Chapter 4 - No Contest










Team W Locker Room

Koji and Bachira returned as Immaura said that their rankings had been updated.

232- Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

233- Ryosuke Kira

234- Kunigami Renusuke

235- Bachira Meguru

236- Chigiri Hyoma

237- Gagamaru Gin

238- Raichi Jingo

239- Kuon Wataru

240- Naruyhaya Asahi

241- Lemon Okuhito

242- Imamura Yudai

Immamura smiled as he said "I shot up to 242!"

Koji sighed at his stupidity as Ego explained that one person from every team was locked off.



Suzune was in class and noticed Hirata wasn't present as she went to Kei and asked "Have you seen Hirata around?"

Kei grimaced a little and said "When Kiyo... I mean Ayanokoji left Yosuke-Kun started to stay at the training field most of the time."

"The training field? He's not coming to class?" Asked Suzune.

"I haven't seen him around recently actually. Ever since the day after Ayanokoji left I have seen him once," said Kei.

Suzune looked concerned for her classmate as she went to the training field but he wasn't there. She then went to Yosuke's dorm and knocked on the door as she called "Hirata are you there? I was hoping to discuss the next special exam with other you. The others are worried about you."


The was no answer so Suzune returned to the classroom and told everyone about the situation. Many looked concerned as Sudo asked "Ayanokoji was their star player and he left. Do you think Hirata is crashing out because of that?"

Suzune raised an eyebrow and asked "Crashing out?"

Sudo then looked to her and said "Basically he trained a bit at the start with determination but now that it's sunk it that he left he's given up."

Many looked worried as Suzune said "He'll have to return eventually or we'll constantly lose Class Points..."



Team W walked out onto the field to find Team Y which consisted of Barous first selection team but Barou was nowhere to be seen as Koji thought 'Not a since notable player.'

Koji started with the ball and passed to Bachira who rushed up the field with Koji. Kira watched in awe as Koji and Bachira did one-two passes up the field completely shredding their defence.

Chemical Reaction: Ayanokoji X Bachira

Koji moved back stopping a player from getting in position to steal the ball while simultaneously kicking the ball as it buried itself into the net. Kira saw this and thought 'He...he's an absolute monster!'

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (1) : Team Y (0)

Koji gave Bachira a high-five and said "Try to increase the temp next time. I want to get as many goals as possible. If we crush their spirit that's less opponents I'll have to face one my path to becoming the best."

Team Y started with the ball as they fought amongst themselves for the ball each of them thinking 'We can't win so I'll score more goals than the others to pass!'

Koji rushed up stealing the ball as he slammed his foot into it scoring and said "Keep bickering amongst yourselves. It makes things easier for me."

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (2) : Team Y (0)

They shivered as the ball restarted with them. One of them half-heartedly passed it to a teammate as Koji intercepted it. Without wasting a moment as Koji kicked the ball into the goal.

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokji Kiyotaka." Team W (3) : Team Y (0)

It hadn't even been 10 minutes and Koji had already scored a Hat Trick. The opponents looked as if they were going to cry from their misfortune. They began passing it around thinking 'Just keep it away from that monster.'

Suddenly Bachira showed up stealing the ball as he said "These guys are so lame. No Ego at all. He kicked the ball into the goal.

Announcer: "Goal By Bachira Meguru." Team W (4): Team Y (0)

Koji walked up and said "They really are. Not a challenge at all."

Koji scored the next goal.

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (5): Team Y (0)

Then Bachira

Announcer: "Goal By Bachira Meguru." Team W (6): Team Y (0)

Then Koji

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (7): Team Y (0)

Then Koji again. Team Y had given up at this point. Just standing there as Team W scored.

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (8): Team Y (0)

Then Bachira

Announcer: "Goal By Bachira Meguru." Team W (9): Team Y (0)

Then the last goal was from Koji

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (10): Team Y (0)

Match Over!

Koji sighed and said, "Not even good enough to be a warm up match."

Bachira nodded saying "Seriously so boring."

Kira looked at them and thought 'They're not human. They're monsters... absolute monsters.

Team W looked at Team Y with pity as they were on their knees with despair in their eyes. Many of them had already given up on their dreams.

Team W returned to their locker room as Kunigami approached Koji and said "You were unstoppable out there. Both you and Bachira."

Koji looked at him and said, "They didn't have any notable players so of course we won."

Koji went to the cafeteria eating a delicious stake as top three numbers get updated;

232- Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

233- Bachira Meguru

234- Ryosuke Kira

Kira looked at his ranking drop and thought 'Now I'm third!? This... is so annoying!'

