3rd POV:
''Congratulations on getting together with Gwen Stacy,'' Stan said, putting a pizza in front of Bell. Sure he may not read Bells mind, but those around him were another matter. Girl was happy, like many that were in love. Nothing new about that. He has seen that a thousand times and will see this a thousand times more.
''Thank you,'' Bell said putting down a 20$ on the table before digging in. He did keep his word about visiting Stan every now and then. Sure he may no longer practice in the sewers, why would he when he has Pluto, but visiting him was a simple wormhole hop away. Or teleport, seeing as he has advanced with his spatial distorting powers.
He always wanted to kick himself when he sometimes couldn't arrive at the obvious conclusion. But Bell supposed that made him human and kept him humble. He couldn't account for everything, even with all his powers. This is why it paid off to have geniuses as friends or spy in on them every now and then (Bruce and Tony).
Granted he was friends with them because he developed genuine affection for them, even if their relationship didn't start from completely altruistic origin. Not that it matters now anyway.
'' I do have to ask though, how do you feel about that? She is 15, whereas you... are not? Unless you are 15,'' Stan asked curiously, beginning to wash the glasses. He had no issues asking such questions seeing as he closed his restaurant. And he did tell Bell he wanted to satiate his curiosity all those weeks ago.
Bell choked before slapping himself in the chest and taking a few gulps out of his drink. Finally he starred at Stan in an incredulous manner. He merely raised an eyebrow, reminding Bell who he was talking to in the first place. Bell sighed and threw his hands up in defeat.
''Ok. First off, screw you for making this situation weird when it didn't need too. Second off, regardless of what anyone says I'm 15 too. There is no dilemma for me involved. No ifs, no buts, no however or any other way to signify exceptions. When I was a ruler I met all kinds of people. I met 90 year olds that behaved like 13 year olds and vice versa. As far as I'm concerned I AM 15. Just with the maturity of an adult. So I'm no craddle robber,'' Bell argued, when he noticed that Stan continued to stare at him expectantly.
Still, that did raise one question in Bells mind. When can he do the deed, if their relationship progresses that far?
After some contemplation he decided to wait until she is an adult. Which was what, 2 and a half years away? While he firmly believed what he told Stan, he was forced to admit that doing the deed might toe or cross some lines. Better safe than sorry, as they say.
''Fascinating,'' Stan murmured putting the glasses to dry and beginning to wash the plates.
''Buddy, you have precisely zero tact,'' Bell deadpanned, before sighing and returning to his pizza.
''Who cares? I did warn you that I will ask you all kinds off questions. Still I'm glad you agree with me. When it comes to maturity age is just a number. I wish more people understood this,'' Stan mused putting the plates to dry and came to sit at the table where Bell ate.
''To be fair though. It is a good rule of thumb, to expect 18 year olds to be mature enough. Maturity is the sign of having life experiences and understanding consequences. At least that is what I believe. So a 13 year old that went through war is off course forced to become more mature to survive the hardship. Whereas a 90 year old shut-in is ... not forced to grow up. You get what I'm trying to say?,'' Bell agreed but also shared his thoughts on the matter. He took another sip of his drink, having finished his pizza.
''True, true. You want another pizza? (*Bell shook his head*) Alright then, you normally eat more than one. Say, will you tell Gwen about your past life? Or anyone else for that matter,'' Stan asked inquisitively.
''Nope,'' Bell said popping the p,''That is one thing I'll take to my grave, assuming I'll ever get tired of living. It's self evident why I would not tell anyone. It is a can of worms, that I simply don't need in my life.'' Bell slapped the table to a short musical beat. He didn't need the drama from such a revelation. Besides confessing would never give him any advantage, so there was really no point.
''Hm. I don't see how it could be self evident, but alright. Will you take Gwen on a date soon? She is currently waiting with anticipatory impatience,'' Stan joked moving past the subject. He will muse later about the supposed self evidence seeing as it wasn't self evident at all to him.
''Really? Guess I could move the date a bit closer. Well, I'm sorry, Stan. But I will have to go. Schemes to plot and plots to scheme. You know how it goes. Don't worry I will stay longer next time. Thank you for the food, as always. See you next time,'' Bell fired off, before quickly finishing his drink and waving to Stan as he left through through the wormhole. Stan waved back before returning to putting the dry dishes in the drawers and closets.
''Damn Ghost Spider, have you been cheating on me?,'' complained Nexus landing on the roof. They agreed to meet on the Daily Bugle rooftop, to patrol the city a little.
''What?!,'' Ghost Spider whipped around, seeing Nexus. She was furious at the accusation. Though once she saw the newspaper in his hands she immediately understood he was playing a prank on her.
''Give that here,'' she said annoyed, ripping the newspaper from his hands and read the headline. 'Are Ghost Spider and Spider-Man NYC new power couple?' with a photo of them high-fiving after stopping a crime. She huffed before throwing the papers over the roof.
''Hey! That cost me 5$. And you just littered. Don't you care about the environment at all,'' Nexus teased. He took one step back when Ghost Spider dug her finger in his chest.
''Never make such jokes again. Besides, you know how news agencies are. Like sharks after fresh meat. Anything that sells they will utilize. Once they see us kissing they will probably speculate that I'm cheating on Spider-Man. Scandal sells,'' Ghost Spider bit out digging her finger with a little more force into his chest. She saw him take on the Lizard, so she knew he wouldn't feel hurt. She was merely trying to make her displeasure known.
Nexus chuckled finding it cute how she got so riled up over this issue. He hugged her and whispered in her ear:'' You are adorable when you're annoyed.''
''Ass,'' she murmured hugging him back.
''Also, can I say, quite presumptuous of you to think I would kiss you. I'll have you know, I have a girlfriend,'' Nexus said ending the hug.
Gwen gave a huff at being reminded of her turning him down after the Lizard fight. She rolled her eyes behind her mask and moved to sit on the ledge off the roof, letting her legs dangle in the air. She wouldn't walk into that trap, for she knew he wouldn't stop teasing her about it. In hindsight, she did sound like THOSE types of girls. It was honestly embarrassing.
Nexus took a seat near her and she leaned against him. She was new to this whole relationship thing, but touching him made butterflies develop in her stomach. Not at all how she imagined it for all those years, while trying to muster the courage to confess to him. But definitely exceeding expectations.
''I thought we were planning to patrol the city. Are we waiting on Spider-Man?,'' Nexus graciously stopped teasing her and opened a new subject.
''No. I was waiting for you to get serious and stop pranking me. Remember how I addressed the issue of you being slow after the Lizard fight? Well I've been thinking. You may not possess the sticky touch, but you definitely possess the strength for it. So, here,'' Ghost Spider said, proudly handing him two bracelets. Nexus inspected them, quickly realizing that it was her web shooters. Or was it his web shooters now?
