Chereads / The Divine and the Damned / Chapter 56 - A Warrior's Companion

Chapter 56 - A Warrior's Companion

The birds chirped beautifully in the woods as the sun set. I sat on a tree stump listening to them sing, the jeers of my uncles ringing in my ears.

"This one is his mother's favourite"

"Go harder on him, Lucius"

"Focus, boy, focus!"

"Do you wish to retreat to your mother?"

"Be a man!"

"You lack strength! Weakness is intolerable!"

"Pick up your stick!"

Everyone was so hostile to me, and training days were the days I dreaded the most. Lucius never held back when sparring with me and neither did Geta. Dacianus was still a little more merciful than the other two, but he barely interfered.

The way they treated me harshly constantly made me think they had a grudge against me.

I remembered my brother's words when I had left home.

"I shall miss you, Azrael! Return to us soon!" He had yelled happily, clinging to our father's side.

Mother had been reluctant to let me go, but my father had been able to eventually pacify her. Now, I was stuck in this damn place being treated as anything far from their relative.

I picked up a stick and started to toy with it, thinking of how the events of the next day would unfold. Tomorrow was a training day.

Suddenly, a sound behind me caught my attention, and I shot up to my feet, alarmed.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" I voiced out.

When there was no response, I took a step forward, repeating with false bravado, "Show yourself or I shall plunge this stick into your insides!"

Quietly, a girl around my age stepped out from behind the pine tree. She was thin and lanky with light blonde hair and olive-green eyes, clothed in a light cotton dress. Her face was covered in soot.

"Plunge a stick into my insides?" She questioned in disbelief. "Who are you?" There was a slight frown on her face. "This is my favorite place"

"Your favorite place?" I laughed without humor, sitting back on the tree stump. "This place belongs to no one"

The girl eyed me distrustfully for a moment. "My name is Lily," She said, picking up a fallen leaf and peering at me. "You're one of those strange, spoiled, rich brats are you not?"

I glared at her, feeling insulted. "I am not spoiled, nor am I a brat" I retorted, rising to my feet again "And I have a name. It's Azrael"

She nodded slowly, walking to me and sinking to the ground beside the tree stump. "What bothers you, Azrael?" 

"Nothing" I lied, taken aback "Why do you assume that something plagues my mind?"

Lily shrugged "I watched you for a moment before revealing myself. You seemed sad. Besides, being someone with a troubled mind myself, I can recognize others with the same fate"

She sighed, drawing invisible patterns on the grass with her finger "My mama's a coal seller, but she also owns an ale house. At times, her male patrons grow overly familiar with their hands."

Lily looked at me. "My mother says to give them what they want, but I always find a way to escape here"

"I am sorry"

"It is fine" she responded "Tell me about your troubles"

"My troubles are my uncles" I started, feeling a bit at ease but hesitant to continue. "They're hard on me"

Her face softened."I love my little brother and I'd die before I let any harm come to him but they believe it's not enough. Brotherly love. According to them, I have to be strong and I'm not".

My head fell into my hands. "Uncle Lucius and Geta have been teaching me to fight..." I paused to gain composure. "They're terribly hard on me. My body aches badly after a sparring session. I bleed most times"

Lily frowned "I do not understand. Why do you have to learn to fight, and if they are this hard on you why don't you just return to your home?"

I sighed "It is not as easy as it appears to be, Lily. I have to stay"

"How long are you going to be here for?" She sounded worried.

"That depends on how swiftly I learn. Maybe three months"

"Three months is long" She got up and extended her hand toward me. "Well, at least you'd have me to keep you company. Let us meet here each day at this very hour"

I stared at her hand for a second before taking it and rising to my feet."Come, she said. I will show you around town"

"No, I can't leave. My uncles said to stay hidden. Besides, the sun has set. I have to get back home"

"Your uncles wouldn't know. Come on, you'll feel better. I promise it won't take long" She replied, already pulling me towards the exit of the forest.

"There are trees in the compound of the Petrovs, but luckily their branches extend outside. The fruits are luscious"

"Trees?" I stopped walking. "We have trees. Lots of them in my uncle's place"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, it is a family thing. If it is because of this you have to steal, then you must cease. I shall bring some for you every day"

"Thank you"

"Do you fancy flowers too?"

"Oh, Azrael, I love flowers!"

"What are your favorites?"

She smiled and answered "Lillies and roses"

I gasped, my eyes brightening, "Lillies and Roses? Those are my mother's favorite too"

She giggled "Tell me about your mother"

I started to speak about my family, carefully leaving out the part where they were vampires, my troubles long forgotten.


"Good morning, Ionan!" I greeted the orchard keeper cheerfully the next morning, approaching him with a small basket in hand.

