Chereads / Falling For My Kidnapper / Chapter 8 - A Risky Move

Chapter 8 - A Risky Move

Walking into the nursery, I stopped short when I saw Tristan feeding Mateo while slowly rocking him back and forth in his rocking chair. He was smiling down at our son, whispering soothing words in his ear.


"How was work?" He asked without looking up, his attention still on Mateo.


"I'm sure your lackeys have already told you."


"They did," he replied, finally looking up. The smile on his face vanished. "But I wanted to hear it from you."


"It went fine," I muttered. "Though I would prefer it if your bodyguards didn't hover over me while I'm trying to work. They're scaring the customers."


Setting the empty bottle down on the little side table near the rocking chair, he held Mateo up to his chest and began patting his back. "That's not my problem."


I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and rolling my eyes. "Can you at least tell Rafe to back off?" He's intentionally staring everyone down, trying to intimidate them. And my boss is losing customers because of him.




Once he heard Mateo's little burp, he smiled and murmured something in Italian before gently laying him down in his crib.


I still didn't necessarily trust him with Mateo, but I would be a fool not to see how good of a father he is. Even so, it's not safe for either one of us to be here. Tristan's lifestyle isn't a place to raise a family.


"Why are you so damn stubborn?" I mumbled under my breath.


I didn't realize he heard me until he looked over at me. I uncrossed my arms, swallowing and standing up straighter. I thought he was going to lunge at me with the death glare he was giving me, but to my surprise, he kissed Mateo on the head and walked out of the room.


I followed him out into the hallway. "Tristan." He kept walking, completely ignoring me. So I grabbed his wrist.


He stopped in his tracks, turning to glance down at my fingers around his wrist before looking at me. "What?"


"Can we please talk?"


"We did talk," he said coldly, while ripping his wrist from my hand and walking away.




Later that night, after having a silent dinner, I helped Katya and Mrs. Lucci clean up, while Tristan left to do God knows what. "He's just so stubborn," I told them.


"He gets it from his father," Mrs. Lucci said, shaking her head in disappointment while putting foil over the leftovers and putting them away in the refrigerator.


"So how do I get him to listen to me?"


"You can't," Katya spoke up, wiping down the kitchen counters with a warm wash rag. "My brother doesn't listen to anyone but himself. It's how he's always done things."


Sighing, I finished drying off the last dish before placing it in its respective location. "I need to get out of here."


"Nothing gets past Tristan," Katya said, turning to lean against the Island. "But we are still going to help you."


"Are you sure?" I asked with concern. I thought there was some kind of rule or motto among the Mafia. "I don't want you guys to get hurt because of me."


"Tristan won't hurt us." She smiled. "We got you."


I smiled back. "Thank you."


"Of course, mia cara(my dear)," Mrs. Lucci said with a warm smile. "You're family. And we help our family."


When we were done cleaning up, we said goodnight and went our separate ways. I made sure to check on Mateo before going to Tristan's room so I could treat myself to a nice, hot, bubble bath. It's been a long day and I needed a way to relieve some stress.


I sunk down into the water, submerging my body from the shoulders down into the resin. I sighed with content, feeling my tense bones loosen and relax.


I had my hair pulled up into a ponytail, a few of my untamed curls hanging freely.


I was beginning to fall asleep, but then my eyes shot open when I heard the sudden sound of the door opening, Tristan walking in butt ass naked.


I covered my eyes with one hand and my body as best I could with the other. My cheeks pinkened as I shouted, Tristan! What are you doing in here!?"


"There's no need to hide from me, mia cara( my dear). I've already seen, kissed, tasted, and fucked that sexy little body of yours."


My cheeks grew as warm as the water, my nipples taut and erect, and my arousal pulsating like the sex deprived freak I am.


"Y-Yes, but things are different now. I've since then pushed out an entire human being, so my body isn't the way it used to be."


"Maybe not, but I'm positively certain that pussy still taste just as delicious, if not more."


Porca troia(fucking hell)...


I kept my eyes on Tristan as he slowly strode over to the glass shower. Stepping inside, he turned it on, not bothering to wait for the water to heat up as he dunked his head underneath the shower's head.


He leaned forward and pressed the palm of his hands up against the tile to keep himself steady. Water sprayed down, the steam from the now heated water fogging up the entire shower.


