"Bye guys we'll meet up here later!" The two groups yell
as they walk in the same direction not trying to hide the
fact they're staying together. "I guess us six are going to
walk together to look?" Lizzy shrugs trying to make the
best of the moment. "I guess… Well I hope you know i'm
not happy about this.." Mori blurts out to annoy Lukiya and
Ivy. "Let's just go." Ivy tells the group as Ivy and Lukiya walk
away. Back with Miya and Alya. "Ill look over here for the
bathroom you look over there if there's two that would help
distribute the group." Alya suggests to Miya. "Sure! Call me
over if you need anything." Miya agrees as she walks over to
one side of the building. They split up and each find a bathroom.
Back with the two groups of six that stayed together. "Guys we
haven't found anything should we have split up?" One of them
asks the group. "Nah, someone else will find a teacher or the janitor."
One replies. "If you say so…" One says nervously. "Ok guys lets keep
looking for the teacher." Ivy Cheers for the five tired students. "I dont
think theres any teachers here guys.." Ellie shares her thoughts. "
Maybe, we should find the others to let them know." Ash shares.
"Yea." Lizzy agrees with her girlfriend. The group goes to find the
others. "Hey guys, we don't think there's anyone here for us!" They
yell trying to find the other two groups. "Ummm…. Guys? Is that
them..over there..on..the…tree?" Mori says as her voice cracks.
"OMG!! THAT IS!! Im ..going to faint…omg" Lukiya yells."Lukiya are
you ok..?" Ivy rushes over to help her stand. "No… do you see that.."
Lukiya says as she points to the garden inside the school. "OMG
there..all on the tree! Just hanging there! Like Christmas lights…"
Ivy responds as she looks over to where Lukiya pointed. They all
walk in to see if anyone is still alive on the tree. As they walk into
the garden the lights holding the people on the wall start to light up.
"W-what is this?" Ash asks as she walks over to one of the rocks.
"Idk. who would be so sick as to kill kids and hang them on a tree!"
Lizzy adds to what Ash says. "No! I mean what's this on the rock!"
Ash yells as they turn over. "It looks like an old radio. We had them
back in our old town. My grandpa loved them." Lukiya states. "Yea!
I remember using it once with you guys." Ivy responds. "Here let me
hit the button to start it." Ivy says as she reaches for the button. As s
he presses it a voice comes on. "Welcome! I've been waiting for you
guys!!" The voice says. Then the radio starts to play the twelve days
of Christmas. "Thats sick!" Mori yells. "Theres twelve people on the
tree dead so they play this song!" She yells. Then put of nowhere the
radio stops for a second. Then the radio says to the group "Game start."