''Web shooters? Ghost Spider, that is ... thank you,'' Nexus replied, addressing her by her superhero name, just so he didn't risk anything. He didn't foresee this kind of development.
He already had a method of travel as his Nexus persona, beside teleporting or the like. He planned on summoning cables from his back to swing himself across the city. He definitely had the constitution for it.
Now that he has pocket dimensions in his arsenal he can store his conjured cables. Which is also a thing he can do now. After some more tutoring from Peter and practicing on Pluto he can now take the atoms in the air, or atoms from any object really, and turn them into something new.
Ghost Spider noticing his small hesitation while expressing his gratitude slacked her shoulder and turned her head. She disappointedly said:''You already solved this issue, didn't you? I'm sorry, for giving them to you.''
'For fucks sake. I thought we moved past that,' Nexus thought, immediately recognizing the problem. He rolled his eyes subtly behind his mask at her melodramatic reaction. He actually planned something entirely different for his Nexus persona, but it seems he needed to make some adjustments to his plans. He wanted to make a full play at the characters powers from the game Scarlet Nexus, but someone was moody. Then again, he could just use those cables as his trump card and the telekinesis too. Only bring them out when he really needed too.
Actually... yeah. He WILL do that. S.H.I.E.L.D suspects that he is also a spider person. He didn't think they would come to this conclusion after he threw himself up from Oscorps window and shattering it, but then again he had no one to blame but himself. And Nexus could already imagine it. They will think him a spider person, they will make contingencies. If not them, then other agencies. Imagine their surprise/reactions when they find out how much more powerful he really is.
Hell he could even build a spider club. A.R.A.C.H.N.I.D or something. Actually that bit needed some reworking and more thinking through. So No spider club for now.
Yes. Yes. Nexus liked the sound of that.
While he was still annoyed for having to change his plans yet again, he couldn't deny the fortuitous turn of events. It will also stop Gwen from bitching about not being helpful.
Nexus put the web shooters on and fired a quick web on the wall of a nearby apartment. The fit nicely on his wrist not being hampered by his gloves or sleeve.
''Well, I was working on something. But in retrospect, the web shooters have more utility,'' Nexus admitted turning his arm around a few times, just to get a little more familiar with the bracelets.
''You're just saying that. You should finish working on your mode of transportation. You don't need to spare my feelings,'' Ghost Spider replied, turning her head back towards Nexus, her tone casual.
''No, I mean it. Besides, it can be my trump card. I can whip it out and bedazzle our enemies. Come on, teach me how to use them. Please,'' Nexus requested.
They looked at each other for a while. Neither moving. Ghost Spider slowly regaining some of her vigor.
''OK. OK. So are you familiar with pendulum calculations?,'' Ghost Spider asked pulling her self up to stand on the roof ledge.
''Yeah, I'm aware of that. Wait! Are you telling me you run those calculations with every swing?,'' Nexus acted surprised.
''Well, yeah. How else can you swing properly? You don't want to crash into anything. So let us try one swing. If you know the formula than take your body weight and run the equation for one swing, then we can move from there,'' Ghost Spider ordered chippery, when she noticed Nexus meant it when he wanted to integrate her web shooters into his arsenal.
Nexus wanted to groan, but refrained. He already knew that each spider person run that calculation with every swing, but no way could he do it that quickly. He wasn't a genius, to do that instantly. Which would only mean crashing into shit all the time. Unless, it was like a muscle. But that still would mean crashing into stuff and damaging property in the beginning.
He wasn't complaining. He wasn't shying away from hard work, but still, it would be way too frustrating getting the hang out of it at first. If only he could run the calculations faster from the start and avoid that. But he wasn't a genius to do that. If only he could bypass that issue...
He abruptly stopped that thought process.
He was an idiot.
He really was an idiot.
Especially since biology was his strongest scientific field, aside from IT. He can't believe that it took him 15 and a half years to try that shit. He wanted to kick himself, since once again, he starred the obvious in the face and ignored it. Worst thing was that he could have made so much more progress if he had that ability much earlier. And even if he had that ability, he still needed to learn, only he would've cut back on time, so it wasn't like he would've lost that sense of achievement and accomplishment.
He took his magic and focused it on his brain. It was very simple in increasing the performance of his nerve synapses and the speed of his nerve impulses. Congratulations, he can now think at insanely fast speeds and all that other shit.
He still felt like an idiot. Even more so, now that he so casually enhanced himself.
Yeah. No.
In this case, the excuse of him being human didn't make him feel better.
That was WAY too much of an oversight.
Without warning, after running the equation, Nexus threw himself of the roof and shot a web startling Ghost Spider. She quickly threw herself after him, just in case she needed to catch him. What surprised her was that Nexus swung himself into a wall instead of the roof.
After coming dangerously close to the ground and touching it with his fingertips he swung himself up by his web and stuck himself to the wall, Ghost Spider landing right next to him.
''Where you bitten by a radioactive spider too?,'' she asked with exhilaration. That was great for her, since she could impart all her knowledge onto him. Besides, now they had more in common.
''No. I'm using a different technique to grant myself sticky fingers. Don't worry, I will tell you my true powers on our first date. Apropos, date. I haven't asked you yet on one, did I? Want to go on one on Sunday? I will pick you up at 10 o'clock?,'' Nexus asked, putting his boots on the wall and crouching.
''Oh,'' Ghost Spider a bit sad that he wasn't a spider person too, but then quickly brightened up,'' Yes! Of course. Sunday, 10 o'clock sounds great.''
Ghost Spider then got serious and assured Nexus:'' By the way, you don't need to tell me about your true powers, if you don't want to.''
''You're not curious?,'' Nexus asked.
''Of course I'm curious. But I'm not entitled to your secrets. Unless it is a secret that harms someone, including yourself, or puts someone in danger, I'm perfectly fine with not having my curiosity sated,'' Ghost Spider replied firmly.
''We know each other for what, 10 years now?,'' Nexus began.
''9 years,'' Ghost Spider corrected.
''I was rounding up, but fine. 9 years then. I know I can trust you,'' Nexus began again.
''Will you tell Peter?,'' she interrupted again.
'Woman, let me speak!,' Nexus thought to himself.
''No. Call it special girlfriend privileges. Anyway. As I was trying to say. I trust you enough to share that secret with you. I don't mind,'' Nexus bit out. Then maybe she can understand that she does help him and shut up about that issue. Besides, while he will never tell anyone about his previous life, he doesn't hold the same firmness about the knowledge of his powers.
By telling her, he also shows her that he trusts her. That is something that happy couples do. Right? They show trust to each other and communicate.
It wasn't like he was going to advertise his powers to everyone.