I just stared at his silhouette, speechless. I didn't know what to say after that. I mean how would someone respond to a comment like that anyway?


I needed to change the subject. Because if I didn't, Mateo would indeed become a big brother. I'm not saying I don't have self control, because I do.


Just not that much of it.


I've been deprived of sexual interaction with the opposite sex for a little over a year. So you can imagine the lewd thoughts swirling around in my mind everytime I see Tristan. 


I don't blame him, but at the same time I do blame him. I blame him for making me crave him like a hungry vampire in the thick of night.


Just the fact that he waltzed in here cock erect and balls swinging proves that he knows exactly what he's doing. He knows how much I miss him, the teasing little bastard.


And as much as I'd like to just give in and let him fuck me in every square inch of this room, I have a child to think about.


His safety comes first. Always. Which means my horny ass is just going to have to suck it up and learn some self control.


I sat up straighter, my interest piqued as Tristan stepped out of the shower. He was still just has hard as he was when he walked in.


He smirked as soon as he caught me looking. It was like he somehow knew my slut ass wouldn't be able to keep my eyes off him.


I was breathing heavily, my lips parted as if openly inviting him to shove his dick down my throat. Hell, maybe I was.


Merda(shit), what has this man done to me?


Although I enjoy sex, I was never this sex crazed before. It's amazing how quick I lose all control when he's around. He only had me for one night. But that was all it took for him to bring out a side of me I never knew existed.


He paused in front of the mirror to brush his teeth, his entire backside visibly exposed to my view.


He's intentionally taking his sweet time. Which begs the question yet again. What is he planning?


If he wanted me, surely he would have taken me already. He's taken every damn thing else, so why hasn't he made a move? And if I'm his, as he claims, then why is he going out of his way to tease me?


I just don't understand him.


I mean he's so many things. Cold. Angry. Standoffish. Possessive. Protective. Aggressive. Bossy. Bipolar for sure. And definitely an ass.


But confusing? This is new.


Maybe it's a game. Yeah, that's it. He thinks by showing me what I'm missing that I'll forget all about wanting to leave.


But what he doesn't understand is that this isn't about me. This is about Mateo and him growing up surrounded by Tristan's dangerous, chaotic lifestyle.


His life is unpredictable. And I don't want to have to worry about one of Tristan's enemies coming after us. I don't need that kind of stress in my life.


Standing up, I stepped out of the resin. I could feel Tristan's eyes burning into me through his reflection in the mirror.


Stepping into the shower, I kept the door open. He's not the only one who can play games. Turning on the water, I took the rag in my hand and bent down to glide the soapy rag from my feet on up, showcasing my wet sex in the process.


"Mmm," I hummed, biting my lip and closing my eyes when I stood back up to glide the rag over my breasts.


I didn't even have to look to know he was losing his mind. He was probably pissed right about now.


He can keep me hostage and claim me as his all he wants. But I belong to no one, which I'm sure he knows now.


When I was done, I rinsed off and proceeded to walk past him with an extra sway of my hips, to in which he entangled his fingers into my hair and roughly yanked me back towards him.


I released a surprised grunt. His cock dug into my spine, his breathing labored as he growled lowly in my ear. "Stai facendo un gioco pericoloso, mia cara(You're playing a dangerous game, my dear)."


"So let me go, and I'll stop."


He chuckled deeply, the guttural sound causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head as I felt his hard, hot erection pulse against my backside.


"Do you really think flaunting what I already own in my face will somehow make me change my mind?" His grip tightened, a wince of pain surfacing from my lips.


"No, but I will enjoy seeing you break at not being able to touch what you're so certain you own," I forced out.


He flashed me a nefarious grin. "How cute of you to think I won't simply just bend your ass


over and fuck you in the middle of this damn bathroom."


I pulled away, whipping around so I could watch that goofy grin be erased off his face as I said, "vaffanculo(go fuck yourself)!"


My own smile faltered when I realized his facial expression hadn't changed. "Oh babygirl, you have no idea what kind of beast you've unleashed."


I was scared all over again, the confidence I was once so full of draining from my body along with the color from my face.


Because I really didn't know. I barely knew anything about him. And so far he's proven just how capable he is at successfully seeing his threats through.


Masking my fear with a small smile, I grabbed the freshly laundered towel off the rack and wrapped it around my body.


"Goodnight, Tristan," I said, before sashaying out of the room with a curt wave of my hand.