I was locked inside for a week as punishment for seeing Lily. Dr Alejandro was also nursing the wounds I sustained from Lucius' beating, and despite the pain, I was forced to fight again after just a couple of days.
I pushed myself through the agony as best as I could. Despite my injuries, I showed remarkable progress during the sparring sessions, avoiding Geta and Dacianus' attacks with surprising agility, which was beyond their expectations.
As I lay in bed, I couldn't shake the longing to see Lily. I knew how worried she would've been about me.
Then, suddenly not caring about the consequences of being caught, I made up my mind to risk it all by leaving the estate to see her.
I sprung up from the bed and threw on some clothes, but as I hastily buttoned up my shirt, Lucius walked in, his large figure filling the doorway.
"Where do you go, Azrael?" He asked, his tone unexpectedly calm as he stepped into the room.
I froze mid-action, my heart pounding with fear. "I... I merely seek some fresh air," I stammered.
Lucius studied me for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, to my utter surprise, he crossed the room and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"You've left me impressed me much impressed in our last training session." He said. "In a fortnight or so you should be ready"
His eyes wandered to my hastily thrown-together outfit. "I'm aware you were on your way to visit the lass"
My face paled, and Lucius laughed "No need to be frightened, you have my blessing to proceed"
My eyes widened in disbelief, unsure if I heard correctly.
"You're granting me permission to leave?" I asked, unable to hide my surprise.
Lucius nodded "Consider it a reward for your progress," he replied. "But remember, Azrael, this privilege is not about to become a common occurrence"
I nodded vigorously. "Thank you, uncle!"
Lucius slapped me on the back. "Now go. And give my regards to the pretty lass for me, will you?"
"I will"
With a rush of excitement, I quickly dressed and dashed out to prepare a basket filled with Lily's favorite fruits and flowers, eager to see her reaction to my unexpected visit after so long.
I hoped I met her there, waiting for me, just as I had done the same for her during the time she had been struck.
On nearing the forest I started to run, shouting happily "Lily! Lily, I am here!"
My legs were filled with energy I didn't know I possessed, as I hurried through the forest, my heart beating with anticipation.
I was almost upon her, my voice already forming the words of our usual greeting, when something caught my eye—an unclear figure from afar, and I broke into a run.
"Lily, it is I, Azrael!"
I grew uneasy, noticing that she didn't approach me the way she usually did. As I drew closer, I realized she was on the floor.
Why was she on the floor?
My pace slowed, and a strange silence came upon me.
"Lily?" My excitement had vanished, replaced by a feeling of dread.
When I finally saw her, the basket slipped from my grasp, my mouth unable to form words, my body shaking uncontrollably with shock.
I sank to my knees, my eyes widening like an owl's in disbelief as I stared at the scene before me.
It was such a horrifying sight.
Lily's lifeless body lay unmoving on the ground, her face pale and her features devoid of life.
Her blonde hair was matted and tangled, and her dress was stained with dirt. There were large and deep claw marks that marred her skin, almost like she had been ravaged by wolves. Her body was also curled into a fetal position, almost as if she had been trying to shield herself from the vicious attack.
Minutes passed as I remained speechless, frozen in consternation.
I rocked back and forth rhythmically, on my knees, my eyes staring into nothingness. Then after a while, and with trembling hands, I gathered Lily's limp body to myself, holding her close. Her blood stained my shirt, but I didn't mind.
She had been here. She had been waiting for me when this happened... when she was attacked.
I was to be blamed. Only I.
I held her close to me, my hands cradling her head to my chest when suddenly someone intervened, tearing Lily from my grasp.
It was Uncle Geta.
I fought against his restraining hold, desperate to hold on to Lily, while Lucius watched silently.
I hadn't known when they crept up on me, following me here.
"Please," I pleaded, my voice cracking with grief, "Please, let me... let me hold her"
"She is gone, Azrael" Geta responded, his lively, maniacal demeanor was replaced by an unusual quietness. "Forever"
I shook my head in denial. "No, I just need to keep her warm... please"
"I warned you" Lucius interrupted, his eyes cold "You brought this on yourself"
Confusion and pain crossed my face "B-brought this on myself? I don't understand"
Geta looked down at me and answered, "Lucius is the one responsible for this."
I felt the blood drain from my face, my stomach falling to my feet as I turned to stare at my other uncle who had made himself comfortable on a tree stump.
He seemed unappalled about the entire situation, and I knew he was indeed the one responsible. It was why he had so graciously let me leave the villa.
"Uncle ..." My voice broke with sorrow, my eyes filling with tears "...why?"
His cold eyes offered me no comfort, only a chilling reminder of the consequences of my defiance.
"Countless times, I have warned you, there exists no place for love in your life"
A guttural cry left my lips "It is for this reason you did this… this vice, uncle?"
I clutched at my chest where an excruciating pain remained. "Why have you chosen to punish me this way… why?"
Geta looked uneasy, he shifted from one foot to the other, glaring at his brother. "We must depart"
Lucius rose to his feet "You heard the words of Geta" he said to me.