Worst case scenario, if she betrays his trust and tells someone. He has reality warping powers and enough biological knowledge and of course his technomancy to LITERALLY erase all knowledge from the world about his secret. There was absolutely no risk of him losing anything in any way.
And he had everything to gain.
''I don't think you should tell me,'' Ghost Spider denied the offer.
''What? I'm sorry, but most girls would take this opportunity. Are you seriously trying to convince me otherwise here?,'' Nexus asked incredulously.
''I'm not like other girls,'' Ghost Spider snapped. Only to immediately cringe at how cliche she just sounded. A short amount of silence paused between them, before being broken by Nexus.
''Why are you trying to convince me otherwise?,'' he asked finally.
''It's just.... I don't want you to be pressured. Yes, I'm curious, but as I said I'm not entitled to your secrets, unless they risk harm or put someone in danger,'' she revealed.
''Why did you tell me you were Ghost Spider?,'' Nexus suddenly asked,''I wasn't pressuring you to tell me your secret.''
''I know. I wanted to tell you my secret. Besides, don't play coy, you already knew my secret, somehow,'' Ghost Spider replied. The question hanging in the air, on how she messed up that he found out her secret.
''I know. I want to tell you as well,'' Nexus affirmed, completely skipping over her question.
She looked at him for a bit, her heart quickening. She moved from her wall crawling position and crouched as well. She put her hand on his cheek, or more like his mask, and rubbed her thumb on it.
''Can I just say. Your stance on not being entitled to my secrets is surprisingly mature of you. Not many ascribe to such a position. Where did it come from?,'' Nexus praised putting his hand on hers that was on his cheek.
''Dad can sometimes be very infuriatingly persistent when he asks me about some topics. I had some time to think on this issue,'' she shared.
Nexus hummed.
''I want to tell you. I trust you,'' Nexus firmly repeated, putting his forehead softly on hers.
''If you really are sure, then fine. You can tell me on Sunday. I just want to state, for the record, you are doing this of your own volition. Don't complain to me if you suddenly come to regret it,'' she said.
''That depends. You gonna tell anyone?,'' Nexus asked.
''Hell no! Who do you take me for? I'm not going to betray your trust like that,'' she snapped immediately, removing her forehead from his and staring him in the area his eyes were.
''Then the matter is closed,'' Nexus finalized, before standing up on the wall.
''Now with that out of the way. Let's race each other while keeping an eye and ear out for trouble and people who need help,'' he challenged. Ghost Spider stood up as well.
''Dude! You took one swing. You are nowhere near experienced enough to swing back to back. I'm not risking anything, until you have more experience under your belt,'' she chastised.
''Trust me, sweet cheeks. Please, indulge me. I may surprise you yet,'' Nexus assured her, wanting to put his newly enhanced brain to the test.
Ghost Spider starred at him a bit unsure. Finally she agreed, since Bell always backed his boasts. She set the destination for Oscorp and took a swing calling back to Nexus:'' I'll wait for you at the finish line!''
Nexus starred a bit after her. Yeah, sorry Gwen. After the war he played a few video games every now and then, whenever he had free time from his duties. There was a reason why he didn't do anything else besides prank his secretaries, or more like terrorize them. It also helped him distract from the horrible stuff he needed to do to keep the peace. A few of these video games were Spider-Man and they gave him a lot of ideas. Running some quick calculations in his head, he determined that all of that stuff was possible.
As he said all those years ago. If you are not cheating to win, you are doing something wrong.
Nexus shot two webs connecting them into a line between the two buildings, before he went to the middle and shot two more webs. Once he pulled enough he sling shot himself forward.
Ghost Spider and Spider-Man were still in the beginning stage of their career, only being active for 1 and a half months, so their technique and movement speed was still not as good as it could be.
He shot a web line and let go at the right time to reach the greatest speed he could during that arc.
He repeated that a few times closing in on her. Time to up the ante, as they say.
Nexus pulled himself with a zip to the edge of a roof and performed an enhanced point launch reaching insane amounts of speed. He was no longer swinging over the streets but was flying over the roof tops. He shot one web zip so he could land on the tip of an antenna, before performing another enhanced point launch over the streets. Shooting a web line and letting go at the right time he zipped past Ghost Spider. She widened her eyes behind her mask and watched as Nexus turned around and quickly saluted her, before shooting another web line.
She watched him put great distances between them. And sloppily tried to copy some of his moves after running some calculations. She got the point launch to work somewhat, but she was sure she didn't stuck the landing properly as her arms burned.
Nexus found her adorable trying to recreate his tricks. The again they were essentially hers from the future. He had no problems with cheating a bit to impress her and cut down the time it would have taken to learn some of the more advanced techniques on her own.
He could see the Oscorp tower nearby, but why cut the fun short? Building up some speed he performed an 180 loop de loop and let go at the maximum height. He flew by her starring her down while he was upside down in the air. He shot a web line while swinging backwards and upside down without breaking his momentum. Keeping his eyes on her he smiled when she successfully recreated the 180 loop de loop.
She really was adorable.
Time to teach her everything. She was his girlfriend after all. The more she knew the better she could keep herself alive. The faster she was, the more she could conserve her web fluid.
Corner tether.
Wall hopping.
360 loop de loop.
Sling shooting, since she hasn't seen that the first time.
Wall running.
Wall hopping.
Wall running into point launch.
Wall running into sling shot.
360 loop de loop with a web zip when the loop was at 2/3 finished. That one was his own admittedly, since he didn't see that in any Spider-Man game. This technique moved him well past terminal velocity allowing him to shoot off like a bullet.
Nexus really wished she had access to her web gliders under her armpits and some of the other stuff, but for now it was more than enough. Some techniques she struggled with evidently. Some not so much.
If nothing else, his new and enhanced brain has proven itself. The sheer speed it run all those calculation and made snap decisions was a testament to how much utility this gave him. There was absolutely no way he could do any of this stuff otherwise.
Ghost Spider found it exhilarating moving at such speeds. Sure she was a little annoyed at being up staged by what was, essentially, an amateur. But her annoyance quickly gave way to joy. The Oscorp tower was long forgotten in favor of just swinging through the city.
She had to admit, while she enjoyed having new techniques in her arsenal, there was no way she would perform any of his trick shots. The amount of times he came so close to the ground or his head flew close to a roofs ledge gave her near heart attacks. She new he was tough, but at these speeds, she wasn't sure even he would come out unscathed.
Sometimes they stopped swinging in favor of helping citizens in some of their everyday tasks. Old lady crossing the street. Carrying groceries. Helping people load a few furnitures into the truck. Turning a car over that was in an accident so the truck can drag it away.
Sometimes they stopped crimes ranging from petty thieves to car chases. Ghost Spider had to admit the car chase was a breeze with her new techniques. Otherwise the crimes did not bear mentioning. Between the two of them, she felt a little bad for the criminals. They were just bullying them.
