Blue Lock Locker Rooms
Koji entered the room to see many people gathered including Isagi and Kira. Isagi looked at Koji with an annoyed face while Kira looked happy to see him. The People in the room were all from Team Z except Igaguri who wasn't invited to Blue Lock. Additionally, they were labelled not as Team Z but as Team W.
Ego appeared on a screen and said "If you look at your uniforms is your rank out of the 300 here in this facility based on my own biased opinion."
The entire team was shocked that they all had such low rankings;
253- Ayanokoji Kiyotaka
254- Ryosuke Kira
255- Kunigami Renusuke
256- Bachira Meguru
257- Chigiri Hyoma
258- Gagamaru Gin
259- Raichi Jingo
260- Kuon Wataru
261- Naruyhaya Asahi
262- Lemon Okuhito
263- Imamura Yudai
264- Isagi Yoichi
Isagi grimaced at being placed last in the team while Koji being placed 1st made him even more annoyed. Kira looked surprised and a bit irritated at not being placed first as he thought 'He was really placed above me? Why!? I'm the Jewel Of Japanese Football...Right?'
Ego then gives instructions "Alright. For your first test, it'll be a game of tag. Remember that the person who fails will be eliminated from the program and no longer allowed to play for Japan's national team. If you to leave now's your last chance. No one leaves. The aim of the test is to not be the one with the ball at the end."
A ball fell to Isagi as Ego says "The ball starts with the lowest-ranked player. Also one last thing. No using your hands."
Isagi tcchs as he aims the ball at Immamura thinking 'I have to do it. I have to fight!' as he kicks the ball hitting Imamura who curses his luck for having his back turned.
Imamura rushed around trying to hit someone and give them the ball when he saw Bachira and said "Sorry man. I got no choice." He attempted to tag Bachira but Bachira kicked him in the face as he shouted in pain and said "Foul! That's a foul!"
Bachira yawned getting up as he said "The only rule is no handballs right?
Kunigami walked up putting his hand on Bachira's shoulder and saying "Hey. I want everyone to play fair."
Bachira started clinging to Kunigami jokingly when Imamura kicked the ball into Kunigami's face. Kunigami got annoyed as he said "You little..."Kunigami kicks it with immense force as Imamura dives to the ground dodging it as Isagi is hit.
Isagi groaned getting up as he thought 'Me again?' Isagi gets up and looks at Imamura and says "He's only a little better than me. I can beat him at least right."
Imamura was ready to dodge but suddenly he fell to one knee as he said "Damn it. I'm feeling all dizzy." He lifted his arms up and said "Wait no! Don't do it!"
Kira yelled to Isagi shouting "Hurry up Isagi-Kun! Do it!"
Isagi didn't kick the ball and said "No wait. If I do this I won't have changed at all." Isagi looked at Koji and charged at him thinking 'Unless I go after the strongest I'll never change!'
Bachira stole the ball and said "I like you. After all what's the point if you're not going against the strongest?"
Bachira rushes to Koji trying to tag him but Koji dodges without effort when Bachira passes to Isagi who kicks the ball hitting Koji as he thinks 'Isagi could be useful but if I want to win this I'll need tools. I can already tell people will gravitate to him when he starts gaining strength.' Koji proceeds to slam his foot into the ball and the ball hits Isagi directly in the gut as he gets the wind knocked out of him.
Isagi stumbled a little gasping for air thinking 'It hurts so much damn it! Even more than Kunigami's kick.' but still kicked the ball at Koji who swayed his face to the side dodging it with minimal effort.
The countdown reached zero as Ego said, "Isagi Yoichi. Lock Off."
Isagi looked lost and desperate as he began saying "What? No! I..."
Kira looked at Isagi with sympathy as Isagi looked at Koji with such hatred that his gaze could burn a hole through someone but then knowing he'd lost he left.
Kira then asked him "Why did you do that? Why not target Bachira?"
