Jakob's POV:
After the commotion of the whole family checking on Kalysta, hugging her, and crying over her I finally carried the woman up to her room. She was weak and exhausted. I put her gently onto the bed and covered her. I turned off her bedside lamp and went to walk away from the bed but her hand shot out and grasped my wrist.
"Please, don't go!" Her voice shook. After the night she had I wasn't going to leave her alone if she wanted me to stay. I peeled the blankets back and crawled in behind her. Tonight I will gladly hold her safe in my arms. Tomorrow we will learn about what fate had befallen Fenix. I feared that whatever news we hear would only further damage Kalysta. Even now I could feel her tears soaking into the sleeves of my T-shirt as I held her.
I nuzzled my face into her neck and gave her a light kiss. "Whatever happens I am here for you." My voice seemed to soothe her. She placed her hand over the top of mine that was resting over the her body, and she pulled the arm even tighter around her forcing me to squeeze her tighter.
"You're a comfort to me Jakob. Before shit went down I was planning on telling you that I wanted you to be more than my friend. While I was outside waiting at our spot I felt arms around me. At first I thought it was you but then David attacked me, and kidnapped me. It was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me, but then through my link I saw you running under Fenix. Knowing you were coming for me gave me comfort even as David ran his vile hands over my body. Now that I'm safe I want to burn the memory of how being in your arms feels so deep into my brain that no one will ever fool me like that again. I want to just lay here and bask in the joy of being next to you but my eagle is gone and I don't know if I'll ever see her again."
"I believe Fenix will be with you again. You still have a link. I know it. I do have to ask a question though and I hate to but, I can't help it, I need to know..... Did he rape you?" I swallowed a lump in my throat as I asked that question. Fear gripped me until she finally answered me.
"No. He tried but I was able to kick him back. When I did that it enraged him. That is what drove him to try to kill me. He strangled me because even in chains and at his mercy I still refused him."
Relief flooded my brain. I kissed her cheek. "You are the strongest woman I know." Once she heard those words she rolled over to face me and said "Jake, get naked."
Caught off guard I said,"No!"
The woman just survived a kidnapping and that is what she wants to do!?!? I was so shocked I couldn't believe I had even heard her correctly.
"Jake, I'm okay. I just escaped death, I'm torn up over my Fenix, and I can't sleep. All I wanna do right now is you! Help me feel something but worry over my bird."
I saw the determination in her eyes. It caught me off guard but who am I to deny the lady what she wants. She smirked as I untied my pajama pants.
Adelaide placed the golden halls of the celestial palace. Many times she had visited here. Mother Nature and Father Time shared their home with her each time they needed to impart in her some wisdom she needed to share with the world.
"Seriously Nature, my granddaughter is devastated. Where is Fenix?" Adelaide rarely demanded explanation from Nature but tonight she didn't have time for pleasantries. She came here on a mission to know whether or not she had to deliver heartbreak to Kalysta so soon after the kidnapping.
A chorus rang out of the beings lips as she spoke, "It is not where, but who is Fenix now? Adelaide rolled her eyes at Nature. Aggravation thick in her voice and she snapped, "Speak plainly Mother!"
Nature shrugged her shoulders. "Okay fine," she said. "Fenix sacrificed her physical body to save Kalysta. Her spirit fully molded into her to the point that the two souls became one. Fenix is not gone, she lives in Kalysta. Once Fenix has strength your granddaughter will hear her in her mind again. Kalysta will drive the human body with Fenix riding, what do you say..... Shotgun!"
Continuing she said, "In eagle form Fenix will be in control but able to hear Kalysta. There will also be a third form they can take. Since you're so grouchy Adelaide I'll let you all find more about that out on your own." With that Nature stuck out her tongue at the old woman as if the goddess was actually a petulant child.
Time put a hand on Adelaide's shoulder. "This event was the beginning. It needed to happen to ensure Kalysta and Jakob walk the path we have laid out for them."
Lifting his hand he walked to his wife and kissed the top of her head. He looked to the old woman, "We continue to bless your lineage. Rest easy. All is well."
Adelaide was about to argue with them to tell them that Kalysta being kidnapped as part of their plan was bullshit when he brought up his hand and snapped his fingers. In the next moment the old woman was back in her study.
She dropped herself down into a plush cushioned chair. Looking down she spoke aloud to no one at all but herself, "How am I going to explain this one and what in the world is the third form? No one has ever had a third form. Why does he always snap me back before I can yell at him???"
Running her fingertips in gentle circles on her temples she resigned herself to the task ahead. Her job has always been to guide shifters towards greatness. She has only failed once in her long life.
Jakob kind of reminds her of that wayward student. She looked through the window towards the slight glow that could be seen from Violet City. She let her mind wander to what Jasin Saline might be doing right now.
Despite his pure and kind heart Jakob at times reminds her of Jasin. She couldn't quite place why she found them to be so similar though.
Heavy in thought Adelaide finally drifted off to sleep.
Tomorrow would be a stressful day.