Through the cold midnight, Nagato awoke from his sleep. The memory of Nagato's family this afternoon returned in the form of a dream.
This was the third time he had woken up in the night. He guessed it was only two in the morning. He wasn't in the mood to sleep anymore.
Well, who would be in the mood, every time she closed her eyes. A documentary about a broken family will air exclusively without commercial breaks. I don't know who sponsored it. It really made him unable to sleep peacefully. The dream was still a silent movie. So no sound came out of the dream.
Nagato glanced at Ryosuke who was sleeping on the side. Now they had a futon as a bedding, not using cardboard again like the first time.
Ryosuke always said that Nagato's fingers were good luck. Their income skyrocketed as soon as Nagato picked up the guitar. That's what he said. He even proved it by playing his own guitar and only letting Nagato watch, for one day of busking. And the result was as Ryosuke had expected, their income plummeted.
Nagato's eyes twitched at the incident. Though it happened because many audiences didn't really like Ryosuke's guitar playing. Not because Nagato's finger is a lucky charm. Let's just say Nagato is more adept at playing guitar than Ryosuke. That's why many viewers preferred Nagato's guitar playing over Ryosuke's.
Although their economy has gotten better since Nagato's arrival. But they never moved from their headquarters. Ryosuke said if this base could still be repaired rather than moving to a new place.
Nagato just obeyed, because from the beginning their treasury was held by Ryosuke. Now there is electricity and water in this base. Although it is still limited to only lighting and water pumps. So there is no need to wait for rain to take a shower. The broken parts and holes were also patched up, although they were still simple patches. Now the cold doesn't get inside when it rains.
Everything is better. Except for Ryosuke's shabby guitar. Even though he had enough money to buy a new one, Ryosuke didn't want to let go of the shabby guitar. Probably because it held memories of his friend from long ago.
Nagato glanced at Ryosuke who was sleeping in a mess. This guy had even flipped over and kicked his own pillow. The mature and reliable image of this afternoon had vanished instantly, as if his demeanor this afternoon was an illusion.
Snoring sounds could also be heard loudly from his throat. Sometimes Nagato thought, did this person also accidentally use his quirk when snoring?. Nagato
ignored Ryosuke's snoring
and picked up the sketch book beside him. Although things were better, they still didn't have proper furniture inside the headquarters. There was only one small, multipurpose table that Ryosuke often used as a dining table.
Nagato got up and headed outside. Intending to clear his mood with the night breeze. You're wondering what Nagato and Ryosuke's base actually looks like.
a small building on the roof of a cheap apartment building. Therefore it would be very windy and cold at night. Although Nagato said it was small, there were two rooms inside. One fairly large room that was used as a kitchen, a place to eat, as well as a bed, a three in one room. The other room was the bathroom.
And most importantly of all, it was free. No need to pay rent. That's the beauty of it, and that's probably why Ryosuke doesn't want to move out-he's a sucker, remember?"
looked at the city park below him. Well, next to this dirty and cheap looking apartment building was a sea of green and red from city park trees. It looked beautiful and clean.
Nagato admitted, if his world used to look lame compared to this world. Although this city got the title of a suburb, but Nagato could not compare between the suburbs of his world and this suburb.
Public facilities in this city are very convenient and adequate. Even Nagato never saw a single piece of trash in the park area. Well, except in the trash can of course. It seemed like the citizens of this town loved their suburb too.
Nagato sat leaning against the railing. The cold night breeze blew his hair, making his eyes clearly visible. Of course he didn't use an eye patch while sleeping. In the darkness of the night, his rhinoceros glistened coldly like a black gem.
Nagato looked at the sky, then at the still empty and smooth sketchbook in his hand. He was close to inspiration.
Nagato scratched his head then looked at the sky again. In the night sky only a few stars were visible. There were dark clouds that covered the moon by half. This night looked gloomy and eerie.
Nagato finally got inspired. With a pencil, he made black and white strokes on paper. The half-glowing moon and the twinkling stars were perfectly copied under his hand.
It looks, well, less... Something
then added a spire to the bottom left corner of the image. And at the top of that building was a small building. That was his headquarters. His home with Ryosuke now.
Nagato closed his sketch book and looked up at the sky. Black clouds were moving in the wind. Making the moon back in full light. Looking at the dark clouds, Nagato remembered the black mist that engulfed Shigaraki this afternoon.
That fog, Kurogiri, isn't it? The All For One's subordinate in charge of nurturing and guarding that childish man, Shigaraki Tomura.
This afternoon that man came out of the blue. It took him by surprise and he was unprepared if he had to fight that smelting hand.
The message Shigaraki brought, All For One wanted him back, the man gave him a few days before Shigaraki picked him up. But Nagato here had never met the villain before. It was clear in his memory that Nagato here only locked himself in his room every day, and almost never met anyone else, not even his own parents. But how did All For One find out about Nagato?. Has the villain been watching Nagato and his family for a long time?.
Or did All For One want Nagato because the man knew his Quirk?. But that's not possible. Nagato here has never used let alone practiced with his Quirk. Then how did All For One know about Nagato?. Was Nagato's personal data sold by his parents to the villain?.
No way, no how could there be such cruel parents. There is only one way to find out the truth. That is to meet Nagato's parents and ask them directly.
Nagato opened his sketch book again. Making another drawing from his world. From the place of his school, the area around his house outside the city, tourist attractions, to the seven wonders of the world.
While doodling, Nagato thought about how to deal with Shigaraki if he had to face the man.
Would he have to make a doll like six pains? But, wouldn't that be too cruel. It could be that the spirit of the owner of the body would haunt Nagato if Nagato used his body to make pain.
Just thinking about it gave him goosebumps. What, ... he tried it on animals first huh?. At least Nagato can consider animal bodies as research objects during high school. If you directly use the human body, Nagato's mind is still not strong. A few days ago he was still a normal person living in a normal world. If he has to rummage through the contents of the human body, he will definitely vomit because he is not strong.
But inevitably Nagato must do it in the future. Given that the pain can only move if its body has been embedded with chakra-receiving iron. Which was personally implanted by Nagato himself.
Ok, direct practice is still doubtful. Nagato didn't know how to implant the iron in the body of a living being. Looks like he has to learn with a living body first.
Tomorrow buy a book on the anatomy of the human body and animals, especially birds.
Nagato noted on the back sheet of his sketchbook. The rest of the night was spent by Nagato drawing and making plans for the future.
The next day, Nagato and Ryosuke went busking all day. On the way home Nagato asked Ryosuke to buy a book on body anatomy. And Ryosuke looked at Nagato strangely for one night because of that book. Maybe he remembered Nagato's explanation about his ability to make 'dolls' using corpses that time.
Nagato read the book from time to time. He was afraid that suddenly Shigaraki would suddenly come again. And Nagato still wasn't ready.
In the morning before leaving to busk, during lunch break, and before bedtime. It seemed like all of Nagato's free time was spent studying the book. Well, it was natural to study hard. Because he also didn't really understand the anatomical structure of the body. He wasn't a medical major, he was an art student remember?
It turns out that there are many vulnerable points on the body that must be avoided from hard impact, because it will cause deadly diseases in the future. Such as heart attacks and coughs. Maybe this book is a guideline for traditional medicine such as acupuncture. Nagato thought.
These two days Nagato spent with that activity. Busking and studying the anatomy of the body. On the third day, Ryosuke said that they only started busking before the lunch break. Nagato just complied, and continued studying his book again. While Ryosuke excused himself to go meet someone.
All morning Nagato studied his book. He didn't research about his Quirk like yesterday, afraid if Shigaraki suddenly appeared in the park. He also didn't want to try removing the black iron from his hand again. Because his hand would hurt and sting. The wound from two days ago had healed but still left a scar.
At around ten o'clock, Ryosuke returned. They then immediately set off to busk.
This afternoon Nagato showed off his fingerstyle skills during the performance. It was because throughout the performance Ryosuke seemed to lack totality when singing, and left the audience disappointed.
Nagato glanced at Ryosuke. This guy didn't just shoot a girl and get rejected, did he? He didn't look excited.
At lunch break, even Ryosuke didn't eat as much as usual. This confirmed Nagato's thoughts if Ryosuke was rejected by women. The problem was that his roommate had also experienced something like this after confessing his feelings to his own classmate. His roommate wailed all night because of it and didn't want to eat anything, which obviously made him dizzy because of his behavior.
Nagato finished his chocolate milk plus food supplement then wrote in his sketch book. "You're not getting rejected by girls, are you?"
Reading the words Nagato wrote made Ryosuke immediately choke. "What do you mean?!, I didn't get rejected by a girl!, I would have been the one to reject her!. Why is a little boy like you minding the business of adults?" Ryosuke argued.
"So you regret rejecting that girl, Ryosuke?" Nagato wrote again.
"Of course not!, how could I regret what I threw away!. Wait a minute!, why do you keep asking about this, Nagato?. I didn't shoot or get rejected by any girl. What exactly is a kid like you thinking?!" Ryosuke was angry.
Nagato scratched his head. "So... you didn't get rejected by any girls?"
"No, and there's no connection."
"Oh, I thought you were sad because since the show you seemed unfocused Ryosuke. I thought you were sad because you were rejected by a girl you liked." Nagato explained in his sketch book.
"That!, ... it's not because of girls!. It was because of something else. Obviously a little boy like you doesn't need to know. This is adult business. You don't need to join in on the thinking, Nagato." Ryosuke averted his eyes.
This guy is lying, he averted his eyes. Is he really not rejected by a girl? Nagato fumed.
That afternoon when they performed Ryosuke already looked better and could focus again. On the way home Nagato asked Ryosuke to catch a pigeon for his experiment to make a 'doll'.
Nagato was almost done studying his book. So he would start experimenting afterward. Ryosuke caught a white pigeon secretly in the park. He then made a simple cage out of twigs and placed the pigeon inside.
At the base, Nagato kept an eye on the white pigeon in the cage. His brain recalled the anatomical arrangement of the bird's body. It seemed like he was beginning to understand how to implant the black iron in the pigeon's body.
Nagato opened his reading book and wrote down the method he thought of between the pages. According to the way Nagato concluded. The way black iron works in the body of a living being is similar to how a string puppet works.
So every limb must be implanted with black iron. Like a string doll. The rope in each puppet's locomotion will make the puppet move according to the puppeteer's wishes.
Late at night, Nagato finished his research on anatomy. And will start his experiments tomorrow if he has time.
In the morning Nagato and Ryosuke prepare to busk like a normal day. But Ryosuke took Nagato home after the lunch break. Though the audience is usually large in the afternoon. But Ryosuke wanted to waste the opportunity to make more money. Ryosuke said he was going to meet an old friend.
Alesan, actually this person still wants to pursue that woman, right?, Even though he has been rejected but is still persistent. Trying to lie that the person is not a woman but an old friend. Unfortunately you're not easy to lie to me, Ryosuke!. Nagato thought.
Nagato just nodded. He also had to start his experiment today because they left early. Actually Nagato was a little afraid that Shigaraki would come. Considering it was already past the third day since the man delivered his message.
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