Chapter 11 - Leaving the forest

A few days later, Rashin had perfectly understood how his skill worked.

He had made three weapons from the blueprints the system had presented to him.

Each blueprint required different resources, depending on the abilities attached to the blueprints.

For example, his bow print had the ability to create arrows just from pulling the strings. As such, a magic core was needed to forge it.

All he needed to do was kill an animal, and he got a magic crystal from the monster drop.

The system was, in a way, helping him with any materials he needed; all he had to do was kill or complete specific unknown tasks.

Now, Rashin had in his arsenal three weapons, each one having different skill sets.

"I'm ready," Rashin spoke out loud, a long spear in his hand.

Right in front of him was Eri, who stood at a far distance.

With a slight frown, she spoke, "Are you sure about this? A single miss, and you'll be dead, you know."

"Please do not worry about me and do your part," Rashin replied.

The spear he held had the ability to cut through almost anything, and he wanted to test just how sharp it was.

"If you say so." Eri sighed and then stretched her staff forward, allowing a golden ball of light to appear in front of it.

"Here it comes!!!" she announced beforehand.


The ball of light sped forward.

Rashin's eyes were deep in concentration as he gripped the spear tightly.



A single movement from him, and he was able to split the light in two, sending them flying in opposite directions and burning down some trees.

Eri stood there, stuck between feeling shocked that Rashin actually did cut it or feeling relieved that he did.

'Just like the stats say, it is extremely sharp,' Rashin whispered to himself.

And then—

[Red Spear has leveled up]

{Red Spear (Lvl 2)}

The notification appeared in front of Rashin.

Another discovery he made—the more he used a weapon, the more it leveled up.

'You've proven yourself to be worthy, Red Spear. You shall stay with me.'

Rashin dispatched the spear back into the system.

Eri, dragging her feet on the ground, moved closer to Rashin.

"Hey..." she called out, but with a low tone.

Rashin turned his focus toward her.

"How long have we been in this forest?"

Rashin was quiet for a while, but then he eventually replied, "I believe it's been one and a half weeks."

Eri nodded. "And what have we been eating?"

"Meat from hunting."

"Right!" she shouted, her hand now gripping Rashin's shoulders. "I can't take any more of this. Any more, and I may just die!"


"I am a lady! I've been eating so much meat it feels like everything around me can qualify as food. See my skin!" She rubbed her face. "It's dry and lacks any type of nutrients. Rashinnnnnnn~ I can't keep living like this."

"I would have suggested eating some fruit, but this forest doesn't seem to have any," Rashin replied as he looked around.

"That's not the point..." Eri looked to the ground, her eyes closed. "I don't want to stay in this forest anymore."

"You said—"

"I know! We are still in the capital, and there's a chance there's a bounty on your head," she chimed in before he could complete his sentence.

"I did say that. And now that I've thought about it well, there's a chance they think we are dead. You know, so no one is taking the bounty too seriously. If they were, they would have swarmed this forest by now."

Rashin folded his arms. "Are you now suggesting we can freely move around the capital?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not saying that," Eri immediately corrected him. "What I'm saying is, if we go in undercover, we can simply find our way out of the capital and to a known city or town—maybe even a kingdom."

"Wasn't the whole point of staying here to wait for the countdown?"

"If we wait for that, no doubt I'd be dead before then."

Eri gently walked away and sat down on the wood.

"We'll simply move to a new place and maybe register you as an adventurer or something. At least then, we can eat good food and not be starving while the great countdown commences."

What she said made sense to Rashin, though he didn't give it much thought.

In his former time, he didn't exactly live the best life, as he had no money and could only afford to eat once every day.

Having to eat meat anytime he hunted felt like a dream compared to his former life.

"You want to leave for the capital now? Where exactly are we going?"

Eri closed her eyes, taking a second to think.

"We'll head west, to the kingdom of Fiona," she replied. "Just like Verdenis, they also have a church, but with only a single priestess. I'm sure if we go to them and explain your powers, they'll accept us."

"I do not intend to work for anyone," Rashin said with a calm voice.

"And you won't be. All we'll be doing is making sure we don't end up poor and homeless." Eri sighed. "Please tell me you want to at least be an adventurer."

"If it's a means of survival, I'll do it."

Rashin scanned Eri for a while, giving her a look of disapproval.

"W-What?!" She blushed. "You just thought something degrading about me, didn't you?"


"You're lying!"

"It's just, I heard being an adventurer sometimes means being away from home for days. I don't think you can survive that..."

"Survive what?" she glared.

"Every night, you tend to hold on to me to fall asleep. Anytime I move, you either end up waking up or rolling to find my hand. You can't sleep peacefully unless I'm there with you."

Eri remained still, her face slowly getting redder. She then gently covered her face as she squirmed.

"Ahhh~~ kill me~~ I thought that only happened in my dream."

"Does that mean you understand my point?" Rashin asked.

Without any warning, Eri looked at him with a piercing gaze. "Understand my ass! If I can't fall asleep, I'm just going to have to come with you now, aren't I?! I'm not taking no for an answer!"