The fall wind blew during Nagato's drive home, blowing the red leaves off his tree. Ryosuke was gone by the time they reached the crossroads. Leaving Nagato to enjoy the view on his own.
Wow, Nagato had a sudden inspiration. It seemed like Nagato got inspiration too often since he started living in this world. It's been three days since he last drew. Well, because he was busy studying his reading books of course.
Nagato stopped by the store to buy the equipment he needed for the experiment. Since it was just a normal shop he only bought the bare necessities. Knives, cutters, scissors and the like. He also stopped by the pharmacy to buy cotton, bandages, masks, medical gloves and medical alcohol.
Maybe before the experiment he could draw a picture first. This inspiration kept dancing in his head, asking to be put down on paper. Nagato thought as he walked home. Not noticing the pharmacy guard who gave him a strange glance after buying the items.
Arriving at the headquarters Nagato immediately set up the operation. The multipurpose table was used as an impromptu operating table by Nagato. The equipment is lined up neatly. Cotton and alcohol are also ready. The black iron is also already there, this iron that Nagato took out when Shigaraki came to him. He didn't want to take out the iron again, remembering the pain after the iron came out.
Nagato had also cut the iron into small pieces to make it easier to implant.
Everything was ready, but Nagato had one problem. The object of his experiment was alive and well.
In the Naruto anime, Nagato uses the bodies of dead people or corpses as his puppets. While here he uses the body of a bird that is still alive.
Should he kill it first? But that would be too cruel wouldn't it? Should she ask Ryosuke to find another experimental object?. It wasn't easy to find bird corpses around here. In the end Nagato decided to use anesthesia. Had the experiment failed, the pigeon might still be alive.
Nagato headed back out to the pharmacy. After buying anesthesia and IVs Nagato headed back down the road back to headquarters. On his way back Nagato saw a flock of crows being chased away by a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper even threw stones at the birds.
just glanced at the incident and continued his journey. When he arrived at the door of his headquarters Nagato was surprised by something that fell right in front of the door.
No, it was one of the crows. Nagato approached the black bird.
Oh, so it was you who got hit by a rock. Nagato was about to pick it up, but the bird barked and attacked Nagato.
Wow calm down buddy, I just want to see your wound. Nagato walked away from the bird and went in to get a bandage and red medicine.
See, I just want to help you. Nagato showed the items he took. But either the bird can understand or not.
When the bird noticed what Nagato was carrying, he immediately caught the bird and plastered its beak and claws.
Got it!, Sorry buddy, looks like I got an extra volunteer. Nagato smiled.
Looks like we have to change the surgery schedule, I'll operate on you first. Because you look critical. Nagato didn't realize that his smile now looked creepy in the crow's eyes.
Nagato immediately brought the bird to the operating table. He then cleaned his hands and put on gloves, then injected anesthesia. While waiting for the anesthetic to take effect, Nagato sterilized his equipment using alcohol.
He glanced at the open anatomy book that showed anatomical drawings of birds. With the help of the light of the lamp above him, Nagato began to install black iron on the bird's body according to the picture in the book.
The sun had almost set by the time Nagato finished his surgery. He was now bandaging the wound from his surgery on the bird. An IV had also been stuck in the raven's body. And the bird was still breathing, which meant that this creature was still alive.
Did he succeed in implanting the black iron while the object was still alive?. Did this bird succeed in becoming his 'puppet'? Nagato decided to continue observing his patient, just in case there were any side effects.
Nagato recorded everything that happened in the back pages of his sketchbook, everything he did during the operation to the reactions he predicted would happen.
Now the sun had set. But Ryosuke hasn't returned since this afternoon. Nagato was still faithfully observing the results of his experiments and taking notes in his book.
The effects of the anesthesia should wear off in a little while. And this bird will wake up soon. Nagato watched the crow as it opened its eyes.
And wow, the bird's eyes turned into rinegan. Just like Yahiko who had a rinegan after becoming Nagato's pain doll in the Naruto anime.
Did it work?
