiculous statement. Was immobilising him an act of protection or endangerment?

"Then, release me, please! How am I to protect myself otherwise?" Leon screamed at the top of his lungs, driving the Requiem to an abrupt halt.

Her tone relaxed, yet firm in a way, she said, "Tell me about suspicion. High-grade clothes... a prolonged stay... you're obviously from anywhere but Mecha Ruin."

Leon said immediately, "No, I am—"

But, she cut in, "That's your belief. But I can't let you off without having suspicious thoughts. All I can say is... survive to prove yourself right. Pull out a beast's throat if that's how crazy you can go just to survive."

With that, she turned away, the faint crunch of her movement fading into a dark corner.

Leon grinds his teeth. "Damn it. I'm seriously screwed!"