Bachira made a face of glee as he said "Oh second place! How exciting huh Koji?"

Koji looked at him and said "Well done Bachira. You did good."

They then got the notification that the next match would be with Team Z as Kuon sighed and said "Even if it's the weakest team we should stay vigilant. Koji agreed as they went to sleep for the night. Koji however watched the tapes first as he saw Team X face off against Team Z. It was a massacre, to say the least. Team X dominated the field using the Wanima Twins as a Striker Duo.

'Well they have excellent synergy but they're not actually that amazing in anything else,' thought Koji as he turned it off and went to sleep.


Team W Vs Team Z

The teams stepped onto the field. Team Z was filled with Niko's team but Niko himself was not present as Koji thought 'The only notable player is that one.' He was thinking of Ohkawa.

Team Z started with the ball as Ohkawa kicked it to a teammate and rushed forward as Ohakawa shouted "Keep those two busy! We gotta score at least one goal!" Koji rushed towards the ball using his speed and agility showcasing his uproot ability.

Kira looked at their play as he thought back.

[Kira was running towards the ball thinking 'I wanna score! I wanna score!'

The other team swarmed him as a player shouted "Don't let him through!"

Kira rushed past them tackling the ball he had intended to steal it but it bounced off the opposing player's foot and fell to Kira's teammate who shot the ball into the goal and celebrated as Kira thought 'Wait no... that's not what I...'

The announcer shouted that the match was over as a reporter walked over to Kira's teammates praising their goal. Kira gritted his teeth when his coach came over to him patting him on the head and saying "Good assist Kira. You're my star player."

The coach brought him to the reporters giving him the spotlight as well as the reporter said "That pass was really well thought out Kira-Kun."

The coach then said "Well of course it was. I made sure to teach him the One for all motto that makes football great."

Kira then thought 'But I just wanna score my own...' he heard cheers from the crowd that misinterpreted his silence for modesty as Kira felt good.]

Remembering this he rushed forward intercepting a pass as the other team looked in shock and Ohakawa said "Oh shit! We forgot about him!"

Kira's eyes flashed with aura as he rushed forward not passing at all as they tried to stop him Kira shouted "Get out of the way you worthless fucks! I'm the jewel of Japanese Football!!!"

Bachira ran alongside him and said "Oh Kira your ego. I like it. I'll pass it back okay?"

Kira passed to Bachira as they shredded through the defence and Kira got into position and kicked the ball into the goal. He then celebrated.

Announcer: "Goal By Kira Ryosuke." Team W (1) : Team Z (0)

Koji walked up to Kira and said "You did good Kira. That ego is good too."

Kira looked at him dead on and said "This ego. I'd forgotten it for so long. I wasn't addicted to football anymore but praise. That's wrong and I'll never be the best like that. From now on I'll become addicted to football."

Koji looked approvingly and said, "Then let's rap this up Mr Jewel Addict of Japanese Football."

Kira's performance had dramatically increased as he rushed through the field as Koji analysed it and thought 'So that's Kira's weapon. The more he gets pumped up the better his performance. His body works best when the Dopamine hits for the right reason. That version of him from before was such a sad version of what he is now. That also means the more goals he scores the more likely he is to score later on. A serious weakness of his weapon is probably his stamina though. He needs to train to keep playing for a full 90 minutes or his weapon can't be used to its full ability.'

Koji and Kira pass between each other as Kira ends their passes when he gets close dribbling through the opponents as they looked terrified and he shoots the ball scoring as Kira thinks 'I forgot those days... when Football was all I cared about. When it was the only thing that could bring me so much joy. I'm so happy that I found this again. Ego Jinpachi you fucker. You were right about everything!'

The Match ended Team W (15) : Team Z (0)

Koji scores 8 goals, Kira scored 4 and Bachira scored 3.

They all heads to the lockers as Koji asked Kira "How did you like that Fever you felt?

Kira was sweating a lot. He had pushed himself to the limit with the goal of outscoring Bachira. He looked up and said "It felt good. I'm not going to lose to Bachira."

Koji then explained his weapon to him as Kira looked surprised and asked "So basically the better I feel the better I play?" Koji nodded confirming this as Kira said "I found it. Something unique to myself."

Koji nods as Ego updates Kira's ranking to second place in the team.

232- Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

233- Ryosuke Kira

234- Bachira Meguru

Kira smirked seeing his 2nd place ranking return and said "First place is next."

Koji looked at him and said, "Then just truly it and see what happens you addict."

