Chereads / God Of War: Gacha System / Chapter 12 - #12 - Same Gacha

Chapter 12 - #12 - Same Gacha

With Eleanor sitting in my lap, I swipe through my inventory, inspecting the new things I got.

Eleanor is happily playing with the Saiyan Scouter I gave her.

Soon enough, I realized that she acted like a normal child, not so different from her looks. So, I don't mind her closeness to me, even if the armor makes it feel a bit weird.

Maybe I have a soft spot for children.

Still, I just removed her from her life, so showing appreciation is the bare minimum I could do for her.

Now that I think about it, how exactly was her other life?

I'm unsure if I should ask her since she looked happy to be taken out of it, but let me theorize for a moment.

The cosmic plushie dropped from a hard boss in the later stages of the game, what's worse is that she only dropped if the player's character was hardcore, so there are two options here.

Either she was never won, maybe because the player didn't get that far, maybe because the player wasn't in hardcore, who knows; or she was obtained and never used, since there were other pets in the game.

Nothing else comes to mind at the moment, so let's say it was one of those.

In any case, I have no way of knowing, and I won't go proving the origins of a girl who doesn't even know how to talk, whether it's by choice or inability.

"Hey, Eleanor, do you see this?" I grab her attention and point to the inventory floating in front of me.

"?" Her face screams the answer.

"Hmm, maybe if I pull..." Tugging on the mental connection we have, I lead it to the spot of my mind where I leave my gacha.

"!" She was surprised by the sudden appearance of the magical tab in front of her.

"Do you see now?" Eleanor nods meekly and tries to reach out to it.

She can't touch it, but she can see it now.

I don't have any special reason to show her my gacha right now, but even if there's no special reason, it's something important, so I should acknowledge it at the very least.

Not being told about an important thing just because ¨You didn't ask¨ or ¨I didn't know how to bring it up¨ and similar excuses suck.

So I'm telling her straight up.

"This is my power, it's like a present box with everything in it" Of course, I won't tell her specifically how it works, just a simplified version.

Eleanor turns to look at me and wordlessly asks me ¨Everything?¨

"Yes, everything, but sometimes bad things also appear, so it's not so good" I inform her.

Last time, the injection and the cursed house appeared, and just now the Whale from Iron Lung appeared. I remember playing that game, the atmosphere was creepy.

I would never go there, but if one day I do, to see the oceans of blood, then it'll be when I can destroy universes with a single punch, I'm not going to risk it.

She looks at me thoughtfully, before saying something through our connection.

"It's the extent?" She asked and I said out loud "Well, it's everything, really, from the biggest of animals to the smallest of objects. I'd say it is based on what I do and my luck" I answer the child. 

She looks at me with a smug, almost cheeky smile.

"Of course, of course, I was lucky when I got you" I joke around with her.

Eleanor giggles, and I note that her laugh is similar to a cat's.

Wow, this is therapeutic, fuck the evil thoughts, here's a cosmic child laughing.

"Do you want to see what comes out next with me?" She nods and I gesture for her to press the tab.

[Status - 3/3]

[Name: Arian Wolkoff]

[Race: Human(Demigod)]

[Assimilations [Show] ]

[Assimilation Process:]

-Roland Deschain - 63%

-Peter Parker - 81%

[Progress Bar: 139%]

'Gacha, can you let the best thing come at the end?' I ask and the gacha cooperates with my request while Eleanor tries to get the pulls going.

Unsure of what to do, she presses everything before finally pressing in the progress bar and starting the gacha.

[1: Sun Stone - Image Comics/Rogue Sun]

She punches the air in victory, her face showing happiness over the obtained item.

Before the realization hits her, she doesn't understand what the tab says.

Eleanor turns to look at me while pointing at the tab.

"The sun stone is used to summon armor and weapons, it's overall a pretty neat thing" I explain to her, trying to remember anything else from the comic.

She gestures to me to go on.

"The armor lets you fly and create fire" I don't remember too much, the comic was in its early stages when I read it. But since it came out so soon, then it's not as strong as a green lantern ring or something.

She hums to my words but feels a bit unsatisfied.

"This is just the first, maybe better things can come out" She doesn't react too much and touches the gacha tab.

I've just noticed that everything can be activated with a press instead of my will, that's useful.

[2: Third Diary - Gravity Falls]

"This is interesting, as in, good type of interesting" I tell her before she asks.

It is, Gravity Falls has an infinite amount of dimensions, time travel, a nightmare realm, and a lot of overpowered technology, I would've gone there sooner if it was a low-level world.

"I'm always one for researching and learning new stuff, so this is nice" One day, when I have my futuristic house with 100 floors full of techno stuff, I will try to recreate what's in here.

She nods and presses the tab again

[3: White Palace - Hollow Knight]

"Whoa..." An admiration comes out involuntarily out of my mouth.

The gambling-addicted child looks at me.

"This is good, I mean, it's not a corporeal palace, but it still works as a mind realm" Unfortunately, it's not a palace so I can't just take it out of my inventory and place it in the world, it works more as a power.

The card doesn't have a background too, so it must be a hybrid between power and location, or something like that.


[4: Hercules Method - Image Comics/Luther Strode]

"Oh!" A celebration escapes my mouth enthusiastically.

Eleanor looks at me, waiting for the explanation.

"It's a training method, It's pretty cool" I give her a short explanation because I'm afraid of saying something about the comic.

It was pretty graphic, with intestines and organs being splatted in every chapter. What was its name? I think it was uh... Legend of Luther Strode? Legacy?

No, wait, those were the two last comics. 

Whatever, the premise was about a guy who orders one of those ¨Get muscles in just five steps¨ books on the internet, and this method arrives, he does it, gets strong, but also gets into the superhuman world.

I remember that they face off against Cain in the latter part of the comic, one of the weakest Cain's in fiction, but still, a guy who had lived through thousands of years, and in his words, he was the god of violence.

Pretty good book, I also liked the female main lead.

Eleanor nudged at me, asking if I was done with my thoughts.

"Don't worry, go ahead" I pat her head.

She presses the tab.

[5: Power Upgrade Card x04]

"Whoa, they now come in batches?"

Nice, I won't use them yet, but useful.

They're self-explanatory, so Eleanor doesn't focus too much on them.

[6: Low-Level World Traveling Card - One day - x02]


Only a day?

Huh... I wonder what use can I give it.

Maybe to places where there's only one thing good to grab? Some low-level fantasy that has an immortality stone, totem, or something like that.

Whatever, I'll think about it later.


[7: Omni-Synthesizer - Honkai: Star Rail]

"Whoa, nice" I nod.

Eleanor looks at me, so I explain.

"It's a machine to synthesize stuff, which is, uh... fuse things to make them better" I give the best explanation to the kid.

She gives a small nod before her brows furrow for a moment, and... she gives up thinking.

Well, I'll analyze this later.

By the way, I just noticed, but is this path following a theme? Like, with supernatural things, they make sense up to a point. If that makes any sense

[8: Set: Dante Zogratis - Black Clover]

Never mind. I don't think I can get the batches to follow something too specific yet.

"Oh, magic" I don't react too much, even if it's a powerful character, I just don't like him that much.

Eleanor's ears straighten up and she looks at me with a shine in her eyes.

Does she like magic? Doesn't her world have magic too?

"Gravity and Regeneration magic, you can fly, erase things from the place, make things fly..." I list everything that gravity and body control magic can do.

With every word, she becomes more excited, pumps her fist into the air, and pushes me to go try it.

"Later, later" I pacify her and she sits after a little effort.

[9: Delta - The Eminence In Shadow]

Oh, the dog girl?

Hmm, I don't see too many things I could gain with assimilating her, I could gain a Cid card at any point too.