Nagato checked the other eye again, and the same, the other eye was also rinegan. Nagato noted every change the crow had in his book.
No side effects have been seen yet. The crow is conscious and still alive. Breathing is smooth, internal organs are working fine. But there is no certainty whether this bird will obey orders. Nagato wrote.
Nagato saw his book and pencil taken away, replaced with chocolate milk and dietary supplements. He was too devoted to taking notes to notice Ryosuke's arrival.
Nagato looked up, seeing Ryosuke holding his book. "You eat first, Nagato. After that you can continue. I'm guessing you haven't even stopped since you started, right?"
Nagato accepted his chocolate milk and quickly drank it along with the food supplement. He wanted to continue his notes immediately.
Ryosuke observed the crow lying on the table with an IV stuck into its body. "Did the experiment work?" Ryosuke looked at Nagato curiously.
Nagato finished his milk then picked up the book Ryosuke was holding. He wrote, "The operation was successful. But I don't know if this bird will obey my orders or not. And its postoperative state is also not stable yet. Perhaps after it stabilizes I will conduct further checks and experiments."
"Wow, that's the longest sentence you've ever written, Nagato." Ryosuke was clearly out of focus.
Nagato immediately closed his book hard after hearing Ryosuke's comment. This guy, he has explained at length but this guy doesn't even see what he explained. Nagato thought.
"Alright, alright I won't talk out of turn. So how's the experiment going?"
"I will wait for this bird to stabilize first. Further checking. You can see for yourself tomorrow." After Ryosuke read that sentence, Nagato immediately closed his book and cleaned up all the equipment used. As well as cleaning up the blood spots on the dining table.
In the morning Nagato fed the pigeons that he did not use as experimental objects. Meanwhile, the crow went back to sleep last night and still didn't wake up until this morning.
Nagato intends to release this pigeon, because he will not use it. Nagato opened the cage and let the bird fly back to where it came from.
Now Ryosuke had been taking a bath since earlier and still hadn't come out. What exactly was this guy doing inside. He didn't pass out in the bathroom did he?" Nagato thought.
Nagato was checking the crows when Ryosuke came out of the bathroom neatly dressed. Nagato was surprised at Ryosuke's appearance. Ryosuke doesn't usually look neat. Usually this guy only wears t-shirts and long pants. Is Ryosuke going to propose to the girl he's chasing?.
Nagato glanced Ryosuke's appearance up and down. Decent shirt, jeans, even this guy was wearing new shoes that he always kept in a box out of affection.
Nagato wrote in his sketch book. "Are you going to propose to a girl, Ryosuke?"
"What do you mean, why do you keep thinking that I'm chasing girls, Nagato? Huh. I told you this has nothing to do with a girl. I'm going to go apologize to someone. Do you think I was polite enough?" Ryosuke sighed and explained his reason for wearing such clothes.
Nagato again glanced at Ryosuke's appearance. "You, just going to go like that?" Nagato wrote.
"Yes, of course. Isn't my appearance enough?" Ryosuke nodded.
"Your appearance only makes people think you're a teenage girl kidnapping syndicate." Nagato mocked.
"Huh?!, How could that be!. They'll think I'm an actor!. How could that be... Kidnapper!" Ryosuke held his nose high.
What a narcissistic person. Nagato thought.
"Are you just going to leave with just your body?" Nagato wrote again.
"What exactly do you mean, Nagato. Can you answer me without asking? I'm just asking for your opinion on my appearance." Ryosuke gave Nagato a tired look. Sometimes this boy in front of him's questions didn't make sense.
"I mean, don't you have any souvenirs for the person you're meeting? Usually people will give something when apologizing." Nagato explained.
"Heeh?!..., isn't that called bribing? It's illegal isn't it?" Ryosuke looked at Nagato in shock.
"It is if you give him money. Just give her what she likes at least. Apologizing with just a body, don't ever expect to be forgiven." Nagato was also tired of this person's way of thinking. It turns out that Ryosuke can't mature at all.
