Chereads / HP: The Dropout Who Saved the World / Chapter 40 - Chapter 40: Flying Car (Part 1)

Chapter 40 - Chapter 40: Flying Car (Part 1)

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 The next day, Jane Yu, absorbed in her scalping business, only learned from tavern guests' chatter that she had missed the spectacular fistfight between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley.

She could only sigh regretfully: "Close-combat wizards, impressive!"

Meanwhile, she also realized just how deep the animosity ran between the Malfoy and Weasley families.

Perhaps she could use this to her advantage, adding another brick to her school-leaving plan, she thought.

For instance, she could provoke a dispute between Draco and Ron, then help Ron, thus angering Draco into writing to his school governor father to get her expelled.

Her mind had already conjured up a hundred ways to cause trouble, after all, both boys had tempers like firecrackers - ready to explode at the slightest spark.


September 1st.

The first day of school arrived as scheduled.

Jane arrived at King's Cross Station.

Unfortunately, since she had transmigrated during the Sorting Ceremony, she made the typical first-year mistake — she couldn't find Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

Luckily, after wandering around searching, she ran into Harry and Ron.

But they looked anxious, seemingly in the middle of an intense discussion.

Upon seeing Jane, their expressions grew even more worried.

"Merlin's beard — Yu, you missed the train too!"

Ron wailed, while Harry's owl Hedwig screeched incessantly beside them.

Jane then learned that the wall was the legendary entrance, but it had been sealed, causing all three of them to miss the train.

For her, this wasn't a big deal - just a matter of sending an owl with a letter to the headmaster.

But unexpectedly, Ron proposed a bold suggestion that made even Jane marvel at his audacity.

He actually planned to drive a flying car to Hogwarts!

So Ron Weasley was the true pioneer of a hundred ways to get expelled!

This made her swallow back her suggestion about "writing to Dumbledore," after all, recklessly driving a flying car around school would surely cost them a heap of points, and damaging trees might even earn them a suspension! With luck, they might just get sent packing!

The three hurried out of the station, hoisting their luggage into the car.

Ron fiddled with his wand for a while before starting the car.

"Fred and George will be so jealous!" he called out proudly.

The car became invisible and rose higher and higher, with all of London shimmering beneath them in the sunlight.

But Ron clearly wasn't as skilled at handling the car as his brothers. The car became visible again, and he began frantically hitting a silver button, complaining about the Invisibility Booster. In his nervousness, he released the clutch too quickly, stalling the engine, forcing him to restart the car with magic.

"Excuse me — let me drive."

Jane watched his inexpert handling, feeling she couldn't trust her life to this novice driver who didn't even have a C1 license.

She wanted to get expelled, not die.

"Can you handle it?" Ron questioned skeptically, "This requires advanced skills."

"Ask one more question, and I'll hit you with an Inflation Charm and hang you outside like a balloon."

Jane threatened, refusing to let anyone question her driving skills.

Ron shrank back, wanting to argue but swallowing his words under her cold gaze.

Under Harry's astonished look and Ron's mutters about "evil Slytherins," she awkwardly climbed from the back seat to the driver's seat, switching places.

The car had no seatbelts, but fortunately, there was no risk of collision in the air. She expertly engaged first gear, accelerated while working the clutch, and quickly had the car shooting through the clouds like an arrow.


The two boys gripped their handles, their backs pressed against the seats from the acceleration.

Ron's complaints transformed into unconscious praise:

"I bet even Fred and George can't drive this well!"

Jane glanced at him sideways, floored the accelerator, and began racing at 160 mph.

Now Ron couldn't get any more praise out.

"Urgh— help— I'm dying— urgh—"

"Slytherin— murder— urgh—"

He began violently vomiting, obviously unaware of motion sickness as a condition, convinced Jane had poisoned him.

Harry's advantage as a Seeker showed brilliantly here - not only was he immune to motion sickness, but he actually started laughing, finding it more thrilling than Quidditch.

The car headed north, chasing the Hogwarts Express. They soon overtook the old steam train, flying along the tracks at an astounding speed.

As they drove on, Hogwarts' silhouette began appearing through the heavy fog ahead.

But suddenly, the car started making strange noises.

Jane checked the dashboard and saw the red warning lights flashing: both the oil and fuel were nearly depleted.

As the fuel ran low, the magical car's temper flared up, the body shaking violently, with steam angrily spurting from under the hood.

The boys panicked, with Ron groaning loudly, begging the Ford Anglia not to act up:

"Please— we're almost there—"

But Jane realized the car was about to run dry and they needed to find a landing spot.

Drawing on her knowledge of emergency aircraft landings from TV shows in her previous life, they should aim for a calm, open body of water and land smoothly before completely running out of fuel.

"Hold tight! Emergency landing!"

She spotted the Black Lake a mile below, dark and mirror-smooth, with what looked like small boats in the distance - probably first-years.

The car plummeted rapidly. Without seatbelts, Ron and Harry were thrown against the roof, their heads developing large bumps. They let out sharp screams.

But then the car stabilized, cutting their screams short and making them choke and cough.

However, they would soon get to finish those screams, as the car nose-dived again.

They heard Jane shouting "Wingardium Leviosa," and their terror-rusted brains finally began working.

The two shakily drew their wands and successfully cast the spell just milliseconds before the car would have crashed into the lake.

The car executed an S-drift across the lake's surface, finally stopping under the effect of three Levitation Charms, sending up huge splashes and ripples, but thankfully no one was hurt.

But then it began to sink, with cold lake water gradually flooding the interior, rising past their ankles, calves, waists...


Jane blasted the windshield to pieces.

She struggled through the front window onto the car's roof. Harry and Ron quickly followed.

"Accio luggage!"

The water-soaked luggage flew into her hands - it contained the precious clothes Madame Flamel had given her!

But after casting the spell, she suddenly heard a chorus of gasps coming from behind them.