I shook my head vigorously, my eyes still wide at the horrors of the gruesome sight of Lily, my voice breaking with an indescribable grief.
"No, I - I cannot. I-I must clean her up and-and nurse her w-w-wounds. She needs a change of clothes too..."
"Azrael!" Lucius snapped "Let me not utter these words again"
"The least you could do is allow me to tend to her" I protested, my voice coming out in a thin, raspy unrecognizable sound. One stifled by grief.
"You do not permit me to grieve for her in peace, neither do you allow me to cleanse her" I paused to take a breath, fighting back more tears"
"You are to blame for her death" Lucius responded "Her blood stains your hands"
Suddenly, my grief morphed into a seething rage. I pounced at Lucius, driven by anger as my fists attacked him furiously.
He staggered backward from the sudden onslaught, then started to laugh as he regained his composure. Easily, he grabbed me, throwing me to Geta who slung me over his shoulders.
I thrashed recklessly when Geta started to leave the forest, while Lucius arranged Lily's body as I had previously met it.
"No, no. Please do not do this… PLEASE!" Panic infused my voice. "Please, Uncle Geta, please I cannot leave her this way. Her body... uncle, PLEASE! Uncle Lucius, PLEASE!"
Tears blurred my vision but I continued to watch until the sight of Lily's body faded from view. And in that moment, I knew my life would never be the same again.
Geta shut the door to Azrael's room and glared at his brother who was sitting at the piano, softly playing a tune, without remorse.
Lucius glanced at him "What is the matter? You've been giving me the evil eye since I told you I killed Lily. It's almost like you're sad for her"
He stopped playing and turned in his seat. "Do you truly mourn for her, Geta? Do you sorrow for a human girl?"
Geta gritted his teeth "Was the act you committed that necessary? To kill her in such a brutal manner?" He questioned angrily.
Lucius turned back to the piano and continued playing "I did what needed to be done since no one was willing to take action. Get over it and stop behaving like an infant"
Dacianus walked in, oblivious to what had transpired. He had been gone from the house for a few days.
When he took in the tense atmosphere between both his brothers, he shook his head and went to pour himself a cup of wine.
"What has got Geta in such a sour mood? It's unlikely for him to be this way" Dacianus asked, dropping into a chair.
Geta glanced at his brother "Lucius killed the girl"
Dacianus froze, the cup stopping midway to his lips. He looked at Lucius "Is this true?"
Before Lucius could respond, Geta continued, "You should've seen what he did to her. It was a terrible sight"
"You've beheld worse" Lucius added calmly, then he stopped playing abruptly, facing Geta "Why is it that you suddenly feign remorse? Did you not crave to eat her some days ago?"
"You did not have to make him see it!" Geta snapped "Taunting him, leading him to believe she still drew breath, only to discover her mutilated body. You have shattered him beyond repair"
Geta looked at Dacianus "You should've seen him, Dacianus. It was a sight so overwhelming for him, he could barely find his voice"
Lucius stood from the chair and walked to the table, to equally pour himself a cup of wine.
"To build a warrior, you must first break him" He replied, taking a sip "You saw how he valiantly fought me after"
"I strongly disapprove of your actions, Lucius. They were unwarranted," Dacianus spoke sternly. "Besides, if the humans discover a nightwalker committed this deed..."
"They shall not," Lucius interrupted. "They shall suspect a mere beast. Perhaps, the wolf some people spied a month ago" He walked back to the piano and resumed playing "I concealed it well enough... a careful ruse to divert their inquiries"
Dacianus paused. "So you left her body there while he watched, and you expect him to stay focused on his training? After murdering his first love?"
"Oh, Dacianus. I have given him a driving force. He will loathe me and be driven to seek my demise".
Lucius' fingers played across the keys of the piano deftly. "Believe my words when I say he will swiftly grasp the rest of his training"
Suddenly, a low sound filled the halls, drawing their attention. It was the cry of Azrael, who had awakened from his punch-induced slumber.
Geta and Dacianus turned sharply to Lucius, angry scowls on their faces.
"Can you now see you have unleashed a horror upon him? A horror that may never be undone?"
"He will get over it"
Dacianus' frown deepened "Your actions have consequences, brother. Yes, you may have given him a driving force, but at what cost? His innocence, his trust... shattered by your hand."
Lucius met their stares with a defiant glare and repeated, punctuating each word with a note on the piano. "To. Build. A. Warrior, You. Must. First. Break. Him," His tone was cold. "Azrael will emerge stronger from it."
Lucius stood, leaving the piano to settle on a chair in the living chamber "His training continues tomorrow"
"Tomorrow? Are you mad?" Dacianus exclaimed incredulously.
"Good luck in persuading him to move," Geta added.
"Oh, he will," Lucius responded, his eyes dark with evil. "You may call me whatever you wish. A madman. A villain. But mark my words, at the end of the day, he'll have me to thank for shaping him into what he becomes"
"And what will that be? Enlighten us"
" A warrior. A true warrior."
When Azrael returned to Romania after his training, his father, Andrei had passed on.