3rd POV:
Aunt May was carrying some boxes with medicine in F.E.A.S.T and depositing them in the cabinets when Peter and Gwen came in.
''Aunt May. Do you need help with that?,'' Peter asked.
''Hi, you two. And no, no. It is much lighter than it looks. Just give me a second and I will be back you two,'' May greeted. She went to the box, organized the last box and returned to Peter and Gwen.
''Did you just come to visit or do you want to help as well? We can always use more hands to help out,'' May inquired.
''Yes, Aunt May we came to help out. So what can we do to help?,'' Gwen wanted to know.
''Well, it is almost time for lunch so I guess we can begin making food in the kitchen. I'm surprised Bell didn't come with you two. You three are almost inseparable, unless you two go on a date, Gwen,'' May informed, chuckling in amusement. Peter and Gwen cast a quick glance at each other making May immediately drop her smile, when she noticed that.
''No,'' she said.
Peter cast her an apologetic look.
''No,'' May repeated again and looked at Gwen for confirmation.
Gwen shrugged her shoulders and cast her an apologetic look.
''Oh god. What has he planned?,'' May moaned putting her face in her hands.
''I'm sorry, Aunt May. I asked him not to bully the homeless, for all the good it did. At least he promised to donate a lot of resources over the course of the summer,'' Gwen placated her. More like he was gonna create the resources and only the money he will donate being real. Bell told Gwen that.
''And how would he do that?,'' May asked.
''He has a YouTube channel where he uploads music videos. He makes them himself so he doesn't have to pay royalties or deal with patents. He is quite successful too,'' Peter explained.
''Oh. Oh. Suddenly it makes sense that Melina never seemed to have money problems despite being a single mother. And is he really fine with donating to F.E.A.S.T?,'' May said. She didn't quite approve of Bells shenanigans, but if he really would help all those people, then she would endure his jests. It was fine. She quickly came to know everyone who worked here, including Martin Li, her boss. They could always use more resources to better help the people at F.E.A.S.T.
''Yes, he is. He is gonna drop by later, so we can just make lunch I guess,'' Gwen informed.
The three of them went into the kitchen and began preparing the food.
''I still think you should give Mary Jane a chance. I can always talk to Ms.Watson and try to organize a date between you two,'' May opened conversationally, while cutting onions.
''Aunt May, we talked about this. I'm not interested in her,'' Peter replied.
''She is a nice girl. I'm just saying,'' May argued.
That may be so, but she comes from a broken home, Peter thought. Unlike Bell or Gwen whose parents died, Mary Janes father left the two Watsons willingly. That leaves a scar on people, especially children. Peter, Gwen and Bell argued a lot about that and eventually they came to the conclusion that the risk was too high. Not that people from broken homes couldn't be great people or amazing partners, but still.
Besides it was not his job to fix her. Far too many entered a relationship with that mindset, only to end up disappointed. Instead of focusing on the future of a person, they should focus on the present person and see if the two are compatible. From there, the couple can grow and develop each other as persons.
There is also the teny tiny problem of her being together with Flash. Peter was surprised Mary Jane didn't tell her mother, but oh well. He was not gonna be a homewrecker. Plenty of fish in the sea as they say.
Gwen chuckled at his expense.
''Oh, shush you. Not everyone can be as lucky as you to find a partner so early on. Besides I'm not getting younger. I want children to spoil,'' May admonished.
''Your just 52 Aunt May. There is still plenty of time for you to spoil any potential children I might have in the future. Also, don't worry. I will find a partner for myself. You don't need to help me on that front,'' Peter tried to appease her worries.
''Exactly. I'm almost 80,'' May joked, making the two teens roll their eyes. Bit of an exaggeration there May, but ok. Still, Peter understood what she was trying to say. Time flies and before you know it you blink and you're suddenly 80.
Gwen turned on the fire at Mays behest. The were making mashed potatoes with schnitzel and salad. Thankfully they weren't the only ones cooking. Soon enough the were joined by others and more food was being prepared in the second kitchen as well.