Eventually she stopped and web hang her self upside down from a small bridge connecting two buildings. It was a little close to the ground garnering some of the civilians attention. She was tired. Her body burning from all that activity and being unfamiliar and unpracticed with some of her new techniques.
Nexus shot a web in the exact same spot as hers and swung around her still form, also upside down. She burst out giggling with giddiness.
''Well, someone is a smooth operator. Are you sure, you are not a genius? Some of these techniques are insane,'' she asked watching him enter and leave her field of view, approaching closer and closer. His web circling around hers.
''I assure you I'm not, trust me. You sound like you had fun,'' Nexus replied good naturedly, waiting patiently.
''Fine. I'll take your word for it. And I DID have fun. Lots of it. My body is aching in all the right ways. I never had such a good workout before,'' she assured him, her heartbeat picking up the closer he got. She noticed some of the people taking out their phones and recording them. Nexus noticed that too.
''You know, I have been thinking. Have you considered integrating web gliders under your armpits. Then you can glide over Central Park like a squirrel,'' Nexus suggested.
''No actually. This is something I could look into. It is actually a good idea, I just need to find a mechanism that would activate and deactivate them without interfering with my movement,'' Ghost Spider admitted.
''Pity, the day is almost over and we need to return to our normal selves. ... Say do you want to have one final bit of fun,'' Nexus inquired, his web having tightened around hers that the were now hugging. His momentum caused them to spin around a little.
''Oh? I'm all ears. What do you propose?,'' Ghost Spider played along.
''Remember how you said scandal sells. Imagine what the media will think when they see you cheating on poor old Spider-Man with me?,'' Nexus loftily recalled her earlier words.
''Hm. Poor Spider-Man. I guess he just has to come to terms with that. Seeing as my heart always belonged to another. Granted I did tell him I had a boyfriend, there is no way he developed feelings for me. And if he did then that's on him,'' she explained smiling behind her mask. Hell she even made extra sure not to be too friendly with him, just so he understands she 'has a boyfriend'. Though now she actually has a boyfriend. She stood by her statement.
''Want to kiss me? Although, fair warning , if we do kiss then the world will know we are white and this will narrow down search parameters,'' Nexus questioned patiently. He didn't want to pressure her into anything.
Ghost Spider knew that even before he told her that. She smiled, touched by his consideration. Maybe she should refuse, but honestly with how great her day has been, she decided to be a little daredevil without rhyme or reason.
''Can you get that stupid helmet of your face without revealing your identity? If so then do it,'' she commanded impatiently.
Nexus planned for possible eventualities like this. That is why when he designed the helm he made it of two parts. One the helmet, which is hidden by the hood and a detachable mask. Beneath that he wore a dark balaclava that hid absolutely everything including his eyes. Especially his winered eyes. They were too distinct. Granted he could always change his appearance, but then why wear a mask in the first place? While he could see through the balaclava, it wasn't like he needed it seeing as he could sense everything around him.
He detached the neon orange glowing mask and watched as Gwen pulled her mask only up till it was below her nose. She did the same to him and quickly put her lips on his. Bell rolled his eyes as he heard some of the people below him gasp and murmur while taking pictures and recording them. Fucking over dramatic sheep. If it wasn't for his curiosity for what kind of field day the media would have with this, he wouldn't bother entertaining them.
The free hand that was not occupied with holding his mask snuck around her waist, pressing her against him. It was no issue holding on to the webs seeing as they had their stickiness. She put her hand on his cheek and rubbed her thumb carefully, so she wouldn't displace the balaclava further. She eagerly leaned in enjoying the kiss, their tongue touching, but not fighting for dominance. She pulled back first needing to take air, before diving right back in.
'Minx,' Nexus thought to himself enjoying the kiss as well. No need to go to crazy. She was new and inexperienced to all this stuff.
''By the way, don't forgot to ask me for more web fluid if you ever run out. Now shoo, I don't want you to see me change,'' Gwen shooed him away the moment they landed on her apartments rooftop.
''Wow, I feel the love. See you tomorrow at school, sweet cheeks,'' Nexus drawled.
''Stop calling me sweet cheeks,'' Gwen said removing her mask and revealing her small blush.
''Fine, I will come up with another pet name. Toddles,'' Nexus said before sling shooting himself away, Gwen starring after him.
While swinging through the city, he chuckled. She really was a minx. Instead of giving him the web fluid formula she told him to demand more of it from her. She was seriously too adorable.
Oh, yeah. They needed to teach all those techniques to Peter as well. But for that they needed to run into Spider-Man. Unless he reveals his secret. Oh, well, it was up to Peter.
''I know we have been only together for few days, but do you think we should tell everyone?,'' Gwen asked at school the next day during school break.
''Sure,'' Bell absentmindedly replied while turning a page in a book about sewing.
''I'm pregnant,'' Gwen confessed, trying to mess with Bell when she saw him being absentminded.
''Huh. Congratulations. Who is the father?,'' Bell played along making Gwen groan. He smirked.
''Damn. You are insufferable sometimes. But no seriously. Do you think we should tell everyone?,'' Gwen reiterated.
''Everyone, as in the entire school?,'' Bell played dumb while turning a page.
''No. Everyone as in our friends and family,'' she huffed.
''Hm. Sure. Who do you want to start with?,'' Bell asked boredly, his face in his book.
Gwens eye twitched. The bastard may be good at multitasking, but he couldn't be bothered to show an ounce of care sometimes. It was infuriating. She forced herself to calm down, else she'll give him exactly what he wants. Seeing her huffing and puffing.
''I was thinking about Peter. He will definitely the easiest person to reveal those news too,'' Gwen offered.
''Oh, in that case I wouldn't worry,'' Bell relied.
''What? What do you mean?,'' Gwen asked confused.
''There is no need to tell Peter on account that he has been the third wheel for the past 30 minutes,'' Bell elaborated pointing with a finger behind her. Gwen snapped her head and saw Peter about to put a spoon of porridge in his mouth while looking on his phone. He noticed her horrified look.
''If this is a reoccurring event, please tell me now,'' Peter joked.
''Peter, I'm so sorry,'' Gwen buried her face in her hands, mortified at having forgotten Peter.
''Nah, don't worry. I can understand you. As for you, fuck you you piece of shit. Have you been waiting this entire time to play this elaborate prank on us?,'' Peter mused putting his phone in his pocket.
''I have no idea what you mean. I just noticed you. In case you haven't noticed, my face is buried in a book. I am distracted,'' Bell told him hiding his smirk behind the cover of his book.
''Aha. I wonder why I don't believe that. Anyway congratulations you two. Took you long enough. But, no seriously. Will this be a reoccurring event?,'' Peter repeated his question. He wasn't completely angry seeing as this wasn't the first time he was the third wheel among them. But normally it only lasted for 4-5 minutes. And it was rarely that it happened. He was annoyed with Bell though, because while Gwen genuinely forgot, cause she was worried about sharing the news, he was fully aware about him and essentially abandoned him.