Bachira showed up jumping on Koji's back and saying "I never thought you could be so egotistical Kira."

Kira looked at him and said, "I just remembered something from when I was much younger."

Bachira smiles and says "You must have been real cool back then."

Kira smiles as the day ends and Koji walks over to Chigiri sits down next to him and asks "How is your leg doing Chigiri?"

Chigiri sighed and said "It's fine."

Koji looks at him and says "You wanted to score didn't you? Back there."

Some tears of frustration left his eyes as he said "I wanted to score so badly!"

Koji patted him on the back and got up and said "Then do it. Score. Run until your legs break."

Chigiri looked up at him in shock.

Koji looks at him and says "Bet your life on defying death."

Chigiri's eyes shined as he got up and said "I'm going to go train."

Chigiri began training for a while before everyone went to bed.


Team W Vs Team X

Team W and X stepped out onto the field as Koji saw the Wanima twins as he thought 'Is this supposed to be some kind of joke Ego? First no notable players, then one and now two. What's next? Three?' Koji sighed as he put his foot on the top of the ball and turned to Kira and said "Chigiri is going to give it his all this match so you've got some competition okay?"

Kira smiled and said "It doesn't matter. I'll still win."

"Then prove it Addict Genius," says Koji as he passes to Kira as the two race up the field as Kira naturally feels pumped up from playing with Koji.

Chemical Reaction: Ayanokoji X Kira

Koji spotted an open space and passed into it as Younger rushed in saying "Idiot there's no one..."

Chigiri sped through taking the ball from the open space as he lined up his shot thinking 'I want to chase my dream again! I want to be the best striker in the world!!!' As he shot the ball into the goal.

Younger Wanima finished his words "... there."

Announcer: "Goal By Chigiri Hyoma." Team W (1) : Team X (0)

The Younger Wanima got annoyed shouting "When the hell did he get his speed back!?"

Chigiri smirked and says "I'm not tied down anymore. I'll become the best in the world. Even if my legs can't take me that far I'll do it!"

The other Team Z members become inspired thinking maybe they can score like Koji and Kira as well. This resulted in an 11 man full on attack as Koji stole the ball from Team X and the team passed among each other until one of them scored. This time it was Kunigami who pumped his fist happily shouting "Yes!!!"

Announcer: "Goal By Kunigami Rensuke." Team W (2) : Team X (0)

The ball restarted as the Wanima twins tried to use their synergy to make it through but Kira kicked the ball away as Koji calculated where it would land and pulled off a direct shot as the ball sunk into the goal.

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (3) : Team X (0)

The Wanima twins sunk to their knees and the other players asked "Can we really win against those monsters?"

Team X just gave up on all cooperation desperate for a goal for themselves but every attempt was useless as they began regarding to Koji, Kira, Bachira and Chigiri as the four spears that were destroying their defence as the younger Wanima shouted "My big bro says pass to him!"

They ignored him now as they tried to stop Koji who shot the ball curving it into the goal as he said "Another one now."

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (4) : Team X (0)

The ball restarted as the members of Team X shivered as they charged forward each of them trying to score a goal but were helpless as Koji stole the ball and curved the ball into the goal from 35 meters and said "In the net."

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (5) : Team X (0)

Bachira ran up and said "Hey Koji don't take all the goals for yourself. I wanna score too."

Koji sighed and said "Give me 4 more and I'll pass the ball into the best spot. Whoever gets there can be the one to score."

Team W nods as Raichi steals the ball from a player passing it to Koji who volleys it into the goal.

Announcer: "Goal By Ayanokoji Kiyotaka." Team W (6) : Team X (0)

This continues until the match is over.

Match Over

Final Results: Team W (20) : Team X (0)

Team W left the field with each player having scored at least one goal and with Team X completely defeated crying in frustration.


Team V Vs Team Z

Nagi was running to the ball when Barou pushed him out of the way and kicked the ball into the goal shouting "I am the King!!!"

Announcer: "Goal By Barou Shoiei." Team V (14) : Team Z (1)

Nagi got up annoyed and says "You're such a hassle. Why did you have to be on my team?"

The ball restarted as Reo stole the ball and passed it to Niko who saw the perfect place and passed it as Zantetsu raced up the fold and passed to Nagi in the centre who scored.

Announcer: "Goal By Nagi Seishiro." Team V (15) : Team Z (1)

Match Over!!!

Ego watched from his chair and said "Is this a suitable challenge for you? Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."


To Be Continued


Rating Out Of 10 For This Part:
