Chereads / The Divine and the Damned / Chapter 51 - Blitzkreig

Chapter 51 - Blitzkreig


Something changed in the air and I immediately rose to my feet. "They've called for reinforcements," I said to Dawn, my countenance suddenly changing to one ready for battle.

"How'd you know?" She asked, a worried expression on her face.

"I can hear them" I responded, picking up my sword. "They must've breached through the forefront and past Azrael. Mother will be outnumbered"

Gazing out the window, I scanned the chaos below. The clash of swords and battle cries drifted up.

"She can't hold them off alone, some vampires will slip past her. It's only a matter of time now"

"And Rafael?" She asked.

"I haven't heard from him, I guess he's still searching for Variel"

"I'm scared" Dawn whispered.

Gently, I pulled her to me, pressing a brief kiss to her lips. "Don't be. You have me."

Her gaze shifted to my sword, and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Our swords are always with us, no matter the century," I said, lifting mine to inspect it. "Tonight is special. Those vampires are coming for you, and they'll pay for it in the worst possible way."

My voice turned cold. "For that, I have chosen to wield Blitzkrieg."

I pressed a kiss to the hilt. "Fulgerul Războiului"

"What does that mean?" she asked softly.

"The Lightning of War," I replied

Just then, the vampires that had escaped Mother's grasp broke through the mansion, hissing and trying to sniff out Dawn.

I sensed their presence.

"They're here," I said quietly. "Stay behind me."

As the vampires moved further into the mansion, I could feel their fear... their uncertainty as they felt my presence, their conversations clear as day.

"We cannot turn back now" A voice whispered sharply. "Variel will have our heads on spikes!"

"All my life I have heard tales about the Alesul, and about how his aura precedes him, I never fathomed it to be like this" There was a shudder in the female vampire's voice. "Calista, if his presence is this sinister, how much more will seeing him in person be?"

Before Calista could respond, another vampire interrupted.

"We all swore an oath before coming here, remember?"

"Yes," a different voice answered. "Better to give our lives trying to take down that creature, than to sit back and watch the Alesul protect it while it plots our destruction"

They all made a sound of agreement and barged into the large drawing room where they came face to face with me.

A deafening silence suddenly fell, and they stood frozen, paralyzed by the aura of danger emanating from me.

I remained where I was, a creature of beautiful, deadly grace.

A soft gasp escaped the lips of a female vampire, "Dear Dragavei"

The light of the moon reflected on my sword, highlighting its beautifully sharp edges, the very sight of which made them tremble.

Their fear thrilled me. They had every reason to be afraid.

I was a formidable force, the embodiment of their nightmares, and they were utterly stupid to come for the love of my life, knowing I'd be there by her side to protect her.

After a moment, I released a sigh, breaking the silence, but the tension remained.

"Variel really sent you all to challenge me?" I asked, my voice expressing disdain.

Slowly, I studied them, disappointment evident in my voice. "You're not even worthy opponents. What was he thinking, sending fools like you to waste your life on a futile attempt to defeat me?"

My eyes roved over their weapons and uncertain stance. "This won't be a fight, it'll be a slaughter."

"We're ready to die fighting" One sounded out. "We're giving up our lives for a good cause"

"Good cause? She can't even harm a fly" I pointed out, glancing at Dawn behind me.

"We refuse to fall prey to her deceptive nature. "Sly as a serpent, it is..."

"Enough" I cut in. "Don't go spewing all that garbage"

Casually, I ran a finger over my blade, and the vampires took a step back in hesitation. "I haven't battled in years," I said. "The only fun I've had in a while was killing off the Dark Order. I suppose you heard about that. Word travels fast, after all"

A grimace graced the corners of my lip. "Oh, the things I did to them. Your supposed high and mighty council"

I grew out my claws, starting to file them against my sword. "How foolish of you all to believe you can take me on when countless others..." I stopped to glare at them "... more powerful others, have failed"

Tilting my head, I let out a dangerous chuckle. "Did the massacre of the Dark Order teach you nothing?" I asked. "Perhaps I shouldn't have let the sun burn their corpses. Perhaps I should've left them to rot, so you could see the true horror of what was done."

I stepped an inch forward. "Perhaps, then you'd understand what awaits you."