Just before the food was finished the doors to the entrance burst open grabbing every persons attention. Bell was being carried in by four people on their shoulder while sitting in a throne all regal like and wearing fancy kingly clothes. Trumpets were being played by others to herald his arrival. Eventually the four people stopped and just stood there. Bell snapped his finger snobbishly.
Gwen, Peter and May looked at the scene with second hand embarrassment. They didn't know that guy.
A herald stepped forward and opened a parchment, before beginning to read.
''Thou shalt listen, and listen well people of lowly income and low intellect. Peasants and plebeians in truth. Fortuna has cast her hand and smote you down with misfortune and injustice.
The nobility rejoices at your circumstances, finds delight in your suffering and jests about you in their cups as you freeze and starve in the streets.
No more! He says.
Announcing King Bell O'Quinn.
He has heard your plea and your lowly wails. And he is gratuitous and pituitous as he casts his mercy. Henceforth he shall bless you with serendipitous donations and hear your pitiful moans of gratitude,'' the herald read from the parchment. Bell looked down imperiously on them before clapping his hands twice loudly and people began pouring in with boxes, delivering clothes, canned food, medicine, board games etc. It was no trouble for him. The people were shapeshifted clones of himself and he conjured the resources. It cost him nothing and he gets to have fun.
May's boss came down when he noticed the commotion and approached the trio as he watched how people poured in, dropped boxes and left.
''What is happening here?,'' Martin Li asked.
''Mr. Li, I'm so sorry about this all, but that is just Bell up to his usual antics. Please believe me when I say no one can control him,'' May answered.
''Bell? Would that make these two younglings Peter and Gwen. The three you told me about?,'' Li asked. Bell approached them, bereft of his kingly garb.
''Indeed. Tis' us. The three musketeers.,'' Bell joked.
''Well, while I'm always happy to accept donations for the poor, proper procedures must be followed. You needed to fill out documentations first,'' Li informed. Bell merely handed him a clip board with several documents. Li took it and began reading.
''Really, oh great king Bell? I'm surprised you didn't use more archaic old english,'' Gwen mocked.
''Have you seen the state of this countries current education? I didn't call them by chance plebeians. Already I had to modernize a lot of my speech, else it would have completely flown over their head. Trust me, the original read like 1200s english,'' Bell complained.
''Ah, english premium. You know you didn't particularly make yourself popular with them,'' Peter pointed out, noticing some of their looks. Bell shrugged.
A man came to them and demanded Bell pay for his services after the last box was deposited. Bell swiped his card for show and thanked 'them' for their service. Gwen suppressed her smirk.
''I see that you only donated what we needed and only so much that they still would fit into our warehouse,'' Li said, his tone accusing.
''I'm good at what I do,'' Bell told him looking him in the eyes.
''And what is it that you do?,'' Li challenged.
''Snooping, where my nose doesn't belong,'' Bell answered, making Li frown. Bell suddenly burst laughing.
''Nah, pal. I have an insider spy,'' Bell joked, pointing at May. Li calmed himself and looked his usual friendly self again,'' I'm guessing everything checks out? Of course, it does, I filled the papers after all. I want to donate some extra money as well.''
That was the only thing actually real about the donations from his side. Can't create extra money or else the economy suffers.
''Well, yes everything checks out. Though I wish you would have notified me beforehand not after. Come with me, if you wish to make a monetary donation,'' Li requested. Bell gave a small kiss to Gwens cheek and trailed after Li to his office.
''Aww, young love. It reminds me of Ben and I,'' May teased. Gwen blushed a little.
Peter put his hand on her shoulder.
''Stand proud. That is hell your walking into,'' Peter joked. He understood what May implied when she talked about Ben and herself. The two will get old side by side as a couple. Which implies marriage.
''I hate you both. Besides his antics are a little endearing. Tell me you wouldn't miss it if he suddenly stopped,'' Gwen defended her boyfriend.
''Oh, dear. I never implied something like that or wished for. I know I would miss some of Bens antics if he suddenly stopped,'' May replied. The tow woman suddenly turned their heads very slowly towards Peter.
''Yeah, yeah, rub it in,'' Peter murmured.