And summoning... Well, summoning seems the way to go, since she'll pretty much follow the one who defeats her, and I can easily defeat her, so that's that. 

But I have no use for her though.

Eleanor doesn't care too much for the wolf girl and continues with the gacha.

Supposedly, this should be the best thing, but I wonder what is better than a literal dream palace...

[10: Set: Delsin Rowe - Infamous]


"Huh..." I look up while placing my fingers on my jaw.

"..." Eleanor copies me and fakes thinking with me.

Caressing her, I examine the benefits of the character.

Don't get me wrong, he's good, very good, but better than Dante? I don't think so. Well, the gacha wouldn't be influenced by my opinion, so he has to be better in a way.

Maybe in diversity?

That must be it, this Delsin has red and black clothing so he comes from the evil karma storyline, with all the three powers...

Wait a moment, didn't he get more powers at in this ending?

...Ugh, no. 

He only has the neon, smoke, video, and concrete powers, the ones from the game.

Even if he's from the bad ending, so he should come from a moment between killing Augustine and getting to the Conduct's jail. Unfortunately, this means his set only gives me some clothing and accessories. Oh! A chain and a cellphone too.

Still, he's pretty good.

*tap* *tap*

The child taps me in the chest a few times, getting my attention.

"This is pretty good, this guy has smoke powers, he's basically a human firework" I describe him a little.

Now that I think about it, he can copy the powers of others by touching their hands. That would be useful if there was any kind of conduit gene in this world.

Or some sort of power-giving gene in general. Like mutants from Marvel, metahumans from DC, everyone from BNHA, everyone from A Certain Magical Index...

I wonder if I can use a power upgrade in this and become All For One, but with powers AND memories.

"Hey, Eleanor" I call her with a smile on my face.

She looks up to me and blinks.

"You want to go out?"

No more words were needed to spring her up from my lap.




In front of me, a bizarre scene is happening.

A little girl with bright pink-magenta hair is riding an armored worm flying and terrorizing whatever little animal she can find right in front of her, playing, and gathering cool sticks that she sometimes shows to me.

Said little girl is obviously Eleanor, who looks to be having the time of her life.

I'm sitting under the tree, the rising sun of the morning in front of me, and I note that I'm getting too accustomed to seeing it instead of the bright midday one.

As I keep an eye over the happy child, I inspect my winning in my earliest gambling spree.

"The ones that I can assimilate are..." I like to voice my thoughts, it makes things make more sense "Oliver Grayson, Derek Zoolander, Dante Zogratis, Delta, Delsin Rowe, Draht, and Ragna" I count.

Those are a lot, but I only have one free slot. Well, Peter is near 100% so he will be completed soon.

"Alright, let's think it carefully, what things did I do wrong in that battle with Beret?" The images of my fight with the barbarian flash quickly through my mind.

"Hmmm... I could've attacked him from afar, even if he was fast enough to dodge my lasers, the pressure could have been used." I stopped for a moment and thought about the damage "I also underestimated his physical prowess, maybe I'm still not accustomed to seeing magic so easily used" What else, what else...

"I barely used the terrain, I only climbed the wall to get good hits in him... And I don't think there's anything else?" Immediately, I follow up on that statement

"I mean, there's surely something else, but I have no idea what they are. Even if I did, they all boil down to something simple..." I wait a moment to complete my sentence.


At least those issues I said, every other that I didn't list still needs experience to be listed.

"Some of my characters have a lot of experience, but not with supernatural things, or well, this type at the very least" Jason has defeated magical users before right? If he did, I didn't maybe not at the level of Beret.

"Which is the oldest? He's going to have the most experience, probably" I begin to swipe through my cards, inspecting their ages.

"Oliver is a kid, Delsin should be between the early and mid-twenties, Delta is a teenager, Ragna gets his memories from his future self, and Draht fights in a cowardly way, so Dante goes first" I conclude.