The elderly man returned the smile. "Morning, Azrael. How are you feeling today?"

I shrugged. "Better."

I knew Ionan noticed the bruises on my face and the slight swelling, but he chose not to comment on it. He was well aware of the belligerent nature of my uncles.

"How can I assist you, Azrael?" He asked.

"I've come for some fruits," I replied.

"I see," Ionan muttered, turning to lead the way to the fruit cellar, with me following closely behind.

"What would you like?" He asked as we reached the vast cellar.

"Just give me two of each,"

Ionan raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Two?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Building up quite an appetite, are we?" He remarked casually, looking at me with a hint of sadness.

"A wise choice indeed. If you intend to continue engaging in these constant sparring sessions, you'll be required to fortify your immunity"

Ionan had misunderstood my reasons, but I chose not to clarify things. Quietly, he took the fruits from the cellar, excluding berries because he was aware I had a severe allergy to it."Gratitude" I expressed my thanks before leaving.

When I arrived at the forest at noon, Lily was waiting for me there.

She looked pretty in a short, wooly dress that showed off her long legs.

"Azrael" she greeted with a smile.

"Lily," I replied, offering her the basket I carried.

She took it from me, peering inside with surprise.

"Azrael, these are too many."

"It doesn't belong to you alone, you dolt" I joked "It's for both of us,"

"Yes, but still. Thank you," she said gratefully.

"It is nothing," I insisted as we both settled onto the grass.

She picked up a fresh peach and inhaled the scent, before biting into it.

I watched her quietly as she devoured it within a moment, picking up another.

"Take a breath," I said, chuckling "Haven't you had your meal at noon?"

She stopped chewing to reply, "I eat but once a day. In the morning. And sometimes, if God wills, I eat at noon"


"My mother takes no joy in feeding me" Lily answered morosely."Says I shouldn't even be getting fed at all, because I refused to let her patrons have their way with me."

Lily wiped away the juice that had trickled down her chin. "She despises me"

"I'm sorry" I responded sympathetically. "And what about your father?"

Lily shrugged "He's a fat old drunk" she spat with disgust "Lazes around the house like a pig. He hates me too"

I picked up a strawberry, "Believe me when I say I know what it is like to feel unwanted"

"Your uncles?"

I paused for a while. "They behave like beasts, Lily. They push me to my limits, both body and soul, with their constant training and lack of compassion."

Lily threw away an apple curb, turning to fully give me her attention. "Maybe you should run away" she suggested, then paused and got up on her feet. "Let us run away together, Azrael," she said again. "The thought has crossed my mind repeatedly, but I know I wouldn't fare well on my own. Now that I have you, maybe we could stand a chance,"

I shook my head. "No, you haven't pondered it enough. Even with both of us, we still would stand no chance. It's a terrible plan. One that holds nothing but peril"

"Do you delight in suffering?" Lily asked, demanding an answer.

Frowning, I replied, irritated by her question. "Of course not."

"Then we shall come up with a plan," She announced confidently, pacing around. "All you have to do is steal some money from your uncles. I'm sure they won't even be aware of its absence."

"I have a family to get back to in Romania," I explained, "We reside in Kyiv, Lily, the journey is long and dangerous, especially for two younglings like us. I'm certain you don't even know the roads, and that's not even what scares me the most."

"You're just a frightened little lass," Lily mocked, but my outburst silenced her as I sprung to my feet angrily."

My uncles will find us, do you understand?" I grabbed her arms and stared into her eyes, my gaze betraying my fear. "They will find us, and when they do what do you think will happen?"

She was silent and I answered, "They will harm us greatly! They will harm you!"

I let go of her arms and gently lowered myself to the grass. "But I'll be fine. Gradually, I'm learning to endure it, to steel myself against their words and actions. The only thing that gives me a bit of joy is that I won't be here forever, and knowing I'll return to my father, who would be extremely proud of me, and my mother and little brother"

Lily sighed deeply and joined me on the grass. "If it brings you even a bit of joy, I'll be here every noon to make you smile and share your fruits."

I smiled gratefully at her. "It means more to me than you know, Lily. Thank you."

"By the way, I love berries. Will you get me some next time, please?" She added playfully.

"You devour all that is in sight. Is there nothing you don't love?" I teased back. "Do your legs serve as a cellar for your insatiable appetite?"

Lily chuckled. "Yes, indeed they do" She raised her legs slightly, "Behold legs better than yours. I bet I can best you in a race"


She started to rise. "We shall see about that. Come on, get up. I'll race you to that tree. Are you ready?"

I rose eagerly, dusting the back of my breeches, a smile on my face. "Whenever you are, my lady"