''I can always arrange a date between you and MJ,'' May offered again.
''No,'' Peter denied firmly.
A few days later:
The trio came to help May again at F.E.A.S.T.
''Peter, do you love me?,'' Bell suddenly asked. Peter dropped his head.
''In a non homoerotic way,'' Peter reluctantly replied.
''I love you in a non homoerotic way too. See, buddy, old pal. I need your help with a prank,'' Bell requested, putting his arm around him and punching his chest lightly.
''No,'' Peter denied instantaneously.
''I will donate money again,'' Bell offered.
''...,'' Peter was silent for a bit, before sighing.
He hates himself.
It was lunch as Bell came back in his kingly garb and sat regally in the cafeteria during lunch. He gathered some looks, but by now everyone knew not to pay too much attention to him.
The food was delivered. It was some soup with salad and a glass of water. Peter came in with a butler attire and stepped near King Bell.
''Would you like some cheese on top, Siar,'' Peter asked with a snobbish voice, mimicking high class society.
''Why, yes. Give me a heart attack amount,'' King Bell imperiously declared.
''Right away, Siar,'' butler Peter affirmed, turning the cheese grinder and depositing a lot of cheese on top of the salad.
''Excuse me my good man. Could you put some into my soup,'' King Bell asked.
''Well, of course, Siar,'' butler Peter deposited a lot of cheese into the soup as well.
''Thank you my good man,'' King Bell said approvingly, smiling at him.
''Would you also like some in your water, Siar,'' butler Peter offered, pulling a serious face.
''Why? Why, that sounds delightful. Once you're done with that my good man, could you just pipe it straight into my mouth,'' King Bell looked surprised for a second, before going with it. Butler Peter grated some cheese in Bells glass of water.
''Without hesitation, Siar,'' butler Peter assured, pulling a face. He began grating cheese into Bells open mouth.
''Most excellent. Mhm, hmh. It's raining cheese and this is my birthday,'' King Bells moaned taking some gulps when his mouth filled with too much cheese.
''Very good, Siar,'' butler Bell complimented.
The entire cafeteria watched disturbed at what was going on.
Gwen slowly snuck backwards into the kitchen, away from this scene. She didn't know these guys.
Yet another few days later:
Matthew was your most cliche guy, if you were to ask him. He used to be an accountant, then the corporation he used to work for had to close. He lost his job. His wife divorced him and he lost his house and his daughter. Apparently he was a dead beat for not finding a job 4 days after he lost his old one. Bitch.
Still F.E.A.S.T wasn't only a charity event where they fed the homeless and provided shelter. They helped them back on their feet again, by finding them job offers. One such job offer included working at a bank.
Only one problem.
Bell found out about that and wanted to help him.
Bell was a little controversial. On one hand, he donated a lot to F.E.A.S.T, which made him liked by many. On the other hand he always made jokes at their expenses and played pranks, which also made him hated.
He also straight up insulted some people to their faces by calling them leeches. Matthew knew not everyone coming here was a good person. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and some people were taking advantage of F.E.A.S.Ts services by dragging their feet in job hunting. The fact no one else seemed to notice that Bell always called the same persons leeches, kind of disappointed him.
Either way. Bell found out about his job offer and dressed as a drill sergeant to teach him how to ace an interview. Right now, they were simulating a robbery. Peter was the robber.
Matthew began putting the money in the bag, only for Sergeant Bell to appear in his face screaming at him with spittle flying out.
''What are you doing, soldier!? He is not robbing you. You're the bank, it is your job to rob him. So get to it, soldier,'' Sergeant Bell screamed at him startling him. Bell told him that he wasn't so much trying get him to lie well, and instead tried to get him into the mentality of a banker. Proper procedures are left for when after he got the job. But to get there he needed to think like a banker and impress his future boss.
Matthew startled and then resolutely gathered himself.
''Drop your mortgage in the bag!,'' Matthew ordered at robber Peter.
''Please, no! I've got children,'' Peter wailed.
''Good to know. We'll come for them next,'' Matthew growled, starting to really get into it. Peter dropped his money in the bag. Matthew saw the nice watch and sleazily grabbed his wrist.