Koji Answered him simply "This is a team of 11 now which means we'll be playing together as a team. I simply eliminated our weakest player. That's all. I have nothing against him."
Kira nodded saying "Right. It's because he was ranked the lowest. I see."
Ego clips and says "Well done. The rest of you pass. Head to the exercise area."
They all comply as Ayanokoji does the jumping test getting the highest score surprising Kuon who was used to being the best at it. Kuon then said "That was amazing Ayanokoji. How did you do that? And you beat me by so much too."
"I trained a lot as a kid so I'm confident my body can do most things really well," he replied as Kuon nodded.
Koji got on the treadmill next to Raichi as he went on a higher speed than him and stayed a whole hour longer before getting off as Raichi panted and said "You're insane man."
Koji wasn't even sweating as he said "You did really well too Raichi."
When the training was done Koji had taken first place in every single test as Kira thought 'Is that why he's the best in our team? Could he... be better than me?'
Koji noticed his gaze and asked, "Is there something wrong Kira?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I was wondering what it was like at Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High School. It is the most prestigious school in the country after all," he replied smiling.
"They lull you into a false sense of security in the first month and then throw hell at you for the rest of the three years," Koji answered.
"Isn't that a bit harsh?" asked Kira.
"I guess. I think that school is pretty troublesome," says Koji.
Kira laughs a little and asks "Don't tell me even you had trouble with it? I mean you to first place on all the physical test and you look pretty smart."
Koji raised an eyebrow and said "Well it's not that it was difficult. Just troublesome."
Kira laughed a little and asked, "Do you regret leaving ANHS?"
"Kind of. There one person there I would have rather not left behind," says Koji.
"Who's that?" asks Kira.
"My girlfriend," says Koji as Kira looks surprised.
"Girlfriend?" asks Kira.
"Yeah why are you acting like it's strange?" asks Koji.
Kira composes himself and thinks 'He looks so bland so I thought no girl would like him' as he then says "I just heard girls from that school are stuck up."
"They are. Her especially," he jokes but then he says "She was like that at the beginning but it's different now. She's grown as a person and so have I," Koji explains. He then looks to Kira and asks "What about you?"
"Huh? Me? Um yeah I got a girlfriend. She's really sweet," says Kira but Koji could detect a faint sense of annoyance in his voice.
Koji ponders it for a second and comes to a conclusion 'She likes to be pampered and it annoys him but his mentality doesn't let him risk being rude to her.'
Koji trained a bit more and eventually sat down next to Chigiri as he drank some water. Chigiri turned to him and said "You're a strange one Ayanokoji. Despite the goals you've made in training you haven't ever shown happiness."
"I'm just not very expressive," replies Koji.
Chigiri raises an eyebrow and says "That's weird for a football player. Why are you here?"
Some aura leaked from Koji's eyes as he said "Because there can be nothing other than becoming the best in the world from me."
Chigiri shivered a little and said "That's one Ego you got.I can see why you're our top ranked player Ayanokoji."
Koji turned to Chigiri and asked, "You tore your ACL didn't you?"
Chigiri was shocked but nodded saying "Yeah the doctor says that if I tear it again iwon't be able to play football again."
"So did you come to Blue Lock to die or to defy death? asked Ayanokoji as Chigiri's eyes widened.
Chigiri looked at him and asked, "To die or defy death?"
"Sorry that was a strange question to ask," said Koji as he got up.
Chigir looked at him and asked, "How long have you been playing football?"
"About 6 months," Koji answered shocking Chigiri.
"So you're some kind of genius huh," says Chigiri.
"People keep calling me that but I honestly don't think I am," says Koji as he starts leaving Chigiri who sits there confused.
Chigiri then says "I didn't come here to die or to defy death. I just came here on a whim."
Koji inspected his expression and thought 'A liar. Both to himself and to others' and said "If you say so" before leaving him there.