''No, Peter. I'm sorry. This won't happen again,'' Gwen apologized again profusely.
''Yes, Peter. We are sorry,'' Bell lazily replied turning another page. Peter starred unimpressed while Gwen slapped him on the arm.
''Why are you reading a book about sewing anyway?,'' Peter changed the subject.
''I have been wondering this as well. If you need anything fixed, you can give it to me. I'm good at sewing,'' Gwen quickly offered.
''Nope,'' Bell popped the p.
The two waited for a bit before Peter inquired:'' Do you... plan on elaborating on that?''
''Nope,'' Bell popped the p again. He had no interest in telling them he was trying to learn sewing to make vibranium costumes for them. Sure he could use his magic to form the vibranium into strands but the structure of clothes was foreign to him. He needed to study up on that if he wanted to make proper costumes for them. Besides, he wouldn't give them their costumes until they were all adults. Not only did he want them to gather experience, but also awareness. He had no interest in seeing them rely on the vibranium to much and in turn diminish the effectiveness of their spider sense.
Peter threw his hands up in frustration before replying:''You are insufferable sometimes. You know that?''
Bell huffed noticing that the two were getting perhaps to annoyed with his antics. He snapped his book shut. Better read it at home. Or even better, make another clone to read all this. WAIT!. Even better make a clone designed only for studying and practicing. Ever since he enhanced his brain the task of controlling Zero has been getting exponentially easier. Making another clone would be easy and he would now gain knowledge even faster to grow more powerful.
Not now though. Later. After school.
''Well, Peter knows. Which leaves his guardians and George,'' Bell summarized putting his book on the table.
''Wait. What about Aunt Melina?,'' Gwen asked curiously. Peter nodded.
''Oh, I already told her. She knows,'' Bell shared.
''For real? Tell us how it went,'' Peter demanded.
Mother was putting sausages with red cabbage and steamed potatoes on the table. They ate a few bites while talking about unimportant stuff until finally.
''Oh, by the way Gwen and I are in a relationship now,'' Bell casually told her.
''Damn it,'' Mother cursed.
''I'm guessing you just lost a bet?,'' Bell concluded.
''Yup. One between May and I. She bet you two will get together when you are 16 and I when you are 17. Now my purse is 300$ lighter,'' Melina complained.
''Don't they still have money problems? You are essentially robbing them,'' Bell mused taking a bite.
''No she put her foot down with Ben and found a job at F.E.A.S.T. They invited us all to barbeque next weekend to celebrate,'' Melina replied.
''Finally! Ben was infuriating with his 'chivalry'. The economy of today doesn't permit for traditional households,'' Bell scoffed.
''Bell! Don't be rude. But also yes, I agree with you,'' Melina chastised.
''Yeah, yeah. Want me to reimburse you?,'' Bell offered.
''No, let this be my issue. By the way I don't want any grandchildren until you're past 18,'' Melina strictly demanded pointing her fork at him.
Bell merely raised his eyebrow.
''You're right. Pointless reminder. You were always the more responsible child. Wait! Silly me. I have yet to congratulate you. Congratulations to you both,'' Melina cheered.
Flashback end:
The two starred at him for a bit after his recounting.
''Can you do anything normally? Also can you stop having issues with my uncle?,'' Peter complained.
''You want me to be normal?,'' Bell retorted, raising an eyebrow.
Peter opened his mouth pointing at Bell, before slowly closing it. Finally he nodded with a shrug. Gwen starred a bit disappointed at him, for conceding so quickly. Then again she probably wouldn't have fared better in his shoes.
''Well in that case, we can assume Peters guardians know as well. If not, he can tell them. This leaves only my father who needs to be told,'' Gwen summarized apprehensively.
''I can tell him, if you want,'' Bell offered.
''Absolutely not. Out of the question;'' Peter jumped in.
''Whoa! Why so defensive?,'' Bell acted surprised.
''Because I know you want to cause some type of mischief. No,'' Peter replied.
Bell knew there was no winning against Peter on this issue so he went for the weak link.
''Gwen, please. Help me prank your father. Please, help me, Gwen. Please!,'' Bell gave her a borderline puppy look as he pleaded with her. Bell noticed her defences crumbling and decided to abandon all pride. He turned on his puppy eyes to maximum effect.
''Fine. You can tell him Sunday,'' Gwen conceded,''But no pranking.''
Bell nodded. He can do that. He could play pranks with just his words.
''How am I friends with you again?,'' Peter groaned, hanging his head down.
The bell to the Stacy residence was rung by Bell. As per agreement Gwen called from her room for her father to answer the door. She was already done dressing and kept her enhanced hearing out, for the right moment.
George opened the door and saw Bell saluting him. He was dressed somewhat fancy.
''Bell, it is always a pleasure to see you. I'm surprised Peter isn't here yet. You two always arrive together normally. Come in, Gwen isn't done dressing and you can wait for Peter inside,'' George greeted brightly. He didn't worry about anything having happened to Peter, one of them would have told him something. Besides they can continue talking without standing around. It was only polite.
''Oh, Peter isn't coming. It is just Gwen and I and a nice day of activity,'' Bell replied forcing his smirk down. He looked straight into Georges eyes.
There was a moderate amount of pause as Georges expression went trough multiple emotions. First confusion, then suspicion, then apprehension and finally displeasure. He looked at Bells somewhat fancy clothes again truly noticing it this time around before looking back into Bells eyes.
''What?,'' George bit out, as a chance for Bell to elaborate on this. Maybe what George believed is not what Bell meant.
''I'm going to date your daughter from here on out. I thank you for your blessing,'' Bell answered seriously continuing to stare George in the eye.
George blinked a few times at this guys sheer audacity.
''What?,'' George finally repeated, his brain struggling to connect the dots at the sudden development. It is true that he was at work most of the time, but surely he would have noticed if his daughter had affection for Bell or that she would have told him before starting any relationship, so he could do the whole father talk spiel.
Gwen being mortified at Bells brazenness quickly walked out of her room and past her father before he could react and grab her by the arm. Not that he reacted in the first place seeing as he was succer punched by this matter without any warning.
Bell watched as Gwen took down the stairs before looking back into Georges eyes.
''Do not worry, sir. I will take good care of your daughter and bring her back before 22 o'clock,'' Bell patted Georges shoulder before going after Gwen.
''What,'' George growled still starring at the empty space where Bell used to be. His brain suddenly short circuited having found understanding of the situation and an appropriate response. He grabbed the keys and bolted after them in his socks, while closing the door after him.
