Chereads / (BL) Saving My Korean Boyfriend / Chapter 8 - 8. WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO


"He really is beautiful" Vincent repeated his words which made Jae Won felt like exploding. "I'm go…go.. gonna go the washroom" Jae Won said making his way out from the dining table towards the mansion. "You made him blush even though you are a guy" Christiana said looking at Vincent who smirked as he has done a good job.

A few minutes later Jae Won joined them with fully strength. He sat down close to Vincent while the families talks about events they could never forgot and was more funny. They all spoke in English though the other servants who were not educated couldn't enjoy the conversation but they enjoyed the warmth emanating from around them. After a while they all left for the mansion making the servants do the rest.

The next morning, Vincent woke up early as usual making his way to the bathroom. The sound of the shower woke Jae Won but he waited till Vincent was done showering. Vincent came out of the bathroom with his bare chest and a towel wrapped around his waist with the thought Jae Won was still asleep like a log only to be met with a hot stare to his chest. " I thought you were still asleep" Vincent said turning his back to Jae Won while he went straight to the closet to find something to cover himself up. All this while Jae Won was still in heaven bargaining with God why he didn't visit Africa soon, Ghana to be precise to meet this hot godly like man in front of him instead of his venom boyfriend he had. Vincent turned to look at Jae Won who still hasn't replied him for a few seconds "are you there" he asked turning to see what Jae Won was up to but before his gaze could land to Jae Won "uuurm" he said while trying to remember the question he was asked in the first place. "Yeah , the sound of the shower woke me up" he replied to Vincent putting his head back to the pillow to avoid any thought.

"Try and get some sleep, I'm used to waking up at this time" Vincent said while he put on a black sweatpants and a sweater "I'm gonna try and do some project I have to take it back to school for my last semester" he said while he took out his laptop heading out of the room. "get some sleep so I will show you around the mansion" he said with a smile around the corner of his lips. Jae Won shaked his head in agreement while he turned to the other side of the bed to get some more sleep.

A few days later, Vincent was watching some series where the main character was hit by a car which he was taken to the hospital. This jolted a memory he forgot turning to look at Jae Won who kept staring at the television with no understanding just watching the actions of the characters because they were speaking in the native language but with little English. "Didn't you said you woke up at a hospital" he asked with a concern look written all over his face. "Yeah why do you ask" Jae Won replied with a confused look that says I don't wanna talk about that time.

Vincent replied "no, I'm trying to sort things out" as if he could understand that facial expression Jae Won just made. "See, someone paid for the main character hospital bills, so I'm wondering who paid yours" looking at Jae Won who had just realized what he didn't think of for a few days he was admitted at the hospital and this reminded him that he was not eating the food served at the hospital for the patients.

"Actually, my food was all Korean dishes" he said with a confused look on why he didn't think of that but just wanted to get out of there. "God willing tomorrow, we will go make inquiry at the hospital so I can pay any bills left" he said with an assured smile that left warmth in Jae Won's heart.


The next day, Vincent woke up early as usual went down to the kitchen to help make breakfast which they usually eat around seven in the morning. Vincent has learned to prepare one of Jae Won's favorite, which was bibimbap, he learn to prepare through YouTube and now he is almost perfect. "You really are trying " said by Beatrice, the head of the servants who normally supervise the servants but this time she was preparing breakfast with the help of one or two servants. "Yeah I guess so, he still hasn't yet get the taste of Ghanaian foods except "waakye"", he said while busily making the bibimbap with a well done look on his face.

An hour later, breakfast was done and the family came down to have breakfast together. Mr Jonathan couldn't join them because he came home around three am that morning from the office and he still hasn't woke up yet. "I'm gonna take Jae Won to the hospital" he said putting a slice of bread in his mouth. "Is brother sick" Samuel asked with a concern look on his face, this made the rest of the family laugh because of the brother he used. "No he is not, we are just going to pay for the hospital bill he may have while he was there" Vincent replied to make their last born not to worry.

An hour later, Jae Won had freshen up and coming down from upstairs when he met Wendell playing a game on his phone as usual while climbing down the stairs "you are gonna get hurt, if you keep doing that"he said while stopping Wendell from looking down at his phone. Wendell turned to look at him but smiled instead while they all came down together "I don't want you to get hurt" Jae Won said to Wendell while he walked away towards Vincent who was waiting for him so they could go.

"We are going, take care" Vincent said in the native language to Wendell which he didn't reply as usual. "Don't stay too much on your phone, you could hurt your eyes" Jae Won said to Wendell but this time he replied "okay" looking at the surprised Vincent who couldn't believe his own brother didn't replied to him but instead he did to Jae Won. "They all love you more than me" Vincent said said smiling while he looked at Jae Won.

They entered his car and drove off to the hospital. They were busily communicating making Jae Won forgot why they were outside in the first place. Seeing the hospital made him came back to reality "we are there" Jae Won said with a nervous look written on his face. "Don't worry, do you remember any name while you were there" Vincent asked because they could go straight to this person and would not have to stay long at the hospital. "Uuum, I heard Charles in one of their conversation when I tried to escape but don't know who he is" he replied with a dubious glance toward Vincent. "It's okay, we could start from there, he said trying to convince Jae Won while they pulled up at the hospital. He parked his car, came out only to see Jae Won still seated "aren't you coming out" he asked with chuckle "you look like a preschooler who doesn't want to go to school" he laughed out loud drawing attention to himself.

"Jae it's okay, are you scared of a hospital" he asked but Jae Won didn't reply getting out of the car which he really looked nervous. Vincent held both his hands rubbing it while singing a funny song in Korean he heard watching kdrama one time. This made Jae Won smiled with a beautiful look making Vincent blushed without realizing. "You were cute back in the car" he said while they entered greeting the receptionist.

"We are looking for a doctor Charles" Vincent asked in English looking around as if he could identify him even if he pass by them. "Do you have an appointment " she asked. "Actually no but we came for uuurm.." he didn't finish when the nurse interrupted him "He is on launch break" the nurse receptionist replied after she checked on the computer in front of her "you can wait for him in the waiting area and I will notify you if he comes" she said while pointing to a place filled with chairs.

The nurse then gaze to the person on Vincent right side. She stared Jae Won for a while even when they sat down at the waiting area. Vincent lean in close to Jae Won "I think you might have a crush" he said smiling foolishly to Jae Won who seems so nervous. But he smiled at Vincent to not make him worried but he caught up "why are you scared of the hospit….." he couldn't finish his question when the nurse interrupted him. " oh you are the Korean who was admitted here" she asked in English while she was approaching Jae Won but she was stopped by Vincent who is worried about Jae Won because of his nervousness. "Do you know him" Vincent asked the nurse who is excited to see Jae Won again "of course, I know him" she replied.

She turned to look at Vincent with a suspicious look on how he kidnapped him from the hospital. "I didn't" as if he could read mind he spoke out "actually that's why we are here" he said to the nurse.

She sat close to Jae Won with a stare which made Jae Won uncomfortable "you really are handsome, I didn't get to see you like this because of the hospital gown you were wearing and all the commotion" she said smiling beautiful at Jae Won.