''That is a pretty watch,'' Matthew remarked.
''No. Please. It belonged to my grandpa,'' Peter gasped.
''Watch out now. I'll drop your credit score so low, you won't even be able to loan a book at the library, punk,'' Matthew screamed at him. Peter cried fake tears as he deposited the watch into the bag.
''Well, at least I'm leaving with my dignity,'' Peter comforted himself.
''No, we'll have that too. Your pants. Put them in the baaaaaaaaaaag,'' Matthew assured him. Peter cried another burst of fake tears as he undid his pants, only to have another set of pants underneath, dropped them in the bag and run away. Matthew sighed and shuddered, before looking at Sergeant Bell.
''Well done, soldier.... If you wanted to disappoint me!! You forgot to sell him a payday loan at 1000% interest. But don't you worry. I'll make a proper sleazeball of you yet. Drop to the ground and give me 50 push up!,'' Sergeant Bell commanded in his face, spittle flying out. Matthew did immediately as instructed, having learned not to talk back.
A few weeks later Matthew would find out the he got the job as a banker, do to his exceptional conduct. He should be happy to finally afford a home again.
So why did he feel as if he lost something inside him?
A few days later:
''So where is Peter?,'' Gwen asked Bell as they sat on a bank near the entrance at F.E.A.S.T.
''I sent him to Chipotle to buy some food. I'm hungry,'' Bell replied. Gwen put her legs over his lap as she lied down on the bank. Bell massaged her calf a little.
''I thought you hated Chipotle? So spill, what do you have planned now? Do you need my help?,'' Gwen inquired.
''Nothing nefarious, if that is what you fear. And no pranks as well. I just want to confirm something and need Peter to be in a certain spot. Don't worry. He is in no danger at all. You know the guy can handle himself,'' Bell assured her.
''Yeah. I gathered that from all our sparring matches,'' Gwen retorted rubbing the side of her chest. Her healing factor has long since taken care of that damage, but she still remembered it every now and then.
''To be fair. You should have known better. I still don't know what you were thinking,'' Bell admonished.
''Yes, Bell. I get it. You and Peter keep rubbing it into my face. Alright?,'' Gwen hotly replied.
''So long as you know,'' Bell ended the subject, rubbing her calf a little more, causing Gwen to moan a little. Sure the body may be in pristine condition, but aches still existed. Even if the were placebos caused by mental rememberances. Hell even Bell enjoyed a good massage.
Their phone vibrated and both of them looked at their own. A.R.A.C.H.N.I.D was warning them about a massive commotion in a nearby district. Bell and Gwen looked at each other.
''After you my lady,'' Bell proposed letting go of her calf.
''Be honest you just want to watch my butt as I swing,'' Gwen teased standing up. Bell pursed his lips. That too. But as a ballerina, even if only as a hobby, she did some incredible poses with such grace that not even he or Peter could pull off. Of course he was gonna take any chance to watch her.
Rhino smashed through a wall and cam out on the streets. He growled and slammed his hands on a car with a family in it. Or at east tried to. He encountered resistance before he hit the car.
''Peeckaboo,'' Spider-Man peeked his head a little so Rhino could see him from behind his fists. Rhino growled and tried to punch him. Spider-Man shoved his fists away from him and shot a web into his face. While Rhino stumbled back and removed the web to see again, Spider-Man slingshot himself into Rhino delivering a devastating kick.
Rhino recovered quickly and grabbed a hydrant, throwing it at Spider-Man. Before he could do something, two webs grabbed the hydrant and swung it back into Rhino. Ghost Spider arrived at the scene.
''Isn't it to early for Halloween? Or is it a manifestation of your repressed childhood traumas,'' Ghost Spider asked, landing on a pole.
''That is what I've been wondering,'' Spider-Man added his two cents.
''Enough,'' Rhino screamed and immediately charged st them. Only for Nexus to slam with him at high enough speeds that he immediately bounced away from him back into the sky. Rhino crashed into the ground.
Since he was and enemy.