Bell and Gwen watched from an alley as George bolted through the door and into the streets. He looked around him, his face grim, before he scowled and took out his phone. Gwens phone rang but she didn't answer it, causing George to grit his jaw, his muscles visible contorting. He went back into the building.
Gwen dropped her head into Bells chest.
''You're insane. I can't believe I agreed to this. He will ground me for life and murder you. They'll never find your body,'' she groaned.
''Stop being over dramatic. He knows me and trusts me. He was just surprised and I was an asshole when informing him. He will mellow out by the end of the day and you can talk with him,'' Bell carefreely replied.
''You think?,'' Gwen sarcastically snapped,'' Whatever. Let's just go on our date. I need the distraction. This will be a problem for future me.'' She removed herself from Bell and looked at him expectantly, while crossing her arms behind her back to pose a little. As per Bells request she wore something nice, but not too fancy. Jeans, a white T-shirt, a jean jacket and some very light make up. She looked good in it.
''Sure, let us do that. I have a few things planned for us,'' Bell agreed, playing the dense boyfriend. He handed her a blindfold.
''Uh, what? Bell, I don't know what surprise you have planned for me, but surely you don't expect me to walk blind through the entire city,'' Gwen replied taking the blindfold but not putting it on.
''Do you trust me?,'' Bell asked her.
Of course she did, she wanted to reply. But ultimately she let her actions speak for itself. With some hesitation she slowly put on her blindfold and entrusted herself to Bell. If nothing else her spider sense would warn her of any dangers. Bell took her hand, before suddenly the environment changed. The noises from the city dimmed considerably and it was now a cold. But also the air was much cleaner. Bell removed her blindfold, allowing her to view her new environment.
''Bell... where are we?,'' she asked with some trepidation, already having some suspicions.
''Sweden. We are here to ice skate,'' he casually answered.
''Sweden? As in Sweden from across the Atlantic Ocean? Sweden from Europe? Sweden that is part of the European Union? That Sweden?,'' Gwen breathlessly asked, losing some strength in her legs.
''Yup. That Sweden. Now come, there is a five hour time difference and because it is a Sunday they close at 17 o'clock, which means we are left with two hours. Let us make the best of it,'' Bell replied dragging Gwen by the hand after him. She stumbled along for a bit, before forcing herself to walk normally.
''Bell, are those your powers? Or did you create a device that can create wormholes? Is it safe?,'' Gwen fired off.
Bell squeezed her hand and promised:''I will tell you tonight during dinner. Alright? Now don't pay this any mind and just enjoy the day. And yes it is safe. I wouldn't use it otherwise.''
She really wished to satiate her desire for answers now, but knew better then to pester him. He was unbearable stubborn sometimes. This was just like another one of those times where she wouldn't budge him, until he wanted.
So she forced herself to get distracted. Probably for the better, since they were here illegally. No need to attract any kind of unwanted attention. They were registered as tourist by the people around them since this was a tourist hot spot.
Gwen had to admit, despite still having questions, she did manage to have fun. As a practitioner of ballet and someone who had spider powers, she quickly got the hang of ice skating. It was basically all about balance. She did find it endearing how Bell fell constantly on his ass for the first hour.
Sure, he could use his magic to get the hang of it almost instantly, but sometimes it was fun to struggle in the mundane way. It was fun and made Gwen laugh, not that he minded. It was purely a matter of preference.
Once he got the hang of it, with Gwen trying to give him tips and suggestion while dancing around him, they raced each other. The couldn't and wouldn't go all out because of all the others o that ice skate park, but they took what they could.
He lost unsurprisingly. So much for cheating to win. Not that he minded, while taking his loss with good grace.
In no time at all 2 hours passed and Gwen was handed the blindfold again.
''Must I really wear this? I already know about the portal thingy or whatever your using to transport us. Can't I see it with my eyes?,'' Gwen complained not taking the blindfold.
''You can. But only after the dinner tonight. Indulge me, if you will,'' Bell told her. She let him turn her around and tie the blindfold around her.
They visited Paris in France and took a tour. Bell booked it beforehand so that they could see some of the sightseeing attractions. The Eiffel Tower. The Louvre Museum. The Kathedral of Notre Dame. And many more. Bell watched as she inquisitively took it all in, while listening to the english audio book. Sure they were in a group, but the tour guide spoke in france. Thankfully the agency included the option of audio books in different languages. They talked some but not that much during this tour, but Gwen put her hand in Bells.
Bell was annoyed at not climbing the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately, it was becoming hazardous with the metal oxidizing. Bell wanted to kiss her at the top since it was considered a love spot and that would be ultra romantic. Guess you win some you lose some.
Thankfully he warned her to eat a little more during breakfast since they will most likely skip lunch. And he was glad he did, seeing as the tour lasted around six hours. Gwen looked considerable drained but also satisfied. So he knew he was doing a good job at this date.
Well, time for dinner. There are 4 more hours until 22 o'clock, but it may be better to end this 1-2 hours earlier and let Gwen rest.
After another blindfold they entered Papi's Pizzeria back in NYC.
''Yo Stan. You made two specials as I requested?,'' Bell asked while entering followed by Gwen.
''Of course. And you are right on time, the pizzas are just about done. One second please,'' Stan replied going to the back of his kitchen.
''You two seem like you know each other. Are you two friends?,'' Gwen asked for the sake of making conversation. With the dinner so close she was getting jittery with anticipation.
''Yes, actually. Granted, we are not best friends. That spot is reserved for Peter, but we are good friends. We talk sometimes,'' Bell replied.
Stan came back and put two large pizzas on the counter, Bell paid for both of them. It suddenly registered in Gwens brain that she hasn't paid for anything today.
''Wait! Let me pay for my pizza. How much is it?,'' she quickly asked taking out her small wallet.
''Ah. You must be Gwen. Bell here told me many things about you,'' Stan said, completely ignoring her money and gave Bell some of his change back.
''Really? No wait. How much for the pizza?,'' Gwen perked before quickly focusing back on the task at hand.
Bell took the two pizzas, being bombarded by the aroma of it and thanked Stan with a nod.
''No, girl. I'm not taking your money. Let Bell spoil you tonight. I want to hear no complaints. Ahahaha, young love,'' Stan chuckled before walking off to take the order of a different customer.
Gwen reached out trying to reach grab his attention again, but Bell grabbed her hand firmly and dragged her after him. She followed reluctantly.
''Bell, I'm so sorry. All this must have sot a fortune. Just tell me how much it cost you and I will pay you half,'' Gwen requested.
''Didn't you hear Stan? I was ordered to spoil you. Don't worry about the money,'' Bell joked. He genuinely didn't mind paying for her. He had fun. She had fun. And she wan't like those entitled girls who expected their date to pay for them. As far as he was concerned that was the end of it. Spending around 1000$ was nothing for him who was a millionaire. Besides this was a special occasion. It was to commemorate the beginning of their relationship.
