Chereads / Falling For My Kidnapper / Chapter 6 - Beneath the Surface

Chapter 6 - Beneath the Surface

"You don't have to be afraid of me, because I would never shoot you. Women and children are completely off limits for me."


I believed him. There was just something about Angel that made me trust him. Now Tristan on the other hand...


"And what about Tristan?" I asked, voicing the thought in my head.


"You're the mother of his firstborn. He wouldn't lay a finger on you."


"How am I supposed to believe that when he just killed a man right before my eyes!?"


"I've seen the way he looks at you and Mateo. He's not going to hurt you. And that's saying a lot, because the man is a cold-hearted ass." Angel raised his hands, fear flashing in eyes when he realized what he just said and to who. "Shit. Please don't tell him I said that."


I burst into laughter and nodded. "Don't worry. I won't tell him. Besides, I completely agree with you. He is a cold-hearted ass."


Angel relaxed his shoulders and chuckled nervously. He'd frequently look over his shoulder to make sure Tristan wasn't standing behind him with a bullet waiting for him.


Over the next hour, Angel and I spent our time getting to know one another. He was truly a sweetheart, which made me wonder why someone so kind could be a part of something like this?


"My parents died when I was young. I didn't have anyone until Tristan found me homeless and sleeping at a subway station. I owe him my life."


So that's why.


Hearing him talk about Tristan in a way that made him sound like some kind of savior gave me a different view of him.


I thought about that night I was drunk, alone, and out in the cold rain with no way home. It was Tristan who came to my rescue.


That night- he was my savior.


So what happened? Why is he so different now? Unless he's always been this way and I'm just too stupid to see it.


I admit that I've been trying so hard to hold on to the chivalrous Tristan. The one who took me home and treated me like a Queen.


I remember the way he held and caressed me while I slept. I remember the soothing words he whispered in my ear. And I remember the delicious food he made for me the next morning before he left.


He'd managed to make what was the worst night of my life to the best in a flip of a switch. I mean the sex was great, phenomenal even. But what I loved the most was how nurturing he was.


I had never felt so cared for in my life. I was happy with him. Even if it was just for a night I was truly happy.


"Between you and me, I think you and Mateo are going to be the reason Tristan changes for the better."


"You really believe that?" I questioned in surprise and slight skepticism.


"With every bone in my body."




Later that evening, I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Mrs. Lucci to bring me my dinner for the night.


But when the door opened, Tristan was the one who walked in. "Are you hungry?"


"Yes," I murmured. "Where is Mrs. Lucci?"


"Waiting for you at the dinner table."


"You want me to come eat with you guys?" I asked, genuinely surprised by his sudden change in behavior. Even his tone of voice was softer, calmer.


I stood up, unable to hide the smile forming on my lips. I started for the door, shifting past Tristan. But stopped in my tracks when he grabbed my arm.


I looked back at him with worry, afraid that he'd had a change of heart.


His lips were parted like he was going to say something, but then he stopped and released my arm.


He said nothing as he followed me out of the room and into the dining room where Mrs. Lucci


and Katya were waiting at the table.


My mouth watered at the feast laid out on the table for us. Pasta, pasta, and more pasta. My madre(mama) used to make a mean Spaghetti dish when I was living back in Detroit.


Sitting down at the table, Tristan took the seat on the right of me at the head of the table. Katya was sitting to my left, while Mrs. Lucci sat in the seat across from me.


Dinner was silent.


Which is what I expected. Mrs. Lucci would initiate conversation every now and again, but it only ever lasted long enough for a few sentences to be exchanged.


I kept stealing a glance Tristan's way, trying to figure out what was going through his head.


The conversation I had with Angel earlier just kept coming back to me. Tristan seemed so far away even as he sat just inches from me.


I wasn't yet totally convinced that Tristan could change. I knew there was a part of him that did have a heart, but it was only for a brief moment that I experienced it. Which makes me wonder if our time together had even been real, or if it had all just been a dream; a fantasy.


I stabbed my fork into my pasta, my mind drifting elsewhere. I was in a total daze, thinking about the time Tristan and I shared together and how much I've missed it.


When I found out I was pregnant, I was on a date with a guy I met through an online dating app. The date had been perfect. He had been perfect. But after throwing up in the bathroom and realizing my period was late, I ended the date, stopped by a local drug store, and rushed home to take the test.


Sure enough, I was pregnant.


That's when I stopped dating all together and decided to put all of my efforts into being the best mother I can be for my son.


I didn't lie when I told Tristan that I was trying to get in contact with him. The man was like a ghost. And it didn't help that I knew what his face and dick looked like, but didn't bother to even ask him his name.


How embarrassing .


Not only did I get pregnant off a one night stand to a stranger, but it just so happened to be with a damn Mafia leader.


I sighed, thinking it had been internally but realizing it hadn't when I looked up from my plate to see everyone's eyes on me.


I blushed from embarrassment, apologizing. "Mi dispiace(I'm sorry). I was just thinking," I admitted shyly.


"About what?" Tristan asked, having not said a single word up until now.


"Um... uh..." I didn't want to tell him that it had been him I was thinking about. So I made up a quick lie to a save myself from being embarrassed any further. "About Mateo." I excused myself from the table. "Speaking of, I should probably go check on him."


Rafaele took a step towards me, but stopped when Tristan raised his hand and shook his head. Rafaele gave him a look of disbelief, but he ignored him.


"Angel. Go with her," he ordered. Angel nodded and followed me out of the dining room.


I was glad he didn't let Rafaele come. He's just so intimidating. But with Angel, I can relax and be somewhat of myself. I feel less like a caged animal and more like a person.


Entering into Mateo's room, I approached his crib and checked to see that he was still fast asleep. I chuckled, noticing that his chunky little arm was resting over his eyes. He doesn't sleep any other way.


Gently caressing his tiny baby curls, I kissed his forehead, whispering a lullaby in Italian before leaving the room and returning to Tristan's.


The opportunity to escape has yet to arise, but my chances are greater now with Angel on my side. I'm not a hundred percent sure that he would cross his boss, but I do think there's a possibility.




I was laying down, my body facing away from the door. Looking out the window, I stared at the beautiful round ball of light in the sky.


I could hear the door open and close, the sound of shuffling filling my ears before I felt the bed dip.


Muscular arms wrapped around my body and pulled me in. Cinnamon permeated my nose, Tristan sighing softly behind me.


Tristan's behavior is odd. He hasn't said anything about the phone call I made and to who. He's been real silent since this afternoon, which doesn't feel at all normal. 


In fact, it's really freaking me out. I'd much rather he flip out, then to be this calm because at least then I knew what was to come.


Angel did say he wouldn't hurt me. Tristan, himself, even said he wouldn't hurt me. But I can't help this strange feeling stirring in the pit of my stomach. 


I don't know how I know, but he's planning something. I'm sure of it.