Chereads / Elemental Hero in Teyvat / Chapter 22 - Chapter 22: La Signo--Nope, its was Dora the explora.

Chapter 22 - Chapter 22: La Signo--Nope, its was Dora the explora.

It's already past 2 days after Dvalin rescue squad had saved Dvalin. Sekai, Aether and Paimon meet Kaeya at Good Hunter, they're having a chat with him then they meet Amber. She joined them for breakfast and have a chat about their next journey. Amber felt sad that they will miss them especially Aether but he told her that they are staying here for two more days before getting ready for their next adventure.

Sekai manages to change the topic on his hang-out date thingy with Lisa, asking tips and what's not. Aether while shock still give him some tips to him while Amber and Paimon tease him, even though he didn't even understand a single thing about 'date' and just role on to follow Aether's tips. Then they are reminded about the celebration for successful mission at the Angle's Share Tavern.

Right in the afternoon, Jean meets with them and together they walked to Mondsdat Cathedral to returned back the Holy Lyre while Sekai waiting outside enjoying the view.

-Inside the Cathedral-

Jean: This is Barbara, the Deconess of the church. She is here to retrieve the Holy Lyre der Himmel.

Barbara: May the Anemo Archon protect you, I'm not really in position to speak compared to our Acting Grand Master…

Then Barbara started to smile and spoke

Barbara: But I still want to thank you all on behalf of all Mondstadt for your assistance! Fortunately. Everything was resolve peacefully… I can't imagine how an all-out way between the military and dragon would have ended.

Jean: Now the Fatui have no choice but to keep their mouth shut. They must be annoyed that things didn't turn out as planned for them. This time, they even lost their best excuse to pressure the Knight of Favonius. Diplomatically speaking, they gained nothing on the contrary proved how vex they can be.

Barbara: sound like quite the story. So, did you bring the Holy Lyre with you? We cannot ask you to keep defending the lyre forever. The Seneschal has been pressing me for a while now…

Aether and Paimon start to shake nervously and Paimon start to speak

Paimon: We ahh… d-di bring it with us b-but.. Ummm… it's just a little

The Deaconess see their nervousness and try to calm them all down

Barbara: Oh, don't worry! I'm not here to collect rent! The church has always received special funding…

Aether: P-please don't panic for this.

The Traveller slowly took out the Holy Lyre which was broken and held it towards her. Barbara gasp in shock. Paimon poked her finger and laugh nervously while Venti just scratched his head.


Barbara suddenly screamed as she falls on her knee and start prying.

Barbara: Oh, Lord Barbatos… Even if I atoned for these sins, for the rest of my life… it would still not be enough!

Venti: (I won't) *sigh* Oh give it here…

Aether gave it to Venti as Venti starts using his power on the broken Holy Lyre and it was completely fixed. Barbara sigh in relief and took the Lyre then hugged it.

Barbara: How could this- The Holy Lyre… but how?

Paimon: Huh? Let Paimon see!

Barbara: No! no! I don't know how you manage to fix it, but you'll never touch this lyre again!

She quickly run towards the basement while Venti turned to all of them and spoke.

Venti: We uhh… really should get going…

Aether: Why?

Venti: That trick I used to "repair" the Holy Lyre… Hehe, I mean the magic I used… Isn't going to hold forever you know… Hehe…

Venti laughed while running away.

Paimon: You Tone-Deaf Bard! Hey don't go!

Paimon and Aether started following him.

-Outside the church-

Sekai looked at the view outside while enjoying the breeze. Then he heard the door open turning his head and saw Venti who's running. He was about to greet Venti when suddenly two portal form underneath Venti revealing two Fatui Agents. The Agent was about to stab him, but Aether suddenly dashes to Venti direction and blast them away with wind blade.

Sekai: Are you alright?!

Venti: I'm fine.

Aether tried to capture the Agents but they manage to left with the portals. Then unknown lady appears and snaps her fingers. She makes a huge snowstorm towards them that cause Paimon to freeze and fly away. Venti protects Sekai and himself with his wind.

They tried to retaliate but Sekai and Venti's feet were frozen on ground. Aether was about to save them but he got caught by Agent earlier.

Sekai & Venti: Aether!

 Suddenly the unknown lady spoke to them.

???: At last, Mondstadt's rodent ruler in the flesh.

The unknown lady slowly walks towards them and revels herself with two Electro cicin mages.

Sekai: (Wait… Is that Dora the explora or maybe La Signora that mob face Fatui agent mentioned? What is she doing here?)

 La Signora: Scurrying through the street, looking for leftovers…

Signora walks towards and grabbed Venti chin to examine him.

Signora: Mondstadt call this a god?

Venti: Resident rodent… beast invasive vermin-

Venti suddenly got slapped right on his cheek.

Signora: Don't you dare speak back to me, insolent bard.

Venti started gathering the Anemo element energy around his feet making the ice freezing his feet to crack.

Signora: Look at you, your absentee archon of Mondstdat… how impotent you have become…

Venti: That smirk you wear look out of place. Did you steal it from your master's face?

Signora looks him with disgust and blast him with ice blast making him fly backward. She moves fast to his right side.

Signora: Should have held your tongue.

She then proceeds to stab Venti chest. Sekai and Aether's eye widened at this scene

Aether & Sekai: Venti!!

Then Signora pulls out something from his chest, Venti falls down on the floor and groans in pain. She lifts a small object that she took from Venti chest and smiled proudly.

Signora: So, this is a Genosis?

Suddenly Sekai watches start to blink is light-blue color. He didn't notice this, but the light continues to shine slowly getting brighter and brighter.

Signora: Wouldn't be caught dead wearing this ugly thing in public.

Venti: Beauty is the waste… when beholder has no taste…

Venti held his chest then got kicked by La Signora.

Sekai & Aether: Venti!!

Signora: Well, we have what we came for.

As Signora was about to leave, one of the agents interrupted her.

Fatui' agent: My lady, what about the young man.

That make both of them surprised.

Sekai: (What?! Me?! What do they want form me?!)

Aether: Wait?! Are they after him too?! Did they got interested about his light element power?!

Aether thought and tried to struggle out to help him

Signora: Oh, I almost forgot.

La Signora slowly walked towards Sekai then grabbed his chin to examined him.

Signora: So, this young man is said to be the Elemental Hero… Hmm… if the Tsarista didn't want you at her palace, maybe I can consider owning you~

Sekai: (Tsarista? Who? Is that Sheneznaya Archon name?) 

Signora: I have two options for you. You will come with us then we won't bother your little friend. If you don't then we will have to use force.

This offered shocked them as Aether start shouting.

Aether: No! Don't do it Sekai!

But then he got karate chop on his neck and unconscious.

Sekai: Aether!!

Signora: Ugh such annoying brat. Then which is going to be, young man?

Sekai: (Cryo Archon now want me… I don't know why and why people continue calling me elemental Hero. So many question but to little answered.)

Sekai watch start to glow even brighter taking everyone attention.

Signora: Huh?

Sekai: Sekai Double Split!

The circle appeared underneath him with two symbol Solar and Cyclone and reveal two Sekai in front of La Signora free from ice entrapment.

Signora: W-what the?

Fatui agent: My Lady!

The agent was about to help her but been blast away by Solar light beam and fly away.

Fatui mages was about to use their attack but Whirling Cyclone been used by Sekai(cyclone) towards the Cicin and Fatui Mage blasting them away far from there.

La Signora stopped covering her face and look at both Sekai, who was staring at her in anger.

Signora: This brat… So much power…

Sekai (Cyclone): You attack my friend and tried to force me to follow your beading. You talk with arrogance like you onside of justice, but it you that rob other! For your arrogance take this blast. Cyclone Rush!

The Wind Cyclone blast Signora upwards while shredding her cloth leaving her bleeding here and there. After a while the cyclone dissipate and Signora fall to ground panting heavily. 

Sekai: Surrender Signora! Hand back over the Genosis! It doesn't belong to you!

Signora: *pant* Why should I follow your command? I won't give you anything!

Sekai: We can do this easy way or the hard way… which one is your choice…

Signora: Hah! I rather die than giving it to you!

La signora was about to attack them but Sekai(solar) shot Solar Blade shot near her arm, leaving a scorch mark. She groaned in pain and held arm where it got hit.

Sekai: That was just a warning. Just hand over the Genosis. Don't make this already hard situation into worst one.

She frowned then use ice to make ice wind and summon portal behind her and tried to escape. Solar see this start blasting Solar beam strike towards the portal but suddenly another fatui agent jump in front and become meat shield for Signora. Signora run towards the portal anxiously. Cyclone cast Whirling cyclone to hit Signora again and tried to clear the ice cover, but again another Fatui Agent jump towards and blast away directly towards Signora back. And push her towards the portal. Realizing that he didn't manage to chase her, Solar blast Solar Eclipse Attack into the closing portal as the parting gift. Seeing the portal; vanish, both Sekai started to glow and combined back into one.

Sekai: That should teach them a lesson to never mess with me! HAHAHA (Villain laughter)

Sekai: wait, I think I forgot something…

Sekai ponders and suddenly realize why he is mad in the first place

Sekai: Guys!

The Elemental man ran towards his friend and checked their pulse to see if they are fine.

Sekai: Phew! They going to be alright, but Venti got injured on his chest and Paimon got frozen, what should I do?