In the series, he uses a spell to increase the speed and weight of his fists, magic to fly, mana zone, mana skin, I think he also does things with a sword too...

Hmm~ So many things... But there's a small issue.

He's possessed by a devil, do I get him? Does he have any sort of influence on me? I'm not sure how to feel about that.

On one side, I can definitely convince the devil to give me his power, on the other, I don't want to associate with demons in any way or to have my power depending on something. Gravity and body powers aren't uncommon in fiction either way, so I wouldn't lose too much if I left him to rot in my inventory.

Well, only one way to find out...

Asking the gacha, obviously, not assimilating him and hoping for the best. 

"If I assimilate this character, do I get the devil that possesses him?" I ask, hopefully using the right words.

[Only at a functional level, any sort of consciousness disappear once it loses contact with its original host]

"Oh~ Thanks gacha" Manners make man, so I thank the gacha before it disappears.

Even if short, that information has many levels.

First, I won't get the devil when I assimilate him, but I will be able to use its powers. It said this directly.

Second, this also means that I'm sure to assimilate characters like Naruto, Itadori, Ghost Rider, Denji, etc.

Third, If I summon the character, they will bring the demon with them, since it's not technically losing contact with its host (Maybe? The demon can be linked to something in that verse).

Fourth, if I get a possessed item, then the consciousness remains in it until I somehow assimilate it, even if I can't assimilate objects now, maybe in the future I will be able to.

It's always nice to have new information about anything the gacha has to offer.

Anyways, with confirmation, I summon the card and assimilate him.

[Assimilation Process:]

-Roland Deschain - 71%

-Peter Parker - 88%

-Dante Zogratis - 06%

[Progress Bar: 39%]

...Damn, that low?

Well, he's probably the strongest of my characters too, even if I haven't talked about it too much. 

Oliver is still a kid, Delsin and Ragna may be close to him, but Dante's the strongest by a margin, magic power is really bullshit. Although, Ragna can probably speed-blitz him.

Checking my inventory, I find Dante's stuff in there, his clothes only.

The grimoire became a part of my magic once I began to assimilate him... And, actually, this makes me think. Would I have been able to use his magic if I hadn't got his set? Like, I wouldn't have his grimoire as an Item or assimilation...

No point in thinking about that though, let's go to the next point.

Eleanor waves a really cool stick in the shape of a sword, I wave and applaud before she gets distracted by a move in the bushes and her worms fly to that.

I don't think I'll get accustomed to seeing that.

Opening my inventory, I look at all my items, before deciding on which one to focus in.

One that looks the most interesting out of all the others.

"Now, what could you be..." 

The White Palace hand card is in my hand, it has a transparent background with its image reflecting the light of the sun.

"Hybrid Power-Location... Whatever could this mean...." I played with the card in my fingers.

"Only one way to find out, I guess" Not really, but what's the worst that can happen?

How could MY power hurt me?

It shouldn't...


A/N: Hello

Since there isn't too much to say today, let me give you a fun fact.

In my doc, there's a character named ¨Nyarlathotep¨, who's not the crawling chaos from Cthulhu Mythos, but from the anime, Haiyore! Nyaruko-San, where the character is an alien girl who comes to live on Earth and falls in love with the main character.

She's strong, being able to do things like stopping time in the whole universe, but still nowhere near the original's strength.

I don't remember when I added it, I just looked at her and had a small laugh about it.

Oh, by the way, I won't do the ¨The best at the end¨ thing too much. Since it needs to be better than the others, but if the others are, I don't know, Whis, or Superman, then the last pull becomes a bit restricted in the gacha.

By the way(Again), this and the past chapter were cut in half because the first couple of chapters had 4000 words, and I think that's a bit too much so I made a limit of 3000 per chapter. Even if all the chapters have either a bit more than 3000, or around 4000. Maybe I will make longer chapters though, idk.

All said, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and bye bye.