Ah. Aleksei Sytsevich. Apparently his rhinocerous suit melted itself onto his skin in an experiment gone wrong at Oscorp. Neaxus rolled his eyes, what else is new. The idiot signed an NDA apparently that prohibited him to cast any bad light on Oscorp by disclosing this experiment. And now with the experiment gone wrong, they won't help him. Sytsevich was trying to gather money to hire someone to get this armor from him. The idiot clearly never bothered to open a book before, else he'll know that this was illegal and he had every right to ask for help. Oscorp has no ground to sue him for asking for help.
He was not healing him. Clearly not an innocent. He could kill him, but he was not gonna do that. If current trends continue then more enhanced enemies will appear. As far as he was concerned, if there were no innocents in his immediate vicinity, he was good to go. He bore no guilt whatsoever for people that killed innocents outside his vicinity. They were not his responsibility, like those police officers killed by the Lizard. Just now a person in Afghanistan was lit on fire in a tire tower after having his child killed in front of him and his wife raped. Apparently he was a spy. He was not. Not Bells problem.
People die. It is the way of things.
He was gonna let the number of enhanced build up. Until Peter and Gwen were forced to kill. Gwen tolerates him going around killing HYDRA agents, but if she wanted to be better, she needed to discard such niceties. Peter as well.
Rhino picked himself up and growled.
''What was that?,'' he demanded to know. When the two heroes refused to answer, he attempted to pick up a car with another family and throw it at them. Both of the heroes put a stop to that by webbing his hands and pulling. Rhino attempted to forcibly pull them towards him and punch them, but they stuck with their feet on the ground thanks to their stickiness.
Bell was quiet cross with them when he found out that the didn't stick to the ground to use it as a weapon. In retrospect, they wanted to kick themselves, because it was an obvious boon.
Nexus slammed again into Rhino and bounced away, disappearing once again, between the skyscraper. With Rhino imbalanced both Ghost Spider and Spider-Man pulled him towards them and double kicked him in the air.
Rhino landed on the ground and immediately attempted to grab Ghost Spider. She shot a web and slid between his legs as Spider-Man vaulted over him.
''You stupid insects. Stand still !,'' Rhino demanded whipping his head as he momentarely tried to decide which spider to go after.
''Not an insect. Arachnids. Get it right,'' Spider-Man corrected.
''Who are you even supposed to be? Moto Moto?,'' Ghost Spider taunted.
''What? Who the fuck is that? No. I'm Rhino,'' he was genuinely confused not getting that reference.
With Rhino distracted, Nexus slammed again into Rhino and bounced away. This time cracking the ground as Rhino was slammed into it.
''ENOUGH!,'' Rhino howled. Fine. If these two were meant to distract him while the third spider deals damage he will force Nexus to abandon building speed and momentum.
Rhino began running down the street slapping away cars with his horn, but not killing anyone since he didn't have enough momentum and speed. Ghost Spider and Spider-Man shot a web at him trying to stop him, but this time he snapped the web of surprising them.
Just when he built enough momentum to slam into a car with enough force to kill the occupants Nexus landed in front of him and took the brunt of his horn forcing him to stop in his tracks.
Before he could do anything, Ghost Spider slammed a manhole cover into his knee, making him kneel. Spider-Man cam and hit him with a fallen off car door in his head. Then Nexus punched him back back into the intersection.
Honestly it was a little overkill, some of the police man thought who saw the action. Three against one? At least the civilians were all the safer for it. All they did was provide a blockade on the intersection.
Before Rhino could balance himself again. Ghost Spider and Spider-Man pulled themselves on two opposing sky scraper and sling shot him upwards into the air. Nexus then sling shot him back towards the ground as Spider-Man and Ghost Spider sling shot themselves at him. While Nexus punched upwards into his stomach, Ghost Spider and Spider-Man kicked him down in the back, thus Nexus punch did more damage then it would have. Rhino spat a little blood at that. Thought Nexus could tell he wouldn't die. The experiment made him quiet resilient.
Nexus immediately punched Rhino in the face, launching him a bit away. He picked him self up and tried to do anything only to get punched by Ghost Spider making him turn his head. Spider-Man shot him during this interaction with a web and pulled his face downwards slamming it into the ground.
