Modern Family –
Scene: Dunphy House – The Rabbit Problem
(The Dunphy living room is in chaos. The rabbit Phil pulled out last episode has taken control of the house. Luke chases it, Claire yells, and Phil just admires his work.)
Claire: (Frustrated.) "Phil, get it out! I don't want wild animals in my house!"
Phil: (Calmly.) "Claire, please. He's not wild. He's a magician's assistant."
Luke: (Diving under the couch.) "Houdini is so fast! I think he actually knows magic."
(Cut to Phil's talking-head interview.)
Phil: (Proudly.) "The first rule of magic? Respect the illusion." (Pauses, whispering.) "The second rule? Never let your wife find out where you hid the credit card bill."
(Cut to Claire's talking-head interview.)
Claire: (Deadpan.) "The rabbit stays? Phil sleeps outside."
Scene: School – A Friendly Rivalry?
(Elliot walks into the school library, scanning for a quiet place to work on his new app. He spots Alex, sitting alone, buried in a book.)
Elliot: (Smirking.) "What, no scientific experiments today?"
(Alex looks up, unimpressed.)
Alex: (Flatly.) "What, no pretentious tech talk today?"
(Cut to Elliot's talking-head interview.)
Elliot: (Smiling.) "Alex and I have this thing where we insult each other, but, like, intellectually. It's fun… until she actually wins."
(Cut to Alex's talking-head interview.)
Alex: (Casually.) "He's smart. Annoyingly smart. But he thinks he's funnier than he is." (Pauses.) "Sometimes, he actually is."
*(Back at the table, Elliot sits across from Alex and opens his laptop.)
Elliot: (Teasing.) "I'll try to keep my 'pretentious tech talk' to a minimum while I build an AI homework predictor."
Alex: (Interested but hiding it.) "That's actually… kinda cool. But you know teachers change their patterns, right? Your AI's gonna be wrong in, like, a month."
Elliot: (Mock offended.) "You underestimate my genius."
Alex: (Grinning.) "Oh no, I just enjoy watching you fail."
*(They share a quick glance—something almost flirty—before returning to work.)
Scene: Mitch & Cam's House – The Toddler Talent Show
(Cam holds Lily, looking proud. Mitch stands nearby, already exhausted.)
Cam: (Excited.) "Mitchell, I signed Lily up for a baby talent show! You know, music, movement, star power!"
Mitch: (Blinking.) "You mean… a glorified daycare?"
(Cut to Mitch's talking-head interview.)
Mitch: (Sighing.) "I love Cam, but every new thing Lily does, he thinks she's a prodigy." (Pauses.) "The other day, she clapped, and he started looking for Juilliard applications."
*(Back to the kitchen.)
Cam: (Dramatic.) "You're underestimating our child's raw talent! She feels the music!" (Gently turns to Lily.) "Honey, show Daddy what we practiced!"
*(Lily just blinks… and then sneezes.)
Mitch: (Smirks.) "Wow. She's really something."
*(Cam glares.)
Scene: Dunphy House – The Unexpected Visitor
(The doorbell rings. Claire, still frazzled from the rabbit, sighs and opens the door. Jay stands there, looking annoyed.)
Jay: (Grumbles.) "Claire. I need a favor."
Claire: (Suspicious.) "What kind of favor?"
(Cut to Jay's talking-head interview.)
Jay: (Sighs.) "Manny has decided he wants to be a jazz musician. And by 'jazz musician,' I mean random trumpet noises at 6 AM." (Deadpan.) "I haven't slept in three days."
*(Back at the door.)
Jay: (Hopeful.) "Just… let Manny stay here. One night."
Claire: (Crossing arms.) "You're pawn-ing your son off on me?"
Jay: (Nods.) "Absolutely."
*(Manny steps in, holding a trumpet.)
Manny: (Excited.) "Aunt Claire! I need a place to express my music!"
*(Claire glares at Jay, who grins and walks away.)
(Cut to Claire's talking-head interview.)
Claire: (Sighing.) "Jay owes me. Big time."
Scene: Elliot's House – The Competition Begins
*(Elliot sits at his desk, typing furiously. The AI homework predictor is almost finished.)
*(Suddenly, his phone buzzes. A message from Alex: "You really think this is gonna work?")
*(Elliot smirks and types back: "100%. Prepare to be blown away.")
*(A few seconds later, Alex replies: "More like mildly amused.")
(Cut to Elliot's talking-head interview.)
Elliot: (Smiling to himself.) "She pretends she doesn't care. But she texted first."
(Elliot closes the chat and gets back to work—grinning just a little.)
End of Chapter 11
Next Chapter:
Elliot and Alex's competition heats up.
Cam overprepares Lily for the talent show.
Claire suffers through Manny's jazz phase.
Luke tries to train the rabbit—with disastrous results.