''Bell!,'' she began only to be interrupted by Bell pulling her head back and kissing her. He was bigger than her so she was forced to tilt her head upwards. He departed starring down at her.
''Shh. Put this on. It is time for dinner,'' Bell commanded handing her the blindfold. Gwen was getting a little frustrated with him, seeing her jerk around constantly and ignoring her request. She wanted to be equals and yet, once again he was the one helping her. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. It was fine, she told herself. It was fine.
She already helped him a little and she was sure with some time she could help him more. It was only a matter of patience and communication. No need to blow a gasket.
She took the blindfold and tied it around her head.
When he teleported them again, she felt nothing. Silence as far as the ear can hear. No cold. No wind. No nothing. Bell removed her blindfold and she witnessed a white landscape. The air was fresh and when she breathed there was no visible air, despite the fact that it should. In front of her was a small table with an unlit candle. She looked up.
She immediately recognized the Aurora Borealis. And was the sky clearer? She could see the clear sky. The stars. And the vastness of space. Wasn't the entire sky of earth affected by all the different exhaust fumes? She was surprised there was any place on earth, where one could see the sky so clearly.
''It is.... beautiful,'' Gwen murmured, lacking the vocabulary or the attention to be more expressive.
''That she is,'' Bell smoothly replied, looking at her. Did he wait up until now to give her a compliment about her looks like she desired all those hours ago? Yup. Cliche. He knew. But he was satisfied to see her looking at him and a blush forming on her cheeks, once she realized he meant her.
''Where are we, Bell?,'' Gwen changed the subject, trying to get herself under control.
''The North Pole. Yup, THAT North Pole. All the benefits with none of the drawbacks. I even cleared the surrounding area of some of the exhaust fumes so you can see the galaxy better. Take a seat. I did promise to tell you my secret. We can do that while eating. You must be famished,'' Bell ordered kindly while putting the pizzas down and taking a seat. Sure, he could have pulled her seat and tucked her in. But there was a limit to his gentlemanness.
''Ok. If you are sure,'' Gwen replied taking her own seat. Bell opened the boxes and Gwen saw two pizzas with dark olives, salami, ham and mushrooms. The wind should be howling, but instead it was still, allowing the aroma to hit her in the face.
''Stan makes the best pizzas in NYC. It may not be the most romantic food, but we both like it,'' Bell said.
''No, it is perfect,'' Gwen quickly assured him. She took a bit out while Bell lit the candle. Then he ate his first bite as well. For a while no one said anything. Sometimes they starred at each other in the eye. The flickering flame from the candle in their periphery added a slight hypnotic allure to it.
''I'm literally a reality warper,'' Bell casually dropped the bomb shell, when she was taking a bite, causing her to choke. She took a drink from her glass, swallowing it all down, before looking at him incomprehensibly.
''I actually planned on dining you on the moon, but that would be probably too much,'' Bell revealed after a while.
''You think? And how would that even work? You just will the suns radiation away and will us to breath in space?,'' Gwen speculated trying to get a better understanding.
''No. Don't be silly. Before I break reality I have to have an understanding of the different concepts I will affect. Radiation itself I can't affect yet. But I know how magnetic fields work. I take air from the earth and encase it in a magnetic field, thus I can breath in space while being protected by the radiation,'' Bell explained forthcomingly.
Gwen slacked her body a bit as the sudden realization hit her. So they were helping him, after all. And... she supposed it made sense. How do you help a reality warper?
NO! She wouldn't permit herself to take him for granted just because he could spit reality in the face. Suddenly determination coursed through every pore of her being. She would still help him anyway she could.
''That is why you requested Peter to 'indulge you fancies' as you said. You were actually studying and practicing to become stronger,'' Gwen concluded.
''Yup. All things considered I'm still an infant when it comes to reality warping. You should see some of the others on earth. It will take me a while to warp reality on their scale,'' Bell shared.
''Wait, there are others, besides you?,'' Gwen was suddenly apprehensive.
''That is an interesting reaction. You immediately believe me when I say I can warp reality and are not scared of me. But now you are,'' Bell noted coolly.
''Of course I'm scarred! They are strangers, where as you are not. I don't trust them, whereas I do trust you,'' Gwen immediately assured him.
Bell hummed. Was that approval she heard? Gwens cheeks flushed red and she averted her gaze.
''So, if I got this right, then you get more powerful the more knowledge you gain. Correct? (*Bell nods*) In that case I'm taking over your tutoring sessions. No negotiating. I want to help you while I still can,'' Gwen demanded. Bell rolled his eyes.
''Yes. Yes. I haven't forgotten our talk when we kissed the first time. You offer help and I take it and yadda yadda yadda. I see, you still struggle with this issue. But I would appreciate if you take my word when I say you DO help me. Just like you appreciate that I accepted your help. Ok?,'' Bell agreed.
''Well. I'm glad you accept my help. Don't worry I will study on anything you tell me to and impart my heavenly knowledge on you, lowly mortal,'' Gwen replied satisfied. Bell looked at her with amusement.
''I'm glad we got this out of the way. Soon you shall see that there are many other ways you can help me, despite me being a reality warper. Until then this agreement can hopefully keep you gratified,'' Bell mused. Gwen gave a sigh. They were both stubborn on this issue, she saw. But it was definitely better than it was previously, she felt. He accepted her help and she could show him she would always be there for him in any way she could. Wheras he would stop hearing her complain and making a big issue out of not being able to help him.
Actually, now that she worded that in her head, she understood how unbalanced that agreement was. Ok. She would take him more at his word and communicate more calmly with him. She could clearly see she was annoying him and she would NOT risk driving him away with her nagging. Still she was scared he would not ask her for help. It really meant a lot to her if he could rely on her. For now though, she considered it a victory to have him agree to be tutored by her.
''Oh and you really don't need to pay me, like you paid Peter,'' Gwen assured him.
''What if I want to pay you? Tutoring me would mean adding more work to your schedule. Unless you sacrifice some of your superhero time to balance it out,'' Bell replied.
''I mean... I could rely on you to take my patrols? Or there is Spider-Man. There is a lot of crime in the city, true. But its not like the city is facing super villain threats everyday. Or... or... ehh,'' Gwen began before slowly trailing of at seeing Bells deadpan look,'' How do you you think we should solve it?''
''Well, I'm glad you asked. If you really don't want to be paid, then I won't pay you. As for tutoring me. Calm down. Yes sometimes I tell you what to study on, but it is not always. Some of the stuff I can study by myself. But the stuff I struggle with I will come to you for help. Until I tell you otherwise, you can just go about your daily life as usual. You and I cool with that?,'' Bell explained causing Gwen to nod.
