Chapter 15 - No longer a Priestess

Standing in front of the Adventurer's Guild, Eri peeped from the entrance while Rashin stood at the side.

"Come on, come on..." she muttered continuously.

People passing by began to ignore them, taking the other route that led into the building.

With his arms folded, Rashin sighed. "Are you sure about this? I do remember you are a priestess. Is this how a priestess should be acting?"

"And I also seem to remember the head priest almost killing me. So no, I am not a priestess. Tsk! The only reason I am still wearing this robe is because I don't have money to get a new dress," Eri replied, but not once did she move her eyes from the entrance.

"If you quit being a priestess, then what will you become?" Rashin asked.

Eri sighed. "Will you stop with the questions? Geez... Oh! Here he comes!"

She suddenly took a few steps back, a warm smile on her face and her arms behind her.

From the entrance where she had been spying, a man dressed in cheap adventurer wear walked out with a sack in his hand.

"Here, it really did work," the man said the moment he spotted Eri.

Before she arrived at the dungeon, she had spoken to an adventurer she met on the road to help her with her scam.

Said adventurer, who was a C-rank, would lie about defeating the Giant Rats and Dark Goblins and then sell them so he could give the money to her.

It was genius.

"How much? How much did you sell them for?" Eri could barely hide her excitement.

"5,000 eres," the man replied.

Eri's smile dropped.


"I know, right? I didn't know it would fetch such a high price. Dark Goblins must be really in demand." The man smiled as he stared at the sack of money.

Eri remained quiet. She had expected it to fetch at least 10,000 eres—5,000 was a bit too low for her expectations.

Though she could not let the man before her know that.

"Wow! Thank you, I really do appreciate it. Here, give it." Eri stretched out her open palm.

"Oh, right." The man placed the sack of money in her hand and then proceeded to stretch out his own hand.

"My share, please."

Eri instantly wore a robotic expression on her face. "Uhn? What do you mean?"

"Ohhohoh, don't be silly. You know what I mean—my 20% share of the money..." The man smiled.

"What money?"

The man's face turned red from how annoyed he was getting. "Stop asking me stupid questions and give me my money, lady."

"Yeah... About that, I don't have any money to give you. Sorry," Eri spoke while tying the sack of money to her waist.

"Why, you little—!"

The man realized he was getting scammed and didn't plan on letting it slide.

He clenched his fist, ready to punch Eri in the face when Rashin suddenly showed up beside him, grabbing his hand.

"Were you... about to punch her?" Rashin spoke.

'Ahhh, such an attractive yet sexy voice!' The man could not tell whether to feel afraid of Rashin's aura or compliment Rashin's voice.

Eri, on the other hand, had snuggled behind Rashin. "Meanie..." she murmured.

For some reason, that angered the man even more.

He yanked his hand from Rashin's grip and pulled out a knife from his belt.

"Where do you get off threatening me? Uhnnnn?! If you don't give me my money, I'll cut you down where you stand!!!"

Rashin slowly turned his head to look at Eri. "You said this would work," he whispered.

Eri, struggling to maintain a smile on her face, whispered back, "How fast can you run?"

"Uhm... pretty fast," Rashin replied.

"Good. Run!"

She wasted no time—Eri took to her heels, running as fast as she could.

"Get back here!" The man chased after her.


Rashin ran past both of them, leaving Eri panting heavily as the man gradually got closer to her.

"Ahhhhhh! Rashin, you traitor!" she screamed to the air as she ran.

Suddenly, Rashin ran back, slowly matching her pace as he ran beside her.

"I might be wrong, but perhaps you want me to carry you?" he asked.

"Of course, you jerk!!!"

Rashin smiled. "Then don't ask me if I can run again. Not to brag, but I do have a skill that lets me run faster than a regular person."

"Uhn? What are you yapping about? Oh god, I think I'm going to faint."


Rashin carried Eri and boosted forward, leaving the man far behind.

Her laughs echoed in the distance, along with a middle finger directed back at their pursuer.


Later that day, Rashin and Eri made their way to the closest boutique in the city.

She had decided she did not want to wear her priestess outfit anymore.

Leaving aside the fact that she wanted to abandon her duties, the outfit made her stand out too much. There was only so much her cloak could cover.

And since they had made a bit of money from their last job, she didn't hesitate to go on a shopping spree with it.

Rashin was standing in the hallway, waiting for Eri, who was dressing behind one of the fitting rooms.

Women who had also come to the store to shop couldn't help but stare at the handsome man.

They could tell he was jacked from how his muscles felt like they were going to rip his shirt apart.

Their eyes were practically glued to him.

After a few minutes, Eri came out of the fitting room.

She was now dressed in a different outfit—a long black tight that hugged her already soft skin, complemented by a red and black crop jacket.

Her silver hair fell over her plump chest as she smiled at Rashin.

"So? What do you think? Do I still look like a priestess now?" she asked.

Rashin eyes widned in surprise.

There was no doubt Eri was very beautiful, but seeing her in such an outfit that exposed her skin, left him speechless

"Were you always..." He pointed at her chest, "That big".


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