Chereads / Elemental Hero in Teyvat / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23: Mondsdat Archon

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23: Mondsdat Archon

Sekai heard the sound of door opening revealing Barbara

Barbara: What happen here?!

Sekai: We got attacked by crazy bi… ehem! I mean Fatui…

The Deaconess take a second to process the information and suddenly shouted

Barbara: Really?!

Sekai: Yeah! And Venti got injured!

Barbara: This is terrible! Would you please help me carry these three into the Cathedral, I can heal them!

Sekai proceeds to split into two and Solar carried Aether and Paimon while Cyclone carried Venti, Barbara saw this with surprised expression on her face but decided that there is more urgent matter to handle. They proceed into the cathedral and went to infirmary area.

Barbara: Lay them here! I'm going to used my elemental skill to heal them!

Sekai just nods and followed her instruction; she then started to check their condition and start healing them. Some second later, to her surprise that her elemental healing has no effect on Venti and decided to focus on Aether. And for Paimon, Sekai that already returned to his base form changed to Solar form to melt the ice.

While waiting for the process of healing his friend, Sekai starts a conversation with Barbara to reduce the intense moment.

Sekai: Btw, I never get the name of our pretty little helper.

Barbara caught on guard startle and start to blush while trying her best to maintain her composer.

Barbara: *Blushing* P-pretty… Oh! I'm Barbara, the Deaconess of The Church! You must be Sekai Silver, the rumored shinning hero of Mondstadt!

Sekai: Owh? I don't know that that people started calling me that, but it nice to meet you, Barbara.

Barbara: It's nice to meet you too Shinning Hero!

While the continue their little chat, Sekai didn't notice that he already manage to melt the ice on Paimon.

Suddenly, they heard Paimon groaning, Barbara as attentive as her are, quickly went to take a blanket and passed it to Paimon. She then went somewhere again to make hot tea. While Paimon is trembling in cold while still wearing the blanket. Sekai noticing this make a solar light and place it near Paimon to help her. Then Barbara returned with a tea set.

Barbara: Here you go Paimon.

Barbara gave her a cup of hot tea.

Paimon: Thanks, Paimon is almost freezing to death, I can't believe those Fatui started attacking us out of nowhere.

Paimon blew the tea to make sure it no to hot and the start drinking, she then aske Sekai what happened.

Paimon: So, what happened after Paimon got frozen?

Sekai: There this one bit-- ehm... Excuse me, I mean lady, I think her name is Dora the Explora, one of Fatui Harbingers.

Paimon: Really?! What she doing here?!

Sekai: I saw she took something from Venti. I'm not sure what that is. Not only that, but she also tried to tempt me to come with them.

Barbara and Paimon gasped in surprise.

Paimon: Wait what?! Don't tell me they covert your ability to control light element?!

Sekai: Well, to be honest I also not sure why. Maybe they just a pervert organization that targeting young boy. Who know…

Barbara and Paimon deadpan and Sekai reply but Barbara suddenly interrupted and started asking Sekai question related to his power.

Barbara: Is it true that you can control light element Mr. Sekai?

Sekai: Just called me Sekai, as for you question…

Sekai proceeds to move around solar light ball beside Paimon and bring it in front of Barbara then returned it back to its original position.

Barbara: I s-see, I guess what my sister said is all true.

Sekai: Your sister?

Barbara: Oh right, she hasn't introduced me to you yet. My sister is Jean Gunnhildr, the Acting Grandmaster. She told me a lot about you. You really have a good heart to help people of Mondsdat.

Sekai: Hehehe. It was nothing, I'm just returning the favor of the Nation that help me when I'm in need.

Sekai gave her a warm smile while reminiscing the first day he wakes up in the City of Freedom and his smile turned awkward a little remembering Lisa… Barbara saw his warm smile making her blush a bit and started to change the subject.

Barbara: D-do you want more tea?

Sekai: Oh yes please.

Barbara quickly dashed towards pantry to prepared more tea and tried to composed herself. 

Sekai and Paimon continue have conversation until they heard sound of Venti' moaning noises making Sekai frown a little.

Paimon: Tone Deaf Bard! Are you alright?

Venti: I'm fine. What… happen?

Sekai: We just got attacked by Fatui Harbinger and she took something from your chest. Mind tell me what that is?

Venti: It is an item called Genosis used by The Seven to directly used energy from Celestia, and it is the proof of their status as elemental archon.

Sekai: I see (is that mean whoever get to hold them can become new archon or there is more to it?)

Venti starts getting up and walking away while Sekai tried to stop him.

Sekai: Where are you going?

Venti: I'm just gonna head to Windrise to have some alone time. If Aether need something from me, please tell here where I am once he wakes up.

Venti then left while Sekai just let out a sigh and Paimon noticed that Sekai is actually frowning.

Paimon: Sekai, are you alright?

Sekai: I'm okey Paimon. It's just… I should take initiative sooner. I just stood there waiting to gain some more information while knowing I can just start blasting the Fatui away! I could have prevented Venti from being attack from Dora, but there I'm doing absolutely nothing!

Paimon: H-hey don't blame yourself. It's not your fault to be caution on them. And in the first place, its Fatui that ambushed us. It's their fault. Don't worry someday we will find her again, then we will fight her to get Venti's Genosis back!

Sekai: Yeah… I guess you're right. Thanks, Paimon.

Barbara just comes in with more tea when she noticed one of them is missing.

Barbara: eh? Where did the bard go?

Sekai: He left, he said he want some alone time.

Barbara: I see, here your tea.

Sekai: Thanks Barbara.

Barbara: Don't mention it.

After a few minutes, Aether finally wakes up. He asked Sekai and Barbara about Venti condition. Barbara told him that her healing power have almost no effect on him. That make them surprised. She even told them that she never meets a kind of patient like Venti before. Aether asked where he went. Paimon answered his question. And now they are on their way to Windrise.

-TimeSkip to Windrise-

Once they reach there, they saw Venti healing himself from the tree.

Venti: The wind amongst the branches is good. I love the way its smells…

Venti finished healing himself then turned to them.

Venti: Haha, I said the exact same thing the last time. *sigh* why do I only say these things when I'm down on my luck?

Sekai: How your condition?

Venti: Is alright I guess… but ehehe…

The shinning hero just sight and start to change into cyclone form.

Sekai: *mutter* I hope this work… Gentle Wind!

Suddenly Anemo element around them start to accumulate and form a gentle wind surrounding Venti healing him. The wind on Windrise start to intensify but in the gentle manner giving them all soothing feeling while Venti felt his injuries heal at rapid speed and the pain slowly dissipate. After a while the wind surrounding Venti disappeared while he looks at Sekai with grateful look.

Aether: What did you do?

Sekai: Well, I remember how Jean used her burst skill to heal us during our fight with Dvalin. So, I thought I can try to replicate it, and hey... it works!

Paimon: That awesome!

Aether and Venti just nodded while Sekai just scratch his back head.

Aether: So, Venti… what is a Genosis?

Venti: Ah, so you noticed too… *sigh* this isn't something I'm meant to discuss with ordinary people. But I suppose I can tell you guys in on the secret.

Venti: As you know, Vision are external magical foci that only a small minority of people possess. They use these Vision to channel elemental power. In truth, every wielder of a Vision is one who can attain godhood and ascend to Celestia. We call such people allognenes.

Paimon: Allogenes? Paimon's never heard of them before.

Venti: Hehe, that's because this is a secret that only archons privy to. We don't need promotive tools like Vision, Instead, each archon has an internal magical focus that resonate directly with Celestia itself… known as a Genosis.

Sekai: Then what about the thing hanging off your hip?

Sekai pointing at the "Vision" on the Bard hip.

Venti: Eh-he. It's just a glowing glass ball I carry around to avoid suspicion.

Aether: I feel cheated… but I guess I'm used to that by now.

Paimon: So, what about that nasty woman who sent Paimon flying and stole your Genosis?

Venti: I guess you guys know La Signora. She is No. 8 of the harbingers. She and the rest of the harbingers have been given God-like executive authority by Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya, and with it they obtain strength surpassing that of other mortal. 

Paimon: La Signora? But Sekai called her Dora?

Sekai: Well… Her name is hard to pronounce so I just remember her as Dora, not that her name is important anyway. *Sigh* So Venti, isn't that Tsarista is Cryo Archon? Why do they all have difficult name to pronounce…

Venti: *chuckle* Indeed she is one of the Seven, the Tsarista who resigns from the Zapolyarny Palace and the one person that Fatui Harbinger all answer to. The Seven don't always get along well, but still- I never thought that she would plot to steal other Archon's Genosis…

Aether: Herm… What sort of archon is Tsarista?

Venti: Ah… how should I put this? Five hundred years ago I knew her well, but I can't say the same is true now. You see a certain catastrophe five hundred years ago and after that she cut ties with me. But we can save the discussion of Cryo archon and the Fatui for another day.

The bard said then turned at Aether.

Venti: Aether, if you seek the rest of The Seven, many difficulties lie ahead of you. You should head for Mondstadt neighboring nation Liyue. The Geo archon who resigns there unlike me administrate his entire region personally. He only descends once every year to give his divine prediction which set the direction for Liyue for the rest of that year.

Paimon: Even so, its sound like he works much harder than certain someone.

Paimon said with arm-crossed looked at him.

Venti: Eh-he… in any case this year's Rite of Descension is soon to begin. If you miss it, you'll just have to wait another year.

Paimon: WHAT?! Why didn't you tell us before? Well then bye, Aether, Sekai we're going!

Paimon was about to go but Venti stopped them.

Venti: One moment, Windborne Outlander.

Aether: Yes?

Venti: Traveller as you set off your journey once again, you must remember that the journey itself has meaning. The birds of Teyvat, the song and cities, the Tsarista, her Fatui and the monster… they are all part of your journey. The destination is not everything. So, before you reach the end, keep your eyes open. Use the chance to take in the world around you…

Aether: I understand

Sekai: By the way, you say Rite of Descension will occur soon, how soon?

Venti: Like a week from now… Ehe…

Paimon: What you meant Ehe!! Paimon thought it was today or tomorrow!! you are making Paimon panic!!!

Venti: Haha. So that's for Anemo Archon's admonishment! Back to Venti Time! So, what do you want to ask?

Aether started asking a detail about Abyss Oder, The Fatui motive for their action, and more information on Vision and last but not least his sister whereabout. But Venti didn't know where of his sister are.

Venti: Well then, best of off to Liyue. If the descension ritual you fail to tally, another year you must dally.

And the group is ready to leave went Venti has something to say then he calls out Sekai. Sekai stops and turned to him.

Sekai: What is it, Venti?

Venti: Thanks for helping us again and welcome back *mutter* elemental hero…

Sekai: Huh? you welcome, I guess?

Venti: (you don't know how glad of us for your returned after all you had done for Tyvat. I'm sorry you have to deal with our new problem again my old friends)

Venti: Hehe. Oh, don't forget Master Diluc invited us to his Tavern to celebrate tomorrow.

Sekai: Urg… but I didn't like alcohol…

Venti: Don't worry Master Diluc can serve you juice and hey more Wine for me. Ehehe..