Yeah, sorry Gwen. But he wasn't going to make to much more use of these tutorships, especially since he comprehends everything so much more quicker. He can now study stuff by himself or more accurately by his clone self. Still better throw her a bone and tell her to study up on somethings every now and again. He will just have to remember to come to her, whenever he does need actual help.
They talked some more while eating about various stuff and various topics, until finally the pizza was done. Gwen grabbed Bell by the hand and they both lied down, while starring at the Aurora Borealis and the cosmos beyond.
''And is there no limit to what you can do? Can you really just anything and everything one can imagine if you just study upon it?,'' Gwen asked,lying her head on his biceps and hugging her body close to his. The ground wasn't at all cold and there was no risk of them getting dirty.
''Yup. And it really doesn't bother you in any way? Most people would fear me,'' Bell replied.
''As I told you. I know you. I trust you. Besides you could have remained silent and I would have been none the wiser had you affected me in any way with your powers. So since you are practically god on earth, have you considered what to do here?,'' Gwen answered and then asked. Though Bell knew what she truly meant.
Well he wanted to use his powers for mischief and his amusement. Not that he would tell her that. Even he knew his reasons were a little shallow. Better come up with another excuse.
''Oh, I will do nothing that would advertise my powers in any way,'' Bell replied.
''I respect that. But I'm curious. Can I ask why?,'' Gwen inquired.
''I'm not opposed to helping people. But I don't want anyone getting it in their head that I'm a reality warper,'' Bell informed.
''You could do so much good though,'' Gwen argued tilting her head to look at him.
''Who say I'm not doing good? I can clone myself. They all don different personas and go out into the world with different powers to do good one way or another. One persona is hunting HYDRA down with a group people and Nexus is in NYC taking over our patrol. Hell, I just taught Spider-Man all those techniques I taught you a few days ago,'' Bell shared.
''Oh,'' Gwen said trying to hide her inadequacy,''Wait. HYDRA? As in that organisation that infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D a few moths ago and tried to kill over 20 million people? That event that happened in Washington D.C.?''
''Yup. Look, Gwen. I don't mind helping out and fighting alongside you. But I really want to keep my reality warping a secret, except from you, of course. Because what do you think will happen when the general population finds out I have such powers, let alone what the politicians and military will try to do? The only threat to me will be other reality warpers. The rest? They will be like flies, buzzing around me doing nothing more but annoy me. I could slap some of them, but only more will come. Eventually they would annoy me enough that I would do something reprehensible.
Their greed and demanding pleas will be their own undoing. I could fix everything single little environmental, economical and climatic problem with a wave from my hand, but then I might as well become earth ruler, since I fix everything.
No. No. I don't need that bullshit in my life. Besides, you really think humanity has learned anything about consequences, if they have someone that waves their issues away? No, they must hold themselves accountable for their poor decision making, especially their politicians and the corporations,'' Bell patiently explained.
Gwen turned her body around and hugged Bell, while burying her face in his chest. She didn't completely agree with him. There were ways he could help out society without revealing his reality warping powers. He could become a politician himself. She knew he was shrewd enough for that. Or he could create a company with her and Peter to introduce new technology and other advancements. Though finding staring capital would be an issue. Mundane ways, not fantastical, that could help humanity.
But she was tired and respected Bell enough not to continue to dwell on this issue. She meant what she said. She trusted him to use his powers responsibly... or at the very least not harm innocents. She forgot for a second who she was dealing with. He will definitely abuse his powers every now and again. Not that she minded. Gwen only hoped he would arrive at that conclusion himself, because she has been pushy enough as of late.
It was very comfy, surprisingly. To lay on this ground of ice and snow.
''It was fun. Sure we were a little snappy at each other a bit, earlier on. But all the same I had fun. Sorry for that, by the way,'' Gwen said taking her head from his chest to look him in the eyes,'' Do you really not want me to cover half of the cost of today?''
''No. Today I just wanted to spoil you. Look at it as a gift, if you will,'' Bell reassured her.
Gwen put her hand on his cheek and starred a bit in his eyes. She gave a sharp nod in agreement and rubbed her thumb on his cheek. Gwen climbed on top of him and began kissing him. He wasn't the only one that could give out gifts, she joked in her mind.
They weren't perfect. Neither of them. And CLEARLY, they had some issues that they still needed to iron out. If nothing else she felt they were on the right track. She knew communication was key to a healthy relationship as well as being willing to make concessions. Her parents did that and they seemed happy enough together. They fought, they talked, they made up.
And they were here.
Her heart fluttered.
What more could she want?
One day she hoped they could give themselves wholly to each other, but until that day they needed to cultivate this relationship.
She knew that.
And she knew that Bell thought so as well. The three of them talked about all kinds of topics over the years.
Bell rolled her under him and now he was on top. He propped himself by his elbow near her head, his face close to hers. She blushed at the sigh. The green lights contrasting with his winered eyes that intensely observed her. They resumed their kiss. Gwen finding it not entirely unpleasant how Bell dominated her in french kissing.
Unseen by Gwen he balled his hand into a fist on the hand that was next to her head. She looked so ... adorable under him. He wanted to eat her right up. But he swore to wait until they were both adults. Also he wouldn't disrespect her like that by trying to sleep with her on their first date. So he got his lust under self control.
They parted. A strand of spit connecting their lips. While Gwen wiped it off quickly in embarrassment, Bell gulped in frustration at the erotic sight.
''I better get you home. I did promise your father to get you back home before 22 o'clock. No need to annoy him further then I already did,'' Bell teased her and removed himself from on top of her. He waved his hand dismissing the table, the trash, the chairs and the candle. No littering.
He turned around and held a hand as an offer to Gwen. She took it and pulled herself up.
''Shame. I wanted to kiss you more. Next time I guess. So, you DID promise me I get to see your teleportation with my own eyes after you tell me your secret,'' Gwen reminded him pointedly. Hello! This was just the creation of a wormhole in space time continuum. How could she not want to see that.
Bell rolled his eyes. He touched her shoulder and without any fanfare they were back in that alley, before they departed.
Gwen suffered a bit from whiplash at the sudden change in scenery. One moment they were in the North Pole and then they were home. Honestly? She was a little disappointed. She expected a bit more of a show. She cringed at sounding ungrateful.
Gwen dragged Bell after her to the front of her door. She assured him that, no, her father wasn't waiting with a shotgun behind the door. And if he was, she would put herself between them. Both knew, he didn't need the protection, but the gesture was appreciated all the same.
As assured, George did not come jumping out though the door while they said their goodbyes and shared one last kiss. Reluctantly, she told him to go and watched him depart.
When George heard Gwen enter through the door he immediately wanted to talk to her and chastise her, but upon seeing her look he relented.
His daughter was smitten and she looked happy.
He was still gonna give Bell the dad talk tough.