He quickly recovered allowing him to grab Nexus and slam him into the ground his horn immediately following after him trying to pierce his stomach, not that he was succeeding. He received two devastating punched on each side of his head by Ghost Spider and Spider-Man while he was distracted.
Alas he could not get himself away, because Nexus grabbed his head in a head lock. He used all his force to get out of it and started punching into Nexus' chest as hard as he could. Seeing as he displayed almost the same strength as the Spider People, those punches were strong. They did nothing to Nexus as he grabbed his horn and pulled.
With almost terrifying ease he ripped the titanium horn off, the metal snapping from being stretched causing an very uncomfortable screech. Rhino starred incredulously, only to quickly start punching again when Nexus began choking him. Soon enough he lost consciousness and he was dropped like a sack of potatoes.
With the threat over, some police man came over and asked the trio.
''Please, tell me he is not dead,'' the police man asked fearing the repercussion of this.
''He isn't. I can still hear a heartbeat. I trust we can leave things into your hands now?,'' Spider-Man asked. Frankly it was so good to have a tank in their team. Spider-Man wondered if he or Ghost Spider could develop their own abilities.
''Yeah. We will transport him to the RAFT. You should go. Sorry, but some of my collegues still don't like you three. Go, before they try to arrest you. But for what it is worth, know that at least one guy is thankful for your help. We couldn't have solved this problem so quickly and easily. Thank you,'' the police man thanked them smiling at them, before shooing them away.
The RAFT was built a few months ago a little outside NYC in the ocean. It was deemed the most optimal location with so many enhanced heroes having made their home in NYC, including the Avengers. Its purpose was to hold enhanced criminals and contain them.
The three heroes nodded and swung away quiet proud of their work. Sure some people were injured, but none were maimed or killed.
All in all, a successful day.
When the boys were hanging out. Gwen contacted Melina via phone. It was a little difficult to find the correct time, what with Melina being so busy as a doctor, but eventually they could meet up a few days after the Rhino incident.
''Gwen, sweetheart, come in, come in,'' Melina welcomed her potential daughter in law into the O'Quinn residence.
''Thank you, Aunt Melina,'' Gwen stepped in.
''So, you said there was something you needed my help with?,'' Melina asked, closing the door behind her.
Gwen went to the kitchen after getting rid of her shoes at the entrance. The O'Quinns were particular about that. No outside shoes in the home. Besides it wasn't like it was cold on the ground. It was summer break after all. Melina followed after her and watched Gwen deposit a bunch of ingredients from the bag on the table.
''Please teach me how to make Spaghetti Bolognese, Aunt Melina,'' Gwen made her request.
''You don't know how to cook? I thought you sometimes make foo for you and George,'' Melina said inspecting the ingredients she bought.
''No, I know how to cook. I was, however, hoping that you would teach me your own personal recipe,'' Gwen explained.
''Ah, I see. There is only two ways to a mans heart after all. One of them is through his stomach. Very well. In that case these things need to go. He abhors flavor enhancer,'' Melina said grabbing some small packages and throwing them in the bag. Gwen blushed a little.
The two moved around the kitchen a lot.
''Had Spaghetti Bolognese always been his favorite food?,'' Gwen asked, cutting some coriander. Her fingers were marred by small band aids by now. Turn out there is a VAST difference in cooking skills between hers and Melinas. She didn't mind it too much. By tomorrow the cuts will have healed.
''You know. It is the strangest thing. Once he was weened from milk, he immediately demanded to have spaghetti bologese served as a dish. Both of us were perplexed, because we didn't know were he has heard of that dish. He didn't have it up till then. But after we served it to him it has always been his favorite food. Oh! Once we are done, how about I show you some of his baby photos,'' Melina asked with some excitement. She then suddenly ordered Gwen to cut some garlic to add as flavor to the sauce. She demanded that she cut them finer when she noticed that she cut them to thick. Melina was watching over her proteges shoulder, she needed to cook by herself to learn most optimally.
''Yes, actually. I would like that,'' Gwen immediately seized the opportunity, while adding the cut garlic to the sauce.
