Archer's pov.
Those damned females acting like that to our faces. That is exactly why we didn't have a mate arrogant and poisonous all of them. We were dreading the day we were to be forced to take a mate. But not know we have her my sweet Rose I can still feel there eyes on us. I can feel King my wolf going mad with the need to comfort her growling at me.
" I need to hold her my wolf is going mad if I don't soon he's going to force me to shift" I tell Blake through mind link.
" my too brother should we just do it they will know by tomorrow anyway" he tells me.
I pick her up immediately she wraps her arms around my neck buried her face in the cruck of my neck. I take in her scent as she does mine we instantly relaxe in each other's embrace. I can her them growling in anger but I don't care she is calm and I don't think she can hear them.
" you know that her ceremony is tomorrow and some of the pack males will be there if not all of them and now so will they be there. What if hers isn't a normal ceremony how will we deal with it" Zane asks us, I freeze not realising it could be a problem.
" I will get the warriors who are the most loyal and are under a blood oath to be there for her protection as well as all of us" I tell him.
"We may need to set a team up for her I know we were hoping we would be enough but from the looks of the pack females. I think that we need to get some of your best to do a blood oath for her. Is that something you can do without the Alphas being here as I know your only on temporary work " Zane asks us.
" no we can't we can only give orders we can keep them in line and silent, but not making a team just for her that is why we let you guys be in our family "Blake answers
" when are they going to back " Zak asks.
" we don't know they are to be gone for a while but we sent a message there is a high chance of them returning but it doesn't have much information on it so they won't know what is happening " I answer, I feel her go slack in my arms looking down a her sweet sleeping face.
" I didn't think the pack would act like this the females yeah but did you see the male's as well. I thought they would be happy to see a new female but most seemed pissed more than anything. What was with that?" Zak asks thoughtfully.
" yeah I noticed that to they don't normally act like that at the mating bonfires so what was different now " Jay asks.
" it's us unfortunately we are the next in line to be Alphas. They want a strong Luna and I think because she is small and still looks very weak. Well she is weak at the moment she is still recovering from years of abuse and neglect. So they wish to oppose her and us I have a feeling that the elders may try to interfere as well "Blake answers.
" what can they do now nothing, but I think we should inform the temple of this they might be able to deal with the elders or give us some advice on them" Zane says with a shrug of his shoulders.
" yeah and grandfather will be here soon we sent for him when we found her" I answer with a nod.
" OK hand her over I can't wait any longer" Blake begs taking her out of my arms.
He calms down as soon as he takes in her scent the last of my tension leaving me. I know it wasn't mine but it felt like it was.
" Red's out getting a feel for what they are thinking and planning so we should be able to get some information on how the pack are feeling about us soon" I tell them, they hum in agreement.
As we walk back I noticed a few males following us from the shadows. I can't feel hostile intentions so maybe they are just curious about her. We make it back to the manor just in time to see our family carriages being unloaded.
" that's great timing they are back they might be able to smooth things over with them" I mutter as we head in.
"Boys there you are it's not like you to not be in your office" my father yells startling Rose she holds on to me tighter. I wrap my arm around her to calm her it works well.
" farther please don't yell you startled Rose awake" Blake begs.
" sorry boys and Rose is it sorry for scaring you do forgive me my boys are always telling me not to raise my voice but it just happens naturally" my father says embarrassed she nods her head.
" anyway Rose this is our farther and alpha of the Silver Night pack Alpha Alfred Norton. Now that he has returned we have to go to a meeting with him will you be okay with Zane and the guys" I introduced him to her she bows her head as a greeting with a small smile.
She looks to me with a nod I let her down kissing her forehead she turns to Blake he does the same Zane takes her hand and leads her back to her room.
" so boy's I think you have a lot of explaining to do. In my office Now" my father demands as soon as they have left.
" NOT IT" I yell in mind link. I don't want to have to deal with the explanation of this one he's going to explode and then cry and god knows what between.
" that's not fair I don't want his snot on me again you know it's gonna be... to much.... excess..... when we tell him she's our mate" Blake says trying not to remember the last break down of our soppy farther. Don't get me wrong he is a scary ass Alpha but a softy with his kids unless it's training then he's the Devil himself I shiver with the memories.