Chereads / Marshfellow: The Softest of Them All / Chapter 11 - Buster Ed: The Softest of Them All; Unlike Marshfellow: The Unsoftest of Them All

Chapter 11 - Buster Ed: The Softest of Them All; Unlike Marshfellow: The Unsoftest of Them All

Buster Ed proudly insulted, "Marshfella's name should beith 'yah' so that he beith booed ev'ry time somebody yells out 'booyah!'"

"Yeah, you're right," Marshfellow painfully admitted. "I deserve your boos. Give me all your ladies! Ha! Just kidding. I'll take all the boo insults though. Give the narrator your ladies; he's quite handsome."

"Why, thank you, Marshfellow," I replied, surprisingly pleased.

Marshfellow sighed, "I admit that I'm not the softest everybody; I might as well be the unsoftest."

"Of everything? Even me?" questioned a rock.

"No," Marshfellow said straightforwardly, "my depression doesn't have to require delusions. I'm just saying that of all of the competitors that ever collided in the Collider Association, I'm the unsoftest of them all."

"An' I am thee softest o' them all!" boasted Buster Ed.

Everybody in attendance nodded in agreement.

Marshfellow inquired, " Should I actually change my name to Yah?"

"Yes. That is an apt name for you," I spoke competently.

Yah said, "Well, I forfeit. I guess deep in my heart, I really am an obnoxious coward. Feel free to boo, guys."

"Booyah!" the crowd cheered together.

Buster Ed rallied the crowd again to say, "Buster Ed is the softest of them all!"

"Indeed, I beith," agreed Buster Ed. "Still, give all o' me opponents some credit fo' giving me victories. Give thee narrator credit fo' being handsome. An' give thee crowd credit fo' giving ev'ryone their due credit!"

The crowd went positively ballistic.

"So what is happening now, Buster Ed?" I asked in anticipation.

"Well," he said to the extremely handsome narrator, "I figureth that I could asketh an extremely handsome narrato' fo' assistance. Would ye mind, bucko?"

"No problem. Let me go find you one," I joked.

"Teeheehee!" We laughed together.

Suddenly, Gairyag returned.

"I'm back!" she shouted happily. "Marry me, narrator!"