Soon enough the dish was done. She only added parmesan and sorrel as the finsihing touches.
''Mhmmmmm,'' Gwen moaned at the sheer tastiness of the food when she tried it.
''It is good isn't it. Trust me, you will make Bell very happy when you'll cook it for him. Unfortunately, you just saw how much effort it takes to cook it just right. It is easier to make the more mainstream recipes, since it is faster. But when you have the chance and time, you should seize,'' Melina instructed as Gwen nodded happily eating the dish. Soon enough she was done. Bell will be quite happy, when he comes home and sees his special spaghetti bolognese that he likes so much. Mother doesn't always cook it. Understandably so.
The two woman found themselves on the couch looking into a photo book.
''And this is Bells first time on the potty,'' Melina quickly explained suddenly experiencing joy at the trip down memory lane.
''You actually made a photo of him on the potty?,'' Gwen gaped at Melina.
''Of course. Well only the first time by himself. Not afterwards. And with good reason. His first word was 'potty' after all,'' Melina explained. Gwen gaped.
''No way. You're pulling my leg,'' Gwen denied.
''No. I'm serious. He started with 'p' and kept stuttering it for a bit. Jake was elated thinking Bells first word would be 'papa' or something instead it was 'potty' to his great disappointment. He never lived it down and always used to complain about that,'' Melina explained becoming a little sad at the reminder of her husbands death. She quickly moved on to the next photo needing to distract herself.
''Oh, this is Bells first time walking''
''And this is Bell first time on a swing''
''And this is Bells first time on a carousel''
'''Here it is his first time inside a big wheel. Honestly all of this was when we visited disneyland.''
''Moving on, this is when we went to the top of the Empire State Building''
''And this...''
''Oh, here...''
''Yes, I remember this. Here he was...''
''And this is his first day in 1st Grade. Remember when you all posed for this picture? God, you all looked so adorable side by side,'' Melina trailed of near the end, trailing her finger tips over the picture and looked at it affectionately.
''I noticed that in a lot of them Bell looks...,'' Gwen stopped struggling for words.
''Bored? Annoyed? Serious? Repressed? Trust me, you are not the only one that noticed. But Bell never answered when we raised the issue and played dumb. Eventually we got the memo that he simply would not talk about this matter;'' Melina revealed.
''But surely you have some speculations,'' Gwen probed.
''...Bell was always such a responsible child. He never made a fuss. He didn't cry. He didn't wail. Not at all, what I prepared myself for mentally when we decided to make a child. He always found a way to quickly signal me what he needed. And never give me grief or trouble. While I am thankful for having it so easy, other times I wish things would be different.
He looks trapped, doesn't he? As if he is putting up with the world, because his body is incapable of his own agency or autonomy. Only in recent years, he has been getting more expressive. Most notable when he made you all skip two grades. Not that he needed to teach you much, you two geniuses.
Bell is... special Gwen. And I'm not saying that as just his mother. And I'm not referring to ADHD or autism or anything of the sort. He is ... He is special. Alright? Please don't pressure him into saying anything to you, unless he raises the issue. Yes? You two are so good for each other, I'm sure he will tell you soon,'' Melinas voice was suddenly thick and traces of tears formed in her eyes. She remembered how he told her about his uncontrolled futuristic visions and pyrokinesis. It hurt her heart not to be able to guide him in any way, forcing him to walk an unexplored and uncertain path alone. She did offer any help she could, however small it may have been.
Melina tenderly enclosed Gwens hands in her own, being mindful of her cuts.
Gwen merely nodded, feeling uncomfortable. Better not mention that Bell already told her about his reality warping powers or else she could lose control of this conversation.
''I'm so happy for you two. You know? It is a special feeling to have someone so trusted at your side. Make the best of every moment, so if the worst happens you don't have any regrets. Alright?,'' Melina swallowed her voice and embraced Gwen after kissing her temple.
Gwen hugged her back offering comfort to Melina.
There was no need to mention something like this to her, Melina. She knew just how lucky she was.
Gwen tightened her hug a little around Melina.