Chapter 19 - Defective Priestess

(Royal Church.)

The head priest was not only known to be a powerful person but also the most influential person in the entire kingdom.

Even the king respected him.

Without the royal church, the entire world would have gone into total chaos as the Hakias would take over—or so people thought.

This was something most people knew and wouldn't dare question.

Which was why, after the explosion that happened in the church, rumors spread that the former priestess Eri was possessed by a demon and that was why she attacked the church.

Luckily, the other priestesses who were present during the explosion created a shield around themselves and the head priest, shielding them from flame damage.

But out of all the people who were disappointed at the act of Eri O'Niel, the oldest Priestess, Tetra, was the most affected.

She knelt at the side of the bed where the head priest lay, his long white hair scattered on the pillow.

"So? How are the other heroes progressing?" he asked.

Tetra bowed her head. "All three of the heroes have grown stronger than when they were summoned. I believe they are ready to counter the first Hakia wave."

"And the king?"

"He hasn't requested their presence. He is probably busy with something else and hasn't paid any attention to the heroes," Tetra replied.

There was silence.

"Of course, he is." The head priest slowly looked at Tetra. "I hope no one has abandoned the search for that demonic priestess."

Tetra was shaken, but she didn't show it.

Of all the priestesses she had trained, Eri showed the most potential. Hearing her being called a demon did not sit right with her.

She replied, "We had a lead today—an explosion that happened at the town's square. Reports say it was caused by a man and a woman. Allegedly, they killed two Hakias."

"Rubbish! That damn demonic priestess has probably polluted the minds of the people. Hakias cannot survive in the midst of humans—it has never been heard of," the head priest exclaimed.

Tetra spoke right after.

"It was said the dead bodies of the Hakias have been taken to the Duke for research. From the information I got, the two individuals that caused the explosion have the ability to kill the Fallen Ones."

Silence took over again.


"Do you believe these claims?" the head priest asked.

Tetra thought about it for a while.

"I have no answer to that, Father," she replied.

"I knew it. That priestess really is going to destroy the world if we continue to let her live. I shall check with the so-called Hakia dead bodies tomorrow. You, send a message to the king—we need a warrior who can track down these intruders."

"As you wish." Tetra bowed her head and slowly walked out of the room.

Reaching the other side of the room, she closed the door and gently rested her back against it.

'Honestly, Eri, what have you gotten yourself into?' she whispered to herself, her hand gently placed on her forehead.


Tetra immediately raised her head, and approaching her was one of the heroes, Quin Stanley, and his priestess, Veronica.

"Children, have you come to see the head priest? He's resting right now, I'm afraid he can't—"

"I am not here to see the head priest. I am here to see you," Quin chimed in, a spear hanging behind him.

"Oh? What do you need?" Tetra moved forward.

"I have a question regarding my priestess," Quin spoke.

"Your priestess?"

"Yes. Can I have another one? This one seems to be defective."


"Did I not make myself clear? My bad. I said—" Quin grabbed Veronica by the hair, dragging her forward violently. "I need a new priestess. This one is useless."

Tetra took a second to assess the scene. Veronica was indeed in tears, yet she didn't look like she minded being manhandled.

"May I know what is, uhm, so defective about her?" Tetra asked.

"Finally, you're speaking. Well, for starters, how come the rest of the heroes have their priestesses giving them more blessings, while mine can only give me one on a rare day? And how come she doesn't have the glass time thingy?"

He continued, "I mean, how am I supposed to know when the enemy attacks? She's so useless. I have only gotten three divine blessings from her, and I can say each one sucked more than the last."

"I... I can only give you blessings that choose you, sir hero. I don't—"

"Shut up! I told you not to fuckin' speak!" Quin tossed her to the side. "Bitch! Are you trying to say I'm weak?"

"No, no, that's not what I'm saying." Veronica sobbed. "If you work harder, the blessings will—"

"Uhnnnn?! Now you think I'm lazy?"

Tetra sighed. "Sir hero, I understand your frustration. Please hand over your priestess to me. I'll make sure to set things right."

"Tsk! Yeah, do that! If she's to come back to me, she better be worth it."

With that, Quin walked away.

Tetra then moved closer to Veronica, who was still lying on the ground.

"Are you alright?" she asked, kneeling beside Veronica.

With her hands stretched out, she healed her.

"Why doesn't the hero like me? It's not my fault the blessings didn't pick him." Tears ran down Veronica's face. "What am I doing wrong, Auntie? I don't understand!"

Tetra sighed. "Listen to me, child. How you react to this situation depends entirely on you. These heroes, although hard to believe, don't all have the same good character. There have been some that turned out to be evil. But more than being evil, they love to be respected and viewed as saviors."

She leaned closer. "Endure it, my child. It's for the betterment of the world. I am sure the angel is looking down at you and feeling proud."

Veronica cried her heart out, hugging the priestess in the middle of the passageway.

In that moment, Tetra couldn't help but think about Eri.

'What on earth could that girl be doing right now?' she said to herself.