The vampires shuffled their feet nervously, their eyes darting towards the door, then back to me. They were hesitant to attack, but according to the conversations I heard earlier, their clan leader's command gave room for no disobedience.

"Attack!!! Now!!!"

The first vampire lurched forward, using the help of his shadow, whose aim was to hold me in place while its master tried to stop me. The shadow grabbed onto my leg while he tried to take my sword.

Another vampire swooped forward, duplicating itself and joining in, but my superior power gave me the upper hand.

An aura burned around me—an aura that melted away the initial vampire's shadow, that the vampire felt the pain of it and cried out. I ripped out his heart and hurled it at another vampire.

It smashed into her face, splattering it with gore. I moved once again and reached for her, my fingers closing around her throat tightly. Her eyes bulged, her already pale skin, growing paler as I applied pressure, my grip unbreakable till her throat exploded, her head falling to the ground.

As I turned to the others, they stumbled back in horror.

My eyes burned with fury, my fangs bared before all to see. Even I could tell the aura around me had gotten more intense, driven by my rage and determination to protect Dawn.

"You should not have come here!" I snarled, the words leaving my throat like a beast. "You will not leave this place alive!"

My voice was raw. It was animalistic, far from its usual smooth charm.

It was feral. It was tinged with deadly intent.

Then I moved again, in a blur of unreadable motion, and swung Blitzkrieg.



At first, their movements were too fast for me to see, but when I calmed myself and concentrated, gradually, I was able to follow.

My eyes beheld a sight so gory I was rooted to the spot in shock and fear.

Dragos was in battle mode—a man entirely different from the one I knew.

No, not a man anymore. A beast.

A beast unleashed.

As I watched on, I knew the person who battled in front of me wasn't Dragos anymore. He was now the Alesul, a force feared by all.

The one who killed effortlessly and without a hint of hesitation.

Horrified screams filled the air followed by the sound of bones crushing and flesh ripping. Blood splashed and entrails splattered the walls. Hearts and heads and livers flew around the room.

I shivered, terrified.

As a vampire made for me, I staggered backward, caught off guard, and fell to the floor. Out of fear, I raised my hands to shield myself, bracing for the incoming strike when in a quick motion, the sound of Dragos' sword slicing through the air made me look up.

He had severed the vampire's head while I cowered like an idiot, a pathetic contrast to the strength I'd possessed some days back. Where were my powers when I needed them the most?

Why were they failing me now?

Looking down at me, Dragos grinned and winked, his once pristine hair now matted with blood.

"I've got you, darling"

But I couldn't find it in myself to smile or respond. He had just decapitated a being right in front of me.

I looked around the room filled with headless, brainless, and heartless corpses of vampires, and shivered.

This was what it was like being introduced to the paranormal world. A world of death and utter chaos.

As I took another glance at the gruesome scene before me, the stench of blood filling my nostrils, my skin crawled, and I realized I wanted my innocence back more than anything.

Dragos helped me to my feet, staring at me worriedly.

"Dawn" He called softly "Are you okay?"

I looked up at him sharply, surprised at his duality. This was the same person who had killed about twelve vampires in the most brutal way possible, for me.


He smiled, showing his great teeth "I know it's a lot to take in, you'll get used to it.

But I didn't want to get used to it. I didn't want to get used to this… gore.

He took my hand in his "You should stay hidden. From what I can hear, the vampire numbers have tripled. Mother and Azrael would need help"

"But the relic..."

"We'll get it first, then look for a way to neutralize it. Outside is dangerous for you now"

Dragos flashed me an encouraging smile "I would've kissed you if not for my current state" he glanced down at his blood-soiled shirt, and then his expression turned serious.

"Anyone who tries to get into the mansion will die by my sword. Stay here and don't leave until it is over. I'll be with you as soon as I can"

"Don't die" I said softly "Please"

"Die?" His expression softened, but a sly smile slithered across his face. "Baby, one of these days, I'm going to sit you down and educate you on my history. I've been called many things over the centuries, and Death's Ally was one of them. I've danced with Death more times than I can count."

He patted me on the head gently. "It's the vampires who will face my wrath you should be worried about"

Dragos' smile grew wider as he picked out a bit of flesh from his hair. "Besides, you seem to have forgotten one important thing, darling," he grinned. "I'm immortal. Death doesn't apply to me."