"What does he like?,...." Ryosuke scratched the back of his nape.
"Ah, I know. But I can't afford to furnish her at the moment." Ryosuke immediately drew a circle in the corner.
Nagato sighed. "Indeed, what does he like?" He wrote.
"It's... a flute, but I can't afford it. Even with all our money right now." Ryosuke laughed awkwardly.
Hah, Nagato sighed again. He then snatched the guitar and Ryosuke's hand. "Eh, Nagato?"
"We're going to busk some more. I'll help you because you owe that guy an apology. It's better to apologize before you regret it in death." Nagato wrote quickly.
Ryosuke's face brightened. "Nagato, thank you. You're such a good little brother!" Ryosuke laughed.
Nagato was silent for a while after hearing Ryosuke's words, then continued to pull his hand again.
I'm,.... a good sister huh, my brother also said that. Nagato smiled, remembering the great tall figure who always cared about him. Although, we are not siblings.
"Uh, t-wait Nagato!. At least let me change my shoes first!. It's a shame to walk!!!"
The next few days Nagato and Ryosuke busked vigorously. Nagato even deliberately postponed his experiment with the crow and accompanied Ryosuke to earn money.
But Nagato still noted every change he saw in the crow in the morning before leaving. The pigeon cage is now a crow cage. Nagato also fed it three times a day and the black bird also ate normally with no anomalies.
The crow's body is also recovering slowly, today Nagato officially removed the bandages on the crow's body as the wound has healed. The stitch marks are also not clearly visible. Looks like he's talented in sewing. But the crow's body is still half bald as a result of the operation.
"What are you going to name this bird, Nagato?" Ryosuke also squatted in front of the cage. They hadn't gone busking this morning because of the heavy rain. This fall there was a lot of rain falling, making the air even colder and damper.
"I don't know, I never thought to name it." Nagato wrote.
"Eh? Well then, what do you call this bird if it doesn't have a name?" Ryosuke pointed at the crow in the cage.
Nagato was also thinking. It seems okay to name this bird. Although he knew there was no need to call his name because Nagato's mind would be connected to this bird, that is if the black iron could work properly.
"In that case,... let's call it Itachi." Nagato wrote.
"Itachi?, That sounds like a person's name. Is he someone you know, Nagato." Nagato nodded. Many people in his world knew this figure. A brother who was cruel and loving at the same time.
"Yes, I know him. But that person doesn't know I know him. Because we never met." Nagato explained after thinking about Itachi. A two-dimensional image in the Naruto anime series, how could Nagato meet him? Well, although now he was trapped in a two-dimensional world too.
"Then how did you find out, Nagato?. You said you never met her." Ryosuke tilted his head in confusion.
"There's a popular story where I come from. One of the famous characters is this guy, Itachi." Nagato recalled how many Itachi fans there were in his world because of the popularity of the Naruto anime.
"So, this guy is an actor, or a famous hero like that?" Ryosuke thought as he rubbed his chin.
"He's not a hero. But you can call him a hero in the shadows. This man has never shown his face to the world." Nagato thought then wrote.
"Wow, this guy seems really cool!" Ryosuke looks interested in Itachi's character.
You wouldn't say that after knowing that this guy slaughtered his entire clan and left only his younger brother. Nagato thought. But he didn't tell Ryosuke about Itachi's story.
"So there's a reason why you named this crow after that man." Ryosuke was still curious.
"Itachi, that guy is famous for his stories. And all I know is that he's close to crows. That's it in a nutshell." Nagato explained.
"Alright, then. Itachi, welcome to our family." Ryosuke smiled so full that his canines were visible. Making Nagato remember their first meeting.
"Come on Nagato, the rain has stopped. Let's get to work. If we reach our target income today, we can buy a flute for my apology tomorrow." Ryosuke was clearly happy at the thought. His face looked bright and excited, like the sky clearing up after the rain stopped.
Ryosuke left the headquarters first leaving Nagato who was wearing a red jacket given by that person. Nagato then immediately followed Ryosuke's steps.
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