Chapter 24 - Showdown III




The two went at it, fighting one another as hard as they could.

Daki went defensive, taking several leaps back while holding her shield as Rouga kept attacking her furiously.


His fist slammed against the shield, leaving a wide crack on the ground upon impact.

"I'm impressed. For a little girl, you sure are strong! Do you feel proud?" Rouga grinned, pressing his hand on the shield.

At this point, Daki had fallen to her knees, her hand grabbing her shield tightly to fend off Rouga.


The shield had begun to break, leaving lines that slowly expanded.

Before Daki could make the next move—the shield shattered.

Rouga wasted no time.


He held Daki by the face, picking her up from the ground and trying to crush her skull with just one hand.

Daki could only punch his hand, alas, it was a means to no end.

She was only a bronze-rank weapon. Realistically, she was way out of her league.

"You are not human, that much is obvious. You don't give off that aura. Which begs the question, what exactly are you?" Rouga asked as he proceeded to add more force to his grip.

"Let her go!"

Eri shouted from the back, her staff pointed at Rouga.

At the tip was a giant ball made of light that was growing larger by the second.

"Oh?" Rouga's attention was shifted there.

Before he could even read what it was, Eri had sent the attack speeding toward Rouga.

He placed his hand in front of him, his plan was to stop the attack and send it right back.

An attack so small could not graze his skin.

Or so he thought.

From nowhere, an arrow pierced the side of his head, blood spewing out as the blue aura began to spread inside his skin.

'Uhn? What happened just now? My head... I can't feel my head...'

Rouga thought to himself, his eyes already wiggling out of control.

He took a quick glance at the side, trying to determine where the attack had taken place.

And there stood Rashin, his hand grabbing the very bow he had used to fire the arrow.

Despite there being two raging Hakias beside him, he still prioritized killing Rouga.


Daki freed herself, sending a powerful blow to his jaw.

Almost instantly, the next attack appeared, that being the ball of light Eri created.

It completely consumed Rouga, his screams filling the forest as the entire place burst into a massive explosion.

Eri fell to the ground, her eyes widening when she saw the aftermath of the attack.

Right in the middle was a huge hole, made from the explosion.

'I did this?' she thought to herself, unable to believe it was from her.

"Where is the little girl? And Rashin?!"

Eri jerked up from the ground, running forward to see if they had gotten mixed up in the explosion.

Getting to the edge of the hole, her face stiffened after seeing that the two Hakias were still alive, and Rashin was there, ready to battle them as he always did.

Only this time, he wasn't alone.

"Just you two left," said Rashin as he gripped his dagger for attack.

"You damn brat! How dare you kill our boss?!" the fire-headed Hakia yelled, the flames roaring even more on his head.

"Kill them. Kill them... kill them!" the Hakia with the water arms yelled, water rushing from his eyes.

'These two are strong. I doubt this will end as quickly as the previous ones I've faced. The only reason I killed their leader was to save Eri and Daki. I didn't actually expect it to work, but that's good... that leaves me with these two. How do I do this?' Rashin thought to himself.


[The Balsamic Armor, Daki, would like to do a Soul Pair to increase your chances of winning.]

'Soul Pair?'

[This allows you to merge with your weapons temporarily, granting you a boost in abilities relating to the weapon.]

[Balsamic Armor.

Rank: Bronze Soul Rank.

This weapon grants you an automatic protective barrier that deflects all attacks and also gives you a boost in every physical aspect.]

'If I Soul Link, this doubles?'

[That is correct.]

[Would the King like to Soul Link with the Balsamic Armor, Daki?]

Rashin stared at Daki, and just as the system told him, it seemed she was also on board with it.

"Yes. Let's Soul Link."

[Soul Link has begun!]

Rashin stretched his hand to the side, absorbing Daki into his body.

The transformation began.

Strange markings showed on Rashin's arms and body, along with his eyes taking on a completely red glow.

[Soul Link is complete.]

The fire Hakia spat, "So you do have some more tricks up your sleeve. Too bad it won't save you from your death!"

He pushed his arms forward, sending a powerful force of water toward Rashin.

"Here it comes!"

Rashin stomped his foot on the ground, allowing a shield to form on his arm, which he then used to block the water.

It pushed him back, but Rashin did not relent. With each step he took, he pushed the water back.


The fire-headed Hakia did not miss the chance for an ambush.

He showed up beside Rashin, mouth open, ready to send a rush of fire toward him.

"If you were going to sneak up on me... you should have remained silent."

Rashin disappeared from where he was, appearing behind the Hakia as the water charged forward.

"Uhn? Where did he—?"

Before the fire-headed Hakia could understand what had happened, Rashin had slashed his blade, completely severing the Hakia's head with his white cell aura.

"No... way..."

The head of the Hakia fell to the ground, blood spewing out before the body dropped to the ground.

[You have killed a Hakia.]

[You have gained a Soul Stone.]

Rashin turned to the second Hakia, whose face twisted in rage after watching yet another of his kind fall under the might of the King.

"I do believe you are next, damned monster," Rashin said as he pointed at the Hakia with his blade.