The Next Day
Bachira approached Koji, jumped on his back and said "Even the monster couldn't predict you'd do that. You're really interesting you know?
"Hm? Thanks, I guess," Koji responds.
Bachira smiles as he says "I hope there are no hard feelings from before."
Koji sighs and says "No there are no hard feelings."
"Then care for some training?" asks Bachira as he puts the ball on the ground.
Koji nods as he thinks 'Alright. Time to see what he's capable of.'
Bachira dribbles the balls doing some quick stepovers as Koji's eyes follow the ball as he counters each of his attempts to get through. Bachira backs off pulling the ball back with him as he is shocked and says "Woah Koji. You're something. I've never met anyone who can block me off like that."
Koji looks perplexed and asks "Koji?"
Bachira put on a silly look as he went limp on top of Koji and said in a fake tired voice "Your name is too long so I shortened it."
Koji tapped him on the head to get off and asked, "Can I ask you a question?"
Bachira smiled and said "Sure."
"Why did you pass to Isagi at that moment?" asked Koji.
"There's a monster inside me. It tells me what to do. Go there. Move around more," says Bachira as his Aura manifests from his eyes. he goes on and says, "It said Pass to him because he has a monster in him too."
Koji contemplated it for a second and thought 'Hm. What an interesting mindset even if it is a crutch.'
Bachira smiled and said "But I was wrong in the end. The true monster was you."
Koji took the ball dribbling around Bachra and scoring surprising Bachira who said "What's with your shot speed and power. It's super special."
Koji thought about it for a moment.
[Koji was on the field as he shot the ball into the goal and Yosuke approached him and said "Your shot power and speed are abnormal you know. I've only seen professionals kick like that."
Koji looked at him and asked "Really?"
Yosuke nodded and said " Yeah! Maybe that's your special talent."
Koji looked at his legs remembering everything he had been through to create such a body and said "My special talent. I don't think it's talent at all."]
Bachira smiled and said, "Maybe that's your weapon?"
Koji sighed and said "My weapon huh? That sounds about right. A weapon I was given at birth and sharpened for years. That really does sound right."
Bachira smirks and says "My weapon is dribbling but it looks like you have me outdone in that Koji. Well not for long."
Koji looked to Bachira and asked "We're having our match against Team Y tomorrow. Are you ready?"
Bachira smirked and said "If I'm not now I will be by the end of this training. Come on. Join me."
Koji sighed and said "Very well then Bachira Meguru. Monster tamer."
Bachira smiles widely and says "Hey! I like that!"
Bachira dribbles past Koji saying "Zoom and zip. Zoom."
Koji then thinks 'When he's like that I can't read him at all. Is this his true Ego? Why doesn't he use it more often? I see so it's a mental restraint like with that guy Itoshi Rin. Bachira is lonely. He doesn't want to play football alone anymore.'
Koji felt some sympathy for him but not much as he challenged Bachira directly stopping him over and over again as Bachira thought 'Football is so much fun with this monster. So much fun! Makers me want to play football until my last breath.'
Bachira shoots the ball as it hits the crossbar and Koji collects it saying "Time for a counter."
Koji rushes forward as he dribbles past Bachira and scores. He then says "Looks like you lose today Bachira. Guess you'll have to work on your weapon some more."
Bachira grins in excitement at losing and says "Your goals were super special but that just means I have to make my goals more super special!" Bachira says this rushing forward using his true ego for a while as he does and air rush turn getting past Koji and shoots as he scores.
Koji looks surprised thinking 'His irratic creativity is just a bit to unpredictable. I'll factor it in for next time.' He then says "Bachira we're going to win the match tomorrow.
Bachira smirks and says "Well of course we will. We have me and you the monster on our side. No way we'll lose. Not in a million years.
Bachira says this while dribbling towards Koji.
To Be Continued
Rating Out Of 10 For This Part:
Author's Notes
Reasons for Double Release? No chapter should be released on its lonesome on Valentine's Day!