"You guys excited about tomorrow?" Ruby asked.
"Of course." Annie replied. "We finally get to have some family time." She added.
I picked at the food on my plate. I am not looking forward to tomorrow's 'family' outing.
I sighed.
"Is something bothering you, Kaia? You've been awfully quiet."
"I'm fine, Dad."
"Come on, sis. Aren't you excited we get to bond like the good old days?"
"Excuse me." I abruptly got up from my seat.
"Kaia!" My parents hate it when you leave the table before they do. They made that very clear.
"Sit back down." I had no choice but to obediently sit back down.
"What's going on with you? You've been distant lately." Annie sighed. "I'm worried about you, Kaia."
"Mum's right, sis. We're your family. Who else can understand you like we do?"
I didn't mean to scoff out loud, but I did. "This is ridiculous."
"What?" Annie was taken aback.
"We all know that I'm not part of this so-called family."
"Kaia!" Ruby scolded.
"It's ridiculous seeing you all act like you care about me. What is it this time? You need the press to know just how much united and loving a family we are? Leave me out of this."
The room went silent. They all knew I was right. Family, my foot.
"You're no longer coming with us tomorrow. You're grounded." Annie said with that stern look of hers.
"With pleasure." I left the dinner table, off to my room.
By now, I'm used to being grounded every time I call out their pathetic behaviour. I just can't wait to move out. That way, I won't have to feel indebted to these people nor bend my way backwards to please them.
I plopped down on my bed, scrolling through Instagram. It seems there's a party at Jay's place, considering the stories being posted by the few classmates I follow on IG.
I face timed Hazel and Gina only to find out that these two are at this said party without me.
"You traitors."
"You said you were busy tonight, remember?" Hazel said.
Right. I did say that when we knocked off from school earlier. "I wish I could come."
"What's stopping you? Come on, it'll be fun."
"It's freaking Friday, Kaia. Come on!"
I take a second to think about it. "Okay. I'll meet you guys there."
I quickly hung up and started looking for something to wear. "You going out?"
"Geez! You scared me!" I glared at her. "Why didn't you knock?"
"Fine. I'm sorry."
She sat on my bed. "What you gonna wear?"
"You're being weird. Since when are we best of friends?"
She sighed. "I wanna bury whatever bad blood we have between us. I really miss my little sister."
"Okay, as in I'm back to being your charming big sis?"
"I guess." I shrugged, turning my attention to my closet.
Ruby squealed and squeezed the life out of me with that hug. "I can't breathe."
"Oops. Sorry. I got a little excited there."
"A little?" I chuckled.
"Whatever. Now, let's get you ready."
"I missed you too. I guess." I mumbled. Ruby